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  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    and where are the grooves in those metal plates? they don't exist, so the ship looks like it was grown​​
    Nah, more like a fighter jet; smooth aerodynamic surfaces.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • szimszim Member Posts: 2,503 Arc User
    Ok. That was the most unconvincing resolution of a season long plot I've witnessed in a long time. So you're gonna blow up Qo'noS if the great houses do not unite under your leadership. But what if two or three houses refuse? Are you going to blow it up anyway? And is that bomb gonna stay down there forever? T'rell has no allies, no soldiers and probably no support among Klingons. What would stop others to replace her first chance they get? She can't keep her finger on that remote control forever. A quick shot at her when she's sleeping and we're back to square one. What a disappointement that episode was...
  • jcswwjcsww Member Posts: 6,857 Arc User
    neoakiraii wrote: »
    Ended how a Star Trek show would end with peace ...heh fans still complain

    For me, the way peace came about seemed to be the more unrealistic solution. Would the Klingon blow up her own planet. Doubtful, but if so, they would have slaughtered her and then more than likely turned their sites on Earth. Klingon's understand the concept, an eye for an eye. If Qo'noS was blown up and the Federation stood between them and Earth, the battle would have looked like a lost cause to continue. Possible extinction versus revenge sounds like a better reason to walk away and live to fight another day than it would be to continue the fight.

    It may be TV but humanity is nothing close to a perfect race. It was a nice touch that the writers were able to use the word, race, correctly. Anyway... How many people died on ESD and across the Federation during this glorified conflict that Burnham had a big hand in starting? :P

    I'm sure there are many possible outcomes that would make much more sense than the Federation basically walking away with their tails between their legs in the most cowardly fashion while licking their gaping wounds.
  • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
    Red Alert
    I love the redesign of the Connie in Discovery, very true to the Jeffries design but modernized
      "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
    • evilmark444evilmark444 Member Posts: 7,007 Arc User
      Red Alert
      I love the redesign of the Connie in Discovery, very true to the Jeffries design but modernized

      I'm hoping it'll find it's way into the C-Store, but I know most likely it'll be coming in a promo box instead. Regardless, absolutely beautiful design, best version of the TOS era Connie yet, and I can't wait to see it come to STO.
      Lifetime Subscriber since Beta
      ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
    • mhall85mhall85 Member Posts: 2,852 Arc User1
      mhall85 wrote: »
      A screenshot someone asked for from the final scene:

      Nice work, thanks. :smile:
      I expect this final shot to be broken down for days on YouTube and what not, LOL. How CONNIE is that CONNIE?!?!

      Also, why is the size of Discovery an issue? It may be long, but it only has ~200 people on it. And isn't it on the small side in STO?
      If you look here at the 9 minute 45 second mark, the saucer of the original connie looks roughly the same size as the inner saucer of the Discovery, however in the scene from the finale the saucer looks as though it could be the size of the entire Discovery saucer, at least to me it does. As I said though, it's hard to tell for sure due to the angle. Overall though, I love it, definitely the best version I've ever seen of the TOS era Connie.[/saucer]

      I know the TrekYards boys obsess about such things, but that's hardly canonical proof.

      To be honest, I'd trust officially-licensed stuff (like Eaglemoss and STO) for a better idea, as they seem to have direct access to such information.

      And, again, I'm pretty sure there's a line of dialogue from this season that states Discovery's crew compliment is around 200, which throws that TrekYards scale off by a lot (even accounting for the null spaces in the saucer section).
    • evilmark444evilmark444 Member Posts: 7,007 Arc User
      edited February 2018
      Red Alert
      mhall85 wrote: »
      mhall85 wrote: »
      A screenshot someone asked for from the final scene:

      Nice work, thanks. :smile:
      I expect this final shot to be broken down for days on YouTube and what not, LOL. How CONNIE is that CONNIE?!?!

      Also, why is the size of Discovery an issue? It may be long, but it only has ~200 people on it. And isn't it on the small side in STO?
      If you look here at the 9 minute 45 second mark, the saucer of the original connie looks roughly the same size as the inner saucer of the Discovery, however in the scene from the finale the saucer looks as though it could be the size of the entire Discovery saucer, at least to me it does. As I said though, it's hard to tell for sure due to the angle. Overall though, I love it, definitely the best version I've ever seen of the TOS era Connie.[/saucer]

      I know the TrekYards boys obsess about such things, but that's hardly canonical proof.

