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darat Arc User



  • First the quote response: To be honest, and it may be a case of just plain blindness on my part, I haven't noticed anyone mentioning the tanking side of the bort. Now the general response: I have noticed some people posting about how their bort can destroy jem dreads, and oddy's, amongst other ships with, on one occasion,…
  • I've used the Varanus support vessel with my sci captain, and I found it is quite capable as a healer/debuffer/cc combo with the right boff skill choices. I still need to spend a lot of time tweaking the gear on it to get optimum performance from it. The console is really good, it spawns 2 hull repair drones per platform,…
  • That would only be the case for the cloaking technology developed by a given race/faction, not for all cloaking technology used throughout the quadrants. and realistically only romulans should, by that method of reasoning, be able to detect cloaked kdf ships seeing as kdf cloak technology is from the alliance with the…
  • I pretty sure I have said this before, but I'll go ahead and be a broken record. I don't feel the Qin really needs anything more done to it other than fixing the pivot points. That alone coupled with the rest of the stats for the Qin will turn it into the beast the stats suggest it should be. As for the ensign boff slot,…
  • Hull and shield point boost is unlikely to happen, recall it being said during the season 6 development that raptors already have a lot of hit points by a dev when questioned about the fleet ships. The 5th tac console would be nice tho. As I see it, they have a few options in correcting the turn issue for the Qin model in…
  • Bringing the dread's into the game prolly isn't a really good line to follow. But, if they were to be done, I'd see them to be along the lines of a cruiser with more damage dealing potential. So, boffs, I'm thinking LTC and LT tactical, Comm and LT Engineering, and either ensign or LT science (be the first ship with 3 LT…
  • I mentioned some time ago that the Qin raptor appeared to match the D7's pivot points in pitch and yaw (roll may be off too, not sure). After mentioning this on these forums, I logged back in to my tac officer that is in a Qin, sat in sector space, pitching the ship up and down, as well as left and right. My observations…
  • Time travel and sci fi go hand in hand. To refute a plot line that allows for great diversity is to hamper development, and given it's been 2409 in the start trek universe since the game launch doesn't allow for much development, can only do so much in a static time period before it becomes unbelievable and unrealistic.…
  • General consensus is honor guard shield with borg assimilated set. That said I have an engi tank that uses mk 12 KHG set with borg console, generally i only die when i mess up my heal timings
  • And now you have given the reason for it staying the way it is from a pvp perspective. Any one who pvp's does ~not~ want to be stuck in the frontal arc of any ship is the 90 degree arc in front of a ship is where not only torps fire from, but also most of the offensive boff skills work from. Also, 2 powered ships moving in…
  • What I'd like to see for KDF first and foremost is fixes to long standing issues in the current KDF only and shared content, for example, beaming to the KDF shipyard 3 plus times when trying to beam to the First City, or the poor pivot point of the supposed top line raptor class ship. After that I'd like to see more…
  • I'm not surprised your in a fleet, the number of non fleet member KDF players is small. Also, I feel you only play KDF so that you can feed contraband and dilithium to your fed characters, and that while you fly around doing just that your noting down the things that are unique to KDF so that you can then turn around and…
  • The Qin for a stand up out right pve fight is second only to the guramaba siege destroyer, and in that role under those circumstances it really can't be beat. The bop is a whole different kettle of fish, it's a guerrilla fighter, or if you want, team supporter. The bop offers the most flexible build style of any ship in…
  • I'd like to have a dev look into the posted and actual base turn rates of the Qin raptor now. Just did a test with a fleet member, me on my engi in the vor'cha refit, him on tac in a qin, no rcs consoles on either ship, 71/50 engine power for me, 67/50 for the qin, 6/9 in ship impluse thrusters for me, 9/9 for fleetie. I…
