I'm not in a good mood right now, I just lost a friend of my family and this is the only thing that is distracting me...If i wanted my words to be censored by the company's censors i would have asked them to do it. I don't care WHAT you have to do to get it done, JUST GET IT DONE...or I'm going to stop holding back on my mouth and vent like I've never vented before about every single problem I've had in this damn game and including how long it took Admins to respond and NO I really don't care if there is a problem with my words. Not with how I'm feeling right now
Don't get mad at crpytic, get mad at the arrogant little braggart that gets a jolly out of pissing us all off. his twitter handle is @NeverWinterGod.
I have an idea.
Ban the guys Neverwinter account, take away all of his purchases. He is making no attempts to hide who he is, should be easy to figure out his possibly multiple characters.
Incapsula and CloudFlare are two places I can name just after a quick Google search for 'DDoS Protection'. I can pretty much guarantee that nothing like this is being utilized. If it -is-, they need to get their money back.
'Little headway'? Try 'No headway'. This has been going on for far too long now, and while Trendy is doing her level best to mitigate things here on the forums, it's just not solving the problem.
Someone in command needs to step up, put their foot down, and insist that stronger measures, such as dedicated servers and legitimate DDoS protection, be put in place. While I personally am a Lifetimer, I guarantee monthly subscribers are going to finally get fed up, and they'll take their subscription money elsewhere. Heck, even the F2P players are gonna lose interest and wander off to a game that -doesn't- go through this almost -every single night-.
You can rationalize it all you like, it doesn't make Cryptic look any less of an embarrassment.
Its less rationalizing and more accepting that things won't change because we say so in terms of tech. We do what we can with what's provided. With time we may see a server upgrade. *shrug* In the meantime... I take it DDoS Prick is at it again based on what I'm seeing here?
I do completely agree with you -however- how is this situation going for Cryptic? They look like they don't do anything ( Whether or not they do, I don't know ) they're getting less money ( I refuse to give them anything ) so they're further in the pooper than they were. I mean, have to spend money to make it .. right?
This is turning out to be a particularly laughable 6th Bday and a happy 50th, especially after the "We've learnt from past mistakes" blog we got a few weeks ago. So far I see that nothing has been taken to heart.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not berating where it isn't warrented. Trendy does a fantastic job as the sexy 'face' of the ST:O community, the 'faceless' techs do a good job dispite my criticisms but I, like many others, feel that more could be done. If ST:O funded itself without the aid of the other MMO's then this would've been fixed or the company would've gone under ... surely?
Seems like little headway is being made, especially when U.S companies decide that transparancy is evil and everyone needs to be kept in the dark. It makes them look lazy really. I would like to know more...
Unfortunately, companies are not required to share details on anything with consumers. While it would be appreciated, best we can get is updates on the situation. Not actual technical details on what they are doing.
They're just as frustrated as we are. Us demanding details isn't helping, and might be more of a distraction.
Does that mean Trendy does more than one job, like .. fixing the servers -and- being the voice of ST:O ?
I know, we could argue till we're blue in the face, hit each other with padded bats and end up crying together in a pile on the floor over our lost pretend spaceship time .. but it wouldn't do much good.
I'm not in a good mood right now, I just lost a friend of my family and this is the only thing that is distracting me...If i wanted my words to be censored by the company's censors i would have asked them to do it. I don't care WHAT you have to do to get it done, JUST GET IT DONE...or I'm going to stop holding back on my mouth and vent like I've never vented before about every single problem I've had in this damn game and including how long it took Admins to respond and NO I really don't care if there is a problem with my words. Not with how I'm feeling right now
Don't get mad at crpytic, get mad at the arrogant little braggart that gets a jolly out of pissing us all off. his twitter handle is @NeverWinterGod.
Personally I'd say let him vent, censor the bad words and just talk to him about it. From my point of view; I'm a male nurse that works 16hrs a day tending to terminally ill people. I'm on 24hr call, all day, everyday; I don't get away from that. So when I walk through the door and just want a cup 'o' tea, hobnob and to play with my wells class and I can't .. my short fuse at that point gets burnt through fast.
We all have our problems ... Cryptic definity have theirs at the moment.
Incapsula and CloudFlare are two places I can name just after a quick Google search for 'DDoS Protection'. I can pretty much guarantee that nothing like this is being utilized. If it -is-, they need to get their money back.
