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ikenstein1 Arc User



  • I agree. It will be a huge improvement and will allow the game to develop in new directions. It should be a really good change.
  • Years ago there was a game called Silent Hunter 3. A major part of the game was managing the crew of your submarine. Some officers were better than others and you needed to choose the best for the right stations. But they became fatigued over time and needed rotating. Taking a look at that game might give you some ideas.
  • I used to pvp when the game first came out. It was a lot more fun than pve. With ground it was all about expose and exploit, with people ducking in and out of cover. It could be quite tactical. Sci character pvp was a lot of fun with low dps but holds and roots. You could have fights that last quite a while. Then people…
  • I think the server might be down. Could also be ISP, but if you are having problems as well server seems more liekly. Tracing route to patchserver.crypticstudios.com [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 30 ms 37 ms 42 ms cpc64770-burn7-2-0-gw.10-1.cable.virginm.net 2 7 ms 9 ms 10 ms…
  • All fleets are the same. Go to roster and look in permissions. If you not got can buy from fleet provisions you can't get a ship. This is default for all fleets I ever been in. Want a ship? Well then make a big fuss in fleet chat about how you deserve a promotion. In other words beg for it. That's if you got a fleet where…
  • No, fleet ships are not worth it. 20 sollars and tens of thousands of fleet credits for nothing very much. That's one of the reasons nobody uses them. And remember you need to beg your fleet for their gracious permission to buy one too. They may refuse, or charge you another 20 bucks of dilithium or whatever. It does not…
  • Never seen any benefit at all to being in a fleet. Never even been in a fleet where I could buy a fleet ship by default. The fleet base and embassy are pointless. STFs can easily be done with pugs now that everyone has massively overpowered gear and the stfs are still balanced for launch. So there is just no point in them…
  • That's what happened to pvp about a month after launch. For about a month queues popped pretty much instantly. There were always loads of kdf queuing as that was the only way to level. Then, after about a month it just died.
  • Getting killed in one shot without even time to press a button is why I don't bother with space stf. I don't see the fun in it. Might as well just blow up before the start instead.
  • Two hundred dollars seems like a lot to pay for a virtual item. If people want it that bad let them have it. But you're right. The vet rewards were valuable because they were exclusive, Now that value has gone. Also the anticipation, waiting for the reward was worth more than the reward itself. It does seem something was…
  • posting in a nerf sci thread.
  • Cryptic selleth and Cryptic taketh away. I assume I lost my ship skins this time. I paid for a Ferengi playable character which is now free for everyone. And don't start me on the exclusive per-order Borg playable character. Probably other stuff I lost as well, without realizing it. I guess the ship costumes didn't sell so…
  • The 1000 day reward will be a playble Gekli. For KDF it will be a Romulan BoP.
  • People that run over the triggers in IGE and the call you a noob for running in to try to salvage the optional. Fantastic. The bottom of the slope in the room with the elite in is great for this. Always, always someone goes right up to the door and starts trying to clear the room. What are you supposed to do? Sometimes I…
  • Come back when you have a full crew of purple Orion female BOs.
  • Being assimilated is a garbage mechanic. Get rid of it.
  • Cyptic games have always been light on end game content. It was the same with City of Heroes. Once you got the spider to level 50 you had completed the game. There are 3 five man raids and half a dozen pvp maps. That is the sum total of STO endgame.
  • It would be better if you could back out as soon as the guy with the sword, the guy with the minigun, and the guy with 30 injuries beam in. You know it's going to be impossible, so why have the penalty?
  • They are no too difficult. The elite stf is supposed to be challenging for experienced players. Try doing them on normal until you can get the optional every time, and have a full set of gear. Then move on to the elite. I would hate to see the elites made easy so that people can just walk in and do them effortlessly.
  • It happens. Getting instapopped by invisible missiles is just one of those things that happens to everyone. Same with falling in the lava at the end of ige. Everyone falls in now and then. Don't feel bad about it.
  • He was probably fed up of being killed by people spamming pets and getting too close. If you have the med hit and nanite hypos solo amek is not that hard.
  • OK, I'll check tomorrow.
  • Still no stipend. They said I get the stipend on 20th and I got it last time. So I waited for the 20th. It is now the 20th. Nothing. Pretty sure this is broken.
  • Typical elite sft pug has at least two people who have a huge pile of injuries they never heal. If it's ground there will be the guy who does not know how to re-modulate. Nobody else will know the standard tactics and you have to carry the entire group. If you want a harsher penalty for leaving stfs full of imbeciles then…
  • It started with viral matrix and snb. They used to be really good skills that would shut a ship down for 10-20 seconds. But everyone cried 'boo hoo, i got killed by a sci. I should be able to throw attack pattern alph,m beta, cannon rapid fire three, tac fleet and melt sci in five seconds. It's not fair that sci can fight…
  • You are wasting your time, OP. The devs only like tacs and escorts, nothing else. Best to give up on your sci or eng and mac a tac with an escort. You will do have about double the dps and be able to tank fine. Sci is a waste of time. Sci ships are a joke. Sci ground kits do less dps than a single shot and take ten second…
  • Got to agree with this. Tac is now about 3000 times better than sci. They started out about equal, but all the crying got sci nerfed to oblivion.
  • I got disconnected at the end of an stf. That horrible 'disconnected from server' message. Tried to log out and in, as this is the only way to restore the connection. Got 'account server connection could not be started' message. I had to restart the client. Needless to say I did not get the reward. Thank you, developers.…
  • The support web page does not work for me. 'Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.' and 'Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage' Guess I'll try the email.
  • Thank you for your reply. I will of course submit another ticket.