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capm7 Arc User



  • I'd really like to see them make beam arrays useful again. I can have 6 ultra-rare beam arrays on a ship with ultra-rare tac console for them, and still the dps sucks, even for pve - to say nothing about pvp - I might as well be flying a giant target saying blow me up, I can't penetrate your shields even if I fire for 10…
  • 10-15 minutes in an STF and it would typically be over, one way or another, if you're short handed. At least, the space ones. And only a timer may not be the best idea either.
  • You know, I don't know, my clan doesn't actually have an active team in STO, so all I play are pugs, and to be right honest... I don't see AFK players as a huge problem. I very rarely see inactive people in the games. More often will I see people who drop out from the game, and then nobody gets queued back in to fill the…
  • I'm not going to say I never go AFK, but I think that this needs to be done carefully, because having a wife and multiple kids means you can get pulled away at inconvenient times - sometimes for a minute or two, other times it might be longer.... Doesn't mean I'm doing it on purpose or out of spite, sometimes it just can't…
  • The cruisers in this game are seriously underpowered for PvP. In Kerrat, 1 Klingon BoP is guaranteed to kill my Odyssey, while my 6 banks of tetryon and 2 quantums, all purple mark XII, with purple tac consoles, batteries and all power to weapons and all that barely dents their shields, and there isn't enough tanking…
  • I agree with rattler, I think the machine planet was Cybertron. ;) Then vger merged with decker, traveled back in time and became the borg. Problem solved.
  • Yes, there are two previous threads on this (with pictures) http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=699531 http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=695111
  • Just what we need, another steam copycat. Nobody else has done it right like Steam. Why not just use Steam? The problem with your all your games in one place is that its only your games. So now we'll have a bloated junk app for every publisher. No thanks. Now theres something else to take up system resources and to crash…
  • Well, I'm glad everyone is on the same page here, my gut reaction when I saw it was.. ehhhhh.... I think it'd be nice if they fixed the internal/external views from spacedock so that it was the same time of day inside the station as it was outside the station.
  • So, since this is prime universe, and we have ships from the book-canon, does that mean we will see the new DS9 at some point?
  • ROFL /10char
    in Just Not Right Comment by capm7 May 2013
  • Yes, I saw this as well... ridiculously large! http://www.midnightsquadron.com/ms/capm/bug1.jpg http://www.midnightsquadron.com/ms/capm/bug2.jpg I don't like it, needs to go back the way it was.
  • Yes, I saw this as well... ridiculously large! http://www.midnightsquadron.com/ms/capm/bug1.jpg http://www.midnightsquadron.com/ms/capm/bug2.jpg I don't like it, needs to go back the way it was.
  • How about the fact that the little ship that comes out the back of my Odyssey is now HUGE! Really, its ridiculously large.
  • Doesn't help that this was the last LoR teaser they released... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0
  • Yea the last time troi piloted the ship, she crashed into another ship
  • You're in the wrong forum bud.
  • Those of you who think there was plenty of time to get all the shards, you obviously don't have full-time jobs, needy wifes and 3 or more children, a sick cat.... did I mention needy wife? I'm lucky to get online and play on the weekends, let alone through the week, it just don't happen most days. I've only got half as…
  • Also, one of the Hirogens dialogue lines the audio that plays is the captain of the houston saying "they're preparing to fire lance weapons!" Would be nice to be able to complete the mission. And while the scene is playing, the background comm voices can still be heard, its distracting.
  • I think I'm going to refrain from opening any more until this bug gets fixed.
  • I also had several boxes today that opened and there was nothing. I also might note - I've never gotten anything but suits from the boxes, never any weapons or anything else.
  • I had the same question but finally figured it out - in your fleet panel, on the holdings tab, you have to start at least one other regular project. After that, it shows up under the special projects list, but not before. It was confusing to say the least. edit - Whether you can contribute/start projects is a permission I…
  • My biggest gripe with this one and the smaller 5 man frieghter one is that you can't see where the enemies are showing up on the minimap so you can head to the next group, or know what place to go defend. You're just stumbling around really. And in a cruiser when the next batch warps in behind you, you just can't turn…
  • They should have used Invision Power Board. vbulletin, while nice, doesn't hold a candle to IPB.
  • You guys should have used Invision Power Board, far far better than this junk. I also dislike that I now have to have a number after my display name because I apparently already have taken my username or something. All in all, just annoying.