I'm looking forward to the next set of announcements. I'm very curious to see what the starter ship will be and what our level 61 choices are. I'd be very disappointed if there's no option for a bug ship. I mean what's the point of playing JH if you can't put him in a bug ship?
If Vorta are above Jem'Hadar in terms of the structure in the Dominion ranks, then why would a Vorta or changling, especially a changling serve a Jem'Hadar? The Former could work if there was the right storyline to it, but a changling? i mean it is completely backwards. why would the Jem'Hadar and Vorta willingly allow one of their gods to be put in harms way and why would a changling even care? They have shown no interest in getting involved in the concerns of solids unless they have little other alternative or for formal events.
A Vorta boff is very possible within the storyline, not tied to a pack but a Changling doesn't make any senseand some explanation is needed.
Same reason as why a Orion or Cardassian rant on about honour and glory for the Empire! The story/dialogue doesn't need to make sense. Sure made zero sense for my Romulan who doesn't like D'Tan and his reforms to partner up with Fed/Klings.
For the changeling it could be one of the 100 hundred "lost children" who is a infant and just learning everything. For Vorta I'd say it doesn't matter much. With a few line tweaks they could do both. But I guess they rather keep the voice work simple.
"Great men are not peacemakers, Great men are conquerors!" - Captain Archer" "When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way." - Captain Janeway #Support Mirror Universe I.S.S. Prefixes
Any chance that anything else might be added at the last minute as it was the case with AoY packs to the Gamma Vanguard Pack?
I would certainly love to have a Vorta or Changeling BoFF, pack of permanent (not consumable) white ketracel or even those fancy vorta pilot glasses (Virtual display devices). As of now the Gamma Vanguard Pack could look more enticing. Just curios.
Since it isn't last minute ,yet, I certainly could see something else being added if not the starter pack the bigger package. I'm still trying to remember hasn't the other expansion Starter Packs included a low level starter ship? Anyways, if anything else is added the question will become does it add value or is it a novelty or both. SO far both packs feel like Cryptic is charging the same but offering less in them imo.
I thought that Dominion piloting visor was already in-game at the Tailor?
I could easily see a Vorta BOFF & that would be good but a poor substitute since I still think it would be a missed opportunity & a bit of a failure if Cryptic doesn't include Vorta as a playable character. The Changeling in any reasonable capacity would be more challenging since they are so powerful with their abilities. If anything it would probably be some sort of watered-down Changeling.
If I'm remembering correctly I don't think the initial AoY announcement had all the items listed, I could be wrong though.
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
If Vorta are above Jem'Hadar in terms of the structure in the Dominion ranks, then why would a Vorta or changling, especially a changling serve a Jem'Hadar? The Former could work if there was the right storyline to it, but a changling? i mean it is completely backwards. why would the Jem'Hadar and Vorta willingly allow one of their gods to be put in harms way and why would a changling even care? They have shown no interest in getting involved in the concerns of solids unless they have little other alternative or for formal events.
A Vorta boff is very possible within the storyline, not tied to a pack but a Changling doesn't make any senseand some explanation is needed.
Same reason as why a Orion or Cardassian rant on about honour and glory for the Empire! The story/dialogue doesn't need to make sense. Sure made zero sense for my Romulan who doesn't like D'Tan and his reforms to partner up with Fed/Klings.
For the changeling it could be one of the 100 hundred "lost children" who is a infant and just learning everything. For Vorta I'd say it doesn't matter much. With a few line tweaks they could do both. But I guess they rather keep the voice work simple.
It has to make some sort of sense, i mean asking a Founder to pledge loyalty to the founders and the Jem'Hadar first makes no sense what so ever. there would have to be some sort of sense.
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
> @evilmark444 said: > nommo#5819 wrote: » > > starcruiser#3423 wrote: » > > Any chance that anything else might be added at the last minute as it was the case with AoY packs to the Gamma Vanguard Pack? > > I would certainly love to have a Vorta or Changeling BoFF, pack of permanent (not consumable) white ketracel or even those fancy vorta pilot glasses (Virtual display devices). As of now the Gamma Vanguard Pack could look more enticing. Just curios. > > > > > Since it isn't last minute ,yet, I certainly could see something else being added if not the starter pack the bigger package. I'm still trying to remember hasn't the other expansion Starter Packs included a low level starter ship? Anyways, if anything else is added the question will become does it add value or is it a novelty or both. SO far both packs feel like Cryptic is charging the same but offering less in them imo. > > I thought that Dominion piloting visor was already in-game at the Tailor? > > I could easily see a Vorta BOFF & that would be good but a poor substitute since I still think it would be a missed opportunity & a bit of a failure if Cryptic doesn't include Vorta as a playable character. The Changeling in any reasonable capacity would be more challenging since they are so powerful with their abilities. If anything it would probably be some sort of watered-down Changeling. > > > > > If I'm remembering correctly I don't think the initial AoY announcement had all the items listed, I could be wrong though.
Did the prices remain the same? Or did they jump up after the increase of items?
