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The point in Detached Warp Nacelles I hear you ask?



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    raijinmeister#1931 raijinmeister Member Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited June 2021
    kayajay wrote: »
    Now, maybe I'm in the minority to not find Detached Warp Nacelles cool, or to believe the "science" behind them, but I personally believe that the whole point of Disco creating them, is to use more CGI.

    I can't think of any other reason for pieces of a hull to be floating away from the rest of the ship, (especially the Janeway, with the saucer floating free) and you are not telling me that there's some sort of beam that could hit those gaps...Tachyon, Antithoron, Radion, Polaron, Antichroniton that could disrupt that weird matter and send the pieces flying off.

    If I were the bad guy and saw that design, my entire purpose in an attack would be to do exactly that and you're not telling me that someone wouldn't succeed. It's a vulnerability, with a Producer Driven reason behind it.

    In my humble opinion.

    There is no point. Is just visual fluffiness to say "look, it's the future of the future". Kurtzman Trek take on science is very lacking and and by far is the worse series when comes to how things should work in reality, even if you amp up things with the always useful "it's future tech" or "it's alien tech" handwave excuse.

    I mean, the writers of the show have no idea on basic physics concepts like light speed. And the glaring lack of attention to details in any level of the established canon.
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    raijinmeister#1931 raijinmeister Member Posts: 192 Arc User
    I mean, the writers of the show have no idea on basic physics concepts like light speed. And the glaring lack of attention to details in any level of the established canon.
    This video is nice at all... except the main shields have been called deflector shields several times across the franchise.

    Its also been mentioned many times across the franchise that the deflectors are only really responsible for deflecting smaller, nearly invisible, pieces of rock and debris. Larger pieces, like those in the Kelvan, DSC, and LD, clips, were never blocked by deflectors.

    Not to mention, these videos take all these scenes out of context. In all of these cases the crews warped into what they thought would be an open area, only to find it clogged with debris. The example of the ENT-D in TNG they were going somewhere they knew already had stuff in it.

    Videos like this always prove to me that the people most religiously fighting against things breaking canon are the ones who understand canon the least.
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    If so much energy is required to put in first, seems to me a silly thing to try and use.
    Probably why no one but the Romulans use it.

    More than once in Kurtzman trek was said they can't know what is going on because they are in warp. What is completely bogus.
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    raijinmeister#1931 raijinmeister Member Posts: 192 Arc User
    More than once in Kurtzman trek was said they can't know what is going on because they are in warp. What is completely bogus.
    And Voyager said you can't turn in warp... your point?

    One thing is one inconsistent line on a show, the other is the continuous use of a non-canon feature of something well established to the point that is very recurrent and even a plot element. They consistently warp out around debris, or in front of enemies since the 2009 movie completely got warp wrong. Just for the sake of the "oh TRIBBLE" factor.

    And like everything else in NuDrek those new nacelles makes no sense. One power failure and you are done.
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    paradox#7391 paradox Member Posts: 1,800 Arc User
    I'd like to remind everyone that Detached Nacelles aren't a Discovery creation, they're just recycling unused content, it's been in the works since 2005, just like how the Crossfield class is based on an unused design of the USS Enterprise, The Crossfield-class ships bear some resemblance to the B-24-CLN, which was seen at the Surplus Depot Z15 in TNG: "Unification I". Both models are based off a concept USS Enterprise study model (the B-24-CLN actually being a reuse of the model) designed by Ken Adam and Ralph McQuarrie for Star Trek: Planet of the Titans. source: memory alpha https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Crossfield_class#Background_information
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    jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,396 Arc User
    This video is nice at all... except the main shields have been called deflector shields several times across the franchise.
    And deflector screens. And, in TMP, defense screens. And the "deflector" usually refers to that thing hanging off the front of the secondary hull in all the "pancake and sausages" designs, used to deflect massive objects while in flight, as well as the defensive deflector fields. So really, there's about as much rhyme and/or reason to it as there is to warp speed in TOS.
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    smokebaileysmokebailey Member Posts: 4,667 Arc User
    I'll say it again.

    Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
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    equinox976equinox976 Member Posts: 2,277 Arc User
    edited June 2021
    I'll say it again.

    Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

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    jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,396 Arc User
    I'll say it again.

    Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
    ...from a sufficiently primitive viewpoint. Clarke's Laws weren't exactly the immutable underlying realities of existence that such a bland, bald statement implies.

    See, the thing is, outside of games magic doesn't operate by rules. No wizard of folklore was limited by anything except his own will and desire. (It's one of the ways we know magic isn't real - if it were, sorcerers would rule the universe and the rest of us would be mere servants.) We know enough today about the way the universe is set up that even technology like detachable warp nacelles isn't "magic" - the rules by which they operate are at least potentially knowable, we don't just throw up our hands and say "a wizard did it" any more. Hence all the tech speculation here. Black holes? We have a pretty good grasp on what they are and how they work, to the point that physicists weren't afraid to throw the switch on the LHC because they knew that any quantum holes created would be of such low mass that they'd vanish immediately - no more dangerous than, say, the positronic flux emitted by an average banana (yes, boys and girls, potassium is mildly radioactive, and bananas emit tiny yet detectable amounts of antimatter which immediately annihilates with normal matter and produces just the very smallest gamma-radiation flux). All the drive tech discussed in Trek? We obviously don't know all the rules governing it, but we know some, and the rest are known by the characters - nobody's gonna cast Summon Benamite and suddenly be able to slipstream all over the galaxy. We even know the rules governing the use of the mycelial drive, including the fact that using it causes damage to mycelial space because things from our universe aren't supposed to exist there. Sure, the rules are invented by the writers, but much like any science, there are rules.
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    rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,143 Community Moderator
    Actually I think it was the Charon's Core that was causing the damage because it was drawing from it. Discovery's Spore Drive just surfed along it with no real issues. The main issue with the Spore Drive was the need for an organic pilot that had tartegrade DNA. I think they had a workaround in s3 at one point. Not sure about the full effects of the retrofitted interface since I haven't seen season 3 yet.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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    kiralynkiralyn Member Posts: 1,576 Arc User
    edited June 2021
    The in-universe technobabble explanations of the "why" don't matter - they can be made up as required by the series creators.

    Pretty sure the reason for the detached engines is to "look cool". The problem is that "cool" is subjective - the same thing can look Cool to one person, and Idiotic to another.
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    equinox976equinox976 Member Posts: 2,277 Arc User
    edited June 2021
    kiralyn wrote: »
    The in-universe technobabble explanations of the "why" don't matter - they can be made up as required by the series creators.

    Pretty sure the reason for the detached engines is to "look cool". The problem is that "cool" is subjective - the same thing can look Cool to one person, and Idiotic to another.

    I disagree. Detatched engines actually make complete sense.

    As I explained in an earlier post. There is no reason why a ship would be required to have any kind of 'warp drive' attached to the ship. An independent system with it's own power source could just as easily create the 'bubble' required.

    In fact it makes even MORE sense in the Trek' universe to have an independently powered warp drive system. No more dangerous 'warp core' that need an emergency ejection, on board the ship.

    No more need for various EPS power relays tied up into the propulsion system.

    Just a nice onboard power system that will not explode all the consoles into crewmans faces when they are hit by enemy fire.

    Actullay makes much MORE sense to have independendly powered 'floating' naccelles'. You don't even need to 'detatch the saucer section'. You fly away, on impulse power. Job done.

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    thewolfsterthewolfster Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    Detached nacelles are not more vulnerable.

    Hero ships lose a nacelle every other episode.

    They’d also be taken out by an internal explosion just as the detached ones are.

    There’s some spurious logic in this thread.
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    thewolfsterthewolfster Member Posts: 75 Arc User

    I mean, the writers of the show have no idea on basic physics concepts like light speed. And the glaring lack of attention to details in any level of the established canon.

    You are not with a straight face suggesting prior series of Trek had any better a grasp of any of these physical principles because that’s either wilful ignorance or intellectual dishonesty. TOS contradicts its own internal science from episode to episode. TNG is not much better. Neither has any root in real physics.