'Little headway'? Try 'No headway'. This has been going on for far too long now, and while Trendy is doing her level best to mitigate things here on the forums, it's just not solving the problem.
Someone in command needs to step up, put their foot down, and insist that stronger measures, such as dedicated servers and legitimate DDoS protection, be put in place. While I personally am a Lifetimer, I guarantee monthly subscribers are going to finally get fed up, and they'll take their subscription money elsewhere. Heck, even the F2P players are gonna lose interest and wander off to a game that -doesn't- go through this almost -every single night-.
Seriously...this has gone far past ridiculous.
Exactly, this has got well beyond ridiculous
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Apparently this guy might also be capable of being charged with Drug Trafficking(US --> UK) according to one user from the STO Reddit Thread "DDOS Again." Either that or he might not even BE in the UK and actually is in Southern California and thus within US legal juristiction (This would mean that the Botnet is located in the UK in that case. Or maybe a UK Proxy).
"Sh*tstain" = Guy doing DDOS attacks, i think
The business cards in his photos are from Southern California Medical pot shop
"sh*tstain" is most likely located in Socal.
if he isnt in Socal, DDos is the least of his crimes .. trafficking marijuana concentrates.
Youtube user ie420patient has a few video reviews of said shop, and the identical business cards in his videos.(google Fu!) also .. the Video titles all have remarkably similar wording to Sh*tstains tweets.
there's also some similar smoking pieces, and pot jars.
Im guessing "sh*tstain" in southern california, and possibly has some connection to IE420patient, its one of the only people he follows on twitter.
I have no idea on the validity of this post but i thought it was interesting.
I have an idea.
Ban the guys Neverwinter account, take away all of his purchases. He is making no attempts to hide who he is, should be easy to figure out his possibly multiple characters.
That already happened. It's why he's been DDOSing us.
Can someone please explain a couple of things to me? If he's announcing this on twitter, doesn't that go against their ToS? If so, can't someone just get his account banned? I mean, if he can't show off in front of his little gaggle of TRIBBLE nuggets then there's no point in continuing, right? Also, isn't it kind of expensive to pay for a DDoS attack? How long is it going to take for this worthless little TRIBBLE to run out of money?
I'm not THAT difficult to please, I just have a very low tolerance threshold for stupid BS! - George Carlin.
Incapsula and CloudFlare are two places I can name just after a quick Google search for 'DDoS Protection'. I can pretty much guarantee that nothing like this is being utilized. If it -is-, they need to get their money back.
'Little headway'? Try 'No headway'. This has been going on for far too long now, and while Trendy is doing her level best to mitigate things here on the forums, it's just not solving the problem.
Someone in command needs to step up, put their foot down, and insist that stronger measures, such as dedicated servers and legitimate DDoS protection, be put in place. While I personally am a Lifetimer, I guarantee monthly subscribers are going to finally get fed up, and they'll take their subscription money elsewhere. Heck, even the F2P players are gonna lose interest and wander off to a game that -doesn't- go through this almost -every single night-.
Seriously...this has gone far past ridiculous.
CDN services like Cloudflare won't protect in this case because how those services work. Cloudflare for instances acts as an intermediary.. A very overcomplicated reverse proxy. But only in the realm of serving content over standard http protocol.
For a game like this one.. It must have direct 2-way communication between a client and a server.
Sorry, but in order to get good results from Google.. You have to actually know a thing or two about what you are searching for.
Can someone please explain a couple of things to me? If he's announcing this on twitter, doesn't that go against their ToS? If so, can't someone just get his account banned? I mean, if he can't show off in front of his little gaggle of TRIBBLE nuggets then there's no point in continuing, right? Also, isn't it kind of expensive to pay for a DDoS attack? How long is it going to take for this worthless little TRIBBLE to run out of money?
Twitter doesn't care. He's been reported 1000's of times and nothing gets done.
Can someone please explain a couple of things to me? If he's announcing this on twitter, doesn't that go against their ToS? If so, can't someone just get his account banned? I mean, if he can't show off in front of his little gaggle of TRIBBLE nuggets then there's no point in continuing, right? Also, isn't it kind of expensive to pay for a DDoS attack? How long is it going to take for this worthless little TRIBBLE to run out of money?
Twitter doesn't care. He's been reported 1000's of times and nothing gets done.
*sigh* Welp, it's good to know that ToS is completely arbitrary. Thanks for the reply.