"Great men are not peacemakers, Great men are conquerors!" - Captain Archer" "When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way." - Captain Janeway #Support Mirror Universe I.S.S. Prefixes
I came back saw my favorite jemhadar being featured into the game.
i saw the vanguard pack and thought oh how nice untill i quickly realised its FAULTY and Incomplete.
there is no Attack ship tier 5 wich unlocks hangar frigates in the pack.
There is no strike or recon ship for the modules and hangar frigate pets unlocks.
to Think they got the guts to charge 125 euro for this incomplete and faulty bundle is quite insane.
Predatory marketing at its best.
cryptic fix your mistakes.. Incomplete bundles and faulty packs does not fly here....
It's likely incomplete because they are still deciding on the rest of the pack's line up. I think if they do decide to put the Attack ship in the pack, they won't put the T6 version in as well (they didn't do it for the T6 versions of the other two ships that used to be lock box or Lobi ships).
The T6 strike ship & Recon ship is one of the big money makers from the R&D box. I don't see them getting rid of it anytime soon.
Assuming the bundle ships come with the consoles, there is one more ship that will be needed to complete the Dominion Console Set: Jem'Hadar Strike Ship
And it's only the Strike Ship that has the console, the Attack Ship does not.
I made sure to acquire a Phoenix Token to be able of acquiring the Attack Ship, but it looks like all that will achieve is a Dominion themed Hanger Pet unlock.
So I really hope they do decide to incorporate the Strike Ship into the Bundle.
It could be that they were not thinking about the console set, or maybe they're going to remove the T5 ship consoles from the set. As I said in my above reply, the T6 strike ship is only available in an R&D pack promotion or for insane EC on the exchange, so it's going to be hard to get one.
So everyone else gets all the Jem'Hadar faction's ships, and their own faction's unique ships, and Jem'Hadars only get the ships that they're sharing with everyone else?
Seems like it takes away a lot from playing a Jem'Hadar character, if they have no unique ships of their own.
I think it's likely (though by no means certain) that Jem'Hadar are in a very similar position to TOS-FED. They offer a new starting point but aren't meant to offer a full faction experience on their own. I think they'll get their allies T6 ships as well. Think of how multi-faction packs would work if Jem'Hadar were given full parity. You'd have a FED, KDF, and ROM option, exclusive to each faction, and then a DOM option that anyone could use. It would be maddeningly counter productive (as the one DOM ship immediately invalidates the functional purpose [though not the aesthetic one] of having a big bundle.)
That doesn't necessarily preclude more DOM ships in future, separate from the other factions. But, I would not be trying to put the Dominion into the terms everyone else (besides TOS FED) plays by. These guys will function differently, whatever the specifics may actually be.
Kind of a disappointment that Jems have to share all their ships. I think people would have been fine if the Jems got their own and the lockbox ones were left as-is.
Provided DOM players continued getting ships, at 33% more workload per bundle for Cryptic. Again, Jem'Hadar don't have full parity. They are comparable to TOS-FED.
Besides, new Jem'Hadar ships can be added to the faction as time goes by.
Any chance that anything else might be added at the last minute as it was the case with AoY packs to the Gamma Vanguard Pack?
I would certainly love to have a Vorta or Changeling BoFF, pack of permanent (not consumable) white ketracel or even those fancy vorta pilot glasses (Virtual display devices). As of now the Gamma Vanguard Pack could look more enticing. Just curios.
Since it isn't last minute ,yet, I certainly could see something else being added if not the starter pack the bigger package. I'm still trying to remember hasn't the other expansion Starter Packs included a low level starter ship? Anyways, if anything else is added the question will become does it add value or is it a novelty or both. SO far both packs feel like Cryptic is charging the same but offering less in them imo.
I thought that Dominion piloting visor was already in-game at the Tailor?
I could easily see a Vorta BOFF & that would be good but a poor substitute since I still think it would be a missed opportunity & a bit of a failure if Cryptic doesn't include Vorta as a playable character. The Changeling in any reasonable capacity would be more challenging since they are so powerful with their abilities. If anything it would probably be some sort of watered-down Changeling.
If I'm remembering correctly I don't think the initial AoY announcement had all the items listed, I could be wrong though.
The Temporal Raider was sqeaked in at the last moment.
I don't know if it was by request from Facebook/Forum/Players or if it was running late in development and they didn't know if it would be ready in time for the release of AoY.
Any chance that anything else might be added at the last minute as it was the case with AoY packs to the Gamma Vanguard Pack?
I would certainly love to have a Vorta or Changeling BoFF, pack of permanent (not consumable) white ketracel or even those fancy vorta pilot glasses (Virtual display devices). As of now the Gamma Vanguard Pack could look more enticing. Just curios.
Since it isn't last minute ,yet, I certainly could see something else being added if not the starter pack the bigger package. I'm still trying to remember hasn't the other expansion Starter Packs included a low level starter ship? Anyways, if anything else is added the question will become does it add value or is it a novelty or both. SO far both packs feel like Cryptic is charging the same but offering less in them imo.
I thought that Dominion piloting visor was already in-game at the Tailor?
