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2021 Anniversary Legendary Bundle

ambassadorkael#6946 ambassadorkael Member, Administrator Posts: 2,679 Community Manager
It's time to talk...Legendary. Coming on February 18th, the 2021 Anniversary Legendary Bundle includes four of the most iconic ships in Star Trek history, two from the Federation, two from the Klingon Empire, 2 T6 ships, a Worf Bridge Officer, and more.



  • davideightdavideight Member Posts: 463 Arc User
    should have been a pure kdf leg pack.

    brel - kvort - vorcha - neghvar and bortasq

    brel and vorcha already redundant, cause kor and temporal vorcha, but packing these with 2 fed ships that are also redundant (ambassador temp and Lacota i assume) is really a killer and will let this pack drown if not paired with OP consoles.

    a kvort cruiser like bop with 5/3 setting and aneghvar with lance ability and a MW bortasq would have made it. put aside that stupid metric data farming that says "50% kdf at best" and start making real matching packs. just making it half fed, where there is already a full fed only 10 pack - is just DUMB AS TRIBBLE - everyone started a recruit, you see? kdf is only lacking opportunity, thats why noone buys kdf.

    no need for another 2 redunand fed ships in a "year of the half klingon ally fed " - year ... its really annoying that you lack ambition and bravery to make a full kdf set, though its year of the klingon and kdf recruit running.

    and dont tell me anything about CF flying, it was obviously just a bad excuse for a half-assed - half fed legendary pack.
  • loveinitloveinit Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    Why 200 dollars for 4 ships this is a terrible bundle, all the addon junk just makes it worst. Instead of keys give us a infinitely t6 box ship, and promo ship box.
  • ikonn#1068 ikonn Member Posts: 1,450 Arc User
    How about no????

    I am not going to shell out that kind of money for 4 ships and a bunch of fluff.

    I'll hold the money I have set aside for a REAL KDF Legendary Bundle and pretend this is just an early April Fools joke.
    -AoP- Warrior's Blood (KDF Armada) / -AoP- Qu' raD qulbo'Degh / -AoP- Project Phoenix
    Join Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010
  • szimszim Member Posts: 2,503 Arc User
    So, 4 legendary ships, B'rel, Vor'cha, Excelsior, Ambassador, (no Negh'var, no D7) plus a lot of junk nobody asked for: $250. This is beyond disappointing...
  • jivedutchjivedutch Member Posts: 358 Arc User
    edited January 2021
    It's time to talk...Legendary. Coming on February 18th, the 2021 Anniversary Legendary Bundle includes four of the most iconic ships in Star Trek history, two from the Federation, two from the Klingon Empire, 2 T6 ships, a Worf Bridge Officer, and more.

    While I guess the other 3 ships are still waiting in the wings to be anounced ... i do think as it is now, the pricing is very high for what we get...

    Will players who already have parts of the set get discounts like we had in the past with bundles ??
    Already owner of the 800Zen Combat Targ ,,, for example, as wel as already owning all other variants of the B'Rel

    And as an aside, i am not sure why "The Ability to Fly Ships of Any Faction, Unlocked Across Your Entire Account" is listed as something we are buying with this bundle ??

    As a player who has purchased just about everything in the game store so far, the prices seem to go up alot, with alot of content added on that is already owned by many, even 50% discount is a hard sell, which is what we previously get from new bundles, 25% hits like something else .....
  • redshirt1981redshirt1981 Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited January 2021
    This pack is way too overpriced AND sadly there is no D7 which is legendary too. Lets keep the two klingon ships and the excelsior and add the D7 instead the second fed ship.

    You can see all the ships in the launcher ^^
  • ambrodeldkambrodeldk Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    It's time to talk...Legendary.