      To be honest, I'd trust officially-licensed stuff (like Eaglemoss and STO) for a better idea, as they seem to have direct access to such information.

      And, again, I'm pretty sure there's a line of dialogue from this season that states Discovery's crew compliment is around 200, which throws that TrekYards scale off by a lot (even accounting for the null spaces in the saucer section).

      Trekyards got it's scale for the Discovery and Shenzhou from Eaglemoss. The low crew count for a ship of that size is apparently a result of the Discovery having a lot of space reserved for scientific research. Personally, I don't understand why Trek producers feel so compelled to make every ship massive nowadays, the JJPrise, Shenzhou, and Discovery would all look significantly better if they were closer to the size of the original Connie or Miranda rather than the size of a Galaxy Class starship.

      According to Memory Alpha, the Eaglemoss Discovery is 254mm at a scale of 1:2955, if I did my math right that comes to a length of 750 meters, over one hundred meters longer than the Enterprise-D.
      Lifetime Subscriber since Beta
      ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
    • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
      Not a bad final, but I've enjoyed some of the other Discovery episodes more. Michelle definitely plays the part of an evil former empress much better than she plays a Federation Captain too. I further loved the Enterprise showing up, and I approve of the redesign; its still very much TOS, but has elements of a modern look that fit in nicely with Discovery too. I just hope the bridge isn't styled to TOS too much. I expect to see Pike, not sure we'll see Spock though; there will probably be a reference from Sarak stating he needs to take care of something, but that'll be it.

      I'm also assuming that the new captain is indeed a rescued prime Lorca, simply because if it was anyone else, they might as well have just promoted Saru. I can't for one minute think a new captain is going to reflect much upon this show unless it's someone we already know, so yeah, my money is on Lorca Prime.

      What I didn't quite like is how the war ended; L'Rell spouted on about honour and unification, but was willing to destroy Qo'nos if the other houses didn't do as they're told? Not very honourable. Also, it was clearly stated by Martok in DS9 that his people (the Klingons) never attempted an assault on Earth, and yet here we see a Klingon Fleet all good and ready for that assault - so I'd say they'd moved past the point of deciding to attempt one.

      I did however like the scenes on the ground; depicting Human, Klingon and Orion (seemingly) living in a form of harmony; just goes to show that an entire culture shouldn't be judged on the actions of a few, and that, in this instance, not all Klingons wanted to kill all Humans.
    • lordrezeonlordrezeon Member Posts: 399 Arc User
      Kobayashi Maru
      flash525 wrote: »
      Also, it was clearly stated by Martok in DS9 that his people (the Klingons) never attempted an assault on Earth, and yet here we see a Klingon Fleet all good and ready for that assault - so I'd say they'd moved past the point of deciding to attempt one.

      Well if you want to get technical about it, preparing and staging for an attack isn't the same as actually executing said attack.


      Gotta say though, after all the re-imaginings and re-designs, it is nice to see a design that doesn't act like the original inspiration was garbage. The nacelle pylons remind me of some concept art for the NX-01 that wound up being rejected for being to similar to the NCC-1701.

      With the war now out of the way I wonder how well they will be able to do peacetime stories.
    • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
      lordrezeon wrote: »
      flash525 wrote: »
      Also, it was clearly stated by Martok in DS9 that his people (the Klingons) never attempted an assault on Earth, and yet here we see a Klingon Fleet all good and ready for that assault - so I'd say they'd moved past the point of deciding to attempt one.
      Well if you want to get technical about it, preparing and staging for an attack isn't the same as actually executing said attack.
      Except that the Klingon Fleet was there and ready to pounce! Martok praised the Breen for their ... ambition? His words (seemingly) were rather explicit in that the Klingon Empire never considered a direct assault on Earth.

