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  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    OoC: Did they break quotations?

    Tara B: Sis...? *She wonders where Tara A went*


    Serah: That's not fair. *she giggles*


    Lilly: Don't let up now! You've got her!

    OOC: They're working for me.

    *Karen smiles teasingly.*

    Karen: Neither is increasing your strength to beat me. That didn't stop you the other night.

    *Holodeck 2. Samana catches a punch and rolls on top, pulling Mila's arm into a lock before Mila kicks her off, the two getting to their feet.*

    Samana *panting*: Not bad...

    Mila *panting*: Not bad yourself...

    *They keep going back and forth, Mila doing a good job of avoiding Samana's more powerful moves and just trying to wear her down. In the second round, Mila is able to knock Samana out by dodging a hurricanrana attempt and hitting her with a heavy straight kick about half way through the round.*

    OOC: Anything on the Archangel angle?
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Damien is on the bridge of the enterprise watching the events unfold. He keeps himself out of normal space while he watch’s. He is deep in thought thinking of how to confront Terry on the revelation he had learned.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    *Skull wounded is not far from Casval and James Jr either... He is watching his men are not far off. *

    James Jr: Did you kill her?

    Casval: Cassi? *He looks at him with some measured regret and some disdain.* I did, she did not want to be taken alive you know that. Could I lie to you?

    *James Jr flies into a rage instead of answer him... Casval, grips his brother hard.. *

    Casval: Jim stop! Do you see what is down there?

    *James is not listening he chucks Casval into a wall. Skull takes a rifle from one of his men and aims it... Tara A finds herself into the pens room a large room, the pens enclosed with a large chunk of sand. Moving around. She doesn't recognize the creature, but the scent of Cinnamon is in the air. She then realizes what the two probably don't. Why even Q is watching... She does see a skull like man aiming at them.*

    *James and Casval are still fighting it out. Casval taking advantage of his brother's blind spot. He then tackles him down and both fall into the pen. Sand trout begin to latch onto each of them.*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    *Skull wounded is not far from Casval and James Jr either... He is watching his men are not far off. *

    James Jr: Did you kill her?

    Casval: Cassi? *He looks at him with some measured regret and some disdain.* I did, she did not want to be taken alive you know that. Could I lie to you?

    *James Jr flies into a rage instead of answer him... Casval, grips his brother hard.. *

    Casval: Jim stop! Do you see what is down there?

    *James is not listening he chucks Casval into a wall. Skull takes a rifle from one of his men and aims it... Tara A finds herself into the pens room a large room, the pens enclosed with a large chunk of sand. Moving around. She doesn't recognize the creature, but the scent of Cinnamon is in the air. She then realizes what the two probably don't. Why even Q is watching... She does see a skull like man aiming at them.*

    *James and Casval are still fighting it out. Casval taking advantage of his brother's blind spot. He then tackles him down and both fall into the pen. Sand trout begin to latch onto each of them.*

    *Tara A sees what's happening and quickly disintegrates the Skull-like with a twilight blast and knocks Casval and James Jr apart with a TK wave, also knocking the sand trout off of them. She ports over and ports them out of the pen.*

    Tara A *annoyed*: Just you two wait until I tell your mother!

    *She holds a hand up as they try to speak.*

    I don't want to hear it.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Sheridan stands on the observation deck of the Hitz. In thought as he has looked over the padd.

    Sheridan: sometimes the only choices you have are bad ones but you still have to choose.

    Capt. Hayes: sir sorry to bother you but you have someone who came aboard that wants to speak with you.

    Sheridan: thank you captain. Escort them to my ready room and I’ll meet them there.

    Hayes: yes sir.

    A few moments later Sheridan walks in as Halsey is already sitting with a drink.

    Halsey: you took to long.

    Sheridan: I take it you read my message.

    Halsey: I did. Me and guilty tangent both went over it and it is extremely dangerous. If these infected get lose they could wipe out all life in the galaxy.

    Sheridan: what other options do we have at the moment.

    Halsey: if we can get more time work on these devices we could work on a way to permenatly closing fluidic space.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Skull wounded is not far from Casval and James Jr either... He is watching his men are not far off. *

    James Jr: Did you kill her?

    Casval: Cassi? *He looks at him with some measured regret and some disdain.* I did, she did not want to be taken alive you know that. Could I lie to you?

    *James Jr flies into a rage instead of answer him... Casval, grips his brother hard.. *

    Casval: Jim stop! Do you see what is down there?

