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A kick feature for TFO's



  • evilmark444evilmark444 Member Posts: 7,028 Arc User
    I would have to say no to a kick feature due to how easily it would be abused.

    While abuse of the kick feature certainly happens in WoW, the frequency of such abuse is grossly exaggerated. I see it happen MAYBE once a year, at most. I think it would be kind of pointless in STO anyway though, if I remember correctly STO doesn't refill vacancies in queues.
    Lifetime Subscriber since Beta
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  • edited December 2020
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  • ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,572 Arc User
    The other night when I queued for 'Mycelium Realm' for Hard Endeavor to Kill Captains, by the time I joined the rest of the Team was already at the third beam point. I was definately replacement.
    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
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  • cxeronockxcxeronockx Member Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited December 2020
    Today's experience is that a kick system is not necessary if one reports you enough as his afk afk while it is not true at all. In the tfo Operation Riposte I helped more to clear the first station and send landing team after which I went to the third which I almost unlocked on my own, at the next phase I got SNR and reported this in the chat and suddenly I was thrown out of the game with brute force. Not a afk penalty but immediately a temporary suspension of the account, as you can see a kicksystem will definitely be abused to throw out someone who sees a few steps further and reports a bad server connection (Server Not Responding) in the chat which is then reported as afk to get an account ban. I don't really know why someone then puts the effort and money in to play STO, they don't have to count on support because they don't think this is possible. So why a kick system if the report system is already being abused?

    Also a happy holidays to all those who abuse the system and abuse a kick system even more. In any case, my fun is spoiled and over.

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  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,971 Community Moderator
    Until you can come up with a way of preventing Epeen boots, no. I actually had people screaming at me in chat because I was flying a megawell ship. and heaven forbid someone make an error because they are new to a TFO.... way too many ways of being screwed over that outweighs any benefit.

    This is another reason why I'm hesitant regarding vote kick abuse. If you don't measure up to some perceived measuring stick of some random person, or you're not using an "authorized" build according to some random dude... they retaliate. Adding a vote kick may encourage more discrimination over builds. We already have enough issues with people just launching attacks over perceived issues. We don't need to give them more tools.

    I will admit that the build discrimination may not be a COMMON thing, it happens enough that it comes up every once in a while on the forums.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
    normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
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  • peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    edited December 2020
    A playerbase that cant handle performan cant handle such a feature.

    If one performes well enough in this title the verry reason for any kick features become obsolete. DPSer know. ;)
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    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    A playerbase that cant handle performan cant handle such a feature.

    If one performes well enough in this title the verry reason for any kick features become obsolete. DPSer know. ;)

    Big shock.. but I agree. :smiley:
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • darkbladejkdarkbladejk Member Posts: 3,857 Community Moderator
    rattler2 wrote: »
    This is another reason why I'm hesitant regarding vote kick abuse. If you don't measure up to some perceived measuring stick of some random person, or you're not using an "authorized" build according to some random dude... they retaliate. Adding a vote kick may encourage more discrimination over builds. We already have enough issues with people just launching attacks over perceived issues. We don't need to give them more tools.

    I will admit that the build discrimination may not be a COMMON thing, it happens enough that it comes up every once in a while on the forums.

    Your argument is paradoxical and flawed. Unless you specifically tell them what you're running on your ship, how are they going to know what you have without seeing you use the ship? The only way they can try to reconstruct your build is to parse the run with you in it and try to reconstruct based on that log. However in order to get that parse they have to complete the queue with you in it. So by the time they could have the data to figure out you're running an "unauthorized" build, the run is already complete and done.

    As for the discrimination argument, are we talking true discrimination and elitism? Or are we talking a case of someone doing under next to nothing and thinking they're ready for elite content? I ask because as elitist as this may sound, there are times when people need a reality check on their performance. If a run requires folks to deal 30k dps at a minimum from each person to complete, and someone in there isn't doing 30k, then they are not ready for that queue. That's ultimately a side tangent but you get the idea.