    It's time to BE Legendary, which this pack isn't. Allow me to copy/paste my reply from a conversation with a friend about this:
    ONLY 4 "new" ships, where I most likely have two of them already, judging by that image. 2 T6 coupons is nice, but I haven't event spent what I have already. Factionless flying is already unlocked, so that's NOT a selling point! I don't need more ship slots, already have 5 unused in the bank. I also don't need more ships Xed up, my characters are already flying the ships they're supposed to. Upgrade tokens for gear are nice, but Phoenix during Upgrade weekends is just as good for me. 11 keys and crafting packs are too random to be of any actual value to me as a selling point. Boff, pet, outfit and title? No thanks.
    The actual value of this pack is nowhere near 25k zen for me.
    Or 20k for that matter, with the discount.
  • leemwatsonleemwatson Member Posts: 5,573 Arc User
    NO, NO AND NO! Obscene price gouging!! Considering the 10 Ship FED Legendary pack was 1k more than this, why aren't you offering the ships without all the worthless R&D packs and Keys!? And why aren't they ALL KDF ships!?
    "You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for you.....you WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
  • iamynaughtiamynaught Member Posts: 1,285 Arc User
    Legendary? The ships may be, but the price is redonkulous.

    Slap "Legendary" on ships already released, change stats minutely, maybe add a new skin, throw in a bunch of fluff that is nearly useless and then charge a price that even some large marine mammals couldn't swallow.

    Yup, Legendary.

    I'd pay 10k Zen for the 4 Legendary ships if they came in a separate pack, alone. Even then, I'd likely only buy it when there was a sale going.

    As is, hard pass.
    Hello. My name is iamynaught and I am an altaholic.

    Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.
  • garaffegaraffe Member Posts: 1,353 Arc User
    Two... TWO legendary KDF ships is all they could come up with for the YEAR OF THE KLINGON???? I don't even play KDF and this makes me mad. On top of that, in order for a KDF player to get a legendary KDF ship, they have to shell out almost as much as the Fed 10-pack?

    This is just insulting...

  • wesgunder1wesgunder1 Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    I don't know who choose the old 4-3 loadout , but make it 5-2 its supposed to be a Legend version of the BoP, not a half A__ed version!
  • wesgunder1wesgunder1 Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    This isn't a Legendary set, the first ship lacks quality and it appears the rest will be same!, not even worth half the cost of this set, i like the pilot version and seating but fix the loadout!
  • shadowmane20001shadowmane20001 Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    It's time to talk...Legendary. Coming on February 18th, the 2021 Anniversary Legendary Bundle includes four of the most iconic ships in Star Trek history, two from the Federation, two from the Klingon Empire, 2 T6 ships, a Worf Bridge Officer, and more.


    Ok so 6 ships (30 dollars a ship, 180 dollars) , 250 dollars? 25% discount. Sounds like there's going to be no option to get just the ships either. And a lot of fluff?
    Very easy pass.

    In my honest opinion,
    A proper KDF pack would and should have had the following ships.
    Legendary T6 B'rel,
    Legendary T6 TOS D7/K'a'tinga
    Legendary T6 Disco D7/"Katinga
    Legendary T6 Kelvin D7
    Legendary T6 Vor'cha
    Legendary T6 Negh'var
    Legendary T6 Bortas
    Here is Hoping (in Vain most likely) in the FUTURE that there will be a proper KDF pack along the lines above. The Pack above, even with a Legendary Excelsior in the pack which I do want. No. This pack is not worth it to me. The items you get from Lock boxes are 100% random, and even if you were remotely lucky to get a t6 ship. Not worth it. The legendary tech upgrades. I would use that on gear bound to character limited value. R&D boxes? I would by those when I need crafting materials, and only during Promo events on sale. Lower this to say 150 (get rid of the Keys), or so and yeah I might actually consider buying it.

    By now most people already have a level 65 KDF so the fly any ship any faction unlock is of moot value.

    You are sadly asking too much money for too little.
  • piroteuspiroteus Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    I don't realy write often, but if you gota complain you got to complain!

    Frist agree with the move from 3 reskined ships in Tac, Eng, Sci variants to just one ship. Stops the shop from geting even more cluttered.

    But Fed Ships for KDF Legi... nope there are enough ships for fed, and soon every Fed will be abel to fly KDF so IF there is a role that e KDF Legend fulfills bether than any FED or unalined ship... let it be that way. If the KDF get the best Ambusher Tac ship... great people who whant that 3% extra DPS can fly the warrior race ship.

    Are there even two Fed and two KDF ships? the revealed ships has the exact same siluet as the shadowed ship on the left...

