there are also funny shipparts what you take with you that helps you never have any injurie, so i hope he learnd now how to solo a boss without dieing.:D
The second one is probably the right answer, that's what he said. But I'm not kidding, he had tons of injuries on him because he basically did teh boss fight himself.
More than 2-3 deaths on each still seems really excessive though - I'm guessing he wasn't setup/experienced with soloing them?
The cube is the tricky one, you really need to pull it away from the gateway to have a good chance of wearing it down - having both firing on you at once is pretty much a death sentence unless you're a very well setup cruiser. Once you're out of range of the gateway, you can sit directly either above or below the cube and kill it slowly, without danger of being torpedo'ed to death.
The gateway can also be killed without straying into most of its weapon arcs if you approach it from directly to its side (e.g. fly in at 90 degrees to it, there's a blind spot at both sides pretty close to the gate that's fairly easy to find)
If you're setup to tank you probably won't need to sit in their blind spots, but most non-tanks should be able to take them down with minimal deaths providing you're mindful of those weapon arcs. I've lost count of the number of times I've effectively soloed an Elite Tac Cube or Gateway without dying.
Infected Ground suuuuuuuuucks. I did a normal run with an "experienced" team, and we did fine. Until we got to the last room and people started falling into plasma and getting killed by the drones there. But once we got the hang of it, we were okay again. Until we got to the end boss, who killed each of us with one shot. Several times. We ended up giving up after we'd been running the same STF for over two hours. And these were people who had supposedly beaten it on elite before.
You had that much trouble with Becky? I've gotten KO'd a few times(in the same run), but that's nuts... Did you remember to stay as far from each other as possible?
You had that much trouble with Becky? I've gotten KO'd a few times(in the same run), but that's nuts... Did you remember to stay as far from each other as possible?
Every time I tried to get away from the group someone would follow me. The team leader even kept saying to stay together, which kind of boggled my mind because hello she's killing us all at once that way.
I honestly think they really had no clue and didn't want to admit it. I'll have to try running it with a team from my new fleet... or try PUGging it, though I haven't had much luck running STFs that way, lol.
Every time I tried to get away from the group someone would follow me. The team leader even kept saying to stay together, which kind of boggled my mind because hello she's killing us all at once that way.
I honestly think they really had no clue and didn't want to admit it. I'll have to try running it with a team from my new fleet... or try PUGging it, though I haven't had much luck running STFs that way, lol.
The only way to stay together once Becky wakes up is to use a Covershield and have the person being targetted hide behind it whilst the other four shoot at her. It's a potential strategy if people aren't familiar enough with the room to spread and break LoS properly. If I was an engy I'd try it in your situation, it's the only way if people don't get the concept of spreading out.
Of course sometimes when you do that she'll fly in behind the Covershield and chain the whole team anyway. So spread's better.
It just happened, actually. It was a CSE. All but two were members of my fleet, the other two being from the ESTF channel (and I must say, that channel's gone to TRIBBLE lately - nothing elite about half the jokers I pull out of there). As per usual, we set up our strategy in the queue chat. I call left (which I solo with ease) and a fleetmate calls mid/right. Basically, nothing comes out of my lane and I don't stop shooting until the cube is dead. This leaves one defender guarding the second cube (and chipping away at it) while grabbing anything that slips past the attack team. Anyway, none of that happened.
I just killed the first Neg and Raptor spawn on left when a guy huffs about wasting time and up and leaves. Mind you, this was only about three minutes in. Then my team starts chatting about how no one is killing probes. So I look over and while my fellow guardian is catching spawns over by the middle cube, the other two are sitting ON TOP of Kang waiting for the right cube spawns to come to them. We're talking 2 bops at a time here. What's worse is that there were at least four bops swarming the Kang. So whatever they thought they were doing they were doing a bad job of it.