      I suppose, if we wanted to get technical, we could propose that this wasn't a decision by The Klingon Empire, but rather one or more of the many Klingon Houses, and as such, the records of said incident weren't made available to the average Klingon, but Starfleet would still have a record of how close the Klingon's came to invading Earth, and Sisko would have known about it!
      lordrezeon wrote: »
      With the war now out of the way I wonder how well they will be able to do peacetime stories.
      Apparently the cast who play L'Rell and Tyler are involved in Season 2, so it's quite likely we're (again) going to see a story unfold from two unique points of view; L'Rell and her Klingon Houses, and the Discovery and it's ongoing mission to spore jump to strange new worlds. With any luck we'll see more Saru's, Andorians and, well, I wouldn't mind seeing a Caitian or two, and a Tholian. I'd like to think we'll also get a scene next season (or a following season) that has the officers of the Discovery face the dilemma of whether they warn Starfleet about the USS Defiant, or more specifically, the decision not to change time and instead allow that crew to die.
    • This content has been removed.
    • mhall85mhall85 Member Posts: 2,852 Arc User1
      valoreah wrote: »
      Any bets on who the new captain will be?

      Given that [the ship we see at the end] will (I believe) play a predominant role in, at least, the premiere...?

      I think the PTBs might take the chance to listen to fans, and find a roundabout way to place Saru in command.
    • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
      The ending was a bit too rushed, IMO. Not entirely happy with that.

      The Discovery Era Constitution looks really close to the original and pretty good.
      flash525 wrote: »
      What I didn't quite like is how the war ended; L'Rell spouted on about honour and unification, but was willing to destroy Qo'nos if the other houses didn't do as they're told? Not very honourable. Also, it was clearly stated by Martok in DS9 that his people (the Klingons) never attempted an assault on Earth, and yet here we see a Klingon Fleet all good and ready for that assault - so I'd say they'd moved past the point of deciding to attempt one.
      Klingons spout a lot about honor, but they mistreat helpless prisoners and use cloaking technology to launch sneak attacks.

      Also, it seems rather clear why a low-born like Martok doesn't know the full history of the first Federation/Klingon war. I have some doubt that the full reason for the end of the war would be public knowledge, especially if you consider future political upheaval.

      L'Rell's influence would however explain why the TOS Klingons relied so much on subterfuge and indirect actions - the Empire was strongly affected by its leader being a spy master herself.

      Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
    • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
      valoreah wrote: »
      Any bets on who the new captain will be?
      Yeah, Lorca - he's my bet anyway. Discovery intended to pick up their new Captain - an act that would serve little purpose if it was just some random. If this were indeed the case, they'd have been better off just promoting Saru. I figure if it's Prime Lorca, Season 2 can deal with his interaction with a crew that [thought] they already knew him, and (if he's been a POW) his mental state of being; maybe it'll be up to Saru and Burnham to keep his course clear & steady whilst he regains his ... perspective as a Starfleet Captain.
      Klingons spout a lot about honor, but they mistreat helpless prisoners and use cloaking technology to launch sneak attacks.
      Whilst true, that's other races. Klingons would seem to be a little arrogant; I doubt they'd treat their people the same as they'd treat lesser species.
      Also, it seems rather clear why a low-born like Martok doesn't know the full history of the first Federation/Klingon war. I have some doubt that the full reason for the end of the war would be public knowledge, especially if you consider future political upheaval.
      It would have been quite a bold statement from Martok had he not been aware of his history.

    • evilmark444evilmark444 Member Posts: 7,007 Arc User
      Red Alert
      reyan01 wrote: »
      judgement until we see more.
      LOVE the Enterprise - familiar yet different; a real work of art!
      (Sadly I suspect it will cause rage on some fronts)

      Idk, I think it was done well enough that any rage will be minimal, especially when the most hardcore of TOS fans stop to
      compare it to the JJPrise or even the wireframe we saw of the Terran modified USS Defiant

      It could have been an abomination, but instead they gave us a real beauty!
      Lifetime Subscriber since Beta
      ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
    • smokebaileysmokebailey Member Posts: 4,668 Arc User
      Red Alert
      I love the redesign of the Connie in Discovery, very true to the Jeffries design but modernized

      I'd say it was 90 good...just not big on the pylons.

      And i'm also of the school of thought the Connie/TOS hulls are grown and not welded.
    • smokebaileysmokebailey Member Posts: 4,668 Arc User
      Red Alert
      reyan01 wrote: »
      judgement until we see more.
      LOVE the Enterprise - familiar yet different; a real work of art!
      (Sadly I suspect it will cause rage on some fronts)

      Idk, I think it was done well enough that any rage will be minimal, especially when the most hardcore of TOS fans stop to
      compare it to the JJPrise or even the wireframe we saw of the Terran modified USS Defiant

      It could have been an abomination, but instead they gave us a real beauty!

