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highlet Arc User



  • You can be a 50 romulan with full geared out mkxii stf gear and still not be able to claim no matter allegiance unless you have a kdf/fed toon is the point...
  • So romulans can't claim this ship no matter what allegiance?
  • I'll take coordinated BO spike over bull**** frame killing pet/plasma/console spam any day. Just about every ship out there can basically spec to be near unkillable if they really wanted to. Of all the pvp problems with abilities/inconsistencies/ships/consoles, I would say this isn't even going to make the top 100 list.
  • I thought you said you were giving up on pvp "again"?
  • The reputation ability is not broken by damage. It's a flat 2s.
  • Haha no worries man. Usually enjoy games against nc guys. Good fights
  • The tells I was getting in broken english from nemo last night after he complained about my build after those couple c&h against your guys 4-5man were pretty hilarious. 13 is a tough age though, I'm sure he'll grow out of it.
  • There is an immunity after a placate proc so it cannot be back to back. That being said, it's a dumb ability.
  • Troll score: 1/10
  • Spamming is not an effective way to get developer attention. Also they're*
  • Nothing prevents it but the Romulan loses 40 power for the cloak and sing abilities. 40 power really is a big deal when being hit with any power drains. I suppose you could stack all the countermeasure consoles like ams, capacitor and run scramble, placates and all that bull**** and be nigh unkillable but so can any ship…
  • Careful. You might break the battle cloak circle jerk of misinformation we have going with talk of actual strats that counter battle cloak.
  • 18m is not all that much to be honest. He's 40m kdf side. Just shows the huge discrepancy in prices due to population.
  • If cloaked when aux goes offline, it will trigger a cd. Also with the VM doffs it makes a Romulan's life miserable. Since warbirds do not get an escort bonus either, VM + any engine slow down or engines offline really opens the Rom up for easy burst kill. If you can stay on top of them when they are attempting to cloak and…
  • What prevents fed escorts from doing the same thing with impulse cap cell or other speed burst to get out of trouble? Seems most would just like to pop evasive and spin circles though and expect not to die. Also, there is a 5s window after sing jump that Rom cannot battle cloak. Dropping a gw, another sj, tractor beam, vm,…
  • Set in options stop auto attack when target changed and set to not auto target pets. Problem solved.
  • Fair enough. I wasn't trying to sound as defensive as that came off. I've just found that sometimes more sustained dps after the spike is needed to finish many targets. Especially if they have any time of cross healing. I'm sure the strategy would differ with more group synergy and a better comp.
  • Honestly, I do not find I get decloaked often from anything resulting from low power. It's just a matter of paying attention. The times I am decloaked it is from something that would have decloaked me anyway. I don't run 2 crf. Like you said, no point. Mainly I use it to allow for more full spikes inside alpha cd cycle and…
  • It's doable. You have to be careful on your cycles. Decloaks due to aux offline happen but not as often as one thinks as long as you are smart about using your aux2bat cycle. You can also avoid this by aux2bat slightly before your aux has reached it's full on second cycle gaining not quite as much power but reducing…
  • SJ puts your cloak on a 5s cd as do all sing abilities when they are used. You know, for someone with the "It's not the ship, it's the attitude(seriously, fix the spelling already)" it seems all your posts are about something that is "op".
  • Why would you take a random reddit thread seriously?
  • PC is communicating a lot more than that. It also doesn't end there. Millions of calculations performed every minute serverside transmitted back to client side and vice versa. The game engine was not optimized for those types of massive fights and it isn't a simple "fix" to suddenly make it optimized. You are comparing to…
    in Real PVP Comment by highlet July 2013
  • So a 1v1 proves what again?
  • Warping into dpIII web mines was not much fun.
  • I suggest you go play an RTS and quit pushing this god awful, terrible idea of yours that this game should be converted to an RTS. No one listens to you because it's a terrible ****ing idea. There are plenty of games that fulfill this niche. Go play one of those.
  • Add AMS and Impulse Cap Cell consoles to that list.
  • In no particular order: * Keep pve out of my pvp * If you create a zone that can't perform relatively smoothly at max number of players within it, than it must be reduced. No one wants to hitch and lag around in pvp. * Not everyone loves starcraft.
    in Real PVP Comment by highlet July 2013
  • Fair enough. There are some constructive posters who offer correct and experienced posts that break down abilities and builds and provide valuable information (ricky and ddis come to mind). Unfortunately, it has been my experience I have to sort through 10 misinformed malcontents just to find those diamonds in the rough.…
  • * Cloaking Device Needs Change * Re: nukara web mines in PvP * Nukara Web Mine Launcher mk XII * Tholian Web Mines * New energy weapons DOFFs will keep me away from PvP * Disruptors are broke * Is PvP fixed * Are non-romulan escorts becoming obsolete? * State of the g ... PvP That one. That's just today. Going through a…
  • You know, if any new players looking to see what the pvp waters in this game are like decide to check the boards I can see them being completely turned off. Every single thread is some whiny little ***** fest. I've never seen such a massive collection of prima donnas in one place. Constructive discussion is great. Tips,…