Some NPCs at Starfleet Academy now wear Odyssey uniforms. These NPCs used to wear Academy uniforms with non-cadet colors. See the links to the STO wiki for examples.
Academy Instructors:
Academy Services:
I do not know if the wiki uniform guide gives the exact colors the NPCs used to wear, but the colors it gives should be close. The Holodeck patch notes on July 17, 2014, say "All Starfleet NPC officers are now wearing the Odyssey uniform." I think this change was unintentionally applied to Starfleet Academy NPCs. Almost all NPCs at Starfleet Academy used to wear the Academy uniform, albeit with different colors. The only exceptions were the security guards and the veteran dilithium refiner. The NPCs wearing Odyssey uniforms now look out of place.
Here are some screenshots of Academy instructors wearing the Odyssey uniform. I know the target window says "Starfleet Cadet", but I'm fairly certain that they're instructors.
Academy Instructor #1:
Academy Instructor #2:
Academy Instructor #3:
The commandant, Commander Viala, and Professor Neal Meyer are now also wearing Odyssey uniforms. They used to wear Academy uniforms with instructor colors.
Commandant of Starfleet Academy:
Commander Viala:
Professor Neal Meyer:
Wanda Yarbo and the two NPCs sitting near her also used to wear instructor colors.
Wanda Yarbo and friends:
Lt. Ferra, the personnel officer, and the other NPC sitting near them also used to wear instructor colors.
Lt. Ferra and friends:
The Andorian, Tellarite, and Vulcan personnel officers also used to wear instructor colors.
Andorian and Tellarite personnel officers:
Vulcan personnel officer:
Renee B'kir near the tailor also used to wear instructor colors. I'm unsure what colors the NPC next to her and the other staff by the same wall used to wear; they may have worn instructor colors or cadet colors.
Renee B'kir and friend:
Academy staff:
The tailor herself remains unchanged.
Starfleet Academy tailor:
The bank, mail, and Exchange tellers used to wear "Academy Services" colors. See the wiki links above.
Bank, mail, and Exchange tellers:
The bartenders remain unchanged, though two of them don't have the red stripes running down their pants. The stripes appear black instead.
Bartender #1:
Bartender #2:
Bartender #3 (Jeffery Scharf):
Holodeck ticket ID #2,599,787
Waiting for a programmer ...
Instructors used to wear the Academy uniform with instructor colors, even though other Starfleet uniforms were available. Are the bank, mail, and Exchange tellers Starfleet officers too? They used to wear different colors from cadets and instructors. What about the bartenders who still have their own colors? (Why do two bartenders have black stripes instead of red strips on their pants?) Why is the tailor in cadet colors? Also, remember that a previous bug changed the uniform of NPCs in "Everything Old is New" to the Odyssey uniform, so accidental changes to NPC costumes have happened before.
Thanks for the information. Can you confirm whether the black stripes on the pants of two bartenders are a bug and whether the tailor is supposed to be in a cadet uniform?
1. One bartender has red stripes on her pants, while the other two have black stripes. I don't see why this inconsistency wouldn't count as a bug.
2. The tailor is wearing a cadet uniform, whereas every other NPC along that wall is wearing an Odyssey uniform. This may or may not be a bug.
A Dev has posted that they are working as intended... whats the problem again?
=/\=USS Lindsey Stirling =/\= NCC-116747 =/\=
=/\= Liberty Task Force =/\= Diplomatic Advisor =/\=
Because I am annoyed by the many small bugs that appear throughout the game.
Crypticfrost's comment seems like a general reply, not one meant to address every single point.
As I said before, there are still a few things that appear inconsistent.
First of all, when I was updating the NPC costumes in Starfleet Academy I noticed that most of the staff were in "instructor" color swaps of the SFA uniform, but the tailor was using a student's costume. I swapped all the "instructors" to use the normal Odyssey uniform to follow precedent from canon, but decided that the tailor might be a student on work study who has a part time assignment at the tailor's booth. So she stayed a student.
As far as the bartenders: During Vietnam my father used to work at the Officer's Club in Fort Carson in Colorado Springs. When he was working there they told him not to wear a uniform, as the club was a place for the soldiers to relax. Remembering that story made me decide to leave the bartender's costumes as different from everyone else.
@Cryptic_TTC on Twitter
Thank you for your explanation, Thomas. The specific point I was trying to make about the bartenders was that the stripes on their pants are different colors. I have filed a separate bug report for this issue. You can close this one.
Differently colored stripes on pants of bartenders at Starfleet Academy