I try to line them out, but they ain't having it. They say they are "saving theKang" and refuse to move. Fine. I go back to blowing stuff up. I figure with 3 men on defense, I'll be able to just take down each cube one by one and let them deal with all the Negs and Raptors. Once my station is dealt with I move to the right one and solo it. Then I move to the middle and begin to chip away at the few probes my fleet mate left me, but I have to constantly stop and help them fight spawns because they were getting swarmed. After killing the last Neg, I let them finish off the cube while I hailed Kang. The sorry sucker was sitting at 11% when I hailed him. But whatever, we lost the optional forever ago, but I just wanted to kill stuff and get my dilithium. Which I did.
Here's what really irked me though: We killed the Carrier in just a matter of seconds. I was packing some heat, but not like that. These dudes were over there getting swarmed by freaking bops and then all of a sudden they have enough firepower to drop the carrier in seconds. This wasn't the fastest I've seen, but with these guys? It was like flipping a lightswitch. How? I almost feel like I was getting trolled the whole time.
I need accolade so I'm running IGE as I can. For the week end I ran 16 IGE (friday evening to sunday evening). My score? 15 failed total. Let me tell you the best(worst) one.
We started nice. When I said Hello. Nobodys answered me. We started. First prisoneer. It was ok. Second one? Nobody went with me and no one to cover me. They stayed in the back to save their *life*. I died. We failed optionals. I noticed one guy is dying again and again. A really weak guy. I noticed another is always staying in the back. A ninja. We ran to Ogen. The ninja stayed in the back and he didn't come into the room with us. I got Aggro and Ogen chased me everywhere in the room... After Ogen died. We went the last room. I said "please don't use such of f****ing eng gadget in this such room!". Someone said "yes". And when we came into the room he put his pet And then in this room it was a mess. One of jump always falls down in the acid bath. Another is always dying. We restarted 4 times. Suddenly one player left. 2 minutes later. Another player left. We were 3. I said "We are 3. No way. we can leave safely". I left the stf. I got 1 hour of penality :eek:
I wonder if there has been a huge flow of new players into STFs lately as the last few nights have been absolutely horrible in terms of running Infected Space. I'm trying to grind on Normal to get my MACO Mk XI shield so I've been running this one a lot lately. I'd say over the last three nights at least 90% of the runs we fail the optional every time. Someone says they'll take probes but when you look over they are blasting away at the transformer instead. Of course no one follows the 10% rule to begin with but you can get away with this on Normal most of the time if 2 ships come over and take out the nanite probes and spheres. Well the problem was our "probe guy" didn't seem to want to do that so I fly over and start blasting away. I manage to destroy the first wave and then several nanite sphere's spawn and start moving in. I must have sent a team message 3 times about needing to kill the spheres if we wanted to save optional but no one helped.
Then they all just sit there blasting away at the transformer while it's being healed by 2 spheres that I am trying to destroy and the message pops up in chat window: "Why does it keep healing back to 100%???" LOL. To make things better, we blow the 1st transformer and 3 of the 5 skittle boats start blasting the gate while I and the other player make our way over to the 2nd transformer. We get there and look back and they are still shooting the gate, one of them actually gets killed by it and we're sitting there like "Uh guys..." I think I'm just going to stick with Cure Space to get my data chips and salvage as it seems to be the only STF where I can get a good PuG the majority of the time.
I wonder if there has been a huge flow of new players into STFs lately as the last few nights have been absolutely horrible in terms of running Infected Space. I'm trying to grind on Normal to get my MACO Mk XI shield so I've been running this one a lot lately. I'd say over the last three nights at least 90% of the runs we fail the optional every time. Someone says they'll take probes but when you look over they are blasting away at the transformer instead. Of course no one follows the 10% rule to begin with but you can get away with this on Normal most of the time if 2 ships come over and take out the nanite probes and spheres. Well the problem was our "probe guy" didn't seem to want to do that so I fly over and start blasting away. I manage to destroy the first wave and then several nanite sphere's spawn and start moving in. I must have sent a team message 3 times about needing to kill the spheres if we wanted to save optional but no one helped.
