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On the Sovereign Refit design:

atrus19atrus19 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited August 2012 in Federation Discussion
Why? Whyyyyy does Cryptic have such an obsession with forward swept nacelle pylons? Why? Seriously Cryptic, stop it. Most canon Starfleet ships either have straight up or down or out pylons or backward swept pylons, they really don't do much of the forward sweeping stuff, yet you made the akira into the armitage, you made the Imperial class assault cruiser skin, there's a star cruiser skin with forward swept pylons, there's an advanced escort skin with forward sweeping pylons, and now there's this...A refit of something shouldn't look COMPLETELY different from that thing. I.E., changing the backward sweeping nacelle pylons on the akira and sovereign into forward swept pylons on the armitage and regent respectively is a complete change of the look of the ship, it is not, as you say, keeping to the fundamentals of the sovereign.

What I would have liked to see, and this is just my opinion, is exactly what you have, with upward thrusting straight pylons, remeniscent of the Connie, but mirrored from what they are now, sweeping backwards.

TL;DR: Forward sweeping pylons, ftl!

- Demosthenes01101, from the REAL Star Trek Online forums!


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"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."
- Sherlock Holmes
Post edited by atrus19 on


  • insanerandomnesinsanerandomnes Member Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    atrus19 wrote: »
    Why? Whyyyyy does Cryptic have such an obsession with forward swept nacelle pylons? Why? Seriously Cryptic, stop it. Most canon Starfleet ships either have straight up or down or out pylons or backward swept pylons, they really don't do much of the forward sweeping stuff, yet you made the akira into the armitage, you made the Imperial class assault cruiser skin, there's a star cruiser skin with forward swept pylons, there's an advanced escort skin with forward sweeping pylons, and now there's this...A refit of something shouldn't look COMPLETELY different from that thing. I.E., changing the backward sweeping nacelle pylons on the akira and sovereign into forward swept pylons on the armitage and regent respectively is a complete change of the look of the ship, it is not, as you say, keeping to the fundamentals of the sovereign.

    What I would have liked to see, and this is just my opinion, is exactly what you have, with upward thrusting straight pylons, remeniscent of the Connie, but mirrored from what they are now, sweeping backwards.

    TL;DR: Forward sweeping pylons, ftl!

    Stop nitpicking. Don't like it, don't use the design. You can still get the same ship with the sovereign skin. I'm personally going to use the imperial skin, I love the way it looks.

  • thecosmic1thecosmic1 Member Posts: 9,365 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Maybe in the 25th Century the Starfleet Engineering Corp has learned that forward-sweeping pylons are more dilithium efficient. :)
    STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
  • dabsdye98dabsdye98 Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Don't know about you guys, but i personally like the '2409' versions of normal ships. I find the basic Color pallet and artstyle of the Oddy, the Exeter C-Store ship, the Thunderchild + Armitage, even the Bellenephron and Venture all kinda look the same. If they'd all update them to be Viable at T5 i'd buy them in a heartbeat. :)

    The Sovvy and Connie 2409 skins are best, IMHO.
    "Remember Rule of Acquisition #7-
    'Keep your ears open.'"
  • aveldraaveldra Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    With exception to the Voyager stylings and Sov(doesn't mean I dislike the next gen one) I always found the "canon" ships to be painfully plain and dull to look at. One of the reasons I liked DS9 was so many of them got destroyed in the last seasons.
  • nyxadrillnyxadrill Member Posts: 1,242 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    atrus19 wrote: »
    Why? Whyyyyy does Cryptic have such an obsession with forward swept nacelle pylons? Why? Seriously Cryptic, stop it.

    It makes them go faster, didnt you know? :P

    I have to admit I really like the new designs and you can no doubt switch skins on the new ship just as you can with the Armitage, etc.
  • misterde3misterde3 Member Posts: 4,195 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    nyxadrill wrote: »
    It makes them go faster, didnt you know? :P

    Now all we need to do is add more red stripes to make the ship go fastererer.:)

