may be ancient omni beam is ancient enough to be ancient ADAPTIVE omni beam? it could change energy damage type by right click menu and USE on it. or use crafting system instead - ancient beam + special something +reasonable amount of dil = beam of your type.
the can be only one client but with different translation files in specific folder. just separate the text from game files and allow players to modify them. Yes, it is a very big job, but can be done just once.
hm.. that sounds great! Flying with your engineer or first officer and he/she tells you about ship systems and weapons. This would add some awesomeness and rapture with getting new ships. You not just open another ship box and say "whatever.. this is just another ship", you could really feel what new ship is some kind of…
All my hands and legs for this. Being able to customize crew uniform as faction for foundry style bridge is best way as I see it. Great idea. And would be great to use alien faction for crew and define male and female faces for them
by the way you can spawn pets from inventory, just drag them to toolbar. I'm all hands and legs for some more device slots or may be make more items usable from inventory. ATM I have slotted Frosted Boots, Ophidian Cane, Paradox Corrector and Antiproton Carrier Wave. So I can't add even tribble. And still need pockets for…
This are good and fun with drones, mines and turrets, indeed. But the new iconian cutscenes? When I hit tactical team+attack pattern+BFAW and all enemy ships become immune for cutscene duration? Looks it is iconian techomagic.
I personally like klingon command ship visual design. They're not the best, but looks ok. As for me the worst command design is fed ships. Especially their nacells.
Devs! DO IT please! this annoys me since new crafting came out! And text inventory sounds good too. If it can be done in table list then we could sort our items by name, price, type. very useful.
one of 2014 here and still playing. mostly R&D and doffing. I was going to leave this game but last week I found new fun in fleet managing. Since our old fleet leader left.
If I'd ever go insane and want to create terroristic group I'd call it "EARTH" so humans couldn't live here anymore and the would be total anarchy and chaos without single shot! AHAHAHA!!!
no, no, no. NO! I don't want to get my science setup to go on my new tactical ship. I'll better use my mouse and brain. Please make it only as a new button on new ship window or at least make a switch to turn it off forever. And another switch to turn off loadout system on my account.
My first Winter Event in STO - I joined the game in early 2014. Just finished all 3 Ships. Never got any of current winter ships before. Got Discount for T6 carrier and still need 1 000 pics to get Grett and Plesh on alts.