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BoP Decisions

starsider32485starsider32485 Member Posts: 57 Arc User
edited August 2012 in Klingon Discussion
Weighing a choice here and need some advice from players more knowledgeable about escorts/raiders than me.

I'm pondering getting the B'rel retrofit with it's enhanced cloak, but after comparing its stats to the Hegh'ta, I really want to know if it would be worth it...or if I should spend my money on something like the Norgh refit so I can snag its quad disruptor cannons?
Post edited by starsider32485 on


  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Weighing a choice here and need some advice from players more knowledgeable about escorts/raiders than me.

    I'm pondering getting the B'rel retrofit with it's enhanced cloak, but after comparing its stats to the Hegh'ta, I really want to know if it would be worth it...or if I should spend my money on something like the Norgh refit so I can snag its quad disruptor cannons?

    Otuside of endgame fleet ships (or maybe even tover those) the Hegh'ta is the best choice for a KDF player wishing to fly a BoP. The B'rel is no less worthy of the name though and is except for a few small differences the Hegh'ta 1.1, but it s ABC makes for a different style of play.
    The Norgh is only good for the Quads, which can be mounted on any boP after pruchase.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • thisslerthissler Member Posts: 2,055 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Weighing a choice here and need some advice from players more knowledgeable about escorts/raiders than me.

    I'm pondering getting the B'rel retrofit with it's enhanced cloak, but after comparing its stats to the Hegh'ta, I really want to know if it would be worth it...or if I should spend my money on something like the Norgh refit so I can snag its quad disruptor cannons?

    If you're thinking of a science/torpedo/mine style bomber for pvp its the B'rel. It can also do other things but the point is the other ships don't do what the B'rel can do. So unless you have your heart absolutely set on that specific build I also would recommend the Heavy instead.
  • daratdarat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    To me, the Hegh'ta heavy is the best option of all the top end bops.

    The B'rel retro really is the ultimate torpedo/mines bop, but it's stats make it slightly more squishy than the Hegh'ta. The cost of the Ho'Sus bop is to high for what you get from it, same with the fleet norgh, least, that's my opinion on it.

    I have tried the B'rel, as well as the Guramba Siege Destroyer, and the Kar'fi Battle Carrier with my tac kdf captain, but I keep going back to the Hegh'ta bop.

    My suggestion would be, grab the Norgh (Ning'tao) refit, put the quads on your Hegh'ta and when you have more cash/zen to spare, grab the B'rel and have a play with it.
  • cmdrskyfallercmdrskyfaller Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    The B'rel is a specialist ship. It MUST be a torpedo/mine ship to shine. Nothing else satisfies its unique cloaking ability.

    Look me up in game and we can run a few elite STF's so you can see what it can do.
  • thisslerthissler Member Posts: 2,055 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Aren't the mine changes making the B'rel monstrous? I've been busy with cruisers lately but maybe I could give this a go again in STFs for some giggles.
  • cmdrskyfallercmdrskyfaller Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Yes and no. The mines have one big problem when using them: The AI locks onto them almost instantly and shoots them down. Ships react to them by speeding away from the mine spread just before it activates.

    It is only ships held by tractor or that are caught in the middle of a weapon firing cycle (aka they cannot re-target in time to fire at them) get hit by the mines.

    Of course, 'dumb' NPC's like the Cure ships and probes in Khitomer that are scripted to fly from point A to point B ignoring any incoming damage are vulnerable.

    (personally I think they should shoot back AND fly to target...but thats just me).

    Players are not likely to be hit by mines given the 2-3 second arming time of things..anyone can simply tractor repulsor or AOE shoot them down.

    The B'rel can drop mines and remain cloaked... but that doesn't mean the mines are not instantly visible when they are deployed.
  • z0graz0gra Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    guys if u ask me fleet BOP are TRIBBLE compared to the federation escorts.

    I mean come on only 1x tac console and thats it....

    This is not right fix it plz
  • shookyangshookyang Member Posts: 1,122
    edited August 2012
    I fly a B'rel torpedo boat, and I love it.

    I did go slightly overboard on the P2W consoles.

    I use the Bio-Neural Warhead and Aceton Assimilator.

    Currently, there's a bug where keybinding "Fire All Energy and Torpedoes" doesn't activate, so I haven't been using it as much.

    If you go with the B'rel, you'll most likely need to do a skill reset, so you can take better advantage of the B'rel's abilities.
  • latinumbarlatinumbar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    z0gra wrote: »
    guys if u ask me fleet BOP are TRIBBLE compared to the federation escorts.

    I mean come on only 1x tac console and thats it....

    This is not right fix it plz

    That's odd. Last time I checked, my bop has 3x tac consoles.
    Come join the 44th Fleet.
  • misterde3misterde3 Member Posts: 4,195 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    latinumbar wrote: »
    That's odd. Last time I checked, my bop has 3x tac consoles.

    My guess is the word "additional" needs to be mentally added.
    But I'm just guessing since I seem to have a tendency to omit half a sentence on occasion today myself.
  • z0graz0gra Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    misterde3 wrote: »
    My guess is the word "additional" needs to be mentally added.
    But I'm just guessing since I seem to have a tendency to omit half a sentence on occasion today myself.

    Yeah this ^

    it only got one extra console compared to the regular bop.

    When federation fleet escort got 2x more consoles and prolly a boff rank slot.

    KDF needs more love!
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