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Rommie ships for pvp? Whats the so called best?

sgtciscoinsasgtciscoinsa Member Posts: 56 Arc User
edited August 2013 in PvP Gameplay
Seems I get killed alot in the vet ship. Any ideas? I heard some ship is pretty good but confused on which one. I have all the Cstore ships and a T4 starbase. So I got almost all the ships accessible. Anyone help out would be appreciated. My character is a Reman Tac. Thanks again for the help.
Post edited by sgtciscoinsa on


  • webdeathwebdeath Member Posts: 1,570 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    For a Tac there are a few ways you can go..

    T'varo/Fleet T'varo

    "Torp"Varo (Torpedo Based T'varo)

    Seen some tacs do well with the Scimitar.

    The Fleet D'D has had some interesting Builds for Tacs..

    Dhelan Retrofit/Fleet Dhelan Retrofit

    Ha'feh/Fleet Ha'Feh also seems like a good choice

    The Daeinos Vet Warbird isn't bad either.

    And then there is the Mogai Retrofit/Fleet Mogai retrofit

    It really depends on what your looking for exactly and your play style. And any ship can be useful to a Tac depending on the Build.
    You think that your beta test was bad?
    Think about this:
    American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    the dhlean is the deadliest warbird, as far as the ballance of first strike damage and dogfighting goes. the scim can hit hardest, but its a ponderous beast otherwise
  • devorasxdevorasx Member Posts: 693
    edited July 2013
    DHC D`deridex is fun to play :)
    Co-founder of The Spanish Inquisition TSI - Cause no one expects it!

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  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    webdeath wrote: »
    "Torp"Varo (Torpedo Based T'varo)

    But if everybody blips, then nobody blips...
  • webdeathwebdeath Member Posts: 1,570 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    But if everybody blips, then nobody blips...

    That is why you team up with a Sci blipper.. So they can de-blip the enemy blippers. :P
    You think that your beta test was bad?
    Think about this:
    American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
  • corvallecorvalle Member Posts: 254 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Seems I get killed alot in the vet ship. Any ideas? I heard some ship is pretty good but confused on which one. I have all the Cstore ships and a T4 starbase. So I got almost all the ships accessible. Anyone help out would be appreciated. My character is a Reman Tac. Thanks again for the help.

    Killed alot in the Veteran romulan ship? lol.

    Sounds like you have a gear/skill issue going on. If you are dying all the time in that ship, then any other romulan ship is not going to help you.

    That veteran ship is a beast, period. I say get better gear, find better builds and maybe, just maybe L2P a little bit better. :)

    I absolutely obliterate opponents in the vet ship, including bugs and fleet defiants.
  • rudiefix1rudiefix1 Member Posts: 420
    edited July 2013
    but not every Torp'varo runs with >6000 stealth

    @rudiefix Feds: Rudiefix / Thron / Opa
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  • praxi5praxi5 Member Posts: 1,562 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I'm a huge fan of the Fleet Dhelan, though I'm debating popping myself over into a Fleet Mogai.

    The Fleet Ha'Feh is also a good choice with a great A2B BOff layout.
  • masterkeychnk5masterkeychnk5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    the dhlean is the deadliest warbird, as far as the ballance of first strike damage and dogfighting goes. the scim can hit hardest, but its a ponderous beast otherwise

    thats not a correct assesement, ha'feh for instance can hit just as hard.


    Otherwise give some constructive feedback on why you think it csn techmically hit harder?
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] I am not Snakie, MT is!
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    thats not a correct assesement, ha'feh for instance can hit just as hard.


    Otherwise give some constructive feedback on why you think it csn techmically hit harder?

    not a correct assessment? ya, if theres anything im known for, its my incorrect assessments when it comes to ships

    the ha'feh is huge, has excelsior inertia, is easier to hit with spam and TRIBBLE like mines and EWP, cant maneuver through tight spots and has colition issues when flying close to things, and it does not have a LTC sci power, something that can be as deadly as any tac power the ship has. the ha'feh also has 3 eng ens skills if you want to run a smiler 2 AtB build. i dont see a single thing better about it, or that even puts it on par, unless you neeeed the orange diaper on a ship with battle cloak, singularity jump, quantum absorption and APO3 at full up time. i dont.

    oh, if you were referring to the scimitar, its got the vet ship station setup, thats the best station setup of all btw, and 5 forward weapons with 5 tac consoles. its silly to question weather it can hit hardest or not.
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    and it does not have a LTC sci power, something that can be as deadly as any tac power the ship has. the ha'feh also has 3 eng ens skills if you want to run a smiler 2 AtB build.