    *James is not listening he chucks Casval into a wall. Skull takes a rifle from one of his men and aims it... Tara A finds herself into the pens room a large room, the pens enclosed with a large chunk of sand. Moving around. She doesn't recognize the creature, but the scent of Cinnamon is in the air. She then realizes what the two probably don't. Why even Q is watching... She does see a skull like man aiming at them.*

    *James and Casval are still fighting it out. Casval taking advantage of his brother's blind spot. He then tackles him down and both fall into the pen. Sand trout begin to latch onto each of them.*

    *Tara A sees what's happening and quickly disintegrates the Skull-like with a twilight blast and knocks Casval and James Jr apart with a TK wave, also knocking the sand trout off of them. She ports over and ports them out of the pen.*

    Tara A *annoyed*: Just you two wait until I tell your mother!

    *She holds a hand up as they try to speak.*

    I don't want to hear it.

    *She doesn't notice that both sets of Sand trout she missed begin to fuse onto their bodies, sending Casval's body into flashing strength she had not noticed before. Breaking her hold. James Jr's set seems to calm him and snap him out of it... It seems to make him see a quick fading glimpse of dark in the room. He goes to Casval who is seemingly writhing around trying to gain control. *

    James Jr: Cas... calm down... let it pass.

    *Casval seemingly slows down writhing around fighting it. His brain and the sand trout... He remembers the three of them as kids ingesting spice when they were younger. It soon stops and the energy calms... Casval looks around...*

    Casval: What in the hell... What happened?

    James Jr: Seems I screwed up.

    Casval: It is mine too. I should have said something. I am also sorry about it.

    James Jr: I can... I can get over that in time. Cassi was more brash than I was.

    *Casval notices the squad Skull had in place about to surprise Tara A... He flicks his finger and winks at his aunt.. The energy wave was messy but it does avoid her. *

    *Casval: *Pained and grabbing his head* You still hit like a wuss.

    James Jr: Yeah... Yeah. Wait until I get a new eye...

    Casval: Aunt... what are you doing here?

    James Jr: That is an excellent question...

    *Hidden away in a corner... the albino like individual smirks at the recent development and his hand in it. Simple trick of burying them. He sneaks off out of notice his cat like ears flicker... *
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Coulson is wrapping up an operation where they took out a slaver operation.

    Coulson: well that wraps up another one now doesn’t it.

    Firefly: it does. But we have many many more that need to be dealt with.

    Coulson watch’s as some other agents take away the criminals.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Skull wounded is not far from Casval and James Jr either... He is watching his men are not far off. *

    James Jr: Did you kill her?

    Casval: Cassi? *He looks at him with some measured regret and some disdain.* I did, she did not want to be taken alive you know that. Could I lie to you?

    *James Jr flies into a rage instead of answer him... Casval, grips his brother hard.. *

    Casval: Jim stop! Do you see what is down there?

    *James is not listening he chucks Casval into a wall. Skull takes a rifle from one of his men and aims it... Tara A finds herself into the pens room a large room, the pens enclosed with a large chunk of sand. Moving around. She doesn't recognize the creature, but the scent of Cinnamon is in the air. She then realizes what the two probably don't. Why even Q is watching... She does see a skull like man aiming at them.*

    *James and Casval are still fighting it out. Casval taking advantage of his brother's blind spot. He then tackles him down and both fall into the pen. Sand trout begin to latch onto each of them.*

    *Tara A sees what's happening and quickly disintegrates the Skull-like with a twilight blast and knocks Casval and James Jr apart with a TK wave, also knocking the sand trout off of them. She ports over and ports them out of the pen.*

    Tara A *annoyed*: Just you two wait until I tell your mother!

    *She holds a hand up as they try to speak.*

    I don't want to hear it.

    *She doesn't notice that both sets of Sand trout she missed begin to fuse onto their bodies, sending Casval's body into flashing strength she had not noticed before. Breaking her hold. James Jr's set seems to calm him and snap him out of it... It seems to make him see a quick fading glimpse of dark in the room. He goes to Casval who is seemingly writhing around trying to gain control. *

    James Jr: Cas... calm down... let it pass.

    *Casval seemingly slows down writhing around fighting it. His brain and the sand trout... He remembers the three of them as kids ingesting spice when they were younger. It soon stops and the energy calms... Casval looks around...*

    Casval: What in the hell... What happened?

    James Jr: Seems I screwed up.

    Casval: It is mine too. I should have said something. I am also sorry about it.

    James Jr: I can... I can get over that in time. Cassi was more brash than I was.

    *Casval notices the squad Skull had in place about to surprise Tara A... He flicks his finger and winks at his aunt.. The energy wave was messy but it does avoid her. *

    *Casval: *Pained and grabbing his head* You still hit like a wuss.

