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Retiring Lohlunat Pearls



  • warwolf108warwolf108 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I COMPLETELY agree with jackal1701apw. This was the first time i'd have reserved pearls to shorten times. I was annoyed when they said they'd be gone to avoid just that, but i understood because its not "legit". About project issues, you could've wiped them out when the next year event begins, so everyone has the opportunity. Not everyone can be playing all the summer you know?

    But what's with retiring the old ships? I don't understand the reasoning that led there. you don't want deltas to have decent ships for free? Thats nonsense. Many players who purchased c-store ships, many through exchanged zen from dil, can access those ships -> Deltas with T-6 Ships
    Whats the point in not letting them have a t-5?

    You want to make them exclusive ships for each year? Thats nonsense too. You were making console sets for breen and risian ships. Now you gotta wipe that out too, because it wouldn't be fair to the new players and alts you were so eager to make us create. Way to go...

    These seasonal events were made for fun (and grind of course). I just CANT understand why are you doing this. Please reconsider that ship issue.
  • phrgphrg Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Getting mixed messages here...

    Cryptic "want to maintain the exclusivity and collectability of the event ships" and are removing the Pearls to do so.


    Cryptic took the Badge of Temba and the Tamarian Envoy title I had from Season 1 and gave it to everyone. No longer exclusive.


    OK, so how much GPL will it cost me to buy a device that allows me to ignore ship holo-spam?

  • drowrulesupremedrowrulesupreme Member Posts: 692 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Started reading the thread last night and stopped at page 29 (around midnight). Started reading from there this morning and it had grown to 57 pages. It grew to 60 whilst I was reading.

    So, to begin, the summer event is planned and worked on during the previous winter event and the winter event for 2015 is being worked on now-ish. This is according to dev posts where they have said a change to the way a current event is happening is just not that easy as it has been worked out well in advance of the event. That last part is key here - well in advance of the event.

    Cryptic have had the phasing out of the pearls planned for some time. They have to have because they needed to make a transition work in several ways. First they needed to have the mission reward a different currency than pearls. Then they had to link the new currency with the ship reputation AND have it work with those already part-filled with a different currency. Then they had to create a whole new store in which to spend the old currency and fill it with items. On top of all of this they had to make sure that all of the above worked and linked in correctly. Nevermind any design on a new ship, costumes, emotes, etc.

    With the above in mind, they left it until just before the event to announce their decision.

    But it is what follows that has me somewhat miffed.

    Cryptic could have announced that they will change the way event currencies work at the END of this event. A simple "we've decided that hoarding pearls will no longer count towards next year's ship but we have added a store which you can use extra pearls in to buy awesome stuff so you can grind a bit more this year for extra rewards THIS YEAR" would have had people thinking "okay, so get the ship and spend leftovers on shiny stuff, gotcha, thanks".

    I skipped last year's event as I didn't want a cruiser. Looks didn't matter, just another cruiser to me so I played the game instead. This year I'll be skipping it unless it is a good sci ship for my Klingons. I have no saved up pearls so I'm not hurt by the actions of this move, but I still feel for those that are.

    I'm more concerned for the precedent it sets for winter. I love the Chel Grett. My DR alts would get some serious mileage out of them. Same for the Sarr Theln and Plek Bresh. I have q-photos saved on my mains to unlock this years ship a little quicker and make it easier to get the new ship on my alts and I would have run my new alts through the event as often as needed to earn the old ships. Am I SOL? Probably. But will Cryptic admit it now and put me out of my misery? Not likely. I'm going to be wondering all summer and autumn. Not worrying, mind; just wondering.

    Emojis in space? Not interested, but I may write-off anyone using them as someone I may not get on with. Just my personal preferences influencing my decisions on that point.

    Overall, not a well handled move is what I think of this.
    "...we are far more united and have far more in common with each other than the things that divide us.”
    Jo Cox 22.6.1974 - 16.6.2016

  • darleathdarleath Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Effects of the change:

    1.- People will play the grind with 1 char to grind 1000 pearls (or whatever) and then 40 with their alters, and that is it.

    2.- People will not play everyday, the first days Risa will be packed and with a lot of map#, while the last ones will be almost empty.

    3.- No one will save currency for the next year, because it's unlikely we will get another "compensation sale" like this one.

    Also, on the subject of the costs:

    800 pearls == 4 specialization points == 16 * 25000 tech upgrade points (saving ~32000 dilithium). Which means, incidentally, that the official line about XP ratio can be deduced to:

    a) Officially, 15 minutes of game equates to ~480 dilithium

    b) The pearl conversion table gives us the value of 1 specialization point: 8 times as much as a single Superior Tech Upgrade (in dilithium)

    c) The Superior Tech Upgrade requires 1075 Dilithium, which is ~2.24 times 480

    d) For Cryptic, each specialization point at level 60 should require 268.75 minutes, or roughly 4 hours and nearly 30 minutes.