      Yes...I was REALLY nervous about what they MIGHT have done the connie prior to this.
    • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
      garaks31 wrote: »
      Watch Every Episode of Star Trek: Discovery on CBS All Access at a Discount

      If you’ve been holding off from subscribing to CBS All Access until the full first season of Star Trek: Discovery is available, now, might be the time to binge all fifteen episodes. Starting today, CBS is offering new and past subscribers 20% off the next three months of the streaming service. enter the promo code STARTREK.

      In addition to all fifteen episodes of Star Trek: Discovery, subscribers also have access to every episode of the Discovery post-show After Trek, along with every episode of The Original Series, The Animated Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, and Enterprise. Plus, a catalog of other CBS shows.

      This offer expires on February 18.

      subscribe plz. through www.priorityonepodcast.com/ so our people get some contributions
      Or just watch it on Netflix like I did?

    • evilmark444evilmark444 Member Posts: 7,007 Arc User
      Red Alert
      flash525 wrote: »
      garaks31 wrote: »
      Watch Every Episode of Star Trek: Discovery on CBS All Access at a Discount

      If you’ve been holding off from subscribing to CBS All Access until the full first season of Star Trek: Discovery is available, now, might be the time to binge all fifteen episodes. Starting today, CBS is offering new and past subscribers 20% off the next three months of the streaming service. enter the promo code STARTREK.

      In addition to all fifteen episodes of Star Trek: Discovery, subscribers also have access to every episode of the Discovery post-show After Trek, along with every episode of The Original Series, The Animated Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, and Enterprise. Plus, a catalog of other CBS shows.

      This offer expires on February 18.

      subscribe plz. through www.priorityonepodcast.com/ so our people get some contributions
      Or just watch it on Netflix like I did?

      In the US it's not on Netflix. What I did though since I wasn't happy at all with the pilot, is I used different emails to get free trials, then accepted the 50% off offer they gave me both times I went to cancel. I completely cancelled during the hiatus, and now that the season is over I'll be cancelling again until season 2 starts (and probably using yet another email address, lol).
      Lifetime Subscriber since Beta
      ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
    • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
      flash525 wrote: »
      garaks31 wrote: »
      Watch Every Episode of Star Trek: Discovery on CBS All Access at a Discount

      If you’ve been holding off from subscribing to CBS All Access until the full first season of Star Trek: Discovery is available, now, might be the time to binge all fifteen episodes. Starting today, CBS is offering new and past subscribers 20% off the next three months of the streaming service. enter the promo code STARTREK.

      In addition to all fifteen episodes of Star Trek: Discovery, subscribers also have access to every episode of the Discovery post-show After Trek, along with every episode of The Original Series, The Animated Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, and Enterprise. Plus, a catalog of other CBS shows.

      This offer expires on February 18.

      subscribe plz. through www.priorityonepodcast.com/ so our people get some contributions
      Or just watch it on Netflix like I did?

      In the US it's not on Netflix. What I did though since I wasn't happy at all with the pilot, is I used different emails to get free trials, then accepted the 50% off offer they gave me both times I went to cancel. I completely cancelled during the hiatus, and now that the season is over I'll be cancelling again until season 2 starts (and probably using yet another email address, lol).
      I didn't know this, though I suppose it shouldn't come as a surprise. I know the CW shows (Flash, Arrow, Legends etc) are on US Netflix, but they're not on UK Netflix which is really irritating. Netflix should be one platform; what it shows in one country should be available to another. :(

    • mhall85mhall85 Member Posts: 2,852 Arc User1
      So, some final thoughts on the season as a whole...

      • I think the visuals were quite good throughout the season. Some compared the first full trailer to SyFy-level of quality, but that did not translate once the show premiered. I think this sets the bar high for any forthcoming Star Wars streaming shows.
      • I think the main cast of characters (especially Saru, Tilly, Stamets, and Tyler) were very well-done. I do think this is in combination to good or interesting ideas from the writers, and good acting on the parts of the performers. I also found characters like L'Rell and Admiral Cornwell to be welcomed additions to the franchise.
      • I liked the many deliberate, small tie-ins to canon that exceeded fan service or easter eggs. Stuff like the USS Defiant being in the MU, or the consistent use of parlance like "landing party." A lot of this worked, in my opinion.
      • I give them credit for having a plan with Lorca, and I think the MU stuff was generally the strongest arc of the season.