    Folks need to realize that elitists, trolls, and otherwise are always going to exist. There is no such thing as an abuse proof system, as even the systems we have now are abused. The difference however is right now, a team has no remedy if the 5th guy can't pull his weight, is an AFKer, or a troll. So as is, one guy is allowed to AFK a group, troll a group, or down the line with no remedy for the other 4 people. While a person can try to troll for not meeting their standards of what they think DPS should be or similar, there is nothing stopping the other 4 members from squashing the first vote kick, then turning around and kicking the elitist troll.

    If folks are serious about stopping AFKing and trolling, then something has got to give. Folks can't say they want to stop AFKing and trolling, yet want to implement more of the same or sit back and do nothing. Right now from what I'm seeing (not you specifically per say) folks are saying they want something done about AFKing, trolling and similar in runs, yet at the same time when rubber meets the road, they don't want to do anything about it that's proven to work in other games.
    "Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations

    Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
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  • darkbladejkdarkbladejk Member Posts: 3,857 Community Moderator
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    It's really not though. There is a subset of people who blame others for a bad run. Because it can't possible be their fault. It's something of a misnomer to call them DPSers because anyone who actually focuses on DPS can solo advanced queues if not elite ones. They are more the wanna be DPSers. And while they have mostly gone away from the DPS league split and the eventual death of the numbers league...there is still a remnant around. They were honestly a lot more of an issue during the numbers DPS league. And if you run off meta builds, you tend to draw their ire...even when you parse higher than they do in the run. You have no idea how many people yell at me for using a tact sci hybrid in the run only to parse 3x what they do.

    And while you say vote kick systems works in other games, my experience has been quite the opposite with having literally never seen one that I would considering working. That is doing less harm than the problem that they are trying to fix.
    Actually it is 100% paradoxical and flawed. There are only 2 ways for them to know what you're using to give you grief for your "off meta" build.

    One: they had prior knowledge of your build.
    Two: they parsed you and reconstructed the build based on their parse of you.

    The only way they're going to have prior knowledge is if you specifically tell them what you're running, which you are under ZERO obligation to do. You might say "but what about old parses uploaded to the league tables?" Someone could pull an old parse from the tables, but all that's going to tell them is what you used for that old run. It doesn't guarantee that you are using the same build from the previous run. So unless you tell them specifically before hand, they have no way of knowing before hand. This brings us back to point two, the only other way for them to learn what you're using is to try to reconstruct it from a parse of you, which is only possible for them to get by completing the run with you to start with.

    If it's a private group, they have the right to bring whoever they want. Otherwise if it's a random group, that's why there would be safeguards in place. I've also seen the elitists being the ones to get tossed more often than not.

    So this brings us again full circle. Do folks want something to be done about AFKers, leechers, and trolls or do they not? What is the remedy if not a vote kick system or something allowing folks to eject problem members? Automated systems can be tricked and are what we have now which don't work. So what is the solution, or do people truly want a solution?
    "Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations

    Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
  • darkbladejkdarkbladejk Member Posts: 3,857 Community Moderator
    westmetals wrote: »
    Unless you specifically tell them what you're running on your ship, how are they going to know what you have without seeing you use the ship? The only way they can try to reconstruct your build is to parse the run with you in it and try to reconstruct based on that log. However in order to get that parse they have to complete the queue with you in it. So by the time they could have the data to figure out you're running an "unauthorized" build, the run is already complete and done.