    Yay. -.-U
  • ussberlinussberlin Member Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Do i like this change? No
    Do i understand it? No
    Does it make the Game better? No

    so why

    [Anniversary Qmendation] 320
    [Autographed 8x10 Glossy Picture of Q] 1520

    This i have to change to when these Event come back ... .
    Dont like it already today.
    18 Cpt on the way to 60: 14 of them are already 50 or over 50, one is 60 and 3 almost 43
    Subscribed For: 4 years 5 months 20 days at 26.10.2014
  • tehjoneltehjonel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    thx, guys. that's the push i finally needed to quit the game.

    it's been fun.
  • splitboysplitboy Member Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Awesome move Cryptic so for all those People that did not stop to run the Daily last year and actualy spend time ingam you telling suck it up and grind more?

    What happend to all rewards are supposed to be equal for time spend we spend the time just a year in advance please Elaborate why this is diffrent.
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    warwolf108 wrote: »
    But what's with retiring the old ships? I don't understand the reasoning that led there. you don't want deltas to have decent ships for free? Thats nonsense. Many players who purchased c-store ships, many through exchanged zen from dil, can access those ships -> Deltas with T-6 Ships
    Whats the point in not letting them have a t-5?
    Even more pointless, Deltas are are going to have a decent ship for free. This year's ship. But not with the previous year's consoles. The only effect is new players/characters have less fun toys to play with.
    You want to make them exclusive ships for each year? Thats nonsense too. You were making console sets for breen and risian ships. Now you gotta wipe that out too, because it wouldn't be fair to the new players and alts you were so eager to make us create. Way to go...
    They already did it with the Kobali cruiser and the Command Ship console set. No 4-piece bonus for new players/toons. If they don't mind TRIBBLE over customers looking to pay up to 12,000 Zen for a set, they probably don't care how unfair it is for people in free ships either.

    Fortunately I have the ships on all my old toons and I don't really care that much about my Delta Recruit, to get overly upset over it...but I can't help but feel sorry for the new players who just got screwed out of 2 (and probably 5 when they copy this to the Winter event) nice ships and the accompanying console sets forever. :(

    What is it with Cryptic and Summer event brain farts? Last year's genius invention -- map-restricted clothes -- got me to put the game down and not play for 5 months simply because I couldn't believe anyone would do something that lame. "Retiring" the ships doesn't quite rise to that level yet, although I have a feeling I'd be likely to think differently if I hadn't got cruisers for my toons using saved-up pearls last year.
  • nazelnagnazelnag Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Grinding isn't fun, but people do it in the expectation of lay back for a bit enjoy the rewards wile having time to actually relax and play some actual content and have fun.

    unfortunately, you seem to have an approach were you induce players to create more alts to replay replay replay the same thing over and over until it's not fun any more, until it's agonising boring and then remove any possible relief solution they might had found.

    some people had extra tokens, so they could relax and walk around the island event and just have ... fun ... but no ... you had to make it impossible to replay a single thing again :mad:
  • darleathdarleath Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Another detail I forgot to mention: We are being lied to. Why? Because the simplest solution to "we dont' want to see the seasonal ship around on day 1 of the event" is "this year's ship project won't be finished before [start of event + 21 days]". Instead, they mess with the currency and the state of things, which is like kicking a hornet's nest.
    Which, incidentally, they seem to enjoy doing.

    Maybe Cryptic's goal designers should know that trying to win in a clash of wills against the thousands playing the game is, at best, a "delay the inevitable" proposition.

    I mean, why can we have a daily mark reward from playing Foundry's missions, since the usual "player generated content" (AKA PvP in other games) is so broken in here? People farms marks because they need the new sets, so...
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    darleath wrote: »
    Another detail I forgot to mention: We are being lied to. Why? Because the simplest solution to "we dont' want to see the seasonal ship around on day 1 of the event" is "this year's ship project won't be finished before [start of event + 21 days]". Instead, they mess with the currency and the state of things, which is like kicking a hornet's nest.
    Which, incidentally, they seem to enjoy doing.
    It's not that they don't want to see the event ship on day 1. That has always happened even the first time this type of event ran. They just want the early birds to pay for their ships in lobi instead of last-year's leftovers.
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    kylelocke wrote: »
    I'd like to see good emotes. Such as AFK powers down the ship, something tasteful rather than a holographic icon in mid space.

    That's right !

    I want those 'smiley' faces on our deflector dishes . It's soft canon dammit !!!

