liked running around, the frost boots, frozen lake, snowmen, was real tongue and cheek stuff
I think my fav part was the borg snowmen, sure it was bugged and alternately weirdly easy and difficult at times, randomly, but it was pretty funny, I mean really, "snowmen are coming down blue losenge lane!" a few tweaks and that could be pretty funny _and_ working. I was glad to get in early when all the people were there, it was a bummer to see them leave.
you should do more step down stuff for alts (requirements present but stepped down)
I had genuine fun in the Winter Event this year as well.
The Tides of Ice PVE was fun despite the completion bugs. Winter Invasion was fun again, and I got 3 free ships.
Overall, I'd say I liked the winter event a little less than the summer one - but still had great fun. There did seem to be more useful rewards in the winter event though (boots, kit module, warp core, etc). It's too bad the Winter Wonderland Zone is only around once a year.
One thing I wouldn't mind seeing next year is some sort of snowboarding. Heck we already have the surfboards on Risa - the tech is probably mostly there already!
The Winter event was nice, especially for the great rewards. The quests themselves leave me a bit indifferent, although, but i guess that's just me. I can't really take those Gingerbread men seriously, even though this is just Q's delirium.
I do tend to prefer the Risa Summer festival in terms of ambience and amusements, even though i am no big fan of the Risian ships.
1 - the fact that a some ppl can just jump around in the race and win 95% of time is TRIBBLE, as far as I'm concerned it's a damn exploit, fix it.
2 - the silly glich when ppl talk to NPC for solo race JUST AFTER you and then they get to run it while you get failed quest(if you get rooted) is annoying and needs to be fixed before next year, should be plenty of time .
3 - fact that discounts where not working till 8th of January was not good, stay in front of event bugs which make the whole even look silly.... thankfully I'm sure most of us got all 3 ships before event ended so that's something .
But yeah overall, well done, missed the previous 2 winter events and I got the chance to get the ships this year so I'm a happy panda atm, so ty for that.
Q's Wonderland is always the highlight of my year. I do hope to see it again. Though I think it's a bit premature to speculate on that.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
I genuinely enjoyed Winter Wonderland this year, as I do every year.
I thankfully didn't get any of the bugs (aside from the odd tide of ice completion in the beginning).
We had some great times and laughs as a fleet at the beginning, running events and hanging out under the gazebo in between events. We almost took over an entire instance with fleet members from both fleets at one point, it was great.
Having a map that is so dynamic and yet has all of the needed commodities (exchange, banking, vendors etc) so close together meant that we spent allot of time there and some great screenshots and memories were created.
I got some nice gear, three awesome ships for my alts and one for my main as I got the others last year.
Not sure if its the "festive" time of year that makes the winter event seem a tad more special to me but I literally suspend all major grind just to let my hair down, kick back and lob some snowballs.
I am as always sad to see the winter event go as for some reason Risa holds no interest for me thus far, but there is always next winter
Thankyou for this one Devs, one happy (if slightly chilly) camper here
"If this will be our end, then I will have them make SUCH an end as to be worthy of rememberance! Out of torpedos you say?! Find me the ferengi!".
It was my first winter event (I was away for a couple of years) and I had great time despite the bugs.
I played Tides of Ice and fought the ice lake snow guy many more times than I "needed to" because both were fun. I hope they bring them back again this December.
I'm also having a lot of fun flying my new Breen carrier on a couple of different alts. It's a great ship and it was free (for 96 ice races in my case: 3 ships / 8 alts).
I like the Winter event better than the Summer event, (can't get the hang of the jetpacks)
but i will probably have to figure it out this year to get all 3 ships they will have since 1 will probably be a t6'er.
The Winter boots are so nice for the Dyson Battlezone (think almost everyone uses them in there now).
I'm not really into PVP but if they made a ground map that allowed us to use our Snowball weapons in a PVP style I would jump all over that.
The winter wonderland was fun and I certainly found it to be a surprising improvement over last year (with the new equipment, the art revamp, and borg snowman defense).
