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So...about the rebuilt Deep Space Nine...



  • hrisvalarhrisvalar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    They'll keep the DS9 from the show that we're familiar with. We don't take kindly to newfangled things around these here parts. Just ask that feller who designed who designed the new Earth Spacedock. :cool:

    And besides, if we follow that canon, we have to remove Risa and Andoria, and the Borg. The game only ever borrows from side-canon when there's enough of a call for it. Which so far pretty much just covers the Vesta. Easy enough to put in without touching any timelines. The Titan's in cause at least it got mentioned onscreen.

    And yes, the new DS9 looks idiotic. Turning those pylons into rings is beyond pointless. And also, finally that Cardassian monstrosity, in orbit of Bajor, is destroyed, and S.C.E. really thinks the Bajorans want something even slightly remeniscent of it?
  • starkymanstarkyman Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    leave DS9 the way it is the way it should be that new one looks awful....
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yeah. If anything, I'd like the interior shifted to be more like the show, with Sickbay, Security, tailorshop, Klingon restaurant, improved Quarks, etc.

    Heck, with the use of cutscenes anymore, maybe they could add back in the spiral staircase and make that a cutscene that triggers when you click on the staircase.
  • johngazmanjohngazman Member Posts: 2,826 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    f2pdrakron wrote: »

    Good lord no. Take that ugly sprog of a station and cast it into the nearest quantum singularity, please.

    DS9 looks much better at the moment. Perhaps a revamp to the interior would be nice though. Spruce the place up a bit.
    Yeah. If anything, I'd like the interior shifted to be more like the show, with Sickbay, Security, tailorshop, Klingon restaurant, improved Quarks, etc.

    Heck, with the use of cutscenes anymore, maybe they could add back in the spiral staircase and make that a cutscene that triggers when you click on the staircase.

    Basically, the team who did the Warbird interiors need to take their skills and put them to use on all the interiors in the game.

    Everything looks inferior to the inside of my Warbird now. It's saddening.
    You're just a machine. And machines can be broken.
  • captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Book canon is sort of its own thing. not even all of the books match up, and certainly large chunks of it have nothing to do with STO so there is no need to change it.

    But under no circumstances should DS9 be changed. Not only is the current DS9 miles better than whatever that thing is, the vast, vast, vast majority of people will have only seen the show and not even heard of that book. They will expect to see DS9 looking like DS9.
  • johngazmanjohngazman Member Posts: 2,826 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Book canon is sort of its own thing. not even all of the books match up, and certainly large chunks of it have nothing to do with STO so there is no need to change it.

    There's a few nods to Destiny already in-game, not to mention the Vesta.

    Borg in the Azure Nebula, for example.
    You're just a machine. And machines can be broken.
  • haelishaelis Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Wow that is one ugly station. It looks like they had some 2nd grade art class redesign it. I sincerely hope they never put that in any game, let alone this one. Don't fix the one we have outside, it works just fine. Sure add this stuff to the inside that should have been there in the first place, thats fine. ;)
    And I'm old, not dead.
    If your're so smart how come you don't own everything? :D
    Proud Member of Starfleet Elite Task Force & Klingon Elite Task Force for 4 yrs
  • zerobangzerobang Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    do not want

    ...i mean look at that thing they closed even the docking pylons to complete circles WTH is that supposed to be good for? how are ships supposed to dock on that thing?

    i'd maybe accept it as any other random Station... but never as a DS9 replacement.

    now if somebody would upgrade K7, that'd be a different topic (because the one in STO is horrible from top to bottom... huge scale, interior, exterior... bad bad bad)
  • capm7capm7 Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well, I'm glad everyone is on the same page here, my gut reaction when I saw it was.. ehhhhh....

    I think it'd be nice if they fixed the internal/external views from spacedock so that it was the same time of day inside the station as it was outside the station.
    Founder, Midnight Squadron
  • hevachhevach Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    johngazman wrote: »
    There's a few nods to Destiny already in-game, not to mention the Vesta.

    Borg in the Azure Nebula, for example.

    The Vesta was very difficult to get in the game, even with the artists support it took over a year. The Luna was easier, because CBS owns it (it was contest designed just like the Odyssey and Chimera, with the same terms of entry), not the novel writers or artists. The other nods are all things that aren't under the books' copyrights.

