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Elite Rewards for Veterans like You!

pymopymo Member Posts: 1 Arc User
I got an Email today from ARC. It was "As a thank you for your support, we are giving you a powerful gift that will help you on your journey! Use the code below to claim your FREE Andromeda Class Exploration Cruiser and enough XP to set your highest level character to 60!"

A code was given to me.

"If your character is already close to level 60, any additional XP will spill over into Specialization Points so you don't miss out on any of your bonus! Login today and enjoy an incredibly smooth Star Trek experience, Captains!"

I redeemed the code. I have not played in a long time. So things have changed for me. I logged in to get this ship and level my LVL 50 toon to 60. I saw nothing in my inventory for the ship. Can you inform me as to where to get this stuff in game. So much has changed?
Thank you for any help.


  • iloyfikiloyfik Member Posts: 1 New User
    Hi There.

    Don't know if you found it yet but i done a bit of searching.

    When you log into the game go tthe cstore "button bottom left of the minimap"

    Click on the promotions part andyour things should be listed.

    Hope this helps as i only just found this myself :)
  • sharadinsharadin Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    Really irritated I can't use the Cruiser on my now level 60 thanks to the boost Romulan character. Any idea what happens if I claim it on a Fed character, is it locked to that one?
  • javafixtjavafixt Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    Thank you so much for the input on this. I am in the same position as the original poster and unfortunately my account still does not have rights to create new posts. I was watching and waiting patiently for someone to open up the issue. I bought the game on release day many years ago and come back maybe once a year when I get the itch so I was rather lost - LOL

  • gh0st274gh0st274 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    I did what you said and i don't see the ship in mylist how come do i need to be level 60
  • sergeialexisergeialexi Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    dont feel bad, I too got my 8 digit code in an email and when I click the redeem button in the mail, it redirects to a web browser, and then it times out. The only thing I had access to in my promotions is 2 free ship slots, which is pointless if i cant get anymore ships. Does it matter if youre a paid or free member as to what you get? Im a free member and I didnt see any fine print that mightve said "for paid subscribers only" or something like that.
  • rb989rb989 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    I am in the same boat, I input the code online and redeemed it. However, it didn't give me anything at all and it is not in promotions, could someone get on this please?

    Edit: It also says in the arc client that it has not been redeemed, it's not even in the list.
  • kajofolfkajofolf Member Posts: 69 Arc User
    Same thread as this one: http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums#/discussion/1201066/how-to-redeem-veteran-reward

    I still can't redeem the given code correctly. Nothing under promotion, Ship still costs 3000 Zen... I'm an original lifetimer btw.
  • rb989rb989 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    kajofolf wrote: »
    Same thread as this one: http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums#/discussion/1201066/how-to-redeem-veteran-reward

    I still can't redeem the given code correctly. Nothing under promotion, Ship still costs 3000 Zen... I'm an original lifetimer btw.

    Same issue on my side, I just put in a ticket with support so hopefully they fix this soon.
  • rb989rb989 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    rb989 wrote: »
    kajofolf wrote: »
    Same thread as this one: http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums#/discussion/1201066/how-to-redeem-veteran-reward

    I still can't redeem the given code correctly. Nothing under promotion, Ship still costs 3000 Zen... I'm an original lifetimer btw.

    Same issue on my side, I just put in a ticket with support so hopefully they fix this soon.

    I just recieved mine!
  • menzo21menzo21 Member Posts: 1 New User
    edited August 2015
    I got my lvl 60 boost and 2 ship slots but i am unable to claim the ship it is telling me that Your character cannot use this item
  • theonlyjaym1980theonlyjaym1980 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    I've not even had an email and I'm a paid up LT subscriber. A friend who paid the full price for LT got an email for the ship.
  • dogandcar78dogandcar78 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    why cant i claim andromeda class exploration cruiser
  • kajofolfkajofolf Member Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    rb989 wrote: »
    rb989 wrote: »
    kajofolf wrote: »
    Same thread as this one: http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums#/discussion/1201066/how-to-redeem-veteran-reward

    I still can't redeem the given code correctly. Nothing under promotion, Ship still costs 3000 Zen... I'm an original lifetimer btw.

    Same issue on my side, I just put in a ticket with support so hopefully they fix this soon.

    I just recieved mine!
    Then you're lucky. I created three tickets, none show up under "My Tickets" ingame. And still didn't get a working Code....

    [System] [TicketCreated] Successfully submitted ticket ID #3,676,287.

    But it's not there.
  • sixoftwelvesixoftwelve Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    I also cannot claim it and even I didn't receive an email from ARC! WTH
  • dogandcar78dogandcar78 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    do i need to be level 50 to claim andromeda class exploration cruiser
  • nikolaipeipernikolaipeiper Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    My friends and I have been trying to figure this out. Some of us got the cruiser, some of us didn't. Doesn't seem to be related to F2P accounts, levels, or races. My friend deleted his email, so I wonder if it was given to some people who haven't played in a long time. Why they would reward absent players and not the rest of us, especially those of us who have spent hundreds of bucks on the game, I don't know.
  • arc5696arc5696 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    same here, created a ticket 8-16-15. after 3 responses it seems it is for moderate to excessive inactive accounts although ("Sadly, the promo code cannot be transferred on a different account. We are also unable to disclose the specific qualifications for this promo. However, we highly encourage that you discuss your feedback with the community") thanx for the help there Iluniri!.... so in other words umm you spent 3 bills on this game since march.... awsome!.... no you can't have a ship we are giving away for free, cmon guys!

    and also my buddy at work is ftp ptw and got the promo, entered successfully. and still cant claim for his lvl50 rom or fed chars. oh it shows up, but tells that the characters are all ineligable.
  • nikolaipeipernikolaipeiper Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Okay, it's been 24 hours. Do ARC/Perfect World support people frequent these forums? This is a question all of us want to know.

