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  • Well, the Fleet Regent's original Tribble specs before it was apparently shouted down for some reason, gave it 4 tactical consoles and a a BOff shift, losing Lt Eng in favor of Lt Tac. In my opinion, that BOff shift is probably too much, turning it into less of a battlecruiser and more of a clumsy escort. It certainly…
  • Things cannot improve. Improvement is physically impossible under the laws of thermodynamics: Entropy always increases. Things can only get worse at varying rates of speed. In that regard, since I first arrived here, I have witnessed no improvement, but meanwhile, the tutorial has gotten more obnoxious with no method to…
  • Ah, but you see, they make MORE money exploiting gambling addicts. Note how there is absolutely no transparency in the process, which allows them to scam known lockbox addicts by never giving it to them, thus ensuring that the whales keep coughing up the money. They keep stats on who the big suckers are, like they keep…
  • Bit old, but it's less about "hurting for EC" and more that the savings add up significantly when you're buying the stuff up by the hundred-thousands for Starbase work. Also, for some reason, the Ferrengi Lobes bonus does not work on sector-space traders.
  • Just because YOU don't want it doesn't mean no one does. If it's not THAT valuable, it's not going to upset your balance, either. Well, you do the mission, you're guaranteed to get it in about half an hour, tops. You explore, you MIGHT find it. MAYBE. That stuff is garbage and barely sells above vendortrash. Additionally,…
  • Which, of course, just makes you go, WHY?!? WHY exactly does there need to be high-powered electroplasma behind a CONSOLE? What's wrong with FIBER-OPTIC CABLES, which never EXPLODE or KILL ANYONE, and probably would transmit signal faster? I mean, consoles shouldn't need to transmit any large amount of power. They just…
  • They're being very generous with the entire 3-4 business days thing. When I had a query, I got a response within one business day. The quality of support, at least so far, is "halfway decent". Although personally, I hope not to have any more encounters with them to make that impression worsen. The best tech support is the…
  • Untrue. Some of them live! That same argument is sort of like X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, and I'm totally siding with the TIE Fighter here. Those Rebels have no idea how to make a real fighter. Live dangerously, fly fast! Yeah, but you see, when you're a young male, fighters let you show off your coolness and swagger to the…
  • See, THIS is yet another reason I don't believe a word they say. We have been lied to far too often for them to be credible, unless you are hopelessly naive and gullible. Again and again they offer cake, and again and again, the cake is a lie.
  • No, that's silly, because you'd have to buy the Regent in order to get the fleet version anyway, otherwise you pay through the nose for it. As it stands, I am on the fence about the Regent because I have NO IDEA what I can upgrade it into, and don't want to commit to a purchase until I'm sure that the upgrade goes in a…
  • Space Combat was best in TOS. You could see the Enterprise PEWPEWing, but for obvious, and entirely logical reasons, not at WHAT, because realistically, what you'd be shooting at would be far too distant to actually SEE. Budget constraints there actually made the combat better. To be fair, those avoidable losses aren't…
  • By "right" ship setup, you mean "wrong" ship setup, right? Things are SUPPOSED to be easy if you have the RIGHT setup. Because if it's not easy, it's impossible. Hard doesn't exist. Either you can, or you can't. Unless you define "hard" to be "You can, but you'll die multiple times trying".
  • Well, sometimes you actually want to use those uncommon and common items, perhaps because this is your first time taking that toon through STFs and therefore the only things you have on you is stuff you could pick up cheap off the exchange with the cash gained from selling off your free level-up vendortrash. But, of…
  • And this is why we can't have nice things. Here's a question: What if foundry missions rewarded stuff that was purely bling, but had no functional purpose or advantage? Like those uniform packs or trophies or whatnot. No number of those a player can acquire will ever unbalance anything, because they have no function. But…
  • Yes, but you're obligated to press "Need", or you get nothing at all. Which is fine, if it's just yet another crappy potion, but still.
  • Apparently so. This is why you should not rush to buy. I, personally, prefer to accumulate the resources necessary to buy. Knowing that I *CAN* buy it usually removes the urge to do so in the first place, since now that I know that I *CAN* have it anytime I want, I see no particularly pressing need to make that happen…
  • They may as well replace it with "Want" vs. "Do Not Want". At least then I would be amused to see it. Oh, for the rare and yet-to-happen occasions when I can manage to assemble a full team of sensible, like-minded people so we can do away with the nanny-state loot distribution system and go back to classic ninja looting.…
  • I get that sometimes, but I always just figured it was bad lag. You mean they're actually doing that?
  • There's nothing wrong with the Ning'tao's hull. It was made using only the finest Nausicaan labor, out of the the finest cardboardium alloys! Also, changing it would cost more money than paying out the relevant wrongful death suits.
  • Yes, well, that's what you get for driving a massive barge. MUAC is way smaller than that gargantuan carrier. And no, a huge engine wouldn't help at all in turning, alas. Main engines are generally mounted along your center line, so that you can thrust without going into a spin. Being located close to your center, they…
  • A patch which didn't nerf anything...how disturbing. This is almost certainly a sign of bad things to come. Enjoy it while it lasts, I guess. The other shoe surely drops soon.
  • I was wondering what was driving that. I wonder how long that'll last. And how much profit I can make on this.
  • Are you serious? You *WANT* homogenized, bland gameplay? I, for one, think it's a good thing that there's so many different things to be doing, rather than everything being a reskinned version of the same thing.
  • To be fair, canonically speaking, the Galaxy cannot really be considered to be one of the more successful Federation designs. It contains a lot of features that simply failed to pan out. The entire saucer separation thing, for instance. Cute concept, but it failed to get put to use on the show, mainly because it's…
  • It didn't actually exist. The "optional" is a mirage. The more I play these things, the more I start to understand what might motivate people to either simply not care about, or even deliberately troll, the optional.
  • Since "turning" on a ship is about changing which way you are facing, inertia has nothing to do with this. You'll just make an awesome powerslide in the process, and this? This is good. I like powersliding on my ships, it helps me swing by while staying on target.
  • Thrust to weight isn't what defines ability to turn, moment of inertia is. An object that is long and thin turns worse than an object that is short and squat. A spaceship that is long and tubular, therefore, has considerably worse turning than one that is spherical. So realistically, the Sovereign, which is long and thin,…
  • The spyware/adware/malware ones actually are most likely to pay out, though. Remember, you don't have to install this TRIBBLE on your actual computer. That's what VMware is for. Install their malware, get paid, and then QUIT WITHOUT SAVING. Malware gone!
  • Honestly, the tractor beam should be less a "science power" that you need a magic spell to even USE, and more a piece of standard equipment on every ship, that everyone can use, anytime they wish, to grab, yank, and manhandle the rest of the universe. Maybe I want to hold you in place. Maybe I want to tow a friendly ship…
  • I just find the entire thing a tiresome and annoying interruption to gameplay for an item I never get anyway. This is why I prefer to just run my group using oldschool ninja looting. If someone finds something I could use, I'll be notified of it. Otherwise, it's vendortrash, and I don't really care if I never even saw it.…