Ummm its been 32 years, yall need to age her alot.... she has to be in her late forties to early fifties now.... And that NPC does not look like Jeri Ryan in the face...
Can we have our real EP back? This guy is a joke, he ran the game into the ground before and he is doing it again. Steven DeAngelo is so disconnected with this playerbase, we need Dan back.
Bowser Games are played from your web browser: IE, Chrome or Firefox... STO is a client based game, there is a big difference. I wish STO was a bowser game that wasn't so resource thirsty. I shouldn't need a $3000 computer to play this game on max settings.
It was by far the best of all 6 of the ST series (yes 6, I include TAS) Positive? Elim Garak But honestly it was the acting and the characters that drew me to DS9, being the opposite of Voyager which had horrible acting and horrible characters. DOn't get me wrong, I love Voyager, I was introduced to ST through Voyager, but…
You didn't read the thread title did you? Say something positive about season 9 and 9.5 (post release) Personally, Season 9/9.5 was pretty positive for the game, I am enjoying the Tim Russ episode arc, but 1-2 missions in 3 months is not enough, we need a season of just story missions, 40+ hours of pure new game play, not…
Once again, Cryptic releases a system that is in Beta stages. They have never shipped a complete product from DAY 1. CBS should seriously look at finding another game studio to give the IP, one that ships systems that are tested and done. Don't put systems on a "test" server then ignore everything that your playerbase says…
Why do you care so much about the NPC's uniforms? You have a Captain and a whole bridge crew to customise yourself... A Dev has posted that they are working as intended... whats the problem again?
Hell, you could even do what I do: I run one mark, set up the daily and hourly they move to the next. There are 5 Reps, 5 dailies and 45 Hourlys you can do. Maximize your time. I easily make 8k in a play session, usually 10-15k.
Yes I would, but I also have a few ideas for the implication of such a program: During episode 182 Captain Smirk was focusing on the current (Iconian) featured episodes and was negating the fact that we have multiple FE series to create missions for. I would love missions around the 2800 series, or the Breen series. There…
You must be talking about wow, and the vote kick system has help harbor the elitest "gear score" attitude of the endgame of wow. I left wow because of the douchebaggory. Vote kick would add the same kinds of attitudes to STO, and this is STAR TREK, we don't kick someone because they have crappy gear. The solution is to add…
I like some of your points, but I personally think the whole Cardassian/True Way, Dominion/Alpha Jem'hadar, and Mirror Universe arc needs to be fully rewritten. There are some great stories trying to be told here with terrible execution. The Mirror Universe needs to have a full story arc, there is so much potential here.…
STO is a MMORPG (Massively MULTIPLAYER Online Role Playing Game), I don't know what rock you have been living under, but the social side of the game is the only reason I still play. I have played all of the same repeating grind fest content in this game for over 4 years now, if it wasn't for the other players this game…
They could call it a Holodeck.... But in all seriousness, they need to give us these kind of abilities in the foundry, it is hard to test a mission designed for Lvl 50 characters with a Cadet in a Miranda....
The options are endless with this one ^_^ I would have to say I would Live and Work in space. Hell I could do my current job in space, anywhere there is retail, there is inventory. SKU CHECK! I honestly like the idea of being away from the billions of people on Earth, so I would be out by Mars or Venus.