I'm not THAT difficult to please, I just have a very low tolerance threshold for stupid BS! - George Carlin.
Can someone please explain a couple of things to me? If he's announcing this on twitter, doesn't that go against their ToS? If so, can't someone just get his account banned? I mean, if he can't show off in front of his little gaggle of TRIBBLE nuggets then there's no point in continuing, right? Also, isn't it kind of expensive to pay for a DDoS attack? How long is it going to take for this worthless little TRIBBLE to run out of money?
a) Yes, it is, but I can think of a few reasons Twitter may be holding back. Don't worry about it, what he's saying on Twitter has nothing to do with you and isn't in itself hurting anything.
b) This is more about revenge and money than it is about bragging. As I understand it, he was banned over zen farming/scamming. He's trying to extort Cryptic into giving him free-rein to TRIBBLE people over on NWN for his own profit.
CDN services like Cloudflare won't protect in this case because how those services work. Cloudflare for instances acts as an intermediary.. A very overcomplicated reverse proxy. But only in the realm of serving content over standard http protocol.
For a game like this one.. It must have direct 2-way communication between a client and a server.
Sorry, but in order to get good results from Google.. You have to actually know a thing or two about what you are searching for.
See, this is the kind of relevant information that actually makes sense, and further defines both the problem, and possible solution avenues.
IIRC last time I remember bothering to check traceroute during attacks things go to hell at the jump just before Cryptic. Even if they moved to separate servers per game, they'd still be running through the same carrier who also gets hit with all that traffic. It's hardly just an issue for Cryptic, and they're not the only ones (not entirely anyway) affected by it. It's all well and good to claim Cryptic isn't 'doing anything', but there are probably more than a few other companies that have reason to want it to stop, and yet it keeps happening. There isn't a magic wand for it, period.
I just wish people would realize this. There is no magic wand. There is not magic Fix Button. But people don't seem to understand and just lash out at Cryptic for what they feel is their fault when it isn't. Its the DDoS Prick's fault because he feels the need to have a power trip.
Oh please. There ARE things that can be done to counter and lessen the effects of DDOS attacks. I'd say more about specific strategies that can be employed, but that seems to bring on the ire of certain people who are in these company run these forums
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012 PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
I am aware of what a DDOS is and how they do it. I also know that there are several ways to defend against these attacks, and that other MMO's don't fall prey so easily to DDOS attacks. The firm I work for is required to run proper security measures to guard against all sorts of attacking and invasions, DDOS included.
Before you start calling someone a fool, consider that there are so many other games that don't get hijacked like we are experiencing here, do you think that someone hasnt tried to take them down? If there wasnt a way to have adequate protecion, how do you think internet activity still functions?Or do you think those games (and other services) have just been lucky? Do you really think that all of these systems are so helpless against this sort of attack?
Additionally, the person in question has been actively been doing this since at least September, and has been ramping up these attacks. You cant tell me that a firm with adequate security and COOP systems would be held hostage so easily, for so long. Or do you want to counter these points by saying something "foolish" again?
Honestly, we should be blaming both of them. This has been going on for months, and has been increasing frequency over that time. I blame the punk for doing it but I blame Cryptic/PWE for not allocating enough resources to fall prey so easily. If it was really this hard to defend against, no MMORPG's, or any internet based operation, for that matter, would reasonably function, or should we really believe that these attacks are so unique to NWN/STO?
...however am trying to implement positive change to fix.
So, Trendy, you posted this last time this kid DDoS'ed... when's that "fix" supposed to come?
Its not that simple sov. A DDoS is basically Zerg Rushing the servers from multiple locations. Best they can do is batten down the hatches, ride it out, and patch up the lines until this prick's bored or busted.
Ok let me explain this in a simple way, this kid wont stop because he wants attention, and aslong as people go to his twitter and Facebook and other social media outlets , and post on it he will get the attention he wants.
But to tell or even ask others to stop going to his social media outlets and posting, is a fools errand i feel badly for cryptic due to the fact not much can be done.
Hopefully people will wisen up and stop giving this little tool the attention he is after, i wont hold my breath humanity isnt that intelligent...yet.
(i wont hold my breath on the "Yet" part either)
Honestly, we should be blaming both of them. This has been going on for months, and has been increasing frequency over that time. I blame the punk for doing it but I blame Cryptic/PWE for not allocating enough resources to fall prey so easily. If it was really this hard to defend against, no MMORPG's, or any internet based operation, for that matter, would reasonably function, or should we really believe that these attacks are so unique to NWN/STO?