    The novels and other Star Trek games, and anything in them, are owned by their writers, artists, developers, and publishers according to their various arrangements, and only licensed by CBS. CBS isn't free to use or license them in other products.
  • beerxhyperbeerxhyper Member Posts: 676 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    oh god no leave that ds9 out or shoot it into a sun ugh that is ugly as..... but what i would love to see is the borg homeworld ^_^ or that weird cyclinder alien thing from star trek 4 the voyage home.

  • daan2006daan2006 Member Posts: 5,346 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I don't think cryptic going to change it for the reason that mini series will not be canon and will not even be live action don't know if I will even watch it now
    swimwear off risa not fixed
    system Lord Baal is dead
    macronius wrote: »
    This! Their ability to outdo their own failures is quite impressive. If only this power could be harnessed for good.
  • unclecaveman2unclecaveman2 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It's not a show it's a book.
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    That Stupid looking thing belongs in the TOS books, not in the TNG era books wtf, that thing looks ancient not modern.
  • psiameesepsiameese Member Posts: 1,649 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm thinking in-universe here. Has Starfleet engineering diversified its design style through recruitment of more Cardassian engineers? Why else would Starfleet do something so odd as to bother constructing their version of an outdated, Cardassian mining station? As opposed to more practical designs already familiar to them?
    (/\) Exploring Star Trek Online Since July 2008 (/\)
  • kain9primekain9prime Member Posts: 739 Arc User
    edited May 2013


    Deep Space Nine was destroyed.

    In the upcoming books, we learn that over the two years following its destruction, the Starfleet Corps of Engineers built a brand new, advanced version of DS9.

    For those who'd like to see it, here is a link that will provide some images:

    It's horrendous. I'm rather shocked that someone like Probert would come up with something so....well....lame.

    The artist formally known as Romulus_Prime
  • gpgtxgpgtx Member Posts: 1,579 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    is that a giant arboretum behind a window larger then a galaxy class at the very center?

    who thought that was a great idea for a space station in a hotly contested portion of space that's more TRIBBLE then the view screen "window" the JJ-prise has
  • misterde3misterde3 Member Posts: 4,195 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    johngazman wrote: »
    There's a few nods to Destiny already in-game, not to mention the Vesta.

    Borg in the Azure Nebula, for example.

    It's a bit pick and choose.
    In case of the Vesta it took a lot of popular demand to justify Cryptic trying...which ended in about a year of legal voodoo work to get the ship in.
    I don't believe this...thing will become...remotely popular.;)
  • tymerstotymersto Member Posts: 433 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Gawd does that look ugly for a Space Station.

    Devs, do everyone a favor and don't use that thing!
    One of the things I like about STO is the references out of all of Trek. And to be honest, DS9 is the biggest overall, player accessible reference there is. To change it into what, book-wise, is it's replacement, would be a disservice to the fanbase, I think.

    Also wouldn't it kinda TRIBBLE up "The 2800" a little? Since the Station is still the 'same' for those coming through the Wormhole, it makes convincing them it is not the proper era more difficult. Having a 'new' station in place of what they believed to be attacking might actually convince them they are in the Future.

    Just some rambling thoughts.

    Thank you for the time...
    STO CBT Player - 400 day+ Vet, Currently Silver
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  • tacofangstacofangs Member Posts: 2,951 Cryptic Developer
    edited May 2013
    HA! That looks like the old ESD design!

    The books are not canon, nor are we. However, we have mostly stuck with what IS canon, or drawn up our own stuff. I think we have, overall, taken very little from any of the novels.
    Only YOU can prevent forum fires!
  • druhindruhin Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tacofangs wrote: »
    HA! That looks like the old ESD design!

    The books are not canon, nor are we. However, we have mostly stuck with what IS canon, or drawn up our own stuff. I think we have, overall, taken very little from any of the novels.

    I think at this point, we could all agree that DS9 needs some much needed love, both internally and externally. I'd open Empok Nor (sister station of DS9) as an additional social hub, while replacing the existing DS9 with a more modern 2409-styled equivalent. Certainly Starfleet would've replaced a 50+ year old station by now?
  • wilvwilv Member Posts: 390 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tacofangs wrote: »
    HA! That looks like the old ESD design!