Then they all just sit there blasting away at the transformer while it's being healed by 2 spheres that I am trying to destroy and the message pops up in chat window: "Why does it keep healing back to 100%???" LOL. To make things better, we blow the 1st transformer and 3 of the 5 skittle boats start blasting the gate while I and the other player make our way over to the 2nd transformer. We get there and look back and they are still shooting the gate, one of them actually gets killed by it and we're sitting there like "Uh guys..." I think I'm just going to stick with Cure Space to get my data chips and salvage as it seems to be the only STF where I can get a good PuG the majority of the time.
Sounds like the level of incompetence I always get when I play laser tag
When in doubt, (hehe) c4!
This sig dedicated to the many random objects the Mythbusters crew has blow to smitherines
One guy bails early, before we failed the optional even. Never said why he was leaving or that he was leaving, just left. The four of us left pushed all the way through to the final room (failing the optional along the way, I guess a prisoner died), then one of the others suddenly said "I have to feed my dog, sorry" and left. Down to three.
We could possibly have done the consoles, but one guy kept falling in the plasma where we couldn't revive him without him dying again. And he didn't listen or follow us when I said we all needed to be in the same corner. Two of us went left. He went right and got killed by a tactical drone.
We tried maybe four times before we realized it wasn't going to work. They bailed first... I left last.
But the funny thing is, I didn't get a penalty. It told me I would, but I could queue up for anything I wanted, even Infected Ground.
Not always. 2 times I ran STF. 2 leavers left. We were 3 last players. I left and got penality.
thats why i say 2/3 if you and another in the mission the last one nobody get penelity if you +2 others in it can be you get sometimes i dont get it in cure ground elite but with 3 players try to finish it is pointless so i wait that one more logging out of nobody will leave first i do it.
but the leaver drama only happening in ground missions cure+infected, in space mission are all so easy that it normaly never happend.
Of course it's getting worse..... the number of bugs in a computer program is directly related to the complexity of the program. Every time you add stuff there's the chance of accidentally breaking something.
Of course it's getting worse..... the number of bugs in a computer program is directly related to the complexity of the program. Every time you add stuff there's the chance of accidentally breaking something.
This however, can be countered by a good programmer. It would seem, then, that cryptic tdoesnt have any good programmers :P
When in doubt, (hehe) c4!
This sig dedicated to the many random objects the Mythbusters crew has blow to smitherines
This happened to me tonight, while it was not really anyone fault. It was just one of those "all the NPC hate me" I will also point out that I have run Elites for a few months now and when I run with my fleet buddies, we 99% of the time complete each STFE with about 2-5 mins on the clock and get every bonus objective.
Ok, so tonight I unpacked my cardassian Galor, set it up and went testing it on STFE and everything was going wonderful. I GUP for ISE and so the story begins.
So we head over to the cube and by "we" I mean just 2 of us. At first you might think, oh great another AFK story, but you would be wrong. They started to head over 1 at a time, so at least they were starting to play. While keeping an eye on them, I didn't spot the damage I had taken and the heavy plasma torpedo hitting me square in the face.
1st death.
So I heal myself spawn and head back into the fight, about 2 mins later the cube goes pop. I realise now that it has taken us about 4 mins to pop that cube and know now some of these guys don't have any real DPS, but I persist and we kill the spheres. I say in chat "10% rule would be nice" like I do every time I gup and to my surprise I get a reply back saying "agreed" so we head over to the left cube and begin the attack.
2nd death.:eek:
Yep, out of no where I just go pop, 100% shields 100% HPs to zero in the blink of an eye. FINE, I think, heal, respawn and head back over. We take out the cube drop the gens following the 10% rule pop the tranny and start hitting the in coming spheres.
3rd death.:mad:
Yes another random death from 100% to zero. Heal and head back in helping to pop the spheres which takes longer than normal, due to some of them not having any high DPS. So we head over to the right side. As normal I leave a 13-15k distance from the gate.
4th death.:mad:
Yep another random blink of the eye death, caused by the gate, even thou I was about 15k away. So I heal and head back into the fight. I would like to point out that it was not just me that was dying, but I care not to mention how many times some of them died.