    Anyway sometimes they're swept forward (even if only slightly like on the Galaxy and the Intrepid) sometimes they're not...sometimes someone likes a style and sometimes not.
    That's what's so great about the customization thing:
    If you don't like a part just use another that suits you more.
    I think it's interesting to see a Sovy with Prometheus-style pylons even though I actually don't fly an Assault cruiser.
  • willamsheridanwillamsheridan Member Posts: 1,189 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Just to be sure. the Sovereign refit will be another independent Tier 5 ship and not just a skin for the already aailable sovereign? It is time for a free vadm. ship for F2P or the ability to use tier 5 consoles on lower tier ships. the saucer seperation on a tier 4 Galaxy for example. it doesnt make it tier 5 inweapons and hull but makes it more authentic. THese consoles should be purchasable seperately.I play 4 cahrs in f2p two of them klingon where whe have no good VADM ship (Bortasqu is too slow for me) but as fed player your chances to win PVP against a VADM with an upgraded ship decrease.Alsp make the ships cheaper. 2500 Zen thats 25? for a virtual ship is a bit much15 for normal tier 5 and 20 for each odyssey is enough. You have done it before by giving us a free odyssey in the Pack
  • vorpaldoomvorpaldoom Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Rear swept! woohoo!
  • qweeble#7491 qweeble Member Posts: 164 Cryptic Developer
    edited August 2012
    To clarify, the other variants will be available. You are in no way forced to use the forward swept pylons with your assault cruiser.

    When we design refits, generally we want the options available to expand. Another set of rear swept pylons wouldn't be terribly interesting. The current sovereign pylons work quite well with the rest of the Regent. So, if that is your preference for pylon shape, it is still available in that format.

    In the end, more options to satisfy more tastes.
    I make space ships!
    Twitter! STO_JamJamz
  • alastorforthrighalastorforthrigh Member Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    To clarify, the other variants will be available. You are in no way forced to use the forward swept pylons with your assault cruiser.

    This is technically only true if the Material 6 is made available to all ship parts, which in so far it hasn't for any class of ship. The only ship that can mix and mach parts right now and use Material 6 is the Akira if the person just uses Thunderchild and Armitage class parts. So unless the material is available, or the person doesn't want to use Material 6, they are in a way forced to use the forward swept pylons to use the 2409 style material.
  • walshicuswalshicus Member Posts: 1,314 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    To clarify, the other variants will be available. You are in no way forced to use the forward swept pylons with your assault cruiser.

    When we design refits, generally we want the options available to expand. Another set of rear swept pylons wouldn't be terribly interesting. The current sovereign pylons work quite well with the rest of the Regent. So, if that is your preference for pylon shape, it is still available in that format.

    In the end, more options to satisfy more tastes.

    Have you guys not thought about selling costume pieces for ships at an individual level? Such as a nacelle type that can fit multiple classes, or alternative mission pods or pylon angles?

    I dont buy ships that often but I would buy smaller costume pieces.
    http://mmo-economics.com - analysing the economic interactions in MMOs.
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    To clarify, the other variants will be available. You are in no way forced to use the forward swept pylons with your assault cruiser.

    When we design refits, generally we want the options available to expand. Another set of rear swept pylons wouldn't be terribly interesting. The current sovereign pylons work quite well with the rest of the Regent. So, if that is your preference for pylon shape, it is still available in that format.

    In the end, more options to satisfy more tastes.

    Here is to hoping they let you do the same kind of work on the KDF side. I have nothing really against anything except they only have you doing one faction with ships :( I really feel though if they allowed you to work on some of the KDF line especially the kar'fi, orion marauder, etc that it would more than likely bring on some more KDF players. Not to mention if they don't have you work on new KDF ships ppl who already own them all don't have anything to buy LOL.
  • venetar90venetar90 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    To clarify, the other variants will be available. You are in no way forced to use the forward swept pylons with your assault cruiser.

    When we design refits, generally we want the options available to expand. Another set of rear swept pylons wouldn't be terribly interesting. The current sovereign pylons work quite well with the rest of the Regent. So, if that is your preference for pylon shape, it is still available in that format.

    In the end, more options to satisfy more tastes.

    But can we get that oh so lovely type 6 hull material to work still? I would actually love to see the type 6 material useable on every ship in game!
  • blitzy4blitzy4 Member Posts: 839 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I'm still waiting for the type 6 material to be re-enabled on the armitage, its been several months now. I will admit though this ship does excite a bit, but I'd still like better screen shots.
    "..and like children playing after sunset, we were surrounded by darkness." -Ruri Hoshino

  • mkilczewskimkilczewski Member Posts: 284
    edited August 2012
    atrus19 wrote: »
    Why? Whyyyyy does Cryptic have such an obsession with forward swept nacelle pylons? Why? Seriously Cryptic, stop it. Most canon Starfleet ships either have straight up or down or out pylons or backward swept pylons, they really don't do much of the forward sweeping stuff, yet you made the akira into the armitage, you made the Imperial class assault cruiser skin, there's a star cruiser skin with forward swept pylons, there's an advanced escort skin with forward sweeping pylons, and now there's this...A refit of something shouldn't look COMPLETELY different from that thing. I.E., changing the backward sweeping nacelle pylons on the akira and sovereign into forward swept pylons on the armitage and regent respectively is a complete change of the look of the ship, it is not, as you say, keeping to the fundamentals of the sovereign.