      • The Klingon War story simply didn't work, for a number of reasons. The start of the conflict was a bit muddled, we didn't see enough stakes being offered on-screen, it didn't add any real depth to the Klingon race, and the end to the conflict was the definition of anti-climactic.
      • As I've stated numerous times before, the Burnham/Tyler relationship doesn't work for me, because it felt rushed, forced, and unearned. It's a shame, too, because I think Latif was a really great addition to the franchise, and his work with Martin-Greene deserved better.
      • There were WAY too many plot threads for one season. I don't think any of them got their due, either. The ideas weren't bad, and I have to wonder if this show was under SO much pressure to be everything to everyone that it just couldn't fully deliver.
      • I don't think this show was very successful with their social commentary, largely due to the story frantically jumping from point to point without much direction. Honestly, it felt like a collection of good Star Trek moments thrown into a blender, and then thrown against the wall.

      • Even without touching anything else the writers did, I would have separated the Klingon War arc and the MU arc into two separate seasons. I think this alone would have dramatically changed the perception of the show, and would have allowed story beats and characterization to breathe. In this instance, I would have also moved the setting to 20 years before TOS, instead of ten, as it would sit better in canon while not affecting much of the story at all.
      • If I had to keep both of these arcs together, I would not have pushed the Federation and Klingon Empire into an all-out war. I think Discovery racing behind-the-scenes to prevent full-scale war from breaking out would have been far more interesting (and would be FAR less abrasive to established or assumed canon).
      • While I think they have handled Burnham's connection to Sarek fairly well, I still find myself asking if this is even necessary in the first place. I would have made the main character *the* Number One from "The Cage," instead. Given that we know so little about her in canon, but Majel Barrett's performance gave a very "Vulcan-like" demeanor. I think most of the plot points would still work with this character, without hanging so much on Sarek or Spock connections. (And, admittedly, we might get more of a payoff with this next season... here's hoping.)
      • I would not have tied Lorca to the Mirror Universe. I think this was a terrible decision, largely fueled by the political stance of both the writers, and Jason Issacs. The saddest thing to me, too, is that it undermines a fantastic performance by Issacs. I would have tried to be a little more nuanced with the character, and attempted to reform him into a functioning member of the 23rd-century Utopia. I think the writers could have still made their desired social commentary with this, without turning a good character into a Bond villain.

      OVERALL GRADE FOR SEASON ONE: C- (or two-and-a-half stars, if that makes better sense)

      I didn't hate it, but I find it lacking, if not disappointing. This isn't the weakest first season of a Trek series, ever. However, I do think that the combination of doing too much in one season, while simultaneously not showing enough on-screen, severely hurts this show that has great potential. I would have loved to have seen them have more fun with the era they chose to place the show in, like adding in Augment-Virus-infected Klingons into the story or tuning the aesthetics of the show slightly more towards TOS. I still think, however, that this stuff is secondary to a good story... and what sucks is, I don't think we got either of these. And we could have.