    James Jr: Yeah... Yeah. Wait until I get a new eye...

    Casval: Aunt... what are you doing here?

    James Jr: That is an excellent question...

    *Hidden away in a corner... the albino like individual smirks at the recent development and his hand in it. Simple trick of burying them. He sneaks off out of notice his cat like ears flicker... *

    Tara A: Your father called me.

    And you - Casval Allen - you told Mila that Cassi died in a cave-in!
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    As coulson and firefly get aboard their shuttle an agent walks up.

    Agent: sir we found this in the leaders quarters.

    He hands him a padd as coulson nods.

    Coulson: think you can hack into it?

    Firefly: what do I look like to you.

    He connects himself to the port on the padd as he unlocks the padd.

    Firefly: interesting. It seems there was more going on here then we thought. These whereby just normal slavers.

    Coulson: what do you mean.

    Firefly: they where workin with Ch’rell in finding experiments. He is also working with someone called Isa it seems. Interesting I have a record of her. She is the leader of a group known as the fallen. Extremely strong and military focused empire that is from another dimension that worked with Malick.

    Coulson: does it have anything about a location?

    Firefly: no. Just that they where all working together.

    Coulson: this is going to get bigger and bigger isn’t it.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Unknown Location. A few hours after her training session (and subsequent beatdown), A201 is sitting on a biobed as medical techs scan her for anymore injuries. She scowls hatefully at the Tara clone guarding the door, before Doctor Langley walks over.*

    Langley: 201?

    *201 breaks her glare at the trainee Archangel after a moment to look at him.*

    You can go.

    *201 slips off the bed and immediately walks through the door, shoving the Archangel out of the way.

    Once she reaches the trainees' quarters area, she starts taking abuse from almost every Tara clone she passes: insults, spits, until one of them decides to go further and shove her, 201 immediately responding by roaring out and slamming her assailant into the wall. Two of the more sympathetic, older Tara clones try to ease her off, holding the other archangel back from retaliating. Just as 201 starts to ease off, she rushes back in and knees her opponent in the gut with everything she has, the two older Taras letting her fall, coughing as 201 marches off.

    After that display of anger, 201 goes mostly unmolested until she reaches the dorm, where she immediately locks eyes with 184, still in her training gear, and spears her to the floor, the two immediately brawling, the other Tara clones forming a circle around them to watch.*

    OOC: If any of you want to jump in on this, feel free. Also, let me know what you think. The idea is that 201's basically hated by almost all the Tara clones (the older 1st gen clones don't mind her, but the ones her age hate her) and she hates them back, with her and 184 hating each other the most.

    *184 kicks 201 off, the two getting into stances and circling. 201 tries to hit 184 with a roundhouse, 184 dropping and sweeping 201's legs out before trying to spin into a leg drop. 201 catches it and kicks 184 in the side before scrambling on top and beating on her, grunting with anger with every punch as 184 starts trying to block.*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Ooc: yeah sorry will post some tomorrow just had a lot going on lately.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,354 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    westx211 wrote: »
    OoC: Did they break quotations?

    Tara B: Sis...? *She wonders where Tara A went*


    Serah: That's not fair. *she giggles*


    Lilly: Don't let up now! You've got her!

    OOC: They're working for me.

    *Karen smiles teasingly.*

    Karen: Neither is increasing your strength to beat me. That didn't stop you the other night.

    *Holodeck 2. Samana catches a punch and rolls on top, pulling Mila's arm into a lock before Mila kicks her off, the two getting to their feet.*

    Samana *panting*: Not bad...

    Mila *panting*: Not bad yourself...

    *They keep going back and forth, Mila doing a good job of avoiding Samana's more powerful moves and just trying to wear her down. In the second round, Mila is able to knock Samana out by dodging a hurricanrana attempt and hitting her with a heavy straight kick about half way through the round.*

    OOC: Anything on the Archangel angle?

    *Tara B sighs as she is left behind again*


    *Lilly looks surprised to see Samana lost. she didn't for a second believe she could.*


    OoC: Should I control one of the archangels?
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    Samana *panting*: I must be outta practice...

    *Mila helps her up and out of the cage.*

    Ooc: It's up to you.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Deep space on a back water world.

    Ch’rell walls through the facility flanked by two heavily armored and armed troops as they walk past a number of labs and expients. Once in the command room.

    Ch’rell: how much do they know?

    Isa: probably most of it since you decided to use slavers.

    Ch’rell: I did so for this exact reason. It gives my group and your fallen more time to prepare still. While they keep searching for a connection.

    Isa: you better hope you are right.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Sheridan is in the conference room aboard the Hitz as Pellion walks in.