    What I would have liked to see, and this is just my opinion, is exactly what you have, with upward thrusting straight pylons, remeniscent of the Connie, but mirrored from what they are now, sweeping backwards.

    TL;DR: Forward sweeping pylons, ftl!

    The SCOE has found that warp efficiency can be increased by locating the nacelles below the saucer, and tucked in closer to the engineering hull, like on the Intrepid, and Galaxy classes.

    Or you can just put backswept pylons on in the shipyard.
  • unangbangkayunangbangkay Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    walshicus wrote: »
    I dont buy ships that often but I would buy smaller costume pieces.
    Just to be sure. the Sovereign refit will be another independent Tier 5 ship and not just a skin for the already aailable sovereign? It is time for a free vadm. ship for F2P or the ability to use tier 5 consoles on lower tier ships. the saucer seperation on a tier 4 Galaxy for example. it doesnt make it tier 5 inweapons and hull but makes it more authentic. THese consoles should be purchasable seperately...Alsp make the ships cheaper. 2500 Zen thats 25? for a virtual ship is a bit much15 for normal tier 5 and 20 for each odyssey is enough. You have done it before by giving us a free odyssey in the Pack

    First off, Cryptic phased out selling ship skins. Sucks, I know, but here's the rationale, and it applies to selling special ability consoles separately as well (Note that Saucer Separation is not a console, but a built-in ability, like the Gal-X's Phaser Lance, so you couldn't buy it even if you wanted to).

    Plainly put, F2P games, or at least the variety STO belongs to (Champions Online is different, but that's another story), has a better incentive to "keep stuff premium" than it has to split everything up just to attract cheapskates (no offense).

    Why? Microtransaction-driven games -some of them at least- tend to make a lot more money from high-spending players (casinos call them "whales") than from a lot of smaller transactions. Not enough to rely solely on them, to be sure (just as slots make most of a casino's money vs. the high-rollers), but the amount of money made per-whale is HUGE compared to your average silver. I don't know the numbers for STO, but a Farmville "whale" will spend thousands of times more than the lowest-end transaction a free-player might make.

    I'd argue that the time or money Cryptic spends to create a new 2500z ship - art assets, balance considerations, CBS licensing/approval, etc. - is paid for several times over when the whales who want it shell out. Especially for a popular or demanded design, like the Regent is right now.

    Compare this to the potential cost-to-profit analysis for selling consoles separately (let's say, for 500z apiece), or opening up special ability consoles to low-tier players. The cost of figuring out balance (yes, they probably still do care about balance in some small way) alone might not be worth it. It also devalues the appeal of premium ships (without the Nadeon Detonator the Bellerophon is barely more than a new Intrepid skin) Better to keep the consoles a comparatively rare thing that the whales get to use on each other and themselves. And seeing a pretty ship with cool abilities makes free players jealous (some of them).

    Here's an anecdote: As a lifetime player I get 500z a month from them. After a long break, I looked at my stuff and realized I never spent my 600-day veteran reward, which is a VA ship token. I bought a Defiant retrofit. I could have been happy and enjoyed my new Deffy without paying a cent. The money I spent buying lifetime had already paid for itself 6 months ago. And yet I coughed up $20 because I saw the Sao Paulo skin and wanted its Quad Cannons. Call me a whale if you like, but that's the power of a premium ship.

    This is also the reason why they stopped selling ship skins and folded skins into the fleet ships, or into new C-store modules. Premium ships got MORE premium. And suckers will pay if the appeal is right.

    I won't argue price with you. 2500z is way too much. 2000z should be the upper limit for C-store ships (makes it easier to charge zen), but premium will stay that way in STO.

    That said, the model doesn't always work for every game. Compare to Champions Online, where buying small costume pieces one by one is a better proposition than selling expensive sets. For their custom heroes most folks only need single bits or pieces, and with the way the game works costume pieces are entirely cosmetic, unlike new ships or consoles.

    Rant over. TL;DR Cryptic makes more money selling ships than skins. DEAL WITH IT :cool:
  • atrus19atrus19 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    To clarify, the other variants will be available. You are in no way forced to use the forward swept pylons with your assault cruiser.

    When we design refits, generally we want the options available to expand. Another set of rear swept pylons wouldn't be terribly interesting. The current sovereign pylons work quite well with the rest of the Regent. So, if that is your preference for pylon shape, it is still available in that format.