Ok so skipping ahead. We were taking down the gens and I had mine at 10% a lot quicker than them. I decided to look at each of their gens to see who was not doing much damage. Spotted who they were and asked them how many STFE they had done and got an honest answer. "not many". "NP" I replied "but you should run normals until you have better Borg gear before trying elite"
Skip ahead to killing the spheres 2 more deaths, after heading back the tac cube decides he just doesn't like me and aggro's on me even thou I left a 40k distance from it on the way back to help the others. Another death caused by and aggro'ed cube and an angry gate. Respawn only to find the cube sitting near the spawn point waiting for me. WTF, ok, I run from it to get back over to the others and we pop the gate. Everyone starts to hit the cube, but I notice a sphere that has been missed and it has decided to aggro me. Ok I will kill it and the others can work on the cube, which should then aggro onto them.
Nope, the cube is still angry and aggro'ed on me, Why? I don't know maybe he didn't like the cut of my jib. Even thou they are attacking it, the cube ignores them and attacks me. As well as the forgotten sphere. I did manage to kill the sphere before I went pop. So respawn and oh joy the cube is back at the spawn waiting for me, even thou the others were attacking it. WTF
We managed to take down the cube and I managed to incur no more deaths, but I was not happy. I was not unhappy with my fellow team mates, I know the risk in gupin, so getting annoyed about it is pointless. I was miffed at how many random complete BS deaths I had. I don't think I have died that many time in a single night of STFE, maybe even 2 nights of running them.
It happens. Getting instapopped by invisible missiles is just one of those things that happens to everyone. Same with falling in the lava at the end of ige. Everyone falls in now and then. Don't feel bad about it.
Nah, if they had bad programmers the game would have far more bugs than it does.
Alright, lazy programmers. The xchange bug is annoying, and has been know about for a LONG time, yet the devs have not responded to questions about it, and no one in the coding dept. Has bothered trying to fix it. And there's invisa torps, but that's not really a bug, just gozers ego :P
When in doubt, (hehe) c4!
This sig dedicated to the many random objects the Mythbusters crew has blow to smitherines
I joined a fleet defense PuG and right away said 'hi'.
Someone else said 'hi' on voice chat.
Only four ships shows up total including me.
I look at all the ships, all had accolades of over 4000.
Then a ships drops out before the battle starts, we're down to three.
The voice chat guy says 'anyone else getting a lot of lag?'
I typed 'no'.
The battle starts.
I see the guy with the voice chat stuttering. Really bad stuttering, two or three seconds between jumps.
Then I hear him 'stupid game has so many bugs, I can't even play.'
I typed 'stutter is a computer problem, not the game.'
He says 'my mom just bought me this computer 3 years ago, it's a 1.6 with 1 gig memory and a GeForce 3 ti2000 video card. It should run this game just fine. Cryptic just sucks.'
Another ship drops out. We're down to 2.
I type 'you'd have better luck with a commodore 64.'
He said, 'my mom can't afford a commodore 64, she's on welfare' :eek:
I typed 'LOL'
He got pissed and said some dirty words and left.
Now it's just me. But I did finish off the third group and take away lots of loot. :P
I wish I could put together a slideshow of clips from all the STfs where my D'kora or Defiant have been one shotted by any of the following (which are all overpowered now):
CSE cube heavy plasma torps
CSE BoP heavy plasma torps (yes, they do a LOT)
CSE Negh'var isometric charges
ISE cube heavy plasma torps
ISE sphere heavy plasma torps (also do a lot)
ISE gate heayv plasma torps
ISE tactical cube heavy plasma torps
KASE Donatra's scimitar disruptor blast
I can have my shields at full, hull at full, and using brace for impact and still be one shotted. I know the Defiant is fragile but... come on. These things are just overpowered.
I'm 95% sure I haven't posted this story here yet, so I'll share it with you.