      Here's hoping Season Two fixes some of these issues. :smile:
    • artan42artan42 Member Posts: 10,450 Bug Hunter
      edited February 2018
      • Well the Klingon War was wrapped up nicely eh? L'Rell should have been discreetly killed off and another Klingon given the position of power. Partly because I hate her character but mostly because I bloody hate her makeup. What is with those upside-down ridges, cone head, and melted ears? Why is she devoid of prosthetics bellow her eyes? All post TOMfilm Klingons have at least had fangs, and some have chin ridges.
      • Talking of Klingons, was it my imagination or were the only ships seen near Earth the Qugh, Veqlargh, and BoP Classes? i.e. the most 'Klingon' looking of their ships so far?
      • So the Emperor is free to wander the cosmos? Or is she going to wake up one day in a box in Admiral Marcus' basement?
      • Nice Orions, the whole region of Kronos was quite well done.
      • Klingon bræsts are a-okay but Orion ones need a magic blanket that hooks onto the nipples? Is that racist? Is seeing them topless somehow different to seeing them in straps writhing around? Americans are really odd. (Edit: Censoring 'the B word'? Pathetic).
      • Whoo, Trill.
      • Tilly's Terran salute was hilarious.
      • Just give the background Klingons hair for goodness sake. We already know the producers say the bald is a choice because there's Klingons with hair in the licensed comics. It would cover up those silly skulls.
      • Cornwall isn't on trial? She advocated genocide. Mind you, nobody arrested Slone for that so I guess it's not illegal in the Federation, just unethical.
      • Did I miss something when Burnham is mutineering against Cornwall? When did ginger driver lass and assorted others get told the Emperor was not Georgio? Because they didn't even blink.
      • At first I thought the out of focus lighter uniforms were Cage type ones (confirmed by the tie in books to exist) but on closer examination they are light blue, divisionless version of the DSC uniform suggesting they're cadet uniforms. They're also all blue which would make them being the Cage ones unlikely.
      • Until next series we won't know for sure if the Conni is a re-imagining or a pre-WNMHGB model as DSC is set in 2256 and WNMHGB in 2265. Obviously the Cage is an unreliable source as it contradicts The Menagerie, and in the latter, the flashbacks are simulations, reconstructions, and illusions so them using the wrong model of the Conni is the least of their problems.
      • If this is a re-imagining then, meh, I'm not overjoyed as we've seen the TOS Conni in glorious HD on the ENT Blu-ray but I'll live.
      • If it's a prefit then good. The Conni is an oddball. NX, NC, NV, Franklin, Emmette, Warp Delta, Kelvin, Newton, Mayflower, Armstrong, Walker, Crossfield, Nimitz, Cardenas, Shepard, Magee, Hoover, Malachowski, and the Engle Classes all look alike. They all share lineage. What TOS ships were they? The Conni, the Bonaventure, the Medusan ship, and the Antares (and a few other assorted freighters). Outnumbered. TOS has never fit in with the other shows aesthetically. The TOS films fit in far better with DSC or ENT than they do TOS.
      • The Crossfield is not that big guys. It has really long nacelles. The main ship is only slightly wider but probably less voluminous than the Conni or the Kelvin. The Walker has a lot of saucer bulk (more than twice the Kelvin or the Conni) and is seemingly oversized but the Crossfield is not. Just really long nacelles.
      • No more Spore drive? Fine. But simply because they need a non-Human replacement? So what about Airiam? or 0718? Or Data?
      • Starfleet are a bunch of racists. Poor Saru. Passed over for a half blind madman, then a genocidal Terran, then a genocidal Admiral, then a random newbie from Vulcan. Kelpian representation matters.
      • So Pike (and Spock) will possibly be in the next episode? That would make whoever it'll be to be his fourth actor (third for Spock not counting children or babies, and fourth for Sarek). Now not using the TOS actors I can understand (that would require necromancy, which costs a lot) but seeing a show set in 2256 and watching a film set in 2258 and not having the same actors for Sarek, Pike, Amanda, and Spock between DSC and 09 is annoying me to no end. I mean James Frain looks about 20 years younger than Ben Cross (who looks closer in age to Mark Lenard).
      • On a related note I'd kill to see characters from the KT make their PT appearance. Robu as an admiral perhaps. Admiral Marcus, George Kirk, Admiral Paris from Yorktown (as a captain maybe), 0718, etc. Maybe see the U.S.S. Kelvin or the other Kelvin era ships (Newton, pleasegodsplease) in Spacedock (they're relegated to cadet training ships by 2258 so they probably are in 2256 as well).

      I overall enjoyed this series and if they actually get onto some Discovery next series I'll be even happier.
      Out of all 6 TV shows and compared to the first three films of each series (TOS, TNG, and KT) DSC has to have the consistently strongest series one. Not perfect, but still stronger than the others. Now to see if it can reach the heights of the others.

      Ahead, maximum warp...
      Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
      JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.