I could easily see a Vorta BOFF & that would be good but a poor substitute since I still think it would be a missed opportunity & a bit of a failure if Cryptic doesn't include Vorta as a playable character. The Changeling in any reasonable capacity would be more challenging since they are so powerful with their abilities. If anything it would probably be some sort of watered-down Changeling.
Yep, I use the Dominion visor on a few of my Boffs.
I hope that the Changelings get a revamp in the visual effects department, but a liquified form is probably one of the more challenging aspects for game design. It's ok for the few scenes that it's shown, but for a Boff, it's going to loose it's appeal.
The Strike Ship/Recon Ship is the one item I am dubious about if we will get it for being a Jem'Hadar.
TruthfullyHonestly, I expect that it will not be offered readily because it will diminish the sales of the scheduled sales of the R&D packs when that ship is part of the prize table.
So this would be an excellent time to show Customer Loyalty is valued more then dollars and include it for JH/Dominion characters to buy directly.
On the other hand, there are so many players who chase after that prize ship to either sell on exchange or have it on a non-Dominion character I don't believe selling it directly will affect those sales at all. But it could possibly lower the price on exchange if it's not such a rare item anymore.
My theory is that Vorta may end up being a lifetime subscriber benefit, like Talaxians are for the DQ update.
I did have an idea that a more intelligent/reasonable Vorta might decide to serve as a science officer instead of a commander and let the actual First lead while pretending to still be in command to appease their Founder overlords.
Given that Firsts are known to execute Vortas if displeased with leadership, voluntarily giving it away and continuing to live would be a better choice then an ignoble death to an irritated First.....
Bees like honey, they don't like vinegar.
Everytime someone makes a character that is an copy of an existing superhuman, Creativity is sad
Each Expansion Pack had ship(s) added after it was announced. As far as adding in a low rank 'Starter' ship. That would be at least a T5 as, if I am correct, the starting Level for the Jem'Hadar is 60 and not 1.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
I believe they will indeed add more to the larger of the two packs, maybe even something small to the lower tier pack. As others have pointed out, they tend to do that. Throw the initial pack out there, see how many folks bite, let it sit there for a week or two then announce they are adding *X* to the pack to sweeten the deal and get even more folks to buy.
Could it be a Jem Bug Ship? Possibly.
Could it be a Jem'Hadar or even a Vorta BOff? Perhaps.
Cardassian uniform? One can hope.
A DOff pack? Maybe.
More titles? Let's hope not.
Anyway, the expansion isn't live yet and they've shown in the past they are willing to add more items into these types of packs. So until the expansion does go LIVE, I won't complain about what isn't in the pack.
Hello. My name is iamynaught and I am an altaholic.
Hey did anyone else notice that the cardassian intel flight deck cruise says “can utilize its Cardassian Cloaking Device”. What is a cardassian cloaking device? Are cardassians getting their own cloak, like romulans have their own battle cloak? If so I am going to pretend that the cardassians have secretly been building massive new fleets of cloaked ships!
Any chance that anything else might be added at the last minute as it was the case with AoY packs to the Gamma Vanguard Pack?
I would certainly love to have a Vorta or Changeling BoFF, pack of permanent (not consumable) white ketracel or even those fancy vorta pilot glasses (Virtual display devices). As of now the Gamma Vanguard Pack could look more enticing. Just curios.
Since it isn't last minute ,yet, I certainly could see something else being added if not the starter pack the bigger package. I'm still trying to remember hasn't the other expansion Starter Packs included a low level starter ship? Anyways, if anything else is added the question will become does it add value or is it a novelty or both. SO far both packs feel like Cryptic is charging the same but offering less in them imo.
I thought that Dominion piloting visor was already in-game at the Tailor?
I could easily see a Vorta BOFF & that would be good but a poor substitute since I still think it would be a missed opportunity & a bit of a failure if Cryptic doesn't include Vorta as a playable character. The Changeling in any reasonable capacity would be more challenging since they are so powerful with their abilities. If anything it would probably be some sort of watered-down Changeling.
If I'm remembering correctly I don't think the initial AoY announcement had all the items listed, I could be wrong though.
The Temporal Raider was sqeaked in at the last moment.
I don't know if it was by request from Facebook/Forum/Players or if it was running late in development and they didn't know if it would be ready in time for the release of AoY.
I'm pretty sure EVERY expansion bundle has had stuff added at the last moment. LoR, the bundle had a t5 ship added right before launch. DR, the XSV got added last minute. so yeah.....
Hey did anyone else notice that the cardassian intel flight deck cruise says “can utilize its Cardassian Cloaking Device”. What is a cardassian cloaking device? Are cardassians getting their own cloak, like romulans have their own battle cloak?
It's from this episode.
The Tal'Shiar outfitted Obsidian Order warships with cloaking devices for a joint assault on the Founder's homeworld.
So I'm assuming a Cardassian Cloaking device is just a borrowed Romulan Cloaking device, which would explain how it can battle cloak.
Bees like honey, they don't like vinegar.
Everytime someone makes a character that is an copy of an existing superhuman, Creativity is sad
Hey did anyone else notice that the cardassian intel flight deck cruise says “can utilize its Cardassian Cloaking Device”. What is a cardassian cloaking device? Are cardassians getting their own cloak, like romulans have their own battle cloak?