    Could have been the opertunetie to suprise us with an maybe legend Gorn tank ship, or an sci Orion frigat. Go for the allied races instead of Fed.

    Hard bundeling it with one time use items hase never been well recieved.

    Yes Covid19 puts a hard strain on everybodies purse and probaly haveing all the staff work from home puts an extra logistics strain on the budged. But i realy think you managed to shoot past the breaking point with this one. Mud was redicules and consumer unfriendlie as all heck but this.

    Please reconsider and put at least the fabled Dynamic Power Redistributor in the pack.
  • oliverrogerr#5018 oliverrogerr Member Posts: 109 Arc User
    the guy who thought of this pack...must have some level of delay ... FOR GOD'S SAKE, IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A KLINGON BUNDLE!!!!!! No D7.... 2 versions of the SAME SHIP??????? WTF
  • garaffegaraffe Member Posts: 1,353 Arc User
    For clarity, there are 4 unique ships in this bundle, two Fed, two KDF. They are using the same silhouette because they want to slowly reveal the ships over time. Because they think that adding some mystery to the release will make the TRIBBLE bundle more appealing.

    What a laugh!
  • leemwatsonleemwatson Member Posts: 5,573 Arc User
    edited January 2021
    garaffe wrote: »
    For clarity, there are 4 unique ships in this bundle, two Fed, two KDF. They are using the same silhouette because they want to slowly reveal the ships over time. Because they think that adding some mystery to the release will make the TRIBBLE bundle more appealing.

    What a laugh!

    Indeed. We already know it's the BoP, Vorcha, Excelsior and Ambassador. SMH.
    "You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for you.....you WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
  • foppotee#4552 foppotee Member Posts: 1,704 Arc User

    Overall not a good bundle, so far, imo & not a good value.

    The bundle isn't inspiring nor very tempting & if this is ends-up being Cryptic's attempt at an equivalent Klingon Legend Bundle then it's a failure & disappointing, but great trolling of any Klingon enthusiast player(s).

    Is this what Legend bundles have been diluted to now needing to include ship coupons, while good upon their own, for other older non-Legend already in-game ships?

    "Command Any Ship" has already debuted & more than likely will be had by players when this releases so mostly worthless addition.

    The (6) ship slots & X-Upgrades makes me think there might be (2) more undisclosed ships to this bundles' roster, maybe???

    (11) Ultimate Upgrades is decent & the Keys should be thought of as little value like adding (44) Lobi & (11) Salvaged Technology bits lol.

    Was the Gre'thor Targ the earnable combat pet or the other from the C-Store that had an inflated price compared to other combat pets?

    The Holo-Worf is good but that really depends upon the traits, & I'm sure the Boreth Monk robes will look cool.

    The Vo'n'talk class visual is decent I guess but that reception is always subjective. The ship's shields are less than a fleet B'rel lol, not even Improved Raider Flanking, & the only newness is the Deadly Appearances trait which does read as good potential. The included consoles seem like a good complimentary too: click the induction coils, use the sub-jumper followed by the shield destab, then mop up firing the quantum warheads along with your other weapons for the kill(s). Again, nothing stands above, even slightly, per stats compared between the fleet B'rel, D4X, & fleet M'Chla.

    So far based upon this, a no buy, easy decision.

  • ozwynozwyn Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    about 100 USD too expensive for just 4 ships and some assorted items. it doesn't even measure up to the original legendary bundle - which set a pretty good bar that none of the other legendary packs seem to reach
  • calford24calford24 Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    Are we certain about the lack of a D7/K't'inga? The D7 is quite literally the very first and longest running Klingon ship in the franchise; to not make that a legendary ship is MIND BLOWING!!!! Kronos One is the first Klingon flagship in Trek, it's the OG legendary Klingon ship!!!!
  • inferiorityinferiority Member Posts: 4,619 Arc User
    Disappointing stats for the B'Rel;
    disappointing price, inflated beyond reasonable;
    disappointing 'extras' to justify the excessive pricing.
    - - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Everyone has a better name and Youtube Channel than me...  :/
  • joshmauljoshmaul Member Posts: 519 Arc User
    edited January 2021
    ozwyn wrote: »
    about 100 USD too expensive for just 4 ships and some assorted items. it doesn't even measure up to the original legendary bundle - which set a pretty good bar that none of the other legendary packs seem to reach

    I don't think the other ones are intending to, seeing as they're character boosts and one ship - and holographic "legends" on your crew for the Disco one (Lorca, Tilly, etc.).