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    mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    Reasonable people don't need to curse and use their big chair to tell others to shut up just because they want them to.
    I do call TRIBBLE on that. You can curse however fracking much you want, and still have a solid argument. Reasonable people can curse.
    Clancy was absolutely justified in her statements and actions in that scene.

    Picard is a man who left Starfleet in anger, spend years bad mouthing everything they did, just got done doing so AGAIN in a super public interview, and then just waltzed in, demanding a ship and crew at the snap of his fingers, and just expects everyone to go along with it despite the fact he had no proof of any of his actions. THAT is egotism, and arrogance, to the max.
    Actually, it appeared in the pilot as if he actually had not talked about his problems with Starfleet at all. But he left them, when they could have needed him, and just shortly before he needs Starfleet help, he gives an interview and badmouthes them. It is extremely bad timing. "So you just gave up and left Starfleet, then after years of inactive you criticize us as abandoning Starfleet ideals and being criminal, and now you want back as commanding officer in Starfleet?" Yes, that is not going to turn out well. If she had given into his demand, he would have trouble gaining the trust of his officers under this command he wanted, because he just accused them of being criminals. Aside from the political implications of Starfleet rehiring someone that just called them criminal. Are they silencing him? Is that an admission of guilt?
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
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    mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    Regarding black holes as energy source: Hawking Radiation to produce energy similar to what was occassionally stated for the output of a matter/antimatter warp core would lead to a really very, very small black hole. So small in fact that it's difficult to feed, because you basically have to hit it directly, and it's smaller than proton.

    I used to think if it was, say, basket ball sized, you could feed it by throwing a chair at it, but it must be much, much smaller than that. And throwing a chair at it would do absolutely nothing, because basically all the atoms in the chair will likely miss the black hole. You need to basically fire a high frequency laser to reliably hit your black hole. And you need to feed as much energy as you get out of it, or it evaporates eventually (with its energy output rising as it gets closer to complete evaporation, which sounds counter-productive on a stealth ship). But if you can feed a black hole with a high frequency laser to keep it in equilibrium, what's your high frequency laser's power source and why not use that?

    Though it is possible that they actually don't feed their singularities, and at some point. Then the singularity is basically its own fuel, but at some point when the singularity releases too much power for them to handle they must throw it out and replace it.

    Or they use some other technological trick to make it work that we can't think off yet.

    Maybe Dilithium Crystals are actually involved here as well. Maybe they can suppress Hawking radiation from being emitted, keeping the singularity stable until its energy output is needed?

    Interestingly, I think both the matter/antimatter reactor and the singularity producing Hawking radiation have one common problem: The stuff they produce is not simply "pure" energy. It produces radiation and particles that you might not actually want. That's always my other go-to for what Dilithum adds to the whole thing - its presence can modulate what stuff is actually released by the reactor (basically as catalyst that converts the "undesired" components of the radiation into desired stuff) into something you can feed into your power grid.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
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    evilmark444evilmark444 Member Posts: 6,950 Arc User
    Reasonable people don't need to curse and use their big chair to tell others to shut up just because they want them to.

    Swearing is part of pretty much everyone's vocabulary in the military, and military or not (I don't want to start THAT argument here) Starfleet is certainly modeled after the modern military. I'd say that the only reason previous shows didn't feature "colorful language" is because network television doesn't allow it.
    Lifetime Subscriber since Beta
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    rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,143 Community Moderator
    equinox976 wrote: »
    As I explained in an earlier post. There is no reason why a ship would be required to have any kind of 'warp drive' attached to the ship. An independent system with it's own power source could just as easily create the 'bubble' required.

    In fact it makes even MORE sense in the Trek' universe to have an independently powered warp drive system. No more dangerous 'warp core' that need an emergency ejection, on board the ship.

    No more need for various EPS power relays tied up into the propulsion system.

    Just a nice onboard power system that will not explode all the consoles into crewmans faces when they are hit by enemy fire.