It's from this episode.
The Tal'Shiar outfitted Obsidian Order warships with cloaking devices for a joint assault on the Founder's homeworld.
So I'm assuming a Cardassian Cloaking device is just a borrowed Romulan Cloaking device, which would explain how it can battle cloak.
It has been 40 years since then. They would have built their own cloaks by now.
"Great men are not peacemakers, Great men are conquerors!" - Captain Archer" "When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way." - Captain Janeway #Support Mirror Universe I.S.S. Prefixes
> @terranempire#7881 said: > tilarta wrote: » > > oninotaki18 wrote: » > > Hey did anyone else notice that the cardassian intel flight deck cruise says “can utilize its Cardassian Cloaking Device”. What is a cardassian cloaking device? Are cardassians getting their own cloak, like romulans have their own battle cloak? > > > > > It's from this episode. > The Tal'Shiar outfitted Obsidian Order warships with cloaking devices for a joint assault on the Founder's homeworld. > So I'm assuming a Cardassian Cloaking device is just a borrowed Romulan Cloaking device, which would explain how it can battle cloak. > > > > > It has been 40 years since then. They would have built their own cloaks by now.
Plus the Obisidian Order is filled with some of the best spies and thanks to the Dominion they have had plenty of time to study cloaking technology, especially they watched the Romulans putting cloaking tech on Cardassian ships and then later studying captured Klingon and Romulan vessels among others. So with time their scientists would easily have a head start on building a new cloaking tech designed to work with and take advantage of Cardassian Technology.
One possiblity that make Cardassian Cloaks different is that maybe its more resistant to Antiproton Sweeps as they had plenty of time to study that technology as well during the Dominion war and have had the time to prefect it since.
> @evilmark444 said:
> nommo#5819 wrote: »
> starcruiser#3423 wrote: »
> Any chance that anything else might be added at the last minute as it was the case with AoY packs to the Gamma Vanguard Pack?
> I would certainly love to have a Vorta or Changeling BoFF, pack of permanent (not consumable) white ketracel or even those fancy vorta pilot glasses (Virtual display devices). As of now the Gamma Vanguard Pack could look more enticing. Just curios.
> Since it isn't last minute ,yet, I certainly could see something else being added if not the starter pack the bigger package. I'm still trying to remember hasn't the other expansion Starter Packs included a low level starter ship? Anyways, if anything else is added the question will become does it add value or is it a novelty or both. SO far both packs feel like Cryptic is charging the same but offering less in them imo.
> I thought that Dominion piloting visor was already in-game at the Tailor?
> I could easily see a Vorta BOFF & that would be good but a poor substitute since I still think it would be a missed opportunity & a bit of a failure if Cryptic doesn't include Vorta as a playable character. The Changeling in any reasonable capacity would be more challenging since they are so powerful with their abilities. If anything it would probably be some sort of watered-down Changeling.
> If I'm remembering correctly I don't think the initial AoY announcement had all the items listed, I could be wrong though.
Did the prices remain the same? Or did they jump up after the increase of items?
As far as I can remember, they kept the same price, even with last minute additions.
> @terranempire#7881 said:
> tilarta wrote: »
> oninotaki18 wrote: »
> Hey did anyone else notice that the cardassian intel flight deck cruise says “can utilize its Cardassian Cloaking Device”. What is a cardassian cloaking device? Are cardassians getting their own cloak, like romulans have their own battle cloak?
> It's from this episode.
> The Tal'Shiar outfitted Obsidian Order warships with cloaking devices for a joint assault on the Founder's homeworld.
> So I'm assuming a Cardassian Cloaking device is just a borrowed Romulan Cloaking device, which would explain how it can battle cloak.
> It has been 40 years since then. They would have built their own cloaks by now.
Plus the Obisidian Order is filled with some of the best spies and thanks to the Dominion they have had plenty of time to study cloaking technology, especially they watched the Romulans putting cloaking tech on Cardassian ships and then later studying captured Klingon and Romulan vessels among others. So with time their scientists would easily have a head start on building a new cloaking tech designed to work with and take advantage of Cardassian Technology.
One possiblity that make Cardassian Cloaks different is that maybe its more resistant to Antiproton Sweeps as they had plenty of time to study that technology as well during the Dominion war and have had the time to prefect it since.
Yeah, heck, they may be studying Star Fleet and Klingon ship technology thanks to this update.
> @terranempire#7881 said:
> tilarta wrote: »
> oninotaki18 wrote: »
> Hey did anyone else notice that the cardassian intel flight deck cruise says “can utilize its Cardassian Cloaking Device”. What is a cardassian cloaking device? Are cardassians getting their own cloak, like romulans have their own battle cloak?
> It's from this episode.
> The Tal'Shiar outfitted Obsidian Order warships with cloaking devices for a joint assault on the Founder's homeworld.
> So I'm assuming a Cardassian Cloaking device is just a borrowed Romulan Cloaking device, which would explain how it can battle cloak.
> It has been 40 years since then. They would have built their own cloaks by now.
