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drailh Arc User



  • Yes the most important option is missing and no it is not exploration, it is : fix bugs !!
  • Same here, i still have the Romulan only "reinforcements" mission from last year, the one we couldn't finish because you didn't spawn Cmdr Rojal, the one you told us he/she would be there next year. Sorry for being sarcastic but ... i suppose 2015 is a miss too ? And no, before you come in and tell us we should do the Fed…
  • Bumping the topic because of the upcoming Risa 2014 event. Wanted to warn accolade runners that dropping in the air at the exact place where the lighthouse was before the changes on the map does indeed trigger the accolade completion (roughly at 2495 12 723, near the toucan).
  • They surely listen but can't do what they want because : 1 - PWE owns them, thus they lack freedom on the "business" side. 2 - CBS owns the ST franchise, thus they lack freedom on the "creative/artisitic" side. TBH i am pretty amazed at what they managed to do so far with their right hand shackled by Atari/PWE and the left…
  • Ah yes !! An emergency patch and not just a line on next week's patch !! Specially if this bug hits all ground missions because they were already a PITA without this.
  • Tactical bashing is really off. I have all 3 classes and when it comes to ground fighting tacticals are not that good. The only isue with tactical captains is that they are as common as roaches so statistically you have much more chances to tumble on a whiner or n00b.
  • You've seen the light darkness !! Welcome to the dark side !! *hands a cookie to levi3* edit : d'oh, strike BB code doesn't work, stupid basic forums.
  • Not just elite, normal is hit too. Totally unplayable and not possible to finish because of the scripted passage kill to open forcefield.
  • Well you'll have to explain your recipe because we are just like blitzsth and to quote him "FMs is always a struggle". On the other hand we have actualy no issue with dili out of limited time projects and without buying zen (but i guess none of us ever buy things in the shop of dili store). Well first part of my answer was…
  • Wrong, many people don't like running after marks, yet they are important if you are ahead of a 1800 or more marks grind with only a handfull of players in the fleet. Those stupid cooldowns plus the relatively awfull reward vs effort of many missions make things very tedious. So, for many people and espcially in PUGs, the…
  • Just poping to warn the issue seems to be getting worse since recent patchs. Same issue on both comps (Radeon 4870 & 7870). Still awaiting a patch.
  • Between closed games with friends i've done few pugs last days and you are right there is a resurgence of fail commanders ! I will be forever traumtized by those 3 : an AP beam array only tactical armitage (wasn't rainbow at least :rolleyes:), a DHC only front + beam array only aft tactical armitage and a wannabe tactical…
  • Oh that is right, the dying penality if soooo harsh in this game that it is very *VERY* not cool to die and those players are pesky egoists to give you all objectives. Irony asside 99% of the groups can't get 100% success on this mission just blasting mobs on the way so i'll keep running away ... and most of the time doing…
  • I've seen so many many many many horrible-stupid-failfitt-brainless-"i took red because in the series command is red" captains so, do you think i could ask Cryptic to buff up tactical because of them ? This was a sarcastic rethorical question, don't bother answering ...
  • Hey ! We have been slacking on the limited time project : history of the enterprise mainly because the dil was usefull elsewhere but nonetheless we finally completed it ... and we had a good laugh in the end. For the sake of furnishing the base i'll pass on the fact the 12 pretty pictures for 200k dil is harsh. So, we go…
  • Ohh the irony ! The bartender project and its two drop/mission only bottles being a ... bottleneck ! I love bottlenecks :D . . . You can see what is requiered BEFORE selecting a project so, if you selected it without inquiring on what was needed then you are the only one to blame. Ignorance is never an excuse. But seeing…
  • Everyone is getting way too "cube" focused methink. The other day i was in a PUG and it was doing very very well with several 700 days vets (not a proof of anything i know but at least gives hope) and only 1 skittle boat. Edit : and no one with injury !! Hurray !! 1 guy went left, the rest went middle/right (including…
  • Once i saw a Negh'Var 1 shot Kang, it also happened to several players i know, but didn't happen since a long time afaik. Once i was flying right near an Eng Oddy in a buffer Excelsior (AHCR) w/ Maco mk 12 x2/Assimilated Borg x2 ... a Negh'Var spawned near us and straight away 1 shot'd the Oddy then 2 seconds max later 1…
  • No No Cryptic should just add filters to the queue AI, the one almost everyone agree with being ship/captain damaged or not. Personally i would add to such filter for elite STFs the 3 superior service medals accolades + MACO team specialist accolade.
  • While i don't like those leaving because the optional is failed i still totally agree with you. I also think you are too soft in your thoughts so i fix'd it for you.
  • You've got to be kidding. I have finished all red alerts accolades being in my Excelsior retrofit because of the transwarp ability. She was fitted with mk11 stf weapons + the full retro borg set and most of the time i was grabing agro off everyone else. On the other hand, you may have found players who are after the…
  • Yes i do, very well. This setting is defensive, centered on keeping annemy busy + babysitting transport and thus not very DPS efficient, add that you have to split your firepower because most waves spawn ennemies on opposite sides, add that your gravity well keeps ennemies in range of the transport, you risk a nice toasted…
  • Ok, two in a row that talk about it, i'll have a look and run some tests. First, it is not a question it is a fact, i did it that way. Secondly i opened this topic for everyone to talk about their strategy, so if "everyone do it the other way" is so good, go on, feel free to share it because that is exactly what i asked…
  • You can have both Tac Team and Eng Team since they are not the same class. So, fair point, throw away a low level BFaW or TorpS to take a Tac Team instead, but do not remove Eng Team to take AuxtSIF : Eng Team + Transfer Shield Str heal much better and is more flexible.
  • He is pulling on your leg regarding your choice of word : the name of the event is Stabase INCURSION, not invasion like you keep saying.
  • 1 - TBH since most of the time PUGs people don't know squat about step 2 strategies and are a weight for the team : letting them die and/or deal with guards while you go on your own with stealth is the best way to ensure the 4 saboters will be killed. When i PUG this mission that's how i usually save the score to 30ish…
  • Another good guide floating around since june : http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=316591
  • Exact same issue here : the D'Kyr is on the list and the Tal'Kyr is only showing for 8K Dili when all filters are off.
  • I really hope this slider is coming because for now i totally gave up turning data samples and traces to the fleet. Turning 25, 150, 250 or more one at a time is one of the worst design oversight i have ever seen. The accolade "transforming fun into chore" is now yours cryptic ! grats it was worth 100 points !
  • - Stockings option also not showing. - Legs not showing/invisible with skirt at tailor, because of the no stockings bug i suppose. - Rank badges seems to be off by few centimeters on the right when facing character (don't know if it is character or uniform related tho).
    in Tailor Comment by drailh July 2012