This is really the point, isn't it? I mean as much as people complain about it bother Cryptic and said DDoS'er are both to blame. If it was isolated then we wouldn't be shouting about it as much but this has been going on for quite some time. Twice today this has happened alone, never mind yesterday and the weeks beforehand. Whilst we don't know what's being going on behind the closed doors ( not to mention they wouldn't tell us anyway ) it obviously isn't enough. Whilst we understand there isn't a magical "Fix" for it everyone has to admit there are a hell'uva lot of ways to lessen the impact, which Cryptic should invest in.
An MMORPG company brought to it's knees so often by just one person who announces before he attacks and does it with impunity for so long, makes Cryptic look very, very ameturish in the eyes of the playerbase. Understanding or not, I personally; can't respect a company thats in the line of work as 'networking' that doesn't protect itself, assets or image. ( Which is a veiwpoint solely based on the lack-luster countermeasures employed so far. )
I have an idea.
Ban the guys Neverwinter account, take away all of his purchases. He is making no attempts to hide who he is, should be easy to figure out his possibly multiple characters.
That already happened. It's why he's been DDOSing us.
Can someone please explain a couple of things to me? If he's announcing this on twitter, doesn't that go against their ToS? If so, can't someone just get his account banned? I mean, if he can't show off in front of his little gaggle of TRIBBLE nuggets then there's no point in continuing, right? Also, isn't it kind of expensive to pay for a DDoS attack? How long is it going to take for this worthless little TRIBBLE to run out of money?
a) Yes, it is, but I can think of a few reasons Twitter may be holding back. Don't worry about it, what he's saying on Twitter has nothing to do with you and isn't in itself hurting anything.
b) This is more about revenge and money than it is about bragging. As I understand it, he was banned over zen farming/scamming. He's trying to extort Cryptic into giving him free-rein to TRIBBLE people over on NWN for his own profit.
So please correct me if I'm wrong here, BUT IT SOUNDS like "we", we being Cryptic and PWE, know who this guys is and have his account info, possibly his billing information too?
And Twitter, has some information about this guy as well ?
I guess, I don't understand then why the authorities couldn't track this guy down then and stop him someway.
I mean, we read about how no one is REALLY anonymous anymore, even on line, with the NSA tracking our every move and keeping everyone's information in some data center in Utah and such. It just seems so incredulous to me
Admittedly, I know nothing about this type of stuff, just trying to understand how this crazy TRIBBLE can continue as it has.
I just know, If it were I doing this type of activity, I'd probably be cooling my heals in jail, with my new big hairy boyfriend, drinking wine made from our cell's toilet right after my first attack. lolz
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,940Community Moderator
Honestly, we should be blaming both of them. This has been going on for months, and has been increasing frequency over that time. I blame the punk for doing it but I blame Cryptic/PWE for not allocating enough resources to fall prey so easily. If it was really this hard to defend against, no MMORPG's, or any internet based operation, for that matter, would reasonably function, or should we really believe that these attacks are so unique to NWN/STO?
They aren't. WoW suffers attacks, XBox Live suffers attacks, PSN suffers attacks...
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
So please correct me if I'm wrong here, BUT IT SOUNDS like "we", we being Cryptic and PWE, know who this guys is and have his account info, possibly his billing information too?
Highly doubtful. Supposedly he got banned for buying gold or something similar. IDK. Either way, literally thousands of people have been banned for the same thing. So unless they know which specific account was his, which I don't think he has ever identified, then they would have no way of knowing who he was.
So please correct me if I'm wrong here, BUT IT SOUNDS like "we", we being Cryptic and PWE, know who this guys is and have his account info, possibly his billing information too?
And Twitter, has some information about this guy as well ?
*pinches bridge of nose, eyes closed* Is it your assumption, then, that the gold spammers / gold farmers are also likely to be using their own credentials, bank accounts, credit card numbers, and routing straight from their own IP addresses?
I know plenty of people who play WoW, and they have said they barely ever have experienced noticable down time due to DDOS's, much less continous attacks of this level.
I know plenty of people who play WoW, and they have said they barely ever have experienced noticable down time due to DDOS's, much less continous attacks of this level.
WoW has a multitude of Servers...