    Sheridan: I’m assuming you got my message.

    Pellion gives him a sharp look but remains calm.

    Pellion: I don’t see why you are trying to delay my attack. If anything you of all people should be helping to push it faster.

    Another figure enters the conversation.

    Thawn: that is because your assault is flawed and I agree with the vice admiral on this matter. And as the highest ranking unsc officer here in the Milky Way I have given Sheridan’s plan my support.

    Pellion: sir with all due respect

    Thawn: silence. You want to go on a bloody campaign admiral that will cost the unsc if things go the wrong way. Sheridans approach has a much more tactically sound chance of success. Something I am in much more favor of. You will support him and help secure unsc and it’s allies space. If I hear there are issues I will have you replaced. Am I understood.

    Pellion: clearly.

    Thawn: and admiral Sheridan I trust you can work well with Pellion.

    Sheridan: of course sir.

    Thawn: good. While I question your methods on this matter Pellion you are a well know officer and I know nd admire your own tactical brilliance. I trust you will work with your normal efficient method. I am engaged in other operation currently or would be speaking to you both in person but make no mistake I will receive regular reports on your progress. Both of your progress. Good day admirals.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,354 Arc User
    Lilly: You did good. *She holds Samana*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,354 Arc User
    OoC: Sorry tried and failed to do something after staying awake over 24 hours.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Lilly: You did good. *She holds Samana*

    Samana: Thanks...

    *Meanwhile, Unknown Location. 184 grabs one of 201's punches, pulls her down to an armbar, escapes to the side and scrambles onto 201's back, locking a necklock and body scissors as she rolls them onto her back.*

    184 *angry*: Hope you weren't using your ribs, b****!

    *201 grunts as she starts squirming to get some slack in the neck lock.*
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,354 Arc User
    Lilly: I'm sure you'll beat her next time.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Lilly: I'm sure you'll beat her next time.

    Samana: Maybe... *She smiles.

    Meanwhile, Christie and Jari get ready for their match.*

    OOC: We can skip over this if you want, just tell me who you think should win (basically, does Jari let Christie win or not)?
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Pellion: so I’m assuming you have some sort of plan?

    Sheridan: as a matter of fact I do. How well do you think you could create a diversionary attack.

    Pellion: where are you thinking

    Sheridan: the caver system. If we make them believe we are massing a fleet there we could test out the new devices that Halsey is working on.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Skull wounded is not far from Casval and James Jr either... He is watching his men are not far off. *

    James Jr: Did you kill her?

    Casval: Cassi? *He looks at him with some measured regret and some disdain.* I did, she did not want to be taken alive you know that. Could I lie to you?

    *James Jr flies into a rage instead of answer him... Casval, grips his brother hard.. *

    Casval: Jim stop! Do you see what is down there?

    *James is not listening he chucks Casval into a wall. Skull takes a rifle from one of his men and aims it... Tara A finds herself into the pens room a large room, the pens enclosed with a large chunk of sand. Moving around. She doesn't recognize the creature, but the scent of Cinnamon is in the air. She then realizes what the two probably don't. Why even Q is watching... She does see a skull like man aiming at them.*

    *James and Casval are still fighting it out. Casval taking advantage of his brother's blind spot. He then tackles him down and both fall into the pen. Sand trout begin to latch onto each of them.*

    *Tara A sees what's happening and quickly disintegrates the Skull-like with a twilight blast and knocks Casval and James Jr apart with a TK wave, also knocking the sand trout off of them. She ports over and ports them out of the pen.*

    Tara A *annoyed*: Just you two wait until I tell your mother!

    *She holds a hand up as they try to speak.*

    I don't want to hear it.

    *She doesn't notice that both sets of Sand trout she missed begin to fuse onto their bodies, sending Casval's body into flashing strength she had not noticed before. Breaking her hold. James Jr's set seems to calm him and snap him out of it... It seems to make him see a quick fading glimpse of dark in the room. He goes to Casval who is seemingly writhing around trying to gain control. *

    James Jr: Cas... calm down... let it pass.

    *Casval seemingly slows down writhing around fighting it. His brain and the sand trout... He remembers the three of them as kids ingesting spice when they were younger. It soon stops and the energy calms... Casval looks around...*

    Casval: What in the hell... What happened?

    James Jr: Seems I screwed up.

    Casval: It is mine too. I should have said something. I am also sorry about it.

    James Jr: I can... I can get over that in time. Cassi was more brash than I was.

    *Casval notices the squad Skull had in place about to surprise Tara A... He flicks his finger and winks at his aunt.. The energy wave was messy but it does avoid her. *

    *Casval: *Pained and grabbing his head* You still hit like a wuss.

