If you have an issue dealing with Hive Advanced, post screenshots of your build here. I'm sure people would be more than willing to help you improve it.
There might be a way, involving the Resonant Armaments set from that one mission. The 3pc from it grants stacking weapon haste when activated, up to 40%, for 15 seconds. Garbage uptime, but you could probably squeeze in a third FAW volley with it.
How useful is the Temporal Disruption Device anyways? I've never seen it used before. Also, is the tooltip on the PEP when spread is active wrong? Because with spread 3 it says that it only fires 1 torp per target, which wouldn't make any sense at all.
Wait...did they buff the Warbirds while I was gone? Because they used to never oneshot you-as long as you shot down the HY plasmas. Try using Fire at Will or Cannon Scatter Volley against them. That usually will kill the plasmas.