I flipped to EliteSTF channel to get a team for KASE. In the lobby there seemed to be a disorganized discussion of strategy... whatever. We get into the STF, blow the tac cube and get on with the rest. Now I don't remember how it happened but near the end of finishing the gates I got stuck on left probe duty because the guy doing it ran off.
Enter (verbally) Trolly, my nickname for one person (because I can't say their real name). When the guy on left probes ran off, there was a probe about halfway to the portal. Now since I just got drafted into finishing the probe, I'm scrambling to get my D'kora's DHCs in place. Since the probe was already so far from the gate, I couldn't kill it in time. Luckily the team blows the gates just before the probe enters and we get the optional.
Trolly lets off like an airhorn.
As we move on to Donatra he's screaming about how low my dps was, that I'm such a noob and that I can't even stop a probe. Me and another person (the other two were silent the rest of the matche) are trying to explain to Trolly that once you get the optional it doesn't matter.
He flies away from the scimitar and starts yelling about he didn't even get to need or greed on the loot. He's insulting us and generally trolling about how we can't even get Donatra down. So he finally comes in and helps us defeat the scimitar and we finish.
Later that same day...
I'm back on EliteSTF looking for a team to run another STF. As soon as I say LFG Trolly rears his ugly head and starts saying (if memory serves)
"Voporak is a noob with absolutely no dps whatsoever, you probably don't want him on your team"
I just say that's untrue and to take his spamming elsewhere. A channel admin popps in and quiets him down. Boy, the nerve of some people. :eek:
CSE cube heavy plasma torps
CSE BoP heavy plasma torps (yes, they do a LOT)
CSE Negh'var isometric charges
ISE cube heavy plasma torps
ISE sphere heavy plasma torps (also do a lot)
ISE gate heayv plasma torps
ISE tactical cube heavy plasma torps
KASE Donatra's scimitar disruptor blast
not agree alot of this thinks cant 1 shot my karfi for example this ship have only 2xarmors and low hull so if i can not be 1 shottet by most of this thinks why you?
can you say what armors you use ?
dronata blast kills me the new iso skill from negh var kills me to 2x one hit but sometimes not for any reason the other thinks are not any prob.
More than 2-3 deaths on each still seems really excessive though - I'm guessing he wasn't setup/experienced with soloing them?
The cube is the tricky one, you really need to pull it away from the gateway to have a good chance of wearing it down - having both firing on you at once is pretty much a death sentence unless you're a very well setup cruiser. Once you're out of range of the gateway, you can sit directly either above or below the cube and kill it slowly, without danger of being torpedo'ed to death.
The gateway can also be killed without straying into most of its weapon arcs if you approach it from directly to its side (e.g. fly in at 90 degrees to it, there's a blind spot at both sides pretty close to the gate that's fairly easy to find)
If you're setup to tank you probably won't need to sit in their blind spots, but most non-tanks should be able to take them down with minimal deaths providing you're mindful of those weapon arcs. I've lost count of the number of times I've effectively soloed an Elite Tac Cube or Gateway without dying.
My character Tsin'xing
Every time I tried to get away from the group someone would follow me. The team leader even kept saying to stay together, which kind of boggled my mind because hello she's killing us all at once that way.
I honestly think they really had no clue and didn't want to admit it. I'll have to try running it with a team from my new fleet... or try PUGging it, though I haven't had much luck running STFs that way, lol.
I PUGed in.
I say 'Hi' as usual.
No response.
There were three oddies and an escort.
All four had accolades under 3000, all four were instant admerals.
We go into the lead group and I see all four ships have technicolor rainbow beams. :eek:
Two oddies die like they were one shotted right off the bat.
The first group dies and I fly left.
I'm shooting the cube and notice, nobody else is firing.
I look around and all four ships are 20k off in the distance.
I say, ' a little help here'.
No response.
I keep working on the cube, it dies.
I fly all the way back to the other four ships and say, 'hey noobes, you gonna help?'
No response.
So I just sat there with them.
Nobody moved for several minutes.
Nobody said a word.
One bails, then another, then I bailed.
That was my bad one for the day.
I've been staying out of the STF missions and doing more fleet mission.
