Started newest Event on PS4. Turned in my 14 legacy tokens, ran the event for first-day bonus of 8k dil. Noticed on another toon that countdown hadn't started for cooldown, thought maybe it didn't register my first play. So ran TFO on that toon. Not only did countdown not initiate for cooldown, I noticed I got 9k dil, and that 10k was primed to be played for.
Can anyone from Cryptic or anyone part of the dev team please confirm whether this is intentional or if this is a bug? I'd hope it's a special gift to us, but I don't want to presume and then get in trouble and/or banned for exploitation.
Side note: The Campaign total didn't change--it's still only the 50 points earned instead of 100 like it could have inadvertently been. Seems like this is just affecting the dilithium bonus.
Additional SIDE NOTE: Apparently this may just be a display bug in the Event screen--players are saying they're only getting the 8k, not the additional 9k or 10k. Either way, we just want to clarify. We don't want to be banned/punished for just playing the game

Also, please don't punish those who noticed it after the 9k or even 10k bonuses--we're reporting this in good faith!
Different bug from the last cockup that messed up the bonus dil so looks like they did a "fix" with the usual lacking QA.