I've seen elsewhere others mention that... I have yet to, in any Event at all, get that box. I've been getting random amounts of dilithium, though, when I run the event daily. It's a weird, strange little bug... The only thing I'm definitely getting is points toward the Campaign (50 every day, like we're supposed to).
Urgh. If it's a bug, fine--whatever. I just really, really don't want my account suspended if I accidentally, due to a bug I wasn't aware of or can't control, got more of an award than what the game intended.
I imagine STO, itself, is pretty insulated... Speaking strictly as a layman, it doesn't appear that STO profited from much of anything involved from the principle lawsuit. The Tardigrade you get from the starter pack, it could be argued, came strictly complementary and thereby STO received no profit from it--the characters…
Biggest question: is this more going to be more of a subfaction under the Feds (a la, AOY), or is this completely replacing the Feds starting missions? What I mean is, is this more of a mini-expansion, or is it revamp of sorts?
I've read 5.5 of the 7 pages so far, and I haven't really seen the following question explicitly asked or answered (if I'm wrong, please be gentle): Am I correct in speculating that there will be at least one playable ship that's free to start with for the Jems (a la basic frigates that all three factions (counting the…
Makes sense. I was getting my butt beat for a while, but now have a build that can take it. The only two ships on that toon that I'd use with hangars are the Khopesh and the Jhu'ael; but my main Fl. Mogai, of course, doesn't have one, and I don't think I'll be switching from it for a while, and I probably won't be…
Update: Now flying Fleet Mogai (T6); same general setup, but now with the two Fleet Neutronium [+Turn] consoles; the added hull and shield mod from the upgraded Mogai, and the extra turn rate, have added a lot more survivability. I'm now flying through Advanced queues with relative ease, and even CC advanced has me barely…
Hmmm... I'm going to try switching SaYP and Regroup tomorrow... But, for now...I actually replaced CRF2 with FA2, and replaced Coldhearted with Numerical Superiority. Holy TRIBBLE are enemies popping like red-zits. Oh, for some reason I thought the leech was only draining from the primary target--is that not true?
Alright, here's the updated build based on your ideas @coldnapalm and someone's from Reddit (yes, I know...I cheated on you a little bit): http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/5bfb73b58a59bc423d76f2b505481eb1 Explanation: finally started to understand that I needed Technician DOFFs to make AtB work--didn't have any purple on…
Okay, so I'm going to scrap that build... I fully understand the idea behind the build--damage more to heal more--but I just don't have access to some of the equipment required to run that idea. I don't really have anything beyond the Reputation gear that I either already have or can grind-out; and my fleet doesn't have…