Such fun.
Jake81499, 1st Fleet of Wyoming ::)
The only way to stay together once Becky wakes up is to use a Covershield and have the person being targetted hide behind it whilst the other four shoot at her. It's a potential strategy if people aren't familiar enough with the room to spread and break LoS properly. If I was an engy I'd try it in your situation, it's the only way if people don't get the concept of spreading out.
Of course sometimes when you do that she'll fly in behind the Covershield and chain the whole team anyway. So spread's better.
I just killed the first Neg and Raptor spawn on left when a guy huffs about wasting time and up and leaves. Mind you, this was only about three minutes in. Then my team starts chatting about how no one is killing probes. So I look over and while my fellow guardian is catching spawns over by the middle cube, the other two are sitting ON TOP of Kang waiting for the right cube spawns to come to them. We're talking 2 bops at a time here. What's worse is that there were at least four bops swarming the Kang. So whatever they thought they were doing they were doing a bad job of it.
I try to line them out, but they ain't having it. They say they are "saving theKang" and refuse to move. Fine. I go back to blowing stuff up. I figure with 3 men on defense, I'll be able to just take down each cube one by one and let them deal with all the Negs and Raptors. Once my station is dealt with I move to the right one and solo it. Then I move to the middle and begin to chip away at the few probes my fleet mate left me, but I have to constantly stop and help them fight spawns because they were getting swarmed. After killing the last Neg, I let them finish off the cube while I hailed Kang. The sorry sucker was sitting at 11% when I hailed him. But whatever, we lost the optional forever ago, but I just wanted to kill stuff and get my dilithium. Which I did.
Here's what really irked me though: We killed the Carrier in just a matter of seconds. I was packing some heat, but not like that. These dudes were over there getting swarmed by freaking bops and then all of a sudden they have enough firepower to drop the carrier in seconds. This wasn't the fastest I've seen, but with these guys? It was like flipping a lightswitch. How? I almost feel like I was getting trolled the whole time.
We started nice. When I said Hello. Nobodys answered me. We started. First prisoneer. It was ok. Second one? Nobody went with me and no one to cover me. They stayed in the back to save their *life*. I died. We failed optionals. I noticed one guy is dying again and again. A really weak guy. I noticed another is always staying in the back. A ninja. We ran to Ogen. The ninja stayed in the back and he didn't come into the room with us. I got Aggro and Ogen chased me everywhere in the room... After Ogen died. We went the last room. I said "please don't use such of f****ing eng gadget in this such room!". Someone said "yes". And when we came into the room he put his pet
Then they all just sit there blasting away at the transformer while it's being healed by 2 spheres that I am trying to destroy and the message pops up in chat window: "Why does it keep healing back to 100%???" LOL. To make things better, we blow the 1st transformer and 3 of the 5 skittle boats start blasting the gate while I and the other player make our way over to the 2nd transformer. We get there and look back and they are still shooting the gate, one of them actually gets killed by it and we're sitting there like "Uh guys..." I think I'm just going to stick with Cure Space to get my data chips and salvage as it seems to be the only STF where I can get a good PuG the majority of the time.
Sounds like the level of incompetence I always get when I play laser tag
This sig dedicated to the many random objects the Mythbusters crew has blow to smitherines
One guy bails early, before we failed the optional even. Never said why he was leaving or that he was leaving, just left. The four of us left pushed all the way through to the final room (failing the optional along the way, I guess a prisoner died), then one of the others suddenly said "I have to feed my dog, sorry" and left. Down to three.
We could possibly have done the consoles, but one guy kept falling in the plasma where we couldn't revive him without him dying again. And he didn't listen or follow us when I said we all needed to be in the same corner. Two of us went left. He went right and got killed by a tactical drone.
We tried maybe four times before we realized it wasn't going to work. They bailed first... I left last.
But the funny thing is, I didn't get a penalty. It told me I would, but I could queue up for anything I wanted, even Infected Ground.
Didn't know that. It's good to know, thanks.