    That being said... this is incredibly disappointing. For the "year of Klingon", there have been a lot of Federation updates. And the filler fluff for this does not make this legendary. It makes it complete bull. I made it a point to grab the one last year because I love me some Connies. If this had some D7s, I would get this one too. It doesn't. So I'm not.
    "There's No Way Like Poway!"

    Real Join Date: October 2010
  • dvonluckdvonluck Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    I cant decide if I want this or not, I mean can I afford it?...just about, can I justify it to myself?...with the way the story of the game is going and my drop in enjoyment of late i'm not sure I can
  • jcswwjcsww Member Posts: 6,859 Arc User
    As someone who purchased the 10 ship Legendary Bundle. I don't see the value in this one. Sure, it has two ships I want; Ambassador and B'Rel, but it also has two ships I don't want; Excelsior and Vor'cha. The rest of the stuff in there, I have no interest in. I would have preferred more KDF ships, like the Discovery D7 and TOS D7 for starters. The two T6 ship tokens really have no value to me, along with the keys, Holo-Worf, and so on. The Ultimate Tech should have been 20 and those T6 ship tokens should have been one free choice of a LockBox ship and one free choice of a Promo Pack ship. I also think there needs to be a Romulan D7 added to this game. It is one ship that has been ignored for so long that really needs to be added and a Legendary version is the perfect place to correct this oversight.
  • isolinear360isolinear360 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2021
    I'm not sure I've ever posted before, but this bundle is despairing enough to cause me to actually post something, and in PR terms, that's not probably a good thing.

    I normally play Fed, and even to me this bundle seems insulting. I had been thinking, based on last year's Fed bundle, we'd see maybe a TOS D7 with a K'tinga skin, Discovery T7, BOP, Vorcha, Negh'Var, Raptor class, or even a D4 or D5 for fun. There may not be as many as Fed ships, but still, there are quite a few. None of the C-Store T6 Klingon ships particularly catch my interest. They're just called "Klingon" ships. I don't know what Klingon ships I'd actually use the T6 coupons for. Those would most likely be used for a Fed ship I don't have.

    Having read past comments over the years about how players who choose Klingon characters feel somewhat neglected over Fed offerings, I thought this year, the "Year of the Klingon," we'd see something redeeming and really cool for Legendary ships. Instead, this is so disappointing. Even if one of the 4 ships was a D7, though, compare this to the 10-ship Fed bundle. Oops, you really can't.

    They had a Legendary Romulan bundle, and it had a classic Romulan Bird of Prey. They have a Legendary Klingon bundle, and they don't have any type of D7, just 2 Klingon ships, 2 Fed ships (what?) and a bundle of pork? There is WAY more value in the Boys & Girls club donation in terms of Klingon ships, so at least that's a plus; I got a Klingon ship that fits with some type of Star Trek show this year at least, plus it supports a worthy cause.

    Suggestion: make it an actual Klingon bundle for the Klingon fans and split the two Fed ships into a separate bundle at least. Then split the resulting Klingon bundle into a pork-laden and pork-free variety like last year, and then you might have something worthwhile. Two ships (really I consider it a two ship bundle if I'm looking for a "Legendary Klingon" bundle) and a pile of other stuff...no thanks.
    Post edited by isolinear360 on
  • damocles2209damocles2209 Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    That price is absolutely unacceptable. The Legendary Federation bundle was better in pretty much every way and cost less.
  • krotazkrotaz Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    This is deeply disappointing as a pack. While I did not expect this pack to be as large as the Federation I expected to to contain the following ships based on appearances in TV shows and Movies and based on how the Federation pack was done last year.
    • B'rel (Movies/DS9/TNG)
    • Vor'cha Battlecruiser (TNG)
    • Kamarag-class Battlecruiser (Motion Picture/TNG)
    • Negh'Var Heavy Battlecruiser (DS9)
    • Kahless War Battlecruiser (STO Original)
    • Qin Heavy Raptor (Enterprise)
    • Kelvin D4x Pilot Bird-of-Prey (Reboot)
    • D7 Heavy Destroyer (TOS)

