if you pop another animated skill, like attack patterns, teams, etc (including skills set to auto), move L/R stick to retarget, or hit A to fire weapons during the roll. It can clip the animation and cancel the skill. Tested it in 1v1 arena last night and I've done it right as i hit r&r and went straight to cooldown as…
all romulans are broken this way, kdf and fed. PWE will not refund you, however, if you politely bring this complaint to xbox/ps4 support....they might. It's happened before already, with this very game. If they get enough complaints and refund requests, they will take action and apply pressure on PWE to fix their game or…
also, the "science profession objective cannot be completed while escorting deligates to hangar bay. Played this quest today with my federation Romulan science captain, and both the "injured security officer" I'm supposed to help, and the map waypoint to their location are missing entirely, making the objective a 100%…
some can some can't. I assume it's crappy coding with older gear. iirc you need temporal rep mastery to get the free upgrade for UR mk XIII with rep gear, and can upgrade to mkXIV from there..... XBOX does not have the full rep system yet. I noticed with loot sets....some allow a free MK XI to XII upgrade or MKII to MKIII…
you can't read, can you? I am not talking about the PROGRESS TAB that showed you all the rewards and unlocks you got every level. yes, i read release notes. I'm talking about the expierence bar at the very top of your STATS TAB right above total health, that showed current exp / exp needed to level. progress BAR ....not…
yup, i was wearing my second tab uniform, stopped at tailor to adjust something...and got forced into outfit 1 Fleet outfit tab is un-equipable as well.
diplomacy is part of the duty officer system that is currently NOT available on console version.....even though captain stats shows it unlocking at lvl 11......and ignore all those duty officer level rewards as well.....i highly doubt they will patch it retroactively when they do add it. :/