So I was told that the DEV's are aware of this and I should wait for them to get back to me ... I doubt I'll see anything coming down the pipe sad really 250.000 dillithium would have helped in the upgrades last week ... felling way past disappointment.
@coldnapalm I have many accounts and each of them rewards me with the Dillithium 25.000 after doing the Fastest Game on Ice winter event re run 2020. ... and I ONLY have issues with my MAIN account. I have been Playing since 2013 so, I know what is what and I know what I am talking about. This post is for the Devs ... GM's…
Yeah i know re read the post I said i talked to the NPC and he gave me a box that says claim for 25000K dill but i can not use the damn box he gave me click the picture link to see what box i am talking about
Sad really that even on the forums Trolls must put there 2 cents of worthless comments in and not stand behind a fellow player for what the posting is about which is about "The Value of Time and Effort" those that are saying i got a fair deal are the ones that most likely spent cash and are Whales in the game. I for one…
reyan01 Any plain tribble and ONE Cream Soda will give you ONE Daring Tribble. Players may only possess a single Daring Tribble. If other Cream Sodas are in your inventory during the tribble breeding time, they will simply be eaten and vanish, not producing any tribbles. reyan01 You go find a Fortune Cookie Tribble
jonsills "You were given, apparently, 1000 Zen, worth $10 USD, in exchange for something you weren't even supposed to have and an imaginary currency that didn't in fact cost you any real money. And now you're complaining about it??? " This is not about the Cost OR the Equivalent ZEN to EC ratio or what ever you call it…
At the time I bought them there was I think 20 in one bundle for 2 Billion EC and then 15 or 20 for 100 million Each and then if I remember right 10 others listed at 70 million each and TEN more at 50 million each so I Snapped at the Seven I could buy
I was going to Resell them at a later date when the value of them would be more that what I spent even a couple thousand EC higher I'd be happy with that but I'm drawing a line " This far and no further" I will even Fax the Games manager to get results Mr Yoon Im Senior Vice President and General Manager of Game Publishing…
I put in 4 maybe 5 Tickets to try and find out how to get the reward Nimbus Pirate Distress Call from the Installation 18 mission and I was emailed back several times. This is a direct QUOTE from your STO Blog " We’ve taken out the “Wasteland,” ..." you can still find these missions in the galaxy at large, but they’re not…
Bugged out at level 2 left got a leaver penalty ( WHICH JUST PISSES ME OFF TO NO END ) tried again and Bugged out at Level 3. Really how much more of this game can they break and NOT fix I'm getting tilled and fell like I'm about ready to totally walk away from the game and all the bull TRIBBLE patch re patch fix NO fix "…
chernogogx that's so we can get a sense of reporting a problem, but in reality it is mostly the same people in charge of the game content they do not have a huge staff less than 150 people work at CRYPTIC and most do double duty, some program some code some do art/graphics, and all of them do a good job don't get me wrong…
Fill pet team list /fillpetteamlist WONT work I've tried for the last 2 hours and I get No Boffs WTF I guess the saying Scotty says :" The more they overthink the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain." comes to mind. Soon the game will be over taken with content that works half assed and us lemmings will keep…
I put in 4 maybe 5 Tickets to try and find out how to get the reward Nimbus Pirate Distress Call from the Installation 18 mission and I was emailed back several times. This is a direct QUOTE from your STO Blog " We’ve taken out the “Wasteland,” ..." you can still find these missions in the galaxy at large, but they’re not…
flesson616 ......... join my KDF Armada for glorious Battle please in game mail me at Greka@urussig#3394 to join let me know what time zone your in thanks
So I go to this give a way You have a link for https://na.alienwarearena. com/ucf/show/1563103/boards/contest-and-giveaways-global/Giveaway/star-trek-online-federation-orion-science-bridge-officer-key-giveaway And start to get this ARP level they require to enter the contest only to be told by another forum user on there…
SEEMS like the support server is now down too maybe the console crossover broke something lol ... perhaps a tree fell on a power line in a wind storm OR a cat jumped in front of a car and the car hit a power pole mmMMmmer
Since the log in server and perhaps even the game server and perhaps even the whole system is down WHY not do the UPDATES NOW and save time and Update the system tonight so yah don't have to do it on the 25th... Just sayin maybe MMmmeeeerr oh no... did some one try to Play via a PS4 or Xbox and wiped out the whole platform…
Well blessed be the R&D Gods on STOL I Received a gift of Gummere for my R&D DOFF whew it was about 180 hours of requesting the R&D assistance before he was in my roster tucked away until i was doing some crafting and Whala TADA there he is Thanks to everyone that answered my noobish questions :)
All good info to know Thanks guys/girls which ever the case may be... I just want to make sure that my toon/toon's get the full range of the XP from what I have read that with out the AEGIS GUMARRE in your roster you lose out on some serious X P and crafting skills down the road I want to get the most bang for my BUCK$…