At least that leaves room for one vote! Voted for the image showing what this game truly is about. That is to say, the weirder character creation options, and just having a baller time.
Oh. Man. No kidding. There were a lot, and I mean a lot of fleets that would happily take in hapless people leaving guilds just for higher tier fleet items and charge some seriously inflated prices for base services. If you were not outright scammed out of your resources just for the admission being dangled in front of…
So it begins. Chaos reigns. Having said that, welcome to the team. I hope you will be a good CM following Trendy's performance so far. Also, hope you can sneak a few words in edgewise with the dev team. Awww yis.
I remember roleplaying with brothers and sisters in the House of Orions, when the roleplay venue was suffering major gas leaks and was at risk to have fires spread wild. It was chaos. It was pandemonium. People, mostly bleached white Orions, were screaming bloody murder. But it was fire safety technicians and medical staff…
A rose by any other name. But again, this is carte blanche and sets precedent. Additionally, further naming and shaming earlier also is acceptable. I think I can draw my conclusions just fine.
You could have quoted and you would have been using more than ten characters. Given what this thread has done so far, actively deriding certain fleets and blaming them for the troubles of someone getting their jollies around this fleet invite bug, I am quite certain you are wrong, despite reports made. EDIT: Oh! Can't…
That kinda is the basis of assertions. Until proof to the contrary is provided by the person claiming Starfleet Dental is not innocent, they are. The burden of proof lies on anyone claiming Starfleet Dental, the first and finest fleet, is guilty. Admittedly, some proof to substantiate Olivia being a guy using another…
Stop. One. Holocaust denier? This is literally inequatable to the actual Shoah. Stop that. Please. Two. That is not roleplay. Additionally, that was posted in General Discussion, which also is not a roleplaying venue. The Captain's Table is. Your second exhibit B is worthy of being subject to getting tickets submitted…
This is not the roleplay forum. This is not where we portray roleplay personalities. Heck, I hate the way the Bajorans were profiled as the sympathetic victims in DS9, too. EDIT: Addendum: Not every single person roleplays. Many people do not. Stop pushing your roleplay on us.
Can I call a motion to have the furry stop posting and mucking up a thread with incensed, imflammatory questions? The answers were given: this thread is to present a contest. A contest in the Cardassian side of the events leading up to the Gallitep insurgence being brought down is made, presented, and criticized, through…
And speaking of unbalanced: Players must explore sectors. Players must click the glowing item. Players must incapacitate/kill NPC's. It's using game and level design terminology and the limitations of the Foundry editor. You must do X to progress A to B. Nothing more. Cripes. EDIT: If you don't want to play the mission,…
This thread really shows there's some unbalanced people out and about. It's a video game mission portraying Star Trek lore events with some much needed balancing of the events surrounding the Bajorans' invasion of the Cardassian home systems. If anything, I can only applaud such a series of missions being played out for…
Feel free to keep flying underpowered ships in the new meta once the new 10 levels open up. Ultimatey, content for L50-60 will be tailored towards those higher tier ships, and that's simple fact. Ultimately, PVP will find itself gravitating towards the newly opened tier of competitive ships for stats, officer slots, and…
Furry these days usually refers to people online portraying animals that stand upright and that think they are people in their roleplaying shenanigans.
Mind, any, but try not to run concurrent virus scanning software suites together. Totes use all means of checking for rogue registry items, malware and spyware, one after the other.
Man, no kidding. Players cater to themselves for the L and B (and undoubtedly the T, heyo), but I have to agree with Nabreeki that the G in LGBT is tends to get shut down rather viciously by a substantial amount of people, even in my usually casual circle of roleplayer acquaintances. ...I quickly have learned to avoid such…
Money I'd say. And disco. Disco never dies. You're free to disagree with the changes. Heck, your posts were more constructive than Assimilatedktar if we do have to compare. But honestly, adding in a whole 'man see you in Star Citizen' is not really constructive to any efforts. (I'll also see you in Star Citizen, pumping…
Power creep is the gradual sense and actual experience of unbalance of a game as it continues to get added new content for it. New content is made? It's getting loot for its appropriate rewards. But that loot may be more powerful than previous rewards, adding further complications to existing gameplay that now have people…
The problem is, I too can make a character named xtern1ty and implicate them into behaviour with a slideshow video. This is why we don't name and shame.