    Actullay makes much MORE sense to have independendly powered 'floating' naccelles'. You don't even need to 'detatch the saucer section'. You fly away, on impulse power. Job done.

    Well... we have seen one ship actually supporting another's warp field by merging its own with the second ship's which in turn allowed the other ship to totally power down. (Columbia assisting a Klingon sabotaged Enterprise in the 22nd Century)

    I think the main issue, at least in my mind, is how the detatched nacelles are still technically "attached" to their parent ship without any form of impulse engines of their own. While maneuvering they still act basically as one complete, connected unit with their parent ship like we've seen in the past, and are receiving power from said parent ship.

    Personally I chalk it up to 32nd Century Technological Advancement Shenanigans. After all... its far more advanced than even the 29th Century Wells class. There's no telling what kind of advancements they've made since the 29th Century.

    Could be that Structural Integrity Fields have become so strong by then that they can actually take the place of physical connections in certain areas. But in my mind there's still the fact that they need to receive power from the warp core to perform their primary function, generate the warp field to enable FTL travel. In the past that required EPS conduits to basically feed the warp coils IMMENSE power.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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    equinox976equinox976 Member Posts: 2,277 Arc User
    edited June 2021
    rattler2 wrote: »
    equinox976 wrote: »
    As I explained in an earlier post. There is no reason why a ship would be required to have any kind of 'warp drive' attached to the ship. An independent system with it's own power source could just as easily create the 'bubble' required.

    In fact it makes even MORE sense in the Trek' universe to have an independently powered warp drive system. No more dangerous 'warp core' that need an emergency ejection, on board the ship.

    No more need for various EPS power relays tied up into the propulsion system.

    Just a nice onboard power system that will not explode all the consoles into crewmans faces when they are hit by enemy fire.

    Actullay makes much MORE sense to have independendly powered 'floating' naccelles'. You don't even need to 'detatch the saucer section'. You fly away, on impulse power. Job done.

    Well... we have seen one ship actually supporting another's warp field by merging its own with the second ship's which in turn allowed the other ship to totally power down. (Columbia assisting a Klingon sabotaged Enterprise in the 22nd Century)

    I think the main issue, at least in my mind, is how the detatched nacelles are still technically "attached" to their parent ship without any form of impulse engines of their own. While maneuvering they still act basically as one complete, connected unit with their parent ship like we've seen in the past, and are receiving power from said parent ship.

    Personally I chalk it up to 32nd Century Technological Advancement Shenanigans. After all... its far more advanced than even the 29th Century Wells class. There's no telling what kind of advancements they've made since the 29th Century.

    Could be that Structural Integrity Fields have become so strong by then that they can actually take the place of physical connections in certain areas. But in my mind there's still the fact that they need to receive power from the warp core to perform their primary function, generate the warp field to enable FTL travel. In the past that required EPS conduits to basically feed the warp coils IMMENSE power.

    In my mind they are not so much as a big technical hurdle to overcome.

    Firstly, if you think for a moment of the nacelles having thier own indepenent warp cores (rather than one 'main' core' on the ship) things get a lot simpler.

    There is no need to have a warp core on a ship with detached nacelles, since the whole point of a 'warp core' is to power the nacelles. Take way the warp core and place them (miniturised a'la future tech) and you don't need to worry about any more warp core breaches. You simply have an independent shipside power source.

    As for how the Nacelles stay 'attached' whilst not at warp. Well that's also pretty easy, even with 'current' Trek' technology. Some low powered tractor/repulsor beams with a sufficiantly intelligent AI chip to control when to tractor/repulse.

    Backed up by some of our 'own' current 20th Century technology. Graphine Tethers (rope). Already said to be strong enough to support a geostationary space elevator. I imagine this technology would only get better in a few hundred years, and would serve as a sufficiant 'safety backup' to keep the nacelles attached during power outs.

    If there is sufficiant technology for each nacelle to have a miniturised 'warp core' independent form the ship, there is no need for there to be any power tranfer between the ship and the nacelles. The nacelles simply create the 'warp bubble' and outside of warp, they are defunct.