    James Jr: Yeah... Yeah. Wait until I get a new eye...

    Casval: Aunt... what are you doing here?

    James Jr: That is an excellent question...

    *Hidden away in a corner... the albino like individual smirks at the recent development and his hand in it. Simple trick of burying them. He sneaks off out of notice his cat like ears flicker... *

    Tara A: Your father called me.

    And you - Casval Allen - you told Mila that Cassi died in a cave-in!

    Casval: She did. I just never told him what happened exactly. Did not want to add more for Jim to get hammered with.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Damien continues to watch the events as they take place on the enterprise bridge.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Ooc: quite again today. Hope everyone is doing ok.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Skull wounded is not far from Casval and James Jr either... He is watching his men are not far off. *

    James Jr: Did you kill her?

    Casval: Cassi? *He looks at him with some measured regret and some disdain.* I did, she did not want to be taken alive you know that. Could I lie to you?

    *James Jr flies into a rage instead of answer him... Casval, grips his brother hard.. *

    Casval: Jim stop! Do you see what is down there?

    *James is not listening he chucks Casval into a wall. Skull takes a rifle from one of his men and aims it... Tara A finds herself into the pens room a large room, the pens enclosed with a large chunk of sand. Moving around. She doesn't recognize the creature, but the scent of Cinnamon is in the air. She then realizes what the two probably don't. Why even Q is watching... She does see a skull like man aiming at them.*

    *James and Casval are still fighting it out. Casval taking advantage of his brother's blind spot. He then tackles him down and both fall into the pen. Sand trout begin to latch onto each of them.*

    *Tara A sees what's happening and quickly disintegrates the Skull-like with a twilight blast and knocks Casval and James Jr apart with a TK wave, also knocking the sand trout off of them. She ports over and ports them out of the pen.*

    Tara A *annoyed*: Just you two wait until I tell your mother!

    *She holds a hand up as they try to speak.*

    I don't want to hear it.

    *She doesn't notice that both sets of Sand trout she missed begin to fuse onto their bodies, sending Casval's body into flashing strength she had not noticed before. Breaking her hold. James Jr's set seems to calm him and snap him out of it... It seems to make him see a quick fading glimpse of dark in the room. He goes to Casval who is seemingly writhing around trying to gain control. *

    James Jr: Cas... calm down... let it pass.

    *Casval seemingly slows down writhing around fighting it. His brain and the sand trout... He remembers the three of them as kids ingesting spice when they were younger. It soon stops and the energy calms... Casval looks around...*

    Casval: What in the hell... What happened?

    James Jr: Seems I screwed up.

    Casval: It is mine too. I should have said something. I am also sorry about it.

    James Jr: I can... I can get over that in time. Cassi was more brash than I was.

    *Casval notices the squad Skull had in place about to surprise Tara A... He flicks his finger and winks at his aunt.. The energy wave was messy but it does avoid her. *

    *Casval: *Pained and grabbing his head* You still hit like a wuss.

    James Jr: Yeah... Yeah. Wait until I get a new eye...

    Casval: Aunt... what are you doing here?

    James Jr: That is an excellent question...

    *Hidden away in a corner... the albino like individual smirks at the recent development and his hand in it. Simple trick of burying them. He sneaks off out of notice his cat like ears flicker... *

    Tara A: Your father called me.

    And you - Casval Allen - you told Mila that Cassi died in a cave-in!

    Casval: She did. I just never told him what happened exactly. Did not want to add more for Jim to get hammered with.

    *OOC: I replied to this yesterday. I hit post. It didn't post. Because forums are hard, apparently.*

    Tara A: And that justifies lying to your sister?
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,354 Arc User
    OoC: Sorry... I've been super sick... I'm sorry for holding things up as usual...

    OoC: And I think Jari would let her win... but she'd put up a good fight first.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    OOC: Don't worry about it man.

    *The match goes into the third round, Christie and Jari fighting back-and-forth before Christie is able to submit Jari with the hold Jari taught her. Christie helps Jari up, hugging her. Both are pretty bruised and have a couple of cuts on their face.*

    Christie *tired*: Great fight...

    *Meanwhile, Holodeck 1. Serah has Karen pinned on the sand.*
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,354 Arc User
    Jari: I think we need a medkit...


    *Serah leans down and kisses her while keeping her pinned*

    Serah: That all you got?
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Jari: I think we need a medkit...


    *Serah leans down and kisses her while keeping her pinned*

    Serah: That all you got?

    *Kenar comes and gives them a hand.

    Holodeck 1. Karen lets her.*

    Karen *tired*: Maybe.
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