    Actually Fleet Ha'feh has LTC Uni, so it could run LTC Sci if needed.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Actually Fleet Ha'feh has LTC Uni, so it could run LTC Sci if needed.

    you could run a LTC sci sure, but then you would not be running a 2 AtB build, which i mentioned when qualifying that point.
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    you could run a LTC sci sure, but then you would not be running a 2 AtB build, which i mentioned when qualifying that point.

    the ha'feh is huge, has excelsior inertia, is easier to hit with spam and TRIBBLE like mines and EWP, cant maneuver through tight spots and has colition issues when flying close to things, and it does not have a LTC sci power, something that can be as deadly as any tac power the ship has.

    the ha'feh also has 3 eng ens skills if you want to run a smiler 2 AtB build.

    Hmm, I just went back and re-read it but I'm still not sure that's what you were trying to say. I'll take your word for it.

    Personally, I don't see Aux to batts as a really great build direction for either of these ships or battlecloaking ships in general (the bigger ones are probably better suited to it)

    The only way to realistically do it is to avoid any other aux boosting abilities (like leech, or MACO, etc), or you're under threat of suddenly losing your aux and being decloaked.

    Or you are running aux to batts without that and you are suddenly hit by some amount of drain that brings your aux from 4 down to 0, and once again you are decloaked.

    Just a bit of off topic thoughts.

    For the OP:

    Generally speaking the warbirds are all really well designed, I tend to lean towards the popular examples like the T'Varo, Dhelan & Mogai and these are going to be the most user friendly - unlike the Scimitar which has great stats but really requires a very different piloting mindset to handle the intertia, turn rate and truly humongous hit box.

    The Ha'feh has great overall stats, but it is gigantic and too ugly to look at.
  • aldo1rainealdo1raine Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    , but it is gigantic and too ugly to look at.

    You're too ugly to look at.
    Nerf Klinks, Buff Rommies
  • highlethighlet Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Personally, I don't see Aux to batts as a really great build direction for either of these ships or battlecloaking ships in general (the bigger ones are probably better suited to it)

    The only way to realistically do it is to avoid any other aux boosting abilities (like leech, or MACO, etc), or you're under threat of suddenly losing your aux and being decloaked.

    It's doable. You have to be careful on your cycles. Decloaks due to aux offline happen but not as often as one thinks as long as you are smart about using your aux2bat cycle. You can also avoid this by aux2bat slightly before your aux has reached it's full on second cycle gaining not quite as much power but reducing cooldowns still. That way you'll remain with some aux in the tank in case you must cloak.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Hmm, I just went back and re-read it but I'm still not sure that's what you were trying to say. I'll take your word for it.

    the Fleet Ha'feh has a universal LTC station, and an ENS eng. if you wanted to run a 2 AtB build, you would end up with a
    COM tac
    TLC eng
    LT eng
    ENS eng

    LT sci
    you need 2 LT level eng powers to get 2 copies of AtB1, and you can only get that by making the LTC eng, and that results in 3 ENS eng skills. that means no EPtS3 without having a redundant ENS power, but theres other good skills like DEM2, RSP2, EWP1 to choose from at LTC level at least. having ET1 to complement HE is also nice to have on an AtB ship actually, as long as your flying defensibly so you dont NEED TT on. still, VM1, TBR2, or PSW1 you can run at their global with the dhlean's LTC sci makes it especially dangerous, wile being much more compact with that small size advantage.

    Personally, I don't see Aux to batts as a really great build direction for either of these ships or battlecloaking ships in general (the bigger ones are probably better suited to it)

    The only way to realistically do it is to avoid any other aux boosting abilities (like leech, or MACO, etc), or you're under threat of suddenly losing your aux and being decloaked.

