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atrus19 Arc User



  • Can anyone confirm that the chroniton DBB does antiproton damage?
  • I have but one question: If I unlock the Wells class AND the Mobius class, does that give me the option to change the windows and domes of the Mobius class to federation blue?
  • This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~syberghost
  • Wait...windows too? Not just skin? So the Wells unlock gives me the blue windows and domes? Can someone confirm this?
  • The second example is true, but the first is not. EPS will not help at all to recover from a beam overload drain, that gets reset at the end of the weapon cycle. Transfering between systems and recovering after full impulse is affected (because this is just a glorified transfer between systems)
  • Um....ever useful EPS console? That's not at ALL right. Those aren't useful. At all. Anyway, the hull and shields lost between the two is meaningless in my mind, the only real differences are the console, the turn rate, and the boff setup. 5th tac console versus extra engi console. A 5th tac console dmg doesn't really add…
  • Unacceptable. I want a support response ASAP, or I uninstall the game and PWE gets no more money. This is unplayable.
  • I am necroposting this to prove a point. This problem has been around for FAR TOO LONG. FIX IT devs. NOW.
  • I agree. I might end up switching back to classic sovvy, tbh. Also, Why can't I use the oddy bridge? In fact, why aren't these new ships coming out with new bridges attached? I think every zen store ship at this point should have a custom new bridge attached.
  • Good god man, you haven't been wasting a console slot on the retrofit with the transwarp console have you? Back when they separated out the retro and the regular, they decided to leave the transwarp options on the retrofit without having to use the console. Soooo yeah, stick something useful in there.
  • And now, for the thrilling conclusion... But yeah, Regent's ensign tac slot makes all the difference for me! whether I go with 7 BA and 1 WAQTL, or 2 DBB 2 quantums, and 4 turrets, that setup lets me get in everything I want or need! Plus if your objective is to do damage, I just slot 1 neutronium and 1 field emitter, and…
  • My advice: transition back the other way. All cannon armitage isn't gonna happen in any good way. You WILL waste a boff slot, because the only non beam oriented ensign boff is tac team, and 2x covers you 24/7. A third has literally no purpose. Just slot one torp, and slot TS I, and call yourself a winner.
  • Highest Damage Cruiser Loadout: 4x Single Cannons front; 4x Beam Arrays back, use CRF and FAW (or BO, whatever, it still helps, just keep your power up with an EPtW, which you should have two copies of anyway). Bam. I won so much PvP with that loadout. People were so shocked when an excelsior kicked out that much DPS.…
  • Should I cite for you the number of ships created for this fleet business where both the ship and the fleet ship went live at the same time? Hint: it's most of them. Yeah, it's not that hard to do, just change some numbers and blamo. So the Trollolololol response of: "LOL NOT EVEN AVAIL YET AND ASKING ALREADY!?" makes zero…
  • Okay, can anyone else confirm this? If that's the case then I agree with what 'quiscustodiet' said re: patrol escort. Patrol for more durability or Defiant for the 5x tac consoles and the most damage possible. Personally, I think I will stick with the Hermes (patrol). It's skin options are more interesting to me than the…
  • And with that, I stop reading. You are bad. It's okay, probably 85% of STO players are bad. But considering a 'concentional' escort's job is to do damage, and the highest damage fit right now is all cannons and the defiant has a wasted slot with all cannons, and anything but the AE or the PE have sub-optimal Boff setups…
  • They really need to come out with bridges and interiors to match all the new ships they have come out with.
  • The saucer shape and design did not change drastically, the hull shape and design did not change drastically, the nacelles were the same length, and went from round to sort of trapezoidal, again, not really that drastic of a change (as opposed to, say, the armitage nacelles versus the Akira nacelles). Finally, the pylons.…
  • Wow! Thanks for gracing my thread! Sorry I complain so much, but so what I want isn't really available on the variants you mention. I think the classic sovvie is the closest I will get, straight up and back , and not curved like, say the odyssey pylons (curved pylons are really hard to build and really structurally…
  • And the highest DPS build right now is pure DHCs, but that aside, even using a single torp or DBB, there is a wasted tac slot unless I use BOTH a DBB and a torp...which is just bad. Also you will notice I mentioned the 5x tac slot defiant, but I also said my assessment of the patrol escort was OUTSIDE OF fleet ships.
  • Because you posted in favor of it? ....really? You don't know the history of the ship named Enterprise? There was a shuttle named Enterprise, there was an Aircraft Carrier named Enterprise...there was a British Royal Navy square rigged sailing ship named Enterprise.....
  • Never. Don't want it, don't care about it. Though it would fix my OCD about owning all the 'enterprise' ships...so far they haven't made the shuttlecraft and the aircraft carrier though.... not to mention the square-rigged tall ship...so I might be out of luck!
  • Some suggestions: Get rid of the bio function monitor and add another shield generator. Get rid of the MACO MkII engines and get the Borg engines. Get rid of the phaser and photon torpedo point defense systems and use 2x more AP dmg consoles. Tac consoles on escorts are sacrosanct. They are for dmg consoles. Never put…
  • Really? They haven't fixed that yet? Bah, cryptic. And I get from your and the previous persons mention of the cloak that you are talking PvP. I don't PvP. In terms of the best escort in the game for...the game (which excludes pvp, as it is terrible and broken and the devs will probably remove it entirely soon enough), I…
  • So to answer the original question: lockbox ships aren't real, so I'm not gonna consider that trash: The Patrol Escort is the epitome (outside of fleet ships) of standard escort layout. It also has the benefit of being free! The HEC could be considered, the hangar bay sort of makes up for the stupid tac Boff layout, but it…
  • It is NOT called a blockade runner, blockade escort, or anything like it. It is called a PATROL escort. Why do people constantly get this wrong?
  • What traditional design? Take a look at those pylons, take a look at every other canon starfleet ship, and then come back and tell me it is traditional... Edit: not saying I like it, I actually hate it, they should have stayed MORE traditional.
  • I will simply say that I disagree with your definition of torpedo boat. All or even most torpedoes is a worthless build, since you have no way of dealing with shields. My definition of torpedo boat is: 'ship that uses torpedo for main damage/killing source EFFECTIVELY.' A torpedo boat that pops torpedoes against shields…
  • GAH! No! You had me nodding until you said engine and deflector omega parts and 'borg shield better.' NO NO NO! Not at all. If you are doing 2 and 2, you want Omega/MACO shield and deflector, and Borg console and engines.
  • I agree with all this. The one note I would make is: You can use a Sovvy or Excel with a 'torp boat' build (the turn rates are just enough for me to deal with...any lower and I would say no) fairly decently but there's a lot of complication that goes into making that work, so if you are new and don't really have a handle…