    Full data, working out the whole build, sure. But there are specific BOFF abilities or specific weapons, for example, that people will see and scream about because you're "doing it wrong". I've been told off for using retrofit phasers merely because people didn't want to hear those sound effects. And "you should really use cannons on that ship not beams" is another common one.

    put them on ignore and tell them to mind their own business, problem solved. Stuff like that is going to happen regardless and if they don't like it, then they can turn their sound down or off. It's not incumbent on you to change your build for one troll. All I'm seeing so far are "exception that proves the rule" type examples. Not every boff power has a visual component you can tie to one specific person. Meaning that if one wanted to know what powers you're using, they would once again have to parse you out, and/or watch your buffs bar the entire time, meaning the problem is them and not you. As for the powers that do have a visual component, not all powers are exclusive to certain builds. There are certain traits and abilities that work well with AP Omega, as well as instances you may see FAW and Scatter Volley in the same build. Polarons being a prime example to cheese the morphogenic set. Otherwise, tell the elitists to mind their own business and put them on ignore. More than likely they will get kicked themselves. And if on the extremely slim chance they did manage to kick you, then you can queue up again and you will never see that guy again.

    Honestly I see arguments like this as simply grasping at straws since folks already do this sort of junk without a kick system. If a dude is giving you grief, put them on ignore. Plus having the kick option means you can all kick the elitist and play in peace. Kick systems work both ways.
    "Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations

    Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
  • duasynduasyn Member Posts: 492 Arc User
    edited December 2020
    It's a real issue when you see players bragging in chat channels about how much they AFK in events.
    I check the ID of everyone in an event group.
    There are a few handles I know are habitual AFKers and if I see them in the group I just drop out.
    I can always re-queue with an alt toon and get it done.

    Barring an actual game stat log solution... My solution would be to make someone require having many afk reports before getting in trouble. That way the person who DC's occasionally won't have an issue. But a certain number of reports in a certain time-frame means they can't queue for pugs for a certain amount of time. They'd have to get a full group of friends to queue with them in a private instance to do events.
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  • cirran1cirran1 Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    So a mod wants to replace an system that is abused with a system that is even easier to abuse. I thought mods were supposed to be neutral in all things? After all if you are going to moderate everyone's behavior in a neutral and fair manner you cant pick sides, ever. I wonder why they have a dog in this fight, and what is their angle? There must be more than meets the eye to their excitement over a vote kick system.

  • daimon97daimon97 Member Posts: 373 Arc User
    cirran1 wrote: »
    So a mod wants to replace an system that is abused with a system that is even easier to abuse. I thought mods were supposed to be neutral in all things? After all if you are going to moderate everyone's behavior in a neutral and fair manner you cant pick sides, ever. I wonder why they have a dog in this fight, and what is their angle? There must be more than meets the eye to their excitement over a vote kick system.


    Probably because there has been a lot of grievers and afkers lately... After all if someone is not any of those one should have no concern in a kick system...
  • captaincelestialcaptaincelestial Member Posts: 1,927 Arc User
    People need to realize, every single system can be abused. There is no such thing as an abuse proof system. Folks already abuse the ability to AFK right now and still collect rewards. That hampers the other 4 players with no means of remedy for them. That is an even greater abuse than someone being booted from a run.

    I remember in City of Heroes there were people who would form Task Forces only to kick off the other players so they could solo it and get all the rewards. Of course trying to get a full team together to do a chained multi-mission was hard enough most of the time, so when you have one less person because they up and went solo after kicking you and the others was a pain.
  • foxfire2000foxfire2000 Member Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited December 2020
    how about we give this thread the grav well 3 treatment?

    With electrical damage. :p

  • daimon97daimon97 Member Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited December 2020
    People need to realize, every single system can be abused. There is no such thing as an abuse proof system. Folks already abuse the ability to AFK right now and still collect rewards. That hampers the other 4 players with no means of remedy for them. That is an even greater abuse than someone being booted from a run.

    I remember in City of Heroes there were people who would form Task Forces only to kick off the other players so they could solo it and get all the rewards. Of course trying to get a full team together to do a chained multi-mission was hard enough most of the time, so when you have one less person because they up and went solo after kicking you and the others was a pain.