    Or you are running aux to batts without that and you are suddenly hit by some amount of drain that brings your aux from 4 down to 0, and once again you are decloaked.

    the greatest risk for the most reward in game is running a 2 AtB build on a war bird. that, or using the tac version of the andorian ship lol. on 1 hand, you can only really have 1 copy of essential tac skills with most war birds normally. that encourages a lot of battle cloaking during battle, instead of dog fighting and launching alpha and beta strikes as often as possible like you would in a more fed pattern escort. with a AtB build, you can have it both ways, and the station setups all align so you can have the 2 LT eng stations you need to make it happen. of course the downsides is low to negative aux at all times, which seriously diminishes your ability to fight like a warbird was intended. luckily, warbirds have higher then average hull and shield mods, non aux dependent singularity hax, and an undone power disadvantage when running 2 AtB. luckily theres a simple way to get around being stuck with no aux when you NEED to cloak, switch to a preset that has a high base aux setting, and you will get enough aux power to work with to make your escape. when ever i intend to cloak, i hit my 100 aux power preset regardless.

    its not for the faint of heart, and you need keybinds out the TRIBBLE, but like always it makes any ship more tactically dangerous. the warbirds are already good, AtB makes them monsters, especially the scimitar, proboly the hardest ship to use effectively. its just so complicated and different, with the constant battle cloaking being a part of its tactics like no other warbird thanks to shields not droping. used correctly, it should be cloaking after every 10 seconds for just the duration of the tac buffs. its also the only way its going to turn well enough to keep up with escorts, even with EPtE.
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    highlet wrote: »
    It's doable. You have to be careful on your cycles. Decloaks due to aux offline happen but not as often as one thinks as long as you are smart about using your aux2bat cycle. You can also avoid this by aux2bat slightly before your aux has reached it's full on second cycle gaining not quite as much power but reducing cooldowns still. That way you'll remain with some aux in the tank in case you must cloak.

    I'm not saying it's not doable, I'm saying it's not a great build direction considering the micromanagement or the potential to be decloaked downsides.

    There are only a few key abilities that you really need at their lowest possible cooldown, APO, DEM, RSP - and to an extent EPTx.

    The rest, on a spike focused ship - which every light/med warbird should basically be - is basically pissing into the wind if you don't have all your other abilities on stackable cycles.

    I.e. the best you can get from APO 3 is 15s up and 15s down. So what point is there having CRF 2 up every 15?

    There isn't, since you want APO up for when you decloak with an ambush bonus and use your spike tools to remove a target in 5 to 10s maximum (10s is slow).

    Defensive abilities?

    Well you need a lot less of this than most people think since you are decloaked (or should be) and completely outside the center of combat most of the time anyway.

    You can also fit all that you need on the warbirds available without A2B. ;)
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    aldo1raine wrote: »
    You're too ugly to look at.

    At least I'm not a space hippie!
  • masterkeychnk5masterkeychnk5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    not a correct assessment? ya, if theres anything im known for, its my incorrect assessments when it comes to ships

    the ha'feh is huge, has excelsior inertia, is easier to hit with spam and TRIBBLE like mines and EWP, cant maneuver through tight spots and has colition issues when flying close to things, and it does not have a LTC sci power, something that can be as deadly as any tac power the ship has. the ha'feh also has 3 eng ens skills if you want to run a smiler 2 AtB build. i dont see a single thing better about it, or that even puts it on par, unless you neeeed the orange diaper on a ship with battle cloak, singularity jump, quantum absorption and APO3 at full up time. i dont.

    oh, if you were referring to the scimitar, its got the vet ship station setup, thats the best station setup of all btw, and 5 forward weapons with 5 tac consoles. its silly to question weather it can hit hardest or not.

    Im sorry but I was simply refering to the Weapon slots and Tac console slots.

    Sure Ha'feh intertia sucks, I simply wasnt refering to the rest of the ups and downs. For waht its worth they can both hit identically hard.

    If you take stuff like that into consideration then you can't really make any correct assesements and i.e. the T'varo could be the hardest hitter for all we know.

    Just sayin if you take all the bridge officer stations etc into the equation stuff can just become a whole lot more complex and the 'highest damage' can suddenly become a very complex discussion.

    If you think your hitbox is too big perhaps fly a Hideki? lol.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] I am not Snakie, MT is!
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Im sorry but I was simply refering to the Weapon slots and Tac console slots.

    Sure Ha'feh intertia sucks, I simply wasnt refering to the rest of the ups and downs. For waht its worth they can both hit identically hard.