    Remember that the ship/nacelles themselves do not move through space, the 'warp bubble' pulls space 'around' them. Therefore they both remain stationary during warp. The hurdles to overcome (as you rightly state) would be during normal sublight speeds, which (should) be able to be overcome with those methods mentiod above.

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    rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,143 Community Moderator
    Except the Warp Core doesn't just provide power to the nacelles. Its the primary reactor for the whole ship. Yea they do have alternate power sources, but the bulk does come from the Warp Core. In TMP they made a big deal about routing the Phaser Banks through the Warp Core for extra power, but makes them useless at Warp.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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    equinox976equinox976 Member Posts: 2,277 Arc User
    edited June 2021
    rattler2 wrote: »
    Except the Warp Core doesn't just provide power to the nacelles. Its the primary reactor for the whole ship. Yea they do have alternate power sources, but the bulk does come from the Warp Core. In TMP they made a big deal about routing the Phaser Banks through the Warp Core for extra power, but makes them useless at Warp.

    That is true. But if we are talking about future tech (remember some ships of the line already have TWO warp cores -Voy schematics show a secondary warp core, although it was never shown on screen) there is no reason why future miniturisation could not mean each nacelle and this ship all have independent power sources.

    If people of the future have transporters built into a com badge (considering how huge 'transporter rooms' are in the the shows), it does not seem so far fetched to have such independent/miniturised power sources.

    Just an idea :)
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    horridpersonhorridperson Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    > @somtaawkhar said:
    > This isn't really that much of a leap. We saw a one time use emergency transporter device that was like the size of a combadge in Nemesis.
    > Transporter rooms as they size they are in order to transport in things larger then people.

    Transporter rooms are designed for personnel transport. Cargo transport (unliving matter) is routinely transported directly to and from cargo bays. The larger size allows for parties as well as safety redundancies. More importantly a space dedicated to transport of personnel is a security measure with it's location integrated into the ship's layout with those considerations being paramount.

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    truewarpertruewarper Member Posts: 928 Arc User
    kayajay wrote: »
    Now, maybe I'm in the minority to not find Detached Warp Nacelles cool, or to believe the "science" behind them, but I personally believe that the whole point of Disco creating them, is to use more CGI.

    I can't think of any other reason for pieces of a hull to be floating away from the rest of the ship, (especially the Janeway, with the saucer floating free) and you are not telling me that there's some sort of beam that could hit those gaps...Tachyon, Antithoron, Radion, Polaron, Antichroniton that could disrupt that weird matter and send the pieces flying off.

    If I were the bad guy and saw that design, my entire purpose in an attack would be to do exactly that and you're not telling me that someone wouldn't succeed. It's a vulnerability, with a Producer Driven reason behind it.

    In my humble opinion.

    There is no point. Is just visual fluffiness to say "look, it's the future of the future". Kurtzman Trek take on science is very lacking and and by far is the worse series when comes to how things should work in reality, even if you amp up things with the always useful "it's future tech" or "it's alien tech" handwave excuse.

    I mean, the writers of the show have no idea on basic physics concepts like light speed. And the glaring lack of attention to details in any level of the established canon.

    Drama writers are not mostly sci-fi writers...

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    horridpersonhorridperson Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    > @somtaawkhar said:
    > Except this is demonstrably false. We see them transport objects into the normal transporter rooms all the time across the series.

    Demonstrably false? That someone's carry on luggage is bigger than they are? You are trying to be contrary. Read what you wrote and don't worry so much about the coding on my posts. Some day when you are allowed into airports you will learn how security control points limit personal access and checks carry on/personal effects; Like a transporter room.

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    horridpersonhorridperson Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    > @somtaawkhar said:
    > I like how I listed several things, but you try to straw man it down to just personal luggage. Gotta love that dishonesty.

    There's no straw man. You stated transporter rooms existed to move things larger than people. I provided a practical example of very large items transported directly from cargo bays to other locations. You "demonstrated" that was false by....I guess you didn't but you wrote something. I did trivialize your comment which followed because in the context of your previous purpose it didn't prove or disprove anything. Snuggle your straw man.

This discussion has been closed.