Plus the Obisidian Order is filled with some of the best spies and thanks to the Dominion they have had plenty of time to study cloaking technology, especially they watched the Romulans putting cloaking tech on Cardassian ships and then later studying captured Klingon and Romulan vessels among others. So with time their scientists would easily have a head start on building a new cloaking tech designed to work with and take advantage of Cardassian Technology.
One possiblity that make Cardassian Cloaks different is that maybe its more resistant to Antiproton Sweeps as they had plenty of time to study that technology as well during the Dominion war and have had the time to prefect it since.
For all intents and purposes the Obsidian order was destroyed completely by the Dominion, a little before the Dominion war started up. The Dominion wanted to remove the Tal Shiar and Obsidian order because they are a threat to their capabilities.
There is no Obsidian Order, nothing, it was destroyed. There is no study of technologies, there is no development of new technologies. i will state it one last time, the Obsidian Order was destroyed. Even if it had survived, it would take a lot longer for it to get back to a point where it can be the intelligence asset it once was because it would have to build up from nothing, that includes finding ways to bankroll the whole thing without leaving any trace of themselves or their activities. even 40 years wouldn't restore even a quarter of their previous ability with an intelligence group that complex.
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
> @mirrorchaos said: > lordgyor wrote: » > > > @terranempire#7881 said: > > tilarta wrote: » > > > > oninotaki18 wrote: » > > > > Hey did anyone else notice that the cardassian intel flight deck cruise says “can utilize its Cardassian Cloaking Device”. What is a cardassian cloaking device? Are cardassians getting their own cloak, like romulans have their own battle cloak? > > > > > > > > > > It's from this episode. > > The Tal'Shiar outfitted Obsidian Order warships with cloaking devices for a joint assault on the Founder's homeworld. > > So I'm assuming a Cardassian Cloaking device is just a borrowed Romulan Cloaking device, which would explain how it can battle cloak. > > > > > > > > > > It has been 40 years since then. They would have built their own cloaks by now. > > Plus the Obisidian Order is filled with some of the best spies and thanks to the Dominion they have had plenty of time to study cloaking technology, especially they watched the Romulans putting cloaking tech on Cardassian ships and then later studying captured Klingon and Romulan vessels among others. So with time their scientists would easily have a head start on building a new cloaking tech designed to work with and take advantage of Cardassian Technology. > > One possiblity that make Cardassian Cloaks different is that maybe its more resistant to Antiproton Sweeps as they had plenty of time to study that technology as well during the Dominion war and have had the time to prefect it since. > > > > > For all intents and purposes the Obsidian order was destroyed completely by the Dominion, a little before the Dominion war started up. The Dominion wanted to remove the Tal Shiar and Obsidian order because they are a threat to their capabilities. > > There is no Obsidian Order, nothing, it was destroyed. There is no study of technologies, there is no development of new technologies. i will state it one last time, the Obsidian Order was destroyed. Even if it had survived, it would take a lot longer for it to get back to a point where it can be the intelligence asset it once was because it would have to build up from nothing, that includes finding ways to bankroll the whole thing without leaving any trace of themselves or their activities. even 40 years wouldn't restore even a quarter of their previous ability with an intelligence group that complex.
> @mirrorchaos said:
> lordgyor wrote: »
> > @terranempire#7881 said:
> > tilarta wrote: »
> >
> > oninotaki18 wrote: »
> >
> > Hey did anyone else notice that the cardassian intel flight deck cruise says “can utilize its Cardassian Cloaking Device”. What is a cardassian cloaking device? Are cardassians getting their own cloak, like romulans have their own battle cloak?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > It's from this episode.
> > The Tal'Shiar outfitted Obsidian Order warships with cloaking devices for a joint assault on the Founder's homeworld.
> > So I'm assuming a Cardassian Cloaking device is just a borrowed Romulan Cloaking device, which would explain how it can battle cloak.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > It has been 40 years since then. They would have built their own cloaks by now.
> Plus the Obisidian Order is filled with some of the best spies and thanks to the Dominion they have had plenty of time to study cloaking technology, especially they watched the Romulans putting cloaking tech on Cardassian ships and then later studying captured Klingon and Romulan vessels among others. So with time their scientists would easily have a head start on building a new cloaking tech designed to work with and take advantage of Cardassian Technology.
> One possiblity that make Cardassian Cloaks different is that maybe its more resistant to Antiproton Sweeps as they had plenty of time to study that technology as well during the Dominion war and have had the time to prefect it since.
> For all intents and purposes the Obsidian order was destroyed completely by the Dominion, a little before the Dominion war started up. The Dominion wanted to remove the Tal Shiar and Obsidian order because they are a threat to their capabilities.
> There is no Obsidian Order, nothing, it was destroyed. There is no study of technologies, there is no development of new technologies. i will state it one last time, the Obsidian Order was destroyed. Even if it had survived, it would take a lot longer for it to get back to a point where it can be the intelligence asset it once was because it would have to build up from nothing, that includes finding ways to bankroll the whole thing without leaving any trace of themselves or their activities. even 40 years wouldn't restore even a quarter of their previous ability with an intelligence group that complex.