Not always. 2 times I ran STF. 2 leavers left. We were 3 last players. I left and got penality.
thats why i say 2/3 if you and another in the mission the last one nobody get penelity if you +2 others in it can be you get sometimes i dont get it in cure ground elite but with 3 players try to finish it is pointless so i wait that one more logging out of nobody will leave first i do it.
but the leaver drama only happening in ground missions cure+infected, in space mission are all so easy that it normaly never happend.
heh, I was abandoned in kitomer- everyone left before me, and I still got penalized for leaving.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
The coding for this game is like drozana station- neglected, and thus, falling apart at the seams :P
This sig dedicated to the many random objects the Mythbusters crew has blow to smitherines
It does seem that way, and it seems to be getting worse.
Yup. Teleporting borg, glitchy leaver penalty, broken loot tables, what's next? P.s.- called it, its gonna be lockboxes opening for free
This sig dedicated to the many random objects the Mythbusters crew has blow to smitherines
My character Tsin'xing
This however, can be countered by a good programmer. It would seem, then, that cryptic tdoesnt have any good programmers :P
This sig dedicated to the many random objects the Mythbusters crew has blow to smitherines
Ok, so tonight I unpacked my cardassian Galor, set it up and went testing it on STFE and everything was going wonderful. I GUP for ISE and so the story begins.
So we head over to the cube and by "we" I mean just 2 of us. At first you might think, oh great another AFK story, but you would be wrong. They started to head over 1 at a time, so at least they were starting to play. While keeping an eye on them, I didn't spot the damage I had taken and the heavy plasma torpedo hitting me square in the face.
1st death.
So I heal myself spawn and head back into the fight, about 2 mins later the cube goes pop. I realise now that it has taken us about 4 mins to pop that cube and know now some of these guys don't have any real DPS, but I persist and we kill the spheres. I say in chat "10% rule would be nice" like I do every time I gup and to my surprise I get a reply back saying "agreed" so we head over to the left cube and begin the attack.
2nd death.:eek:
Yep, out of no where I just go pop, 100% shields 100% HPs to zero in the blink of an eye. FINE, I think, heal, respawn and head back over. We take out the cube drop the gens following the 10% rule pop the tranny and start hitting the in coming spheres.
3rd death.:mad:
Yes another random death from 100% to zero. Heal and head back in helping to pop the spheres which takes longer than normal, due to some of them not having any high DPS. So we head over to the right side. As normal I leave a 13-15k distance from the gate.
4th death.:mad:
Yep another random blink of the eye death, caused by the gate, even thou I was about 15k away. So I heal and head back into the fight. I would like to point out that it was not just me that was dying, but I care not to mention how many times some of them died.
Ok so skipping ahead. We were taking down the gens and I had mine at 10% a lot quicker than them. I decided to look at each of their gens to see who was not doing much damage. Spotted who they were and asked them how many STFE they had done and got an honest answer. "not many". "NP" I replied "but you should run normals until you have better Borg gear before trying elite"
Skip ahead to killing the spheres 2 more deaths, after heading back the tac cube decides he just doesn't like me and aggro's on me even thou I left a 40k distance from it on the way back to help the others. Another death caused by and aggro'ed cube and an angry gate. Respawn only to find the cube sitting near the spawn point waiting for me. WTF, ok, I run from it to get back over to the others and we pop the gate. Everyone starts to hit the cube, but I notice a sphere that has been missed and it has decided to aggro me. Ok I will kill it and the others can work on the cube, which should then aggro onto them.
Nope, the cube is still angry and aggro'ed on me, Why? I don't know maybe he didn't like the cut of my jib. Even thou they are attacking it, the cube ignores them and attacks me. As well as the forgotten sphere. I did manage to kill the sphere before I went pop. So respawn and oh joy the cube is back at the spawn waiting for me, even thou the others were attacking it. WTF
We managed to take down the cube and I managed to incur no more deaths, but I was not happy. I was not unhappy with my fellow team mates, I know the risk in gupin, so getting annoyed about it is pointless. I was miffed at how many random complete BS deaths I had. I don't think I have died that many time in a single night of STFE, maybe even 2 nights of running them.