  • I did some searching on memory alpha and beta, and with that release note for the raptor it brings about a change on my viewpoint. I still say we need the raptor. I also still maintain that a correction to it's pivot points would make a world of difference to the ship line, it could still be out turned by all t4 and t5…
  • I haven't missed the point, I know there is an issue with the pivot point of the raptors as it is now, one that would be nice to have fixed. The point I am trying to make is in response to: And that point is, the raptor class should not be dropped and have the bop buffed to fill both the raider and escort roles. Also,…
  • Did you actually read my post? or just the first sentence that I posted? As for turn rate, I said it was possible, I did not say it would be easy. The Defiant can out turn you ~because~ it has a high base turn rate than a Qin, that is to be expected regardless of what you do, my bop can out turn any escort in the game for…
  • Yes the raptor pivot point is crippling, granted, but it is possible to work around that. Also keep in mind, the raptor model is overlaid onto the cruiser flight points and is positioned slightly forward (jump in the qin and do "night of the comet" mission). However, looking solely at the lvl 40 Qin raptor, it has the…
  • I don't know about the tholian one, but the Kar'Fi is a tactical attack carrier, and can deal a lot of dmg via cannons (has the base turn rate to support them) and advanced frigates. The Vo'Quv is support, either team, fleet, or pets, and can tank often better than a cruiser. I use the Vo'Quv with advance bops with my sci…
  • That makes me wonder why they didn't use the Koloth skin for the advance bops, or is it perhaps the B'Rotlh skin is an update to the QulDun bop?
  • It's not ridiculous that a fed escort can survive longer, it ~is~ an escort, it has more hull, more shields than a bop. Expecting to survive every encounter with a bop IS ridiculous, asking for a bop that can survive every encounter is not just ridiculous it's also ludicrous, and asking for it to be buffed is, I'm sorry to…
  • No, I asked where your ~team~ was, not where your group was. It appears to me, you were beaten by a team that had each member fill a particular role, and those people were geared and skilled for that role.
    in Power drain Comment by darat August 2012
  • From what I can tell, the OP did 2 runs of normal infected ground and got the optional on both runs, received the weapons, shield tech, and some armor as rewards, all of which from memory in normal is mk 10/11 not mk 12. The OP then went and spent his/her fleet credits to outfit the boff's used for solo PvE ground missions…
  • If his team killed you, what was your team doing?
    in Power drain Comment by darat August 2012
  • To my memory, the defiant is a captain rank ship only, unless you buy the store versions, also I never thought the Advanced Escort or Patrol (formally Fleet) Escort at Rear Admiral lower rank looked like a defiant. As for your last point, that's a big fat NO
  • The Raptor class ships are not pointless, they are the KDF's escort class of ship, your thinking of it being pointless is being very narrow minded in regards to them. The bops do ~not~ need to be buffed to fill a hybrid role, they are perfect for what they are, also, what they are is a raider, not an escort. and I'm sorry,…
  • For what your thinking of doing, I'd recommend the Hegh'ta heavy bop at lvl 40, has slightly more hull, and shields. Also, no matter which bop you go for, you can't pure tank, you can kite tank if you desire tho. Even with out the bonus power to aux, if you skill for a sci bop ship, it will work, and like any fed sci ship,…
  • Repeat the path as many times as possible during the event time. The faster you do it, the more times you can do it, the more EC you can get. Addendum: I don't know the fastest way to complete it, have never done it.
  • Your current ship can do it no problem. I've done all those runs in varies different ships, like the Vo'Quv with beam, the Kar'fi with cannons, Guramba, and a Qin raptor, and all with the different captain choices, tac, sci, and engi. The one thing that remains true through out all the missions, all the ships, and all the…
  • To me, the Hegh'ta heavy is the best option of all the top end bops. The B'rel retro really is the ultimate torpedo/mines bop, but it's stats make it slightly more squishy than the Hegh'ta. The cost of the Ho'Sus bop is to high for what you get from it, same with the fleet norgh, least, that's my opinion on it. I have…