    The books are not canon, nor are we. However, we have mostly stuck with what IS canon, or drawn up our own stuff. I think we have, overall, taken very little from any of the novels.

    That's EXACTLY what I was thinking too. I'm not a fan of the "new DS9" design and I'm glad it's not in game.
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I don't know if any of you are following the Star Trek books, but an upcoming TNG/DS9 miniseries of novels called "The Fall" is coming in the fall of 2013, and it's going to be featuring a rebuilt Deep Space Nine.

    For those either following the novels and not read it, or not following them at all, In the Typhon Pact series novel "Plagues of Night"...


    Deep Space Nine was destroyed.

    In the upcoming books, we learn that over the two years following its destruction, the Starfleet Corps of Engineers built a brand new, advanced version of DS9.

    For those who'd like to see it, here is a link that will provide some images:


    Now, before everyone leaps on the "Books are not canon" argument, keep in mind that the story of the Hobus star going supernova and destroying Romulus and Remus was written for the comic book prequel to the 2009 Star Trek movie, which has since been written into the canon for STO.

    Furthermore, there are those who'd say that STO as a whole isn't "canon" either.

    Therefore, it's perfectly reasonable and possible that the rebuilt DS9 could be worked into the STO "canon" retroactively. It certainly wouldn't be the first time that a major character hub was changed mid-game (Earth Spacedock, anyone?).

    i dont consider sto canon at all like jjcrapverse, what happens in the prime verse including that red matter capacitor which is a prime universe invention is canon and will remain as such in my opinion as it will always remain.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • dalolorndalolorn Member Posts: 3,655 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tacofangs wrote: »
    HA! That looks like the old ESD design!

    The books are not canon, nor are we. However, we have mostly stuck with what IS canon, or drawn up our own stuff. I think we have, overall, taken very little from any of the novels.

    That old ESD looks pretty nice.

    Maybe it should be reintroduced into the game as a less iconic object? :P

    Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.p3OEBPD6HU3QI.jpg
  • wilvwilv Member Posts: 390 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    druhin wrote: »
    I think at this point, we could all agree that DS9 needs some much needed love, both internally and externally. I'd open Empok Nor (sister station of DS9) as an additional social hub, while replacing the existing DS9 with a more modern 2409-styled equivalent. Certainly Starfleet would've replaced a 50+ year old station by now?

    It's a matter of iconology. STO originally had an "updated" version of ESD and fans HATED it. They wanted the classic (though ancient) ESD and rallied for it. IF DS9 was "modernized' I can guarantee the rage would be massive. If anything people have been asking since launch that it be made MORE like the one in the show. People are constantly asking that it get rescaled and tweaked to be more screen accurate.
  • stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    dalolorn wrote: »
    That old ESD looks pretty nice.

    Maybe it should be reintroduced into the game as a less iconic object? :P

    T6 fleet starbase?
  • psycoticvulcanpsycoticvulcan Member Posts: 4,160 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    druhin wrote: »
    Certainly Starfleet would've replaced a 50+ year old station by now?

    They're still using TOS Connies, so I doubt it. :P
    "Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
    -Thomas Marrone
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Sorry to say that Mr. Probert's Redesign of DS9 was way off the mark. I have no ideas what is the purpose of those struts all going into that one central tower.

    As for old DS9, I tell you, Cryptic should bring it back and maybe the Captain's Table station be used as newly constructed Deep Space Starbases out near zones that will be part of future exploration, and use them as transit points "out there".
  • crypticarmsmancrypticarmsman Member Posts: 4,115 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    That 'new' DS9 looks like a Gyroscope. IMO - glad those books are in a different continuity from STO. YMMV.
    Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
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  • lincolninspacelincolninspace Member Posts: 1,843 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I don't like it either, at least the way it has arches over the top and bottom. It sounds like it has a cool interior, but why would they build a new station that is reminiscent of the Cardassian occupation? Thats like rebuilding a TRIBBLE base.
    Parallels: my second mission for Fed aligned Romulans.
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