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blitzpig Arc User



  • I have four lvl 50 characters that I have not played in a couple months. I went to the Dyson Sphere a few times, then just gave up because it has nothing to do with Star Trek in any way. I won't touch any more content in this shabbily written story arc. And now they think that somehow the Undine will pull this train wreck…
  • I rarely post here, but it just seems to me that the Devs have absolutely no plot outline at all to work off of. They jump from one "plot" area to another in a totally disjointed way, with no continuity bridges to make any of it believable. In example I will use the original Romulan story arc... And let me state that the…
  • I get random invites every time I take my newest character to Qo'noS. It's my first Klingon player and it's often funny because of the number of random invites he gets every time. Never had anyone reply after I decline though. I'd invite him to my little Fed fleet if I could. That said I do pretty much share the opinion…
  • You are probably right, but I can dream. What I don't want is just another Romulan looking thing like that dreadful one recently introduced that no one plays.
  • As a new KDF player, after playing Fed and Romulan aligned Fed, I certainly hope that the KDF does in fact get some attention ship wise, from the developers. I see a very easy way to do this, that would not take months or a year to develop. First off, it should (must) be based on the classic K'Tinga design. The very…
  • As a new Klingon player that has just leveled to Lt. General, I too share the desire for some more Klingon ships. In particular, I'd like to see a retrofit K'tinga that would be available to all level 50 players, not just those that belong to a fleet. There are two K'tinga retrofits for fleet use now, why? How about making…
  • Oddly enough I've had more trouble with PayPal than any other provider... :(
  • Well this is a revolting development. I actually want to give PWE money and now I have no way that I am comfortable with to do so. What a world we live in.
  • I just tried my g00gle fu, Nothing about PWE in Ireland. Anyone else have their billing for accounts routed through an Irish company?
  • Well, it's been obvious for quite some time that this title no longer has anything what so ever to do with Star Trek, other than a few ship models and uniforms. Any and all Star Trek content and "feel" is done with after the Romulan tour of duty posting. I have leveled up three characters now, and each time the feeling of…
  • I recently put my Tac character into the Odyssey Tac because I was just not happy with the Advanced Escort for the way our tiny fleet has evolved, and the way that PvE gameplay is currently. I'm not totally happy with the Odyssey as, it's just too porky. So my question is, and this is aimed mostly at the thread starter,…
  • Well seeing as I recently purchased an Odyssey Tac ship, I am hoping that the Sov re-fit can offer me similar or slightly better tac/weapons ability with better maneuverability. If not, it's not going to end up in my personal hangar. Hopefully it will blend the good performance of the Advanced Heavy Cruiser (Excelsior)…
  • How small is your fleet, and just how, exactly are you this far along so soon?
  • Our fleet is tiny, currently only 3 active as most have moved on, and we are adult players that have jobs and real life commitments so cannot play 24/7 like some do. Oh well, it's a quiet place to spawn into the game, and we at least got rid of the blast shutters. I just don't see how this advances the story line one…
  • Do you have any idea how many years it will take to get these items? Honestly, the grind for even the basic tier upgrades is impossible for a small fleet. I see no benefit.