    In the end, more options to satisfy more tastes.

    Wow! Thanks for gracing my thread!

    Sorry I complain so much, but so what I want isn't really available on the variants you mention. I think the classic sovvie is the closest I will get, straight up and back , and not curved like, say the odyssey pylons (curved pylons are really hard to build and really structurally unsound, why would starfleet make more of them? anyway...) But I want them more up than they are... what I really want is what you have on the regent, but reversed, mirrored, etc. So a lot like the connie refit pylons I guess? I like it when ships harken back to that sleek simple straight-line design, rather than the more complicated/elegant TNG era designs....I would buy just that pylon part if you made it...and wouldn't it be so easy to make? Seriously, mod my client, I'll pay you directly........

    Edit: Agh, looking now it looks like the current regent pylons ARE curved, I missed that on the first pass of the pictures. Eh, give me the Imperial pylons then, but mirrored!

    Edit2: And for the guy with the Armitage...you can get the type 6 skin back on it by clicking on the armitage option in the far left list...I believe. What we really need for type 6 is to be able to use it across ALL ship variants once we have unlocked it on a ship variant related to those. (i.e. you bought the armitage, you can use it on the akira classic skin, or you bought the venture, you can use it on the galaxy classic skin).

    - Demosthenes01101, from the REAL Star Trek Online forums!


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    - Pointy-eared, green blooded, hobgoblin

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    - Sherlock Holmes
  • carmenaracarmenara Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    To clarify, the other variants will be available. You are in no way forced to use the forward swept pylons with your assault cruiser.

    When we design refits, generally we want the options available to expand. Another set of rear swept pylons wouldn't be terribly interesting. The current sovereign pylons work quite well with the rest of the Regent. So, if that is your preference for pylon shape, it is still available in that format.

    In the end, more options to satisfy more tastes.

    I find your forward swept pylons awesome. It's like NASA's X-29 tech demonstrator :D
    STF Flight Instructor since Early 2012. Newbies are the reason why STO lives and breathes today. Do not discriminate.

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  • terlokiterloki Member Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    atrus19 wrote: »
    A refit of something shouldn't look COMPLETELY different from that thing. I.E., changing the backward sweeping nacelle pylons on the akira and sovereign into forward swept pylons on the armitage and regent respectively is a complete change of the look of the ship, it is not, as you say, keeping to the fundamentals of the sovereign.

    Uh, the Constitution went from perfectly straight pylons to swept back and replaced most of the structure of of the main hull and neck, and it's the first refit seen in any Star Trek material ever. So... Yeah.
    Admiral Katrina Tokareva - U.S.S. Cosmos, Yorktown-class Star Cruiser
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  • unangbangkayunangbangkay Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    terloki wrote: »
    Uh, the Constitution went from perfectly straight pylons to swept back and replaced most of the structure of of the main hull and neck, and it's the first refit seen in any Star Trek material ever. So... Yeah.

    And if anything, the "fundamentals" of most Feddie ship design is the "nacelles, pylons, saucer, hull" quardifecta. Everything else is flavor.
  • yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    A Sovereign with forward facing Pylons, nice!!! :)
    As long as the other Sovereign variants are still available, i don't see a problem.
    Personally i find pylons with holes much worse than forward or backward facing pylons.

    Are there any pictures of it?

    Live long and prosper.
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
  • atrus19atrus19 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    And if anything, the "fundamentals" of most Feddie ship design is the "nacelles, pylons, saucer, hull" quardifecta. Everything else is flavor.

    The saucer shape and design did not change drastically, the hull shape and design did not change drastically, the nacelles were the same length, and went from round to sort of trapezoidal, again, not really that drastic of a change (as opposed to, say, the armitage nacelles versus the Akira nacelles). Finally, the pylons. They do get swept back instead of straight up, but I would argue that they stay straight (as in, not curved), and at basically the same angle, and going from straight up and down to swept back when they are that far UP rather than back, is not that much of a change compared to the extreme swept back nature of the sovvie versus the forward swept regent.

    But, as jamjam said, their intent is to give extreme variety. I just think it shouldn't be called a Refit then.

    Edit: Oh...also..."Chicken in a pan." I think if TV producers came to the conclusion that it was a bad design, unless you have figured out a way to cure that problem, you shouldn't just go back and use rejected designs.

    - Demosthenes01101, from the REAL Star Trek Online forums!


    "The needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few, or the one."

    "You have been, and always shall be, my friend."
    - Pointy-eared, green blooded, hobgoblin

    "Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."
    - Sherlock Holmes
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