The real problems are the endeavours. You will be queue for the same TFOs due to that. Some one needs to kill terrans? Then you play terran tfos. That is why the Lukary TFOs, terran TFOs, Undine, etc are so comun. The problem is that is making the game boring and most player after they do the Endeavour, they even leave the…
It may be nearly impossible that STO stays canon, for example, look at the Android ban, we have Androis BOFFs.. are they going to remove them? Romulan story arc may be completly diferent to Picards (we may see yet, but is possible). Borg story also may change from Picard, and especialy the liberated Borg story. I agree, we…
And you has been proved wrong, ppl seems to be loveing picard coz is well written, Disco and the shorts were not. Stop blaming the fans.. Sorry for bad english.
The real problem of this ship, is that if you buy the mudd store one, the fleet version does not apply the fleet modules discount! I have reported this with support but only got an automatic response. So, cryptic is missling with this ship, there are two versions, Z Store and fleet, but it does not apply the discount!…
Agree.. they may take some tips from the game as the same for the books, but nothing more. I think the show is going to contradict most of the STO content, especialy from the Borg and Romulan story arcs. And Picard show is going to be at least 3 seasons.. the STO is going to be on a hard spot, and lets not talk about the…
This was really clear to many of us, and yet, some people called us toxic. But, foundry is dead, this is not the time to point fingers but to mourn.. we are all affected by this.
"..more tedious.." "..still possible.." " is difficult to say the least.." In other words: not fun. Foundry is broken, like it or not, and it has been in that way for half a year now. Even PVP is on better state, yes, PVP is in better shape than the foundry.
What foundry community? Foundry has been broken for half a year now.. with out any sing of been worked on. Is there still a foundry community? And how much time the current foundry community should wait until they lose their patient? 3 more months? Another half a year? a year? How much time is correct?