    You have the assets. Many of these could have been mirrors of the Federation Legendary ships in layout and capabilities with some new skins and I would have gotten it. This comes across not only as disingenuous but lazy and thoughtless given all the supposed work going towards the KDF faction. Without these ships there is nothing legendary about the pack. When you put together a real Legendary KDF pack with the noted ships I will buy that.
  • starshine#7408 starshine Member Posts: 127 Arc User
    krotaz wrote: »
    This is deeply disappointing as a pack. While I did not expect this pack to be as large as the Federation I expected to to contain the following ships based on appearances in TV shows and Movies and based on how the Federation pack was done last year.
    • B'rel (Movies/DS9/TNG)
    • Vor'cha Battlecruiser (TNG)
    • Kamarag-class Battlecruiser (Motion Picture/TNG)
    • Negh'Var Heavy Battlecruiser (DS9)
    • Kahless War Battlecruiser (STO Original)
    • Qin Heavy Raptor (Enterprise)
    • Kelvin D4x Pilot Bird-of-Prey (Reboot)
    • D7 Heavy Destroyer (TOS)

    You have the assets. Many of these could have been mirrors of the Federation Legendary ships in layout and capabilities with some new skins and I would have gotten it. This comes across not only as disingenuous but lazy and thoughtless given all the supposed work going towards the KDF faction. Without these ships there is nothing legendary about the pack. When you put together a real Legendary KDF pack with the noted ships I will buy that.

    That line up would have been genius! Especially the D7
    A couple DISCO ships havent been playable but have models in game too that could have been used.

    I love the Excelsior and the B'rel (if the variant has moving wings), but this pack I don't see as something I'll go for even if USD tanks and conversion rates were sweeter. It's just alot for really, the t6 B'rel if we're honest as that's the draw card of this.
    When I saw the news I was excited to see the shiny new ships and, they aint even new or shiny.

    Bring the Enterprise XCV-330 to STO
  • varthelmvarthelm Member Posts: 265 Arc User
    Agree that there are plenty of KDF equivalents to what was offered in the FED 10 pack. Part of what sold that and the romulan one for me was the inclusion of versions of the promo ships which are out of reach for the average player. This also being the "Year of the Klingon" really also had me hopeful. It would be nice to know that this is just an anniversary warm up to a better KDF pack later. If so, please tell us. It would reduce the anxiety.

    If this is the KDF offering and we're just going to get it in drips and drabs from now on, it will show a lack of vision. Similar to how FOX handled the one and only year of Firefly by showing them out of order, etc. FOX didn't believe in Firefly and it may be that enough decision makers with Cryptic don't believe in the KDF as a faction. Someone must because we got a lot of work done on that segment of the game over the last year. However, please understand what your customers want and expect from a legendary pack in regard the KDF. This was simply not nearly enough product in either quality or quantity for too much money. Especially vs the precedent of the original 10 ship legendary pack.

    For near equivalents vs the 10 ship pack
    Galaxy = Negvar
    Defiant = B'rel
    NX = D4
    2 Promo like D7s = Promo like Discoprise and Connie
    Oddy = Bortasqu
    K'vort (just super size a B'rel with some window dressing) = Kelvin Connie
    Vorcha would not really be equivalent but could might take the place of the sovereign with a more sci bent

    These 8 ships would have been a homerun....even if you wanted to fill the pack with more fluff than the 10 ship and price it similarly. Especially if they were solid and a few stood well in the current meta. Would have been a "shut up and take my money moment" (for me at least).

    I just hope that this overpriced and underwhelming offering does not convince someone high up that KDF stuff just doesn't sell.
    Anyway...rant over. Thanks if you got this far :)
  • joshmauljoshmaul Member Posts: 519 Arc User
    varthelm wrote: »
    K'vort (just super size a B'rel with some window dressing) = Kelvin Connie

    There IS also a Kelvin D7.
    "There's No Way Like Poway!"

    Real Join Date: October 2010
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