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    • legendarylycan#5411 legendarylycan Member Posts: 37,284 Arc User
      edited February 2018
      veqlargh? i know it's probably pronounced differently in actual tlhingan hol, but the way it looks like it should be pronounced in english makes it sound eerily similar to fek'lhr - at least, how worf pronounced it in devil's due or whatever episode had that female con artist imitating some random planet's devil figure​​
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      In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
      I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
      The Force is united within me.
    • artan42artan42 Member Posts: 10,450 Bug Hunter
      veqlargh? i know it's probably pronounced differently in actual tlhingan hol, but the way it looks like it should be pronounced in english makes it sound eerily similar to fek'lhr - at least, how worf pronounced it in devil's due or whatever episode had that female con artist imitating some random planet's devil figure

      I don't know about that, I only know it's a bloody fine looking ship class...

      It's one of my favourite Klingon ships overall, not just from DSC.​​
      Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
      JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.


      '...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
      'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
      'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
      '...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
      'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
      '...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek

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    • nickcastletonnickcastleton Member Posts: 1,212 Arc User
      My initial thought on the final TO HELL WITH PURISTS I LOVE THAT CONNIE.

      "It appears we have lost our sex appeal, captain."- Tuvok
    • I went into this show with "a bad feeling about this". However, with the exception of Burnham's monologues, I've enjoyed it quite a bit. Looking forward to season 2 (with the exception of the aforementioned monologues).
    • darakossdarakoss Member Posts: 850 Arc User
      flash525 wrote: »
      flash525 wrote: »
      garaks31 wrote: »
      Watch Every Episode of Star Trek: Discovery on CBS All Access at a Discount

      If you’ve been holding off from subscribing to CBS All Access until the full first season of Star Trek: Discovery is available, now, might be the time to binge all fifteen episodes. Starting today, CBS is offering new and past subscribers 20% off the next three months of the streaming service. enter the promo code STARTREK.

      In addition to all fifteen episodes of Star Trek: Discovery, subscribers also have access to every episode of the Discovery post-show After Trek, along with every episode of The Original Series, The Animated Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, and Enterprise. Plus, a catalog of other CBS shows.

      This offer expires on February 18.

      subscribe plz. through www.priorityonepodcast.com/ so our people get some contributions
      Or just watch it on Netflix like I did?

      In the US it's not on Netflix. What I did though since I wasn't happy at all with the pilot, is I used different emails to get free trials, then accepted the 50% off offer they gave me both times I went to cancel. I completely cancelled during the hiatus, and now that the season is over I'll be cancelling again until season 2 starts (and probably using yet another email address, lol).
      I didn't know this, though I suppose it shouldn't come as a surprise. I know the CW shows (Flash, Arrow, Legends etc) are on US Netflix, but they're not on UK Netflix which is really irritating. Netflix should be one platform; what it shows in one country should be available to another. :(

      Because as far as the studios go the copyright laws in each country varies so they have to shell out more money and pass it on to Netflix. So Netflix has to decide what the various audiences want and how much Netflix can pay for them in that region. With Netflix being a Amercian company it's easier to get more shows in their home market.
      original join date 2010

      Member: Team Trekyards. Visit Trekyards today!
    • darakossdarakoss Member Posts: 850 Arc User
      reyan01 wrote: »
      judgement until we see more.
      LOVE the Enterprise - familiar yet different; a real work of art!
      (Sadly I suspect it will cause rage on some fronts)

      Idk, I think it was done well enough that any rage will be minimal, especially when the most hardcore of TOS fans stop to
      compare it to the JJPrise or even the wireframe we saw of the Terran modified USS Defiant

      It could have been an abomination, but instead they gave us a real beauty!

      Yes...I was REALLY nervous about what they MIGHT have done the connie prior to this.

      But the alterations will affect all the other canon ships down the line. Viewscreens are gone it looks like...I swear the DiscoConnie had a window.
      original join date 2010

      Member: Team Trekyards. Visit Trekyards today!
    • legendarylycan#5411 legendarylycan Member Posts: 37,284 Arc User
      most starships have windows...what do you think all those little lit squares plastered all over the hulls of federation ships are?​​
      Like special weapons from other Star Trek games? Wondering if they can be replicated in STO even a little bit? Check this out: https://forum.arcgames.com/startrekonline/discussion/1262277/a-mostly-comprehensive-guide-to-star-trek-videogame-special-weapons-and-their-sto-equivalents


      A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
      An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
      A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
      A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"

      "It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
      "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
      Passion and Serenity are one.
      I gain power by understanding both.
      In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
      I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
      The Force is united within me.
    This discussion has been closed.