It happens. Getting instapopped by invisible missiles is just one of those things that happens to everyone. Same with falling in the lava at the end of ige. Everyone falls in now and then. Don't feel bad about it.
My character Tsin'xing
Alright, lazy programmers. The xchange bug is annoying, and has been know about for a LONG time, yet the devs have not responded to questions about it, and no one in the coding dept. Has bothered trying to fix it. And there's invisa torps, but that's not really a bug, just gozers ego :P
This sig dedicated to the many random objects the Mythbusters crew has blow to smitherines
I joined a fleet defense PuG and right away said 'hi'.
Someone else said 'hi' on voice chat.
Only four ships shows up total including me.
I look at all the ships, all had accolades of over 4000.
Then a ships drops out before the battle starts, we're down to three.
The voice chat guy says 'anyone else getting a lot of lag?'
I typed 'no'.
The battle starts.
I see the guy with the voice chat stuttering. Really bad stuttering, two or three seconds between jumps.
Then I hear him 'stupid game has so many bugs, I can't even play.'
I typed 'stutter is a computer problem, not the game.'
He says 'my mom just bought me this computer 3 years ago, it's a 1.6 with 1 gig memory and a GeForce 3 ti2000 video card. It should run this game just fine. Cryptic just sucks.'
Another ship drops out. We're down to 2.
I type 'you'd have better luck with a commodore 64.'
He said, 'my mom can't afford a commodore 64, she's on welfare' :eek:
I typed 'LOL'
He got pissed and said some dirty words and left.
Now it's just me. But I did finish off the third group and take away lots of loot. :P
CSE cube heavy plasma torps
CSE BoP heavy plasma torps (yes, they do a LOT)
CSE Negh'var isometric charges
ISE cube heavy plasma torps
ISE sphere heavy plasma torps (also do a lot)
ISE gate heayv plasma torps
ISE tactical cube heavy plasma torps
KASE Donatra's scimitar disruptor blast
I can have my shields at full, hull at full, and using brace for impact and still be one shotted. I know the Defiant is fragile but... come on. These things are just overpowered.
I flipped to EliteSTF channel to get a team for KASE. In the lobby there seemed to be a disorganized discussion of strategy... whatever. We get into the STF, blow the tac cube and get on with the rest. Now I don't remember how it happened but near the end of finishing the gates I got stuck on left probe duty because the guy doing it ran off.
Enter (verbally) Trolly, my nickname for one person (because I can't say their real name). When the guy on left probes ran off, there was a probe about halfway to the portal. Now since I just got drafted into finishing the probe, I'm scrambling to get my D'kora's DHCs in place. Since the probe was already so far from the gate, I couldn't kill it in time. Luckily the team blows the gates just before the probe enters and we get the optional.
Trolly lets off like an airhorn.
As we move on to Donatra he's screaming about how low my dps was, that I'm such a noob and that I can't even stop a probe. Me and another person (the other two were silent the rest of the matche) are trying to explain to Trolly that once you get the optional it doesn't matter.
He flies away from the scimitar and starts yelling about he didn't even get to need or greed on the loot. He's insulting us and generally trolling about how we can't even get Donatra down. So he finally comes in and helps us defeat the scimitar and we finish.
Later that same day...
I'm back on EliteSTF looking for a team to run another STF. As soon as I say LFG Trolly rears his ugly head and starts saying (if memory serves)
"Voporak is a noob with absolutely no dps whatsoever, you probably don't want him on your team"
I just say that's untrue and to take his spamming elsewhere. A channel admin popps in and quiets him down. Boy, the nerve of some people. :eek:
not agree alot of this thinks cant 1 shot my karfi for example this ship have only 2xarmors and low hull so if i can not be 1 shottet by most of this thinks why you?
can you say what armors you use ?
dronata blast kills me the new iso skill from negh var kills me to 2x one hit but sometimes not for any reason the other thinks are not any prob.