But I still haven't gotten into it as much as I have the Summer events. Despite the improvements, I think its still just the core idea of having a playground in some sort of Q nether-dimension with no plausible connection to a realm that we mortals can appreciate. Everything I do feels like its explicitly part of the STO game, not the STO universe, and while thats strictly a matter of the sense of immersion that an aging PC MMO can deliver its enough to always make me feel just a little aloof from the wonderland.
I play, I enjoy myself, but I'd be enjoying myself more if it was on Andoria (Q could still even be the host and the activities could still be the same, but putting it somewhere comprehensible would make it mean as much to me as Risa.)
Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
I initially avoided the event (first Winter Event with STO for me, and was never into the whole
"Q" thing), but decided I should try it. Folks ! If you have avoided the event for similar reasons,
do'nt miss out next time it comes around ! After I let go of all my views of how "silly" the whole
concept was, just had a riot. It really is alot of fun ! Hats off to the DEV's. Thanks to all, you
definitely won over a foolish skeptic all the way.
I really enjoyed it too and there were some good additions this year. It's very camp, but that's the charm of it. More campness! There is a good variety in tasks too compared to the game as a whole; racing, pie eating, recipes, the snow borg and so on. So long as they keep that balance in future (not a new shooter in next year after we got the snow borg this year and the gingerbread village last year) I think it might be my favourite zone. Which is slightly concerning now I think about it, but the reason isn't the Christmassyness, it's the balance of tasks. Compare to Kobali Prime for instance which is 90% shooting tasks which is why I like the medical section so much because it is a good change.
liked the winter event ( 1st time for me there ) wish they would leave it persistant on andor out of season. minus Q out of season, i mean Risa is persistant with just the special event stuff (races with jetpacks/surfboards) turned off.
p.s. don't stand downwind of me this weekend,you might not like the TRIBBLE smell..........
I enjoy the ice skating. I wish that was year round on Andoria and Rua Penthe. The only down side I really have is that when it's over my gingerbread pet doesn't work like it should.
I too thought at first the event was a bit too silly, but after playing it more, it was actually quite a bit of fun, and a nice change from the usual mass-extermination with lethal armaments of epic proportions -to save the galaxy from swarms upon swarms of bad guys, of course. The rewards were also super great, all of them! Look forward to it next season, and of course the summer fun on Risa.
I liked the event a lot and thanks for that. Although I haven't unwrapped my gifts (the ships) yet. I, too, played the different games more than I needed, just because they were fun. Especially the races - I have more than enough Q cards for the rest of STO's lifetime, I guess.
My only quibbles would be along the lines of those mentioned earlier, the races. Queueing up for the Fastest Game really brought out some people's social skills, be it antisocial jumpers or just a plain don't-care attitude, which isn't much better. Unfortunately I don't see a way around this unless a real queue is implemented, where you sign up when you arrive and are automatically in line to play when the slot is free.
The other thing about the Fast and Flurrious race: I don't think of any of the ways people run it as exploits, but they do make things uneven for players (not everybody has rep gear). Since I guess the playing field was meant to be even - since there was no level adjustment at all - a disabling of the exo armor and maybe some other stuff I missed would be nice. Also the bunny-hoppers were annoying, not for gameplay but for immersion reasons. That's just not how a race looks. So if the jump stop technique could be disabled, that would make it perfect. (Maybe even the roll forward).
But even though that was two paragraphs, that's only minor quibbles in an event I enjoyed a lot. It may just as well be a week shorter, but of course that is always in my own hands
My mother was an epohh and my father smelled of tulaberries
I actually like the Winter Event out of the entire STO game. For me, it's the best fun of the year. I really enjoy making food and drinks. I hope they add more recipes next year. The only two things I felt made the Winter Event "bad" were the items locked behind a gate per character and having to wait for the fix to the Breen ships. If you are going to lock something behind a gate, I think it should be available account-wide once 1 character has unlocked it so that it is easier to get the items for your alts.