    If you take stuff like that into consideration then you can't really make any correct assesements and i.e. the T'varo could be the hardest hitter for all we know.

    Just sayin if you take all the bridge officer stations etc into the equation stuff can just become a whole lot more complex and the 'highest damage' can suddenly become a very complex discussion.

    If you think your hitbox is too big perhaps fly a Hideki? lol.

    every single stat the ship has needs to be considered if we are going to judge the so called best, im not going to look at how many tac consoles it has and stop there. none of this is all that mysterious or hard to apply value to, its old hat, i look at the stats and know how something will perform immediately.

    the tvaro is awesome, but its a ship with bonuses to torpedoes, and torpedoes suck in practice. if you can pull off an attack successfully that involves the beach ball though, all bets are off. i heard they sped it up? haven't used it since then, will need to see. frankly, my favorite thing about it is that its an escort that can heal wile cloaked lol

    being large has been a problem in a dog fight since day 1. its part of why the qin sucks, so much of it sticks out past the pivot point. regardless of were the pivot point is on the Ha'feh, more of the ship will be sticking out past it then on the qin. plus the rest of it sticking out everywhere, running into things, making it easier to out maneuver or get stuck in EWP. its a fact that it sucks to be a large ship in this game, nothing helps translate size into a positive attribute.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    edit: Never mind, I need to do some more testing on that.
  • masterkeychnk5masterkeychnk5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    every single stat the ship has needs to be considered if we are going to judge the so called best, im not going to look at how many tac consoles it has and stop there. none of this is all that mysterious or hard to apply value to, its old hat, i look at the stats and know how something will perform immediately.

    the tvaro is awesome, but its a ship with bonuses to torpedoes, and torpedoes suck in practice. if you can pull off an attack successfully that involves the beach ball though, all bets are off. i heard they sped it up? haven't used it since then, will need to see. frankly, my favorite thing about it is that its an escort that can heal wile cloaked lol

    being large has been a problem in a dog fight since day 1. its part of why the qin sucks, so much of it sticks out past the pivot point. regardless of were the pivot point is on the Ha'feh, more of the ship will be sticking out past it then on the qin. plus the rest of it sticking out everywhere, running into things, making it easier to out maneuver or get stuck in EWP. its a fact that it sucks to be a large ship in this game, nothing helps translate size into a positive attribute.

    Tvaro can do full energy vapes with great success, no torps needed!

    torps are fail most of the time anyway, too much downsides :p
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] I am not Snakie, MT is!
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Tvaro can do full energy vapes with great success, no torps needed!

    torps are fail most of the time anyway, too much downsides :p

    KHG 2pc
    T'varo 2pc
    4x Tac Consoles
    Rule 62

    Higher base damage...Critical Severity.


    75% Kinetic Resistance + whatever other non-specific Shield Damage Reduction that exists.

    They do 5% more damage to Resilient Shields than energy weapons (before the above).

    You don't have to decloak with the torps. You get the full APO +Def while cloaked while only getting 45% of it while uncloaked. +15% Damage while cloaked, +25% Damage for a short period after decloaking.

    Etc, etc, etc...
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    You don't have to decloak with the torps. You get the full APO +Def while cloaked while only getting 45% of it while uncloaked. +15% Damage while cloaked, +25% Damage for a short period after decloaking.

    Etc, etc, etc...

    You don't have to decloak with torps, but decloaking is one of the best parts about cloaking in the first place. ;)

    Stack your APO 3 and Ambush? Now you're at +50% flat damage bonus.

    That's as much as APA grants.

    Got EPTW? A little more sugar on top.

    "A short time"

    Well a good decloak alpha (meaning APA) should take 5s or less to score a kill.

    Even then 1 Superior Infiltrator Reman can suddenly turn your short Ambush bonus into a 15s bonus. The same as your APO 3 bonus.

    @ thread

    Most people see the TVaro and think they absolutely must make a torpedo boat out of it.

    In reality it's probably one of the strongest warbirds available for decloak alpha, hit and run playstyle.

    I know we're living in the day and age of destroyer hybrids, but at 29.7k base hull and 0.99 shield mod - the TVaro is not really "squishy" - especially as a battlecloak means you rarely need to sit and soak constant fire like a typical Fed Escort does.

    Putting it in perspective, the Fleet Defiant has 33k base hull but 0.9 shields.