If Section 31 came back so can the Obsidian Order
I would actually like one of the new missions to basically play Garek off as still working for the Obsidian Order and make the Fed's look like the stupid chumps they really are.
> @mirrorchaos said:
> lordgyor wrote: »
> > @terranempire#7881 said:
> > tilarta wrote: »
> >
> > oninotaki18 wrote: »
> >
> > Hey did anyone else notice that the cardassian intel flight deck cruise says “can utilize its Cardassian Cloaking Device”. What is a cardassian cloaking device? Are cardassians getting their own cloak, like romulans have their own battle cloak?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > It's from this episode.
> > The Tal'Shiar outfitted Obsidian Order warships with cloaking devices for a joint assault on the Founder's homeworld.
> > So I'm assuming a Cardassian Cloaking device is just a borrowed Romulan Cloaking device, which would explain how it can battle cloak.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > It has been 40 years since then. They would have built their own cloaks by now.
> Plus the Obisidian Order is filled with some of the best spies and thanks to the Dominion they have had plenty of time to study cloaking technology, especially they watched the Romulans putting cloaking tech on Cardassian ships and then later studying captured Klingon and Romulan vessels among others. So with time their scientists would easily have a head start on building a new cloaking tech designed to work with and take advantage of Cardassian Technology.
> One possiblity that make Cardassian Cloaks different is that maybe its more resistant to Antiproton Sweeps as they had plenty of time to study that technology as well during the Dominion war and have had the time to prefect it since.
> For all intents and purposes the Obsidian order was destroyed completely by the Dominion, a little before the Dominion war started up. The Dominion wanted to remove the Tal Shiar and Obsidian order because they are a threat to their capabilities.
> There is no Obsidian Order, nothing, it was destroyed. There is no study of technologies, there is no development of new technologies. i will state it one last time, the Obsidian Order was destroyed. Even if it had survived, it would take a lot longer for it to get back to a point where it can be the intelligence asset it once was because it would have to build up from nothing, that includes finding ways to bankroll the whole thing without leaving any trace of themselves or their activities. even 40 years wouldn't restore even a quarter of their previous ability with an intelligence group that complex.
If Section 31 came back so can the Obsidian Order
Section 31 was never in a war with anyone and only one agent was caught and i seriously doubt their agency was just one man. So you tell me, was the agency of Section 31 just one man or was it made to look like it was dead so starfleet would stop chasing their organisation?
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
The Obsidian Order got killed off in the Dominion war. Apparently some of the remnants that survived became part of the True Way. So there's not much left of the Order. Whatever's left probably got absorbed into the security forces of the current Cardassian government.
I've read 5.5 of the 7 pages so far, and I haven't really seen the following question explicitly asked or answered (if I'm wrong, please be gentle):
Am I correct in speculating that there will be at least one playable ship that's free to start with for the Jems (a la basic frigates that all three factions (counting the Roms/TOSs as halfish each) got at start)? If so, am I far off in guessing that the free ship might well be some version of the Scarab (even if, maybe, slightly neutered when compared to Lobi/Lockbox version)?
Next aside, anyone else notice that the Jem'Hadar Vanguard head-shots lack any KW tubing? It could simply be hard to see beneath those luscious locks, but I thought of it when someone earlier in the thread called the Jems "recovering addicts" (or something akin). Could it be that the "Van'Hadar" are actually un-addicted to KW and maybe that's what separates them from your basic/free Jems?
Next, next aside, anyone have any idea if the two T-5 "OGs" will port with their respective consoles? If not, I can understand; if so, that's a nice sweetener.
Next, next, next aside, will the Vanguard Dreadnought be kit-bashable with the T-5 "OG"? Again, if not, I can understand; if yes, then noyse!
Final aside, is there any explanation as to why the Cardies get cloaking devices? I'm well aware that Tain's failed fleet all cloaks in their ill-fated stop at the Founders' non-homeworld, but:
a) it's assumed (albeit not confirmed) that they all went bye-bye in that mission
b) it's implied (but not, to my knowledge, expressed) that the Romulans' leash they held on the lease of that tech was quite short, meaning it was probably installed but not shared
Yours truly,
Your slightly-inferior, ever sycophantic PS4 half-brother
Same reason as why a Orion or Cardassian rant on about honour and glory for the Empire! The story/dialogue doesn't need to make sense. Sure made zero sense for my Romulan who doesn't like D'Tan and his reforms to partner up with Fed/Klings.
For the changeling it could be one of the 100 hundred "lost children" who is a infant and just learning everything. For Vorta I'd say it doesn't matter much. With a few line tweaks they could do both. But I guess they rather keep the voice work simple.
"When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way." - Captain Janeway
#Support Mirror Universe I.S.S. Prefixes
If I'm remembering correctly I don't think the initial AoY announcement had all the items listed, I could be wrong though.
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
It has to make some sort of sense, i mean asking a Founder to pledge loyalty to the founders and the Jem'Hadar first makes no sense what so ever. there would have to be some sort of sense.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
> nommo#5819 wrote: »
> starcruiser#3423 wrote: »
> Any chance that anything else might be added at the last minute as it was the case with AoY packs to the Gamma Vanguard Pack?
