Still happening. Got Ganalda and Vlugata, missing the third point so can't complete. This needs to be fixed. I swear it happens every other year, alternating between KDF and Fed isde
The only time I can recall that was near this bad was during the Summer event at the time of the Iconian War arc. Iirc they did some server stuff too and something went very, very wrong. They had to pull the game down almost immediately after bringing it up after 12+ hour long maintenance. And the game was wonky for days…
@somtaawkhar @foxrockssocks In my case they do as two of my captains have no respec options except to pay zen for one. Not sure if the other captains actually have a free respec or if what I have is a leftover from lifetime perks.
I had completely forgot about the power trays. I guess I'll be flying halfassed until I have a couple of hours to fix this, which might be some time next week.
No, it isn't. I just redid my main and I can't recall when the UI was last this sluggish. Not redoing my alt, I simply do not have the time on this side of New Year. And considering having alts is what's kept me around I can kinda guess what it'll mean or my playtime and general involvement with the game.
Yes I recall that system too. I don't mean that the skill system is simpler, I meant that in Neverwinter you can, or at least could last I played, save your setup both skills and gear, use the retrain token they give you for free in cases of forced respecs like this, then load your spec and get all of it back in one go.…
It won't be fixed because it's an intentional breaking of the skills. Which they in their usual brilliant communication forgot to tell everyone about. So now all captains are broken until fully respecced. And apparently not. Two of my captains have no respec option so apparently only some characters get it? Or maybe I just…
This game is literally from the last century. I can't think of another MMO that doesn't have a loadout save for a character. Like how is this still not a thing? Even Neverwinter which is by no means state of the art has that and have had it for year. Honestly compared to STO Neverwinter handles respec almost elegantly and…
Manually typing them in? Then I might as well just take a bunch of screen shots, that is waaaaay quicker. I was looking for an in game solution that means I do not have to spend 50 hours first copying all the info on my characters down then redoing them.
Wait, what? Characters disappearing? I was on only briefly yesterday to do the daily, guess I won't get to do that today, so what disappearing characters? First thing I've heard of it but now I'm nervous. My main was there but I have a good deal of alts I've invested a lot of time and resources in.
Listen the way this year have been and how weird a construct time feels here in 2020 I fully believe that it is 4/28 today. Gentle ribbing aside this: Is much appreciated. It was a bit tiresome to get stuck again and again for being effective.
Just had this and no it isn't. We searched across the entire map, killed every 'red' we came across. Nothing. Maybe something spawned beneath the surface and isn't showing, idk. Now stuck with a leaver penalty and will lose a day's progress because it takes over 20 minutes to get a group and I can't wait that long plus the…
You are really weirdly invested in defending Akamai and PWE. And if this service is what Cryptic/PWE the contract with Akamia for them to provide, a game that's unplayable, then the whole legal department should be fired because someone haven't done their due diligence and made sure that the DDoS protection doesn't hamper…
Yeah, I returned (again) this year for the Risa event and stuck around for the Red Alert one hoping to finish the overall event when it begins next week as I haven't got much left to go, but no. I'm so beyond done. It's funny that above ESO is brought up as an MMO that has a lot of issues too and yes I know its rep because…
This is no longer going to be true once the new generation of consoles comes out. They're on par with high end gaming computers. Iirc it's because the PS4 and Xbox versions were made before cross play became a common thing and it may cost too much to change how databases are set up to make it possible considering the age…
I got it last week. I'm in Europe. Doing a tracert showed the problem was at akamai (big surprise) and honestly there's nothing to do but wait it out unless it's an issue that hits the wider player base. It's annoying but there's nothing to be done in that case. You can try running it via one of the proxy options on the…
Honestly this one right here and most MMO tries to get better at communicating and doing it earlier. Cryptic and STO are the only one I know of that seems to habitually aim for getting worse and telling you later, with the result that more and more players eff off because we have plans elsewhere.
@ltminns No I wasn't actually. Also this wouldn't help with events like double dil/marks/ect, nor Junior Officer event. And let me reiterate I'm not asking for things to be announced weeks in advance in game, I can see the difficulty there. I'm asking for in-game notification for an ongoing event. I can't think of another…
FB and twitter starts datamining you just going to their site, you don't have to have an account or the app. And as I said, I'm getting datamined enough as it is, which is why I refuse to use them. That was what I was wondering. I rarely pay much attention to it as it never holds information interesting to me but with the…
Heh, we just cross posted but as I said I don't have a twitter, I don't have an fb either and never plan on getting either, I'm data mined enough as it is. And the STO subreddit is an absolute **** no from me, considering how it is run (or not run) by the mods right now.
Like apparently there was Tholian Red Alert this weekend, which I missed because there was no announcement inside the game that I could see. So where do I find an announcement of running events in the game? Event tab only have Seasonal (greyed out) and Current Event Campaign, where the latest event just ended so nothing is…
I believe that Stonewall Fleet is still around and going strong. It has fleets for all factions and across all platforms