    How do we get our free Andromeda cruisers? Some of us have received them in the email, and some have not, and no one knows what we have to do to get them? Is it stop playing for 6 months and get rewarded with a space ship? What is the key? We want to know!
  • nikolaipeipernikolaipeiper Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Two more of my friends have reported to my they've received their Andromeda cruisers. They both haven't played in forever. Seems like they're bribing absent players to return and what, leaving the loyal players high and dry?
  • aedayaeday Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    I last played during the Risa event. I'm really quite annoyed I didn't get this email.
    "I'm a science officer. It's my job to have a better idea."
  • nikolaipeipernikolaipeiper Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    I promised the guys in our armada that when I found out what happened, I'd tell them, so I'm gonna have to keep coming back and asking.
  • abilalgabilalg Member Posts: 1 New User
    i received too but some how i cant claim the ship may be im lower lvl fed.anyone have the same problem?
  • xenecaxeneca Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Recently came back (last couple of weeks) stopped playing 2013, not received an email though. Any chance of getting one?
  • psuqpsuq Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Thank you iloyfik
    Your directions were what I needed. I never thought to look in the Zstore (Promotions tab).
    I could only claim the cruiser with my Fed character. But I also found other things I could claim under the other tabs!
  • ironknights1964ironknights1964 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    Code don't work. Figures.
  • nikolaipeipernikolaipeiper Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    Got fed up, another one of my friends, who hasn't played in a year, and never dropped a dime into the game got a free ship today. Why a guy who loves to complain about the grinding in the game, who won't drop a dime into a game he played for many hours, is being rewarded for his absence, I don't know. He's also getting a free experience booster to take his toon from 50 to 60. A pile of bullshizzle to me.

    The email reads:

    Elite Rewards for Captains like You!
    Thank you for flying alongside us! We are giving you a powerful gift that will help you on your journey! Use the code below to claim your FREE Andromeda Class Exploration Cruiser and enough XP to set your highest level character to 60!

    [personal code]

    If your character is already close to level 60, any additional XP will spill over into Specialization Points so you don't miss out on any of your bonus! Login today and enjoy an incredibly smooth Star Trek experience, Captains!

    So, does this mean that 'Captains like You!' - you know, the guys that don't play - are being rewarded?

    'Thank you for flying alongside us!' - who were they flying alongside? Certainly not anyone in the game.

    '... to help you on your journey!' What journey is that? The journey of NOT PLAYING THE GAME?

    And what's with all this free XP? I'm grinding out my second 60 right now and am sick of doing it a second time. I'd love some free XP so I don't have to do it all over again.

    So, translation: since you don't play anymore, and we want you too, and are hoping to sucker you into paying for what your friends have already paid for, here's a free ship. Since you don't like to play, here's some free experience to boot! That way you can have what your friends have without going through any effort at all! You'll TRIBBLE everyone off, but that's their problem not yours. Rewards come to those who don't play, not to the ones who do!

  • eiledoneiledon Member Posts: 595 Arc User
    Got fed up, another one of my friends, who hasn't played in a year, and never dropped a dime into the game got a free ship today. Why a guy who loves to complain about the grinding in the game, who won't drop a dime into a game he played for many hours, is being rewarded for his absence, I don't know. He's also getting a free experience booster to take his toon from 50 to 60. A pile of bullshizzle to me.


    So, translation: since you don't play anymore, and we want you too, and are hoping to sucker you into paying for what your friends have already paid for, here's a free ship. Since you don't like to play, here's some free experience to boot! That way you can have what your friends have without going through any effort at all! You'll TRIBBLE everyone off, but that's their problem not yours. Rewards come to those who don't play, not to the ones who do!

    So you aren't happy your friend is back playing the game again? Or that he will be level 60 and able to join you in the same missions and queues with a usable/comparable ship?

    Whomever your friend is, I hope he finds others who appreciate his fortune.
  • nnextremnnnnextremnn Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    I can't claim anything in STO aswell but I noticed something.
    When I check my messages in Arc I have:

    "You've received items!
    Your item has been delivered to the Rewad Claims Agent in Protector's Enclave."

    A littel google search and I found a arc page which said this is where you get your rewards in Neverwinter.
    So my guess is they send out the wrong codes.
  • slipstream1151aslipstream1151a Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    I got this email yesterday, and when i inputted it into the redemm code box and it says code not valid. what gives
  • zebot17zebot17 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    nnextremnn wrote: »
    I can't claim anything in STO aswell but I noticed something.
    When I check my messages in Arc I have:

    "You've received items!
    Your item has been delivered to the Rewad Claims Agent in Protector's Enclave."

    A littel google search and I found a arc page which said this is where you get your rewards in Neverwinter.
    So my guess is they send out the wrong codes.

    Similarly my code was accepted but my Arc Client shows M7 - Strongholds Resources claimed today instead of the STO redemption.
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