    But that cannot happen in STO since you dont get more rewards when you finish a TFO with less people... There are no super rare epic loot drops to compete as well. What you get from TFO's you can easily get from patrols etc
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    cirran1 wrote: »
    So a mod wants to replace an system that is abused with a system that is even easier to abuse. I thought mods were supposed to be neutral in all things? After all if you are going to moderate everyone's behavior in a neutral and fair manner you cant pick sides, ever. I wonder why they have a dog in this fight, and what is their angle? There must be more than meets the eye to their excitement over a vote kick system.


    The forum mods are volunteer mods who are players of the game just like you or I. Why should being a forum moderator mean they can’t have an opinion? that makes no sense at all. He’s posting his opinion, just like everyone else in this discussion.

    If he’s not using his moderator power to push his agenda, there is no problem. He’s clearly not doing anything like that, he’s not deleting posts of anyone that disagrees or getting in a last word and then locking the thread. Moderators are allowed to have and discuss opinions just like everyone else on the board. The are under no obligation to stay neutral on any issue, not sure where you’re getting that from, but it’s incorrect.

    I don’t agree with him, but he’s done absolutely nothing wrong.
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • nikephorusnikephorus Member Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    I used to play Diablo III quite a bit and there is a kick function in that game that you can use when teamed up with other players. I don't remember seeing that system abused more then a couple times during all the years I played.
  • altran3301altran3301 Member Posts: 170 Arc User
    daimon97 wrote: »
    I would have to say no to a kick feature due to how easily it would be abused.

    With all due respect a player staying at a single place throughout the TFO and not doing anything but still getting the reward is more abusive and unfair...

    Another player doing nothing at all, is in no way "abusive". It doesn't prevent you playing the game, or getting your reward.
  • daimon97daimon97 Member Posts: 373 Arc User
    altran3301 wrote: »
    daimon97 wrote: »
    I would have to say no to a kick feature due to how easily it would be abused.

    With all due respect a player staying at a single place throughout the TFO and not doing anything but still getting the reward is more abusive and unfair...

    Another player doing nothing at all, is in no way "abusive". It doesn't prevent you playing the game, or getting your reward.

    Poor performance in a TFO affects rewards... there is no reason to reward lazy behaviour...or unearned
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  • foxrockssocksfoxrockssocks Member Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    Some deviant builds are pretty easy to spot without parsing. Its actually pretty easy to see when someone mixes cannons and beams. I do that on a few ships, either to leverage the NX trait for using scatter volley before every BO (Yes its not necessary to have cannons, but I do it anyway,) or more commonly to use the 2 piece bonus via the turret and a console from the Counter Command set on a dual beam bank ship that still has rear slots to fill. That is a build nono though, even though it works out well.

    Fortunately I rarely run into the jerks that would say something about it without any thought. The real question is whether it is worth "punishing" me for running into those elitists with a vote kick system.

    Maybe some of you understand Blackstone's Formulation, the legal principle that 10 guilty should go free before 1 innocent suffers. That is something that must be kept in mind here. How would you feel when you run through a STF to the end only to get kicked out at the final boss? Is that going to happen frequently? No, but it will happen to someone simply because it can. Is that worth the ability to kick AFKers when they are immaterial to most queues? AFKers are not more than an annoyance.

    I say no, it isn't worth it, not because it will be abused often, but because it will be abused once.
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  • crypticarmsmancrypticarmsman Member Posts: 4,115 Arc User
    I would have to say no to a kick feature due to how easily it would be abused.

    Agree, sadly it would be abused for sure. I don't think anyone "likes" AFKers when not already pre-agreed upon.

    A long time ago I was told that if you place a player on your Ignore-list then they won't be grouped with you, this was told to me by customer service once when I lodged a complaint during an event TFO, so naive. It turns-out that's not true or there is a bug in their system because even though I followed the instructions I still got to witness his/her AFKing during an event days later again, so there is that unfortunately.