As for favorites, I love the new kit modules! Kudos to the Devs for those. And the new snow gear were fun to play with. I hope we get more next year. I really enjoy flying the Breen T6 carrier. It's an engineer's carrier, which is what my characters needed.
This year was my first Winter Wonderland, which I fully intended to power through after a very successful Risa. It took a while to get used to the race, I must admit, but I still managed to unlock all the ships - despite that annoying discount malfunction - for most of my chars. Two missed the Plesh Brek, however, and so don't get the frigate carrier pets this time round
I just wish I'd realised that the warp-cores would've been far easier to get than I imagined. *sighs* Oh well, there's always next year...
A Mirror Universe ship is for life - not just for Alpha. Support T5-U Upgrades for Mirror Ships.
This year was my first Winter Wonderland, which I fully intended to power through after a very successful Risa. It took a while to get used to the race, I must admit, but I still managed to unlock all the ships - despite that annoying discount malfunction - for most of my chars. Two missed the Plesh Brek, however, and so don't get the frigate carrier pets this time round
I just wish I'd realised that the warp-cores would've been far easier to get than I imagined. *sighs* Oh well, there's always next year...
This was my first one too and I had fun on Rosa as well. The warp core is good and the Plesh Brek hangers are great. Ill miss this fantastic event
Captain Joseph Riker, U.S.S. Odyssey==General V'Mar, U.S.S. Blackwater-A==Admiral Laura Holmes, U.S.S. Forward Unto Dawn Grand Master Thotok, son of Koloth, I.K.S. Sompek==Dahar Master Shanara, I.K.S. Balth'Quv Admiral R'Tath V'Tirex, R.R.W. Dhael Glohha'enh==Commander Ta'eth Korval, R.R.W Hachae ch'Rhian==Admiral Vranuk, R.R.W Delevhas
The Tides of Ice PVE was fun despite the completion bugs. Winter Invasion was fun again, and I got 3 free ships.
Overall, I'd say I liked the winter event a little less than the summer one - but still had great fun. There did seem to be more useful rewards in the winter event though (boots, kit module, warp core, etc). It's too bad the Winter Wonderland Zone is only around once a year.
One thing I wouldn't mind seeing next year is some sort of snowboarding. Heck we already have the surfboards on Risa - the tech is probably mostly there already!
Live Long And Suck It. - Wil Weaton
I do tend to prefer the Risa Summer festival in terms of ambience and amusements, even though i am no big fan of the Risian ships.
1 - the fact that a some ppl can just jump around in the race and win 95% of time is TRIBBLE, as far as I'm concerned it's a damn exploit, fix it.
2 - the silly glich when ppl talk to NPC for solo race JUST AFTER you and then they get to run it while you get failed quest(if you get rooted) is annoying and needs to be fixed before next year, should be plenty of time
3 - fact that discounts where not working till 8th of January was not good, stay in front of event bugs which make the whole even look silly.... thankfully I'm sure most of us got all 3 ships before event ended so that's something
But yeah overall, well done, missed the previous 2 winter events and I got the chance to get the ships this year so I'm a happy panda atm, so ty for that.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
I thankfully didn't get any of the bugs (aside from the odd tide of ice completion in the beginning).
We had some great times and laughs as a fleet at the beginning, running events and hanging out under the gazebo in between events. We almost took over an entire instance with fleet members from both fleets at one point, it was great.
Having a map that is so dynamic and yet has all of the needed commodities (exchange, banking, vendors etc) so close together meant that we spent allot of time there and some great screenshots and memories were created.
I got some nice gear, three awesome ships for my alts and one for my main as I got the others last year.
Not sure if its the "festive" time of year that makes the winter event seem a tad more special to me but I literally suspend all major grind just to let my hair down, kick back and lob some snowballs.
I am as always sad to see the winter event go as for some reason Risa holds no interest for me thus far, but there is always next winter
Thankyou for this one Devs, one happy (if slightly chilly) camper here
"If this will be our end, then I will have them make SUCH an end as to be worthy of rememberance! Out of torpedos you say?! Find me the ferengi!".