> I would certainly love to have a Vorta or Changeling BoFF, pack of permanent (not consumable) white ketracel or even those fancy vorta pilot glasses (Virtual display devices). As of now the Gamma Vanguard Pack could look more enticing. Just curios.
> Since it isn't last minute ,yet, I certainly could see something else being added if not the starter pack the bigger package. I'm still trying to remember hasn't the other expansion Starter Packs included a low level starter ship? Anyways, if anything else is added the question will become does it add value or is it a novelty or both. SO far both packs feel like Cryptic is charging the same but offering less in them imo.
> I thought that Dominion piloting visor was already in-game at the Tailor?
> I could easily see a Vorta BOFF & that would be good but a poor substitute since I still think it would be a missed opportunity & a bit of a failure if Cryptic doesn't include Vorta as a playable character. The Changeling in any reasonable capacity would be more challenging since they are so powerful with their abilities. If anything it would probably be some sort of watered-down Changeling.
> If I'm remembering correctly I don't think the initial AoY announcement had all the items listed, I could be wrong though.
Did the prices remain the same? Or did they jump up after the increase of items?
"When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way." - Captain Janeway
#Support Mirror Universe I.S.S. Prefixes
It's likely incomplete because they are still deciding on the rest of the pack's line up. I think if they do decide to put the Attack ship in the pack, they won't put the T6 version in as well (they didn't do it for the T6 versions of the other two ships that used to be lock box or Lobi ships).
The T6 strike ship & Recon ship is one of the big money makers from the R&D box. I don't see them getting rid of it anytime soon.
It could be that they were not thinking about the console set, or maybe they're going to remove the T5 ship consoles from the set. As I said in my above reply, the T6 strike ship is only available in an R&D pack promotion or for insane EC on the exchange, so it's going to be hard to get one.
Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
Besides, new Jem'Hadar ships can be added to the faction as time goes by.
The Temporal Raider was sqeaked in at the last moment.
I don't know if it was by request from Facebook/Forum/Players or if it was running late in development and they didn't know if it would be ready in time for the release of AoY.
Yep, I use the Dominion visor on a few of my Boffs.
I hope that the Changelings get a revamp in the visual effects department, but a liquified form is probably one of the more challenging aspects for game design. It's ok for the few scenes that it's shown, but for a Boff, it's going to loose it's appeal.
TruthfullyHonestly, I expect that it will not be offered readily because it will diminish the sales of the scheduled sales of the R&D packs when that ship is part of the prize table.
So this would be an excellent time to show Customer Loyalty is valued more then dollars and include it for JH/Dominion characters to buy directly.
On the other hand, there are so many players who chase after that prize ship to either sell on exchange or have it on a non-Dominion character I don't believe selling it directly will affect those sales at all. But it could possibly lower the price on exchange if it's not such a rare item anymore.
My theory is that Vorta may end up being a lifetime subscriber benefit, like Talaxians are for the DQ update.
I did have an idea that a more intelligent/reasonable Vorta might decide to serve as a science officer instead of a commander and let the actual First lead while pretending to still be in command to appease their Founder overlords.
Given that Firsts are known to execute Vortas if displeased with leadership, voluntarily giving it away and continuing to live would be a better choice then an ignoble death to an irritated First.....
Bees like honey, they don't like vinegar.
Everytime someone makes a character that is an copy of an existing superhuman, Creativity is sad
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Could it be a Jem Bug Ship? Possibly.
Could it be a Jem'Hadar or even a Vorta BOff? Perhaps.
Cardassian uniform? One can hope.
A DOff pack? Maybe.
More titles? Let's hope not.
Anyway, the expansion isn't live yet and they've shown in the past they are willing to add more items into these types of packs. So until the expansion does go LIVE, I won't complain about what isn't in the pack.
Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.
My character Tsin'xing
It's from this episode.
The Tal'Shiar outfitted Obsidian Order warships with cloaking devices for a joint assault on the Founder's homeworld.
So I'm assuming a Cardassian Cloaking device is just a borrowed Romulan Cloaking device, which would explain how it can battle cloak.
Bees like honey, they don't like vinegar.
Everytime someone makes a character that is an copy of an existing superhuman, Creativity is sad
It has been 40 years since then. They would have built their own cloaks by now.
"When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way." - Captain Janeway
#Support Mirror Universe I.S.S. Prefixes
> tilarta wrote: »
> oninotaki18 wrote: »
> Hey did anyone else notice that the cardassian intel flight deck cruise says “can utilize its Cardassian Cloaking Device”. What is a cardassian cloaking device? Are cardassians getting their own cloak, like romulans have their own battle cloak?
> It's from this episode.
> The Tal'Shiar outfitted Obsidian Order warships with cloaking devices for a joint assault on the Founder's homeworld.
> So I'm assuming a Cardassian Cloaking device is just a borrowed Romulan Cloaking device, which would explain how it can battle cloak.
> It has been 40 years since then. They would have built their own cloaks by now.