    The Andorian has 32k base hull, and 0.9 shields.
  • playhard88playhard88 Member Posts: 733 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Ships stats are irrelevant, who cares about stats when u have +25% damage from cloak and a insane critical chance and critical severity
    John Sheridan@playhard88 - FED Tactical
    Vin Naftero@playhard88 - FED Sciencie
    K'tan@playhard88 - KDF Tactical
    Argento@playhard88 - RRF Tactical (FED)
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    You don't have to decloak with torps, but decloaking is one of the best parts about cloaking in the first place. ;)

    Stack your APO 3 and Ambush? Now you're at +50% flat damage bonus.

    That's as much as APA grants.

    Got EPTW? A little more sugar on top.

    "A short time"

    Well a good decloak alpha (meaning APA) should take 5s or less to score a kill.

    Even then 1 Superior Infiltrator Reman can suddenly turn your short Ambush bonus into a 15s bonus. The same as your APO 3 bonus.

    Most people see the TVaro and think they absolutely must make a torpedo boat out of it.

    In reality it's probably one of the strongest warbirds available for decloak alpha, hit and run playstyle.

    you could just ignore the tvaro console torp bonus, but i find it hard too. fireing a torp also lowers the beach ball cooldown with the torp doffs, you can practically spam it. as far as i know, shooting that beach ball torp still lowers the cooldown on everything by 20% even on your captain skills too. its REALLY hard to blow off using a torp instead of BO on a tvaro imo.

    in the same way, the mogai is the energy weapon and BO go to ship, with its console bonus. the dhlean just has enhanced defense score if i recall, so you dont have to lean 1 way or another.

    what makes the warbirds so great, is the boff enhanced declaok bonus damage, and ambush damage duration, but thats not tvaro unique, all war birds do that
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    you could just ignore the tvaro console torp bonus, but i find it hard too. fireing a torp also lowers the beach ball cooldown with the torp doffs, you can practically spam it. as far as i know, shooting that beach ball torp still lowers the cooldown on everything by 20% even on your captain skills too. its REALLY hard to blow off using a torp instead of BO on a tvaro imo.

    I find at the moment, pure energy spike attacks are still the way to go.

    I also try to avoid stuff if it's doing things like lowering captain skills (I know you do too ;)).

    in the same way, the mogai is the energy weapon and BO go to ship,

    Actually when I tested the Mogai 2 piece alone, it seemed too weak to mitigate BOs on its own. Its good for curbing drain on cannon fire though.

    I wish they'd tell us the formula for weapon drain resistance bonus.

    200 seems to be the sweetspot (marion, nadion) with 500 being total overkill (omega weapon amplifier) and 25 seems to be really low.

    So I'd still be going to marion for my energy spike needs.

    I do agree on how great and flexible warbirds are for sure.
  • masterkeychnk5masterkeychnk5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I find at the moment, pure energy spike attacks are still the way to go.

    I also try to avoid stuff if it's doing things like lowering captain skills (I know you do too ;)).

    Actually when I tested the Mogai 2 piece alone, it seemed too weak to mitigate BOs on its own. Its good for curbing drain on cannon fire though.

    I wish they'd tell us the formula for weapon drain resistance bonus.

    200 seems to be the sweetspot (marion, nadion) with 500 being total overkill (omega weapon amplifier) and 25 seems to be really low.

    So I'd still be going to marion for my energy spike needs.

    I do agree on how great and flexible warbirds are for sure.

    Agreed. "Unfortunately"
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] I am not Snakie, MT is!
  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Sounds like the OP needs a more surviable escort, you can't go wrong with the fleet Mogai with the 2 piece console set. 4 eng console slots isn't so bad anymore either with all the great dil mine consoles, you can compensate for the Mogai's slightly worse turn then other escorts with dil mine rcs or armor consoles. Lt Cmdr eng lets you keep epts3 and epte1 up full time and run aux2sif 1or axu2id 1 also. With that and a dil mine armor console you will be mostly invulnerable to the transphasics that would be the main threat to a ship running epts3 and valdore console. Even without cross heals you shouldn't go down without snb and focus fire or extremley well timed alpha.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • doomiciledoomicile Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I hear the Vet Ship is a beast in PvP. I haven't tried it yet but I've seen some impressive videos that makes me consider dusting it off at some point.
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