I played Tides of Ice and fought the ice lake snow guy many more times than I "needed to" because both were fun. I hope they bring them back again this December.
I'm also having a lot of fun flying my new Breen carrier on a couple of different alts. It's a great ship and it was free (for 96 ice races in my case: 3 ships / 8 alts).
but i will probably have to figure it out this year to get all 3 ships they will have since 1 will probably be a t6'er.
The Winter boots are so nice for the Dyson Battlezone (think almost everyone uses them in there now).
I'm not really into PVP but if they made a ground map that allowed us to use our Snowball weapons in a PVP style I would jump all over that.
But I still haven't gotten into it as much as I have the Summer events. Despite the improvements, I think its still just the core idea of having a playground in some sort of Q nether-dimension with no plausible connection to a realm that we mortals can appreciate. Everything I do feels like its explicitly part of the STO game, not the STO universe, and while thats strictly a matter of the sense of immersion that an aging PC MMO can deliver its enough to always make me feel just a little aloof from the wonderland.
I play, I enjoy myself, but I'd be enjoying myself more if it was on Andoria (Q could still even be the host and the activities could still be the same, but putting it somewhere comprehensible would make it mean as much to me as Risa.)
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
"Q" thing), but decided I should try it. Folks ! If you have avoided the event for similar reasons,
do'nt miss out next time it comes around ! After I let go of all my views of how "silly" the whole
concept was, just had a riot. It really is alot of fun ! Hats off to the DEV's. Thanks to all, you
definitely won over a foolish skeptic all the way.
p.s. don't stand downwind of me this weekend,you might not like the TRIBBLE smell..........
Hard to be unhappy with that. All 3 of my characters got 3 nice new ships each.
Consider me a fan of the Winter Event!
My only quibbles would be along the lines of those mentioned earlier, the races. Queueing up for the Fastest Game really brought out some people's social skills, be it antisocial jumpers or just a plain don't-care attitude, which isn't much better. Unfortunately I don't see a way around this unless a real queue is implemented, where you sign up when you arrive and are automatically in line to play when the slot is free.
The other thing about the Fast and Flurrious race: I don't think of any of the ways people run it as exploits, but they do make things uneven for players (not everybody has rep gear). Since I guess the playing field was meant to be even - since there was no level adjustment at all - a disabling of the exo armor and maybe some other stuff I missed would be nice. Also the bunny-hoppers were annoying, not for gameplay but for immersion reasons. That's just not how a race looks. So if the jump stop technique could be disabled, that would make it perfect. (Maybe even the roll forward).
But even though that was two paragraphs, that's only minor quibbles in an event I enjoyed a lot. It may just as well be a week shorter, but of course that is always in my own hands
As for favorites, I love the new kit modules! Kudos to the Devs for those. And the new snow gear were fun to play with. I hope we get more next year. I really enjoy flying the Breen T6 carrier. It's an engineer's carrier, which is what my characters needed.
I just wish I'd realised that the warp-cores would've been far easier to get than I imagined. *sighs* Oh well, there's always next year...
Support T5-U Upgrades for Mirror Ships.
Grand Master Thotok, son of Koloth, I.K.S. Sompek==Dahar Master Shanara, I.K.S. Balth'Quv
Admiral R'Tath V'Tirex, R.R.W. Dhael Glohha'enh==Commander Ta'eth Korval, R.R.W Hachae ch'Rhian==Admiral Vranuk, R.R.W Delevhas
This was my first one too and I had fun on Rosa as well. The warp core is good and the Plesh Brek hangers are great. Ill miss this fantastic event
Grand Master Thotok, son of Koloth, I.K.S. Sompek==Dahar Master Shanara, I.K.S. Balth'Quv
Admiral R'Tath V'Tirex, R.R.W. Dhael Glohha'enh==Commander Ta'eth Korval, R.R.W Hachae ch'Rhian==Admiral Vranuk, R.R.W Delevhas