Plus the Obisidian Order is filled with some of the best spies and thanks to the Dominion they have had plenty of time to study cloaking technology, especially they watched the Romulans putting cloaking tech on Cardassian ships and then later studying captured Klingon and Romulan vessels among others. So with time their scientists would easily have a head start on building a new cloaking tech designed to work with and take advantage of Cardassian Technology.
One possiblity that make Cardassian Cloaks different is that maybe its more resistant to Antiproton Sweeps as they had plenty of time to study that technology as well during the Dominion war and have had the time to prefect it since.
As far as I can remember, they kept the same price, even with last minute additions.
Yeah, heck, they may be studying Star Fleet and Klingon ship technology thanks to this update.
Beware the Obsidian Order!
For all intents and purposes the Obsidian order was destroyed completely by the Dominion, a little before the Dominion war started up. The Dominion wanted to remove the Tal Shiar and Obsidian order because they are a threat to their capabilities.
There is no Obsidian Order, nothing, it was destroyed. There is no study of technologies, there is no development of new technologies. i will state it one last time, the Obsidian Order was destroyed. Even if it had survived, it would take a lot longer for it to get back to a point where it can be the intelligence asset it once was because it would have to build up from nothing, that includes finding ways to bankroll the whole thing without leaving any trace of themselves or their activities. even 40 years wouldn't restore even a quarter of their previous ability with an intelligence group that complex.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
> lordgyor wrote: »
> > @terranempire#7881 said:
> > tilarta wrote: »
> >
> > oninotaki18 wrote: »
> >
> > Hey did anyone else notice that the cardassian intel flight deck cruise says “can utilize its Cardassian Cloaking Device”. What is a cardassian cloaking device? Are cardassians getting their own cloak, like romulans have their own battle cloak?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > It's from this episode.
> > The Tal'Shiar outfitted Obsidian Order warships with cloaking devices for a joint assault on the Founder's homeworld.
> > So I'm assuming a Cardassian Cloaking device is just a borrowed Romulan Cloaking device, which would explain how it can battle cloak.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > It has been 40 years since then. They would have built their own cloaks by now.
> Plus the Obisidian Order is filled with some of the best spies and thanks to the Dominion they have had plenty of time to study cloaking technology, especially they watched the Romulans putting cloaking tech on Cardassian ships and then later studying captured Klingon and Romulan vessels among others. So with time their scientists would easily have a head start on building a new cloaking tech designed to work with and take advantage of Cardassian Technology.
> One possiblity that make Cardassian Cloaks different is that maybe its more resistant to Antiproton Sweeps as they had plenty of time to study that technology as well during the Dominion war and have had the time to prefect it since.
> For all intents and purposes the Obsidian order was destroyed completely by the Dominion, a little before the Dominion war started up. The Dominion wanted to remove the Tal Shiar and Obsidian order because they are a threat to their capabilities.
> There is no Obsidian Order, nothing, it was destroyed. There is no study of technologies, there is no development of new technologies. i will state it one last time, the Obsidian Order was destroyed. Even if it had survived, it would take a lot longer for it to get back to a point where it can be the intelligence asset it once was because it would have to build up from nothing, that includes finding ways to bankroll the whole thing without leaving any trace of themselves or their activities. even 40 years wouldn't restore even a quarter of their previous ability with an intelligence group that complex.
If Section 31 came back so can the Obsidian Order
I would actually like one of the new missions to basically play Garek off as still working for the Obsidian Order and make the Fed's look like the stupid chumps they really are.
Section 31 was never in a war with anyone and only one agent was caught and i seriously doubt their agency was just one man. So you tell me, was the agency of Section 31 just one man or was it made to look like it was dead so starfleet would stop chasing their organisation?
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
My character Tsin'xing
Am I correct in speculating that there will be at least one playable ship that's free to start with for the Jems (a la basic frigates that all three factions (counting the Roms/TOSs as halfish each) got at start)? If so, am I far off in guessing that the free ship might well be some version of the Scarab (even if, maybe, slightly neutered when compared to Lobi/Lockbox version)?
Next aside, anyone else notice that the Jem'Hadar Vanguard head-shots lack any KW tubing? It could simply be hard to see beneath those luscious locks, but I thought of it when someone earlier in the thread called the Jems "recovering addicts" (or something akin). Could it be that the "Van'Hadar" are actually un-addicted to KW and maybe that's what separates them from your basic/free Jems?
Next, next aside, anyone have any idea if the two T-5 "OGs" will port with their respective consoles? If not, I can understand; if so, that's a nice sweetener.
Next, next, next aside, will the Vanguard Dreadnought be kit-bashable with the T-5 "OG"? Again, if not, I can understand; if yes, then noyse!
Final aside, is there any explanation as to why the Cardies get cloaking devices? I'm well aware that Tain's failed fleet all cloaks in their ill-fated stop at the Founders' non-homeworld, but:
a) it's assumed (albeit not confirmed) that they all went bye-bye in that mission
b) it's implied (but not, to my knowledge, expressed) that the Romulans' leash they held on the lease of that tech was quite short, meaning it was probably installed but not shared
Yours truly,
Your slightly-inferior, ever sycophantic PS4 half-brother