Whereas Cryptic has apparently only one.
Can ya see the difference now?
STO Member since February 2009. I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born! Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
This sucks! Literally an entire long weekend where players can't enjoy playing. PWE really needs to get off their butts and do something about this TRIBBLE to bring an end to it!
Regarding the multiple servers, thats a built in feature that acts as part of its COOP, whereas Cryptics plan is leave two games on one server which makes it even more exposed, and its COOP is to allow the DDOS'ers to dictate when they are allowed to operate. Thats no COOP plan, especially for a firm that is an online industry.
The difference is Blizzard has a plan vs no plan, other than waiting it out.
Ban the guys Neverwinter account, take away all of his purchases. He is making no attempts to hide who he is, should be easy to figure out his possibly multiple characters.
'Little headway'? Try 'No headway'. This has been going on for far too long now, and while Trendy is doing her level best to mitigate things here on the forums, it's just not solving the problem.
Someone in command needs to step up, put their foot down, and insist that stronger measures, such as dedicated servers and legitimate DDoS protection, be put in place. While I personally am a Lifetimer, I guarantee monthly subscribers are going to finally get fed up, and they'll take their subscription money elsewhere. Heck, even the F2P players are gonna lose interest and wander off to a game that -doesn't- go through this almost -every single night-.
Seriously...this has gone far past ridiculous.
Does that mean Trendy does more than one job, like .. fixing the servers -and- being the voice of ST:O ?
I know, we could argue till we're blue in the face, hit each other with padded bats and end up crying together in a pile on the floor over our lost pretend spaceship time .. but it wouldn't do much good.
Personally I'd say let him vent, censor the bad words and just talk to him about it. From my point of view; I'm a male nurse that works 16hrs a day tending to terminally ill people. I'm on 24hr call, all day, everyday; I don't get away from that. So when I walk through the door and just want a cup 'o' tea, hobnob and to play with my wells class and I can't .. my short fuse at that point gets burnt through fast.
We all have our problems ... Cryptic definity have theirs at the moment.
Exactly, this has got well beyond ridiculous
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
"Sh*tstain" = Guy doing DDOS attacks, i think
"sh*tstain" is most likely located in Socal.
if he isnt in Socal, DDos is the least of his crimes .. trafficking marijuana concentrates.
Youtube user ie420patient has a few video reviews of said shop, and the identical business cards in his videos.(google Fu!) also .. the Video titles all have remarkably similar wording to Sh*tstains tweets.
there's also some similar smoking pieces, and pot jars.
Im guessing "sh*tstain" in southern california, and possibly has some connection to IE420patient, its one of the only people he follows on twitter.
I have no idea on the validity of this post but i thought it was interesting.
That already happened. It's why he's been DDOSing us.
I'm not THAT difficult to please, I just have a very low tolerance threshold for stupid BS! - George Carlin.
CDN services like Cloudflare won't protect in this case because how those services work. Cloudflare for instances acts as an intermediary.. A very overcomplicated reverse proxy. But only in the realm of serving content over standard http protocol.
For a game like this one.. It must have direct 2-way communication between a client and a server.
Sorry, but in order to get good results from Google.. You have to actually know a thing or two about what you are searching for.
Twitter doesn't care. He's been reported 1000's of times and nothing gets done.
*sigh* Welp, it's good to know that ToS is completely arbitrary.
I'm not THAT difficult to please, I just have a very low tolerance threshold for stupid BS! - George Carlin.
a) Yes, it is, but I can think of a few reasons Twitter may be holding back. Don't worry about it, what he's saying on Twitter has nothing to do with you and isn't in itself hurting anything.
b) This is more about revenge and money than it is about bragging. As I understand it, he was banned over zen farming/scamming. He's trying to extort Cryptic into giving him free-rein to TRIBBLE people over on NWN for his own profit.
See, this is the kind of relevant information that actually makes sense, and further defines both the problem, and possible solution avenues.
Any further specifics you might be able to share?
Oh please. There ARE things that can be done to counter and lessen the effects of DDOS attacks. I'd say more about specific strategies that can be employed, but that seems to bring on the ire of certain people who are in these company run these forums
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
I am aware of what a DDOS is and how they do it. I also know that there are several ways to defend against these attacks, and that other MMO's don't fall prey so easily to DDOS attacks. The firm I work for is required to run proper security measures to guard against all sorts of attacking and invasions, DDOS included.
