So pissed I seriously considered quitting STO, but since I am a LOS I guess I will suck it up like the rest of the customers Cryptic doesn't give a TRIBBLE about.
You may be confusing typical Federation incompetence with Borg power.... I mean look at the first encounter with the borg. Picard kills one drone, next drone immmune. Disables cube easily, cube repairs and then is immune. Wasn't that hard to see the trend. Anyone with more than 120 IQ would have destroyed or seriously…
That makes sense. This game used to the only game I could play because I am damn picky. Those of us who are so hostile may be that way because we used to love this game. Only having played a few months you have no idea how good this game used to be before DR.
That is funny. Not sure if this is sarcasm. I just looked at the Dev Tracker. The only time a dev goes on the forum is to announce the servers are down....
I used to work for several Chinese companies. You have no idea how "irregular" their accounting practices are. We got sued for 2.3 Billion Dollars and the CEO took his 90 million in bonuses and ran to the Cayman islands (Allegedly, I have no actual knowledge beyond rumors so don't bother deposing me if the authorities see…
One thing I noticed on alts with really crapy gear (zero dil rep gear, just rep grind rewards). They can down stuff faster with CSV and CRF than they can with BFAW.
Maybe you should run on "Normal". I have never died to a Vaardwar ship on normal difficulty. Sounds like the very premise of your post is faulty. Obviously you don't want the challenge of higher difficulty if you mind getting blown up by "Advanced" Vaardwar...
What a bunch of cheap a**hats... A few xiii weren't going to break their precious zen store extortion racket, but it may drive away many of their paying customers.
ASUS G50 Core2duo 2.2 GHz 4GB Geforce 9800m "Republic of Gamers". Graphics card puts off so much heat you can cook with it. Has really cheesy "gamer" art on the case and "pseudo neon" light bars imbedded in the case... On sale in 2007 for $500... Playable...Maybe I should get a cheap 4GB ram stick...
I was confused by Wesleys squad leader. It was played by the Tom Paris dude, but his name wasn't Tom Paris, but they seem to still use this as the introductory back story for Tom Paris. No one is going to like Harry Quim any less either...
KDF content helps the Feds as much as KDF because it gives the feds an enemy. They totally screwed up LOR. They should have combined KDF and FEDS and created a ROM faction at war with the other two. In Canon the FEDs and KDF are allies.
Chinese Business Owners do not understand that WOW could get away with extreme gear barriers because they had an end game raiding community. In World of ******** getting that gear gave you status because you had to get into the raid to get it. Those of us who pug raided when pugs were first possible in WOW remember often…