    If you're on a team made by someone BEFORE you queue - no anyone on yours (or others) ignore list can't be invited/join said pre-made team. As far as the auto queue TFO joining system, no that ignores yours (and others) ignore lists.
    Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
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  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,971 Community Moderator
    darkblade... normally I don't argue with mods, but the hat isn't on right now. We're all equal right now.
    You're taking what I'm saying a bit more on the practical side. I'm leaning a bit more towards the ego side of some who are obsessed with their epeen performance. We actually had an incident here on the forums where someone got directed to a build guide over their build... and it was acutally the guy who WROTE said guide who got pointed to it!

    On top of that... people WILL assume your build is terrible and will attack over it if so inclined if your "numbers" don't line up with some self percieved level requirement. Therein lies a problem because it could be that its NOT the build, but the player. But that doesn't matter to some people, its "get gud or gtfo". Someone might even just see Tetryon beams and assume they suck because its not the uber damage dealing metabuild of the week.

    I'm not calling out the practicality of it. I'm calling out the Human side of it.

    Like I said, we do need SOMETHING to deal with AFKers and toxic players in TFO runs. But at the same time we need to find a way to keep said system from being abused by elitists who get so bent out of shape if someone "drags their numbers down" in Infected. Because I hate to say it, but there are people in game who do that to varying degrees. And they don't care about your build other than the fact it is "obviously garbage" because you're not performing to their perceived level. Doesn't matter if you're a veteran or a rookie, you get the lash for insulting your superior by not performing as well or not using a "proper", by their definition, build. Anything that reduces their numbers is an insult. That could be you not having an optimized build, or it could be you having a megawell build that pulls things away from them while they're trying to alpha strike.

    Its not all gear. Its ego.
    I'm not totally against having a vote kick. I'm just seeing how it can be abused in the current environment.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
    normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
    colored text = mod mode
  • daimon97daimon97 Member Posts: 373 Arc User
    reyan01 wrote: »
    rattler2 wrote: »
    darkblade... normally I don't argue with mods, but the hat isn't on right now. We're all equal right now.
    You're taking what I'm saying a bit more on the practical side. I'm leaning a bit more towards the ego side of some who are obsessed with their epeen performance. We actually had an incident here on the forums where someone got directed to a build guide over their build... and it was acutally the guy who WROTE said guide who got pointed to it!

    On top of that... people WILL assume your build is terrible and will attack over it if so inclined if your "numbers" don't line up with some self percieved level requirement. Therein lies a problem because it could be that its NOT the build, but the player. But that doesn't matter to some people, its "get gud or gtfo". Someone might even just see Tetryon beams and assume they suck because its not the uber damage dealing metabuild of the week.

    I'm not calling out the practicality of it. I'm calling out the Human side of it.

    Like I said, we do need SOMETHING to deal with AFKers and toxic players in TFO runs. But at the same time we need to find a way to keep said system from being abused by elitists who get so bent out of shape if someone "drags their numbers down" in Infected. Because I hate to say it, but there are people in game who do that to varying degrees. And they don't care about your build other than the fact it is "obviously garbage" because you're not performing to their perceived level. Doesn't matter if you're a veteran or a rookie, you get the lash for insulting your superior by not performing as well or not using a "proper", by their definition, build. Anything that reduces their numbers is an insult. That could be you not having an optimized build, or it could be you having a megawell build that pulls things away from them while they're trying to alpha strike.

    Its not all gear. Its ego.
    I'm not totally against having a vote kick. I'm just seeing how it can be abused in the current environment.

    To be honest, at this point, I find staying away from ISA as much as possible (except when Random dumps me in there) benefical; because if there is anywhere you're going to find an Epeen waving Juggernaught pilot, its there.

    Controversial opinion here, but given the choice of some OP epeen waving 'look at muh DPS' bore or an AFK'er, I'll take the AFK'er.

    Wait what? Are you saying ppl brag to AFK'ers with their dps? Did I get that right?
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