Before you start calling someone a fool, consider that there are so many other games that don't get hijacked like we are experiencing here, do you think that someone hasnt tried to take them down? If there wasnt a way to have adequate protecion, how do you think internet activity still functions?Or do you think those games (and other services) have just been lucky? Do you really think that all of these systems are so helpless against this sort of attack?
Additionally, the person in question has been actively been doing this since at least September, and has been ramping up these attacks. You cant tell me that a firm with adequate security and COOP systems would be held hostage so easily, for so long. Or do you want to counter these points by saying something "foolish" again?
Honestly, we should be blaming both of them. This has been going on for months, and has been increasing frequency over that time. I blame the punk for doing it but I blame Cryptic/PWE for not allocating enough resources to fall prey so easily. If it was really this hard to defend against, no MMORPG's, or any internet based operation, for that matter, would reasonably function, or should we really believe that these attacks are so unique to NWN/STO?
Ok let me explain this in a simple way, this kid wont stop because he wants attention, and aslong as people go to his twitter and Facebook and other social media outlets , and post on it he will get the attention he wants.
But to tell or even ask others to stop going to his social media outlets and posting, is a fools errand i feel badly for cryptic due to the fact not much can be done.
Hopefully people will wisen up and stop giving this little tool the attention he is after, i wont hold my breath humanity isnt that intelligent...yet.
(i wont hold my breath on the "Yet" part either)
This is really the point, isn't it? I mean as much as people complain about it bother Cryptic and said DDoS'er are both to blame. If it was isolated then we wouldn't be shouting about it as much but this has been going on for quite some time. Twice today this has happened alone, never mind yesterday and the weeks beforehand. Whilst we don't know what's being going on behind the closed doors ( not to mention they wouldn't tell us anyway ) it obviously isn't enough. Whilst we understand there isn't a magical "Fix" for it everyone has to admit there are a hell'uva lot of ways to lessen the impact, which Cryptic should invest in.
An MMORPG company brought to it's knees so often by just one person who announces before he attacks and does it with impunity for so long, makes Cryptic look very, very ameturish in the eyes of the playerbase. Understanding or not, I personally; can't respect a company thats in the line of work as 'networking' that doesn't protect itself, assets or image. ( Which is a veiwpoint solely based on the lack-luster countermeasures employed so far. )
Thats how I see it anyway.
So please correct me if I'm wrong here, BUT IT SOUNDS like "we", we being Cryptic and PWE, know who this guys is and have his account info, possibly his billing information too?
And Twitter, has some information about this guy as well ?
I guess, I don't understand then why the authorities couldn't track this guy down then and stop him someway.
I mean, we read about how no one is REALLY anonymous anymore, even on line, with the NSA tracking our every move and keeping everyone's information in some data center in Utah and such. It just seems so incredulous to me
Admittedly, I know nothing about this type of stuff, just trying to understand how this crazy TRIBBLE can continue as it has.
I just know, If it were I doing this type of activity, I'd probably be cooling my heals in jail, with my new big hairy boyfriend, drinking wine made from our cell's toilet right after my first attack.
They aren't. WoW suffers attacks, XBox Live suffers attacks, PSN suffers attacks...
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Highly doubtful. Supposedly he got banned for buying gold or something similar. IDK. Either way, literally thousands of people have been banned for the same thing. So unless they know which specific account was his, which I don't think he has ever identified, then they would have no way of knowing who he was.
Join Date: Sep 2008
Request: Please, convince my master to remove my restraining bolt so that I may initiate assassination protocols.
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
*pinches bridge of nose, eyes closed* Is it your assumption, then, that the gold spammers / gold farmers are also likely to be using their own credentials, bank accounts, credit card numbers, and routing straight from their own IP addresses?
I know plenty of people who play WoW, and they have said they barely ever have experienced noticable down time due to DDOS's, much less continous attacks of this level.
WoW has a multitude of Servers...
Whereas Cryptic has apparently only one.
Can ya see the difference now?
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Any idea when we will be able to connect to patch server and get in the game?
Regarding the multiple servers, thats a built in feature that acts as part of its COOP, whereas Cryptics plan is leave two games on one server which makes it even more exposed, and its COOP is to allow the DDOS'ers to dictate when they are allowed to operate. Thats no COOP plan, especially for a firm that is an online industry.
The difference is Blizzard has a plan vs no plan, other than waiting it out.