    And then ... , then I want cup's on our saucer's , cups that have "earl gray, hot" emblazoned on them .
    (don't worry, you probably won't be able to see that in the realistically dark sector space, because these emotes HAVE TO BE REALISTIC !!!)

    And then ... , plates maybe ... with "hot, plain hot tomato soup !" emblazoned on them in screaming pink . Maybe that can be voice animated as well .

    ... it could be no less existing as McNeal's other STO voice work ...
  • killalljedikillalljedi Member Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited May 2015

    I hope these packs are at least ACCOUNT bound.
    II can say without a doubt the only people from cryptic i respect as people and danred nice ones to boot is trendy and taco.

    IMO, I just respect Taco. My experiences with him have at least been positive & informative. Trendy , on the other hand......
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Good to hear that there IS a solution in the pipeline :)

    A FINAL solution?
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    It's in the blog...

    LL&P: http://images-cdn.perfectworld.com/arc/b1/26/b1267c430c3a4eeafbcf55690b4d27e41431539005.png

    Thumbs Up: http://images-cdn.perfectworld.com/arc/a5/11/a511b6ce90d62b88330036de9df22f171431474052.gif

    ...as a pair of examples.

    Starship Emote Pack: "Smile" and "Sad"
    Starship Emote Pack: "Thumbs Up" and "Thumbs Down"
    Starship Emote Pack: "Live Long and Prosper"
    Starship Emote Pack: "Rock, Paper, Scissors"

    Where there are going to be four packs:

    Well Smirk was supposedly excited for what was coming in 2015 ... , so maybe the space-smirk-smile was his reason for being excited ?

    ... cuz I'm pretty sure that the sad face will be the most popular choice ... -- ESD surrounded by sad face emotes ... , I can see it now ... (while I'll imagine each happy smiley as a Hello Kitty face in space)
  • rickdankorickdanko Member Posts: 470 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    In under 24 hours, 62 pages of nearly universal negative feedback to this change.

    There's only one way to address this....forbid the players from talking about it.
    They're not really gone, as long as we remember them
    Plasma Nugget

    I'm allowed to disagree.
  • killalljedikillalljedi Member Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    rickdanko wrote: »
    In under 24 hours, 62 pages of nearly universal negative feedback to this change.

    There's only one way to address this....forbid the players from talking about it.

    Yep. Trendy is gonna soil herself when she comes to work this morning and logs in, then immediately SHUT! DOWN! EVERYTHING!
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    The ship emote thing is awesome.

    Oh I know your fleet will love'em ... .

    ... I'm actually surprised there are not more of them cheering this on . Or have you recruited Virus to do your PR for you ... ? 'Cuz he sure seems to be making an effort to replace quality with quantity these days ...
  • rickdankorickdanko Member Posts: 470 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    There you go. If the devs have a sense of humor, they should put a shark in the water in front of one of the ramps we jump over with our floating surf boards. And offer a leather jacket costume option.

    With an "Aaaaaaaaaaaaa" emote! :D
    They're not really gone, as long as we remember them
    Plasma Nugget

    I'm allowed to disagree.
  • saurializardsaurializard Member Posts: 4,404 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Nope, not that.

    EDIT: just to add clarification, this is unrelated to the solution down the road regarding XP.

    I think you guys need to improve your planning of plan reveals.

    "we have a solution to your skill point concerns, in the meantime:
    -we're gonna nerf rewarding patrols
    -we're gonna wrap the Iconian War in one season
    -we're gonna nerf Borg Red Alerts
    -we're gonna nerf 12-hour assignments
    -we're gonna retire lohlunat pearls
    -we're gonna retire old Risian ships"

    is NOT a good way to prepare your players for something.

    The ship emotes are a good idea and the ability to use pearls for spec points is cool for those savvy enough to save them up, but seriously, you don't pile up the bad news before a news that is only potentially good and that we know nothing about.

    What's next? Lobi crystals will expire 5 months after being earned? If a spec bar isn't filled in 1 week, your progress is reset?
  • demonicaestheticdemonicaesthetic Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Good to hear that there IS a solution in the pipeline :)

    Yes... a 'Final solution' where players who can remember being able to earn XP will be driven off the game with bs like the risian fubar...

    ...So as to prevent them from corrupting the future new players who will be forced to join the Cryptic-Youth, and wear snazzy armbands with the company logo.

    But all new accounts will get a goose-step emote and tailor shop company-logo armband ABSOLUTELY FREE!
    <center><font size="+5"><b>Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day...
    Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life...</b></size></center>
  • mjarbarmjarbar Member Posts: 2,084 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Either way it's a win win for Cryptic!

    Want the new shiny on day one then spend the lobi - don't have the lobi? Then open boxes, to open boxes you need keys, don't have the keys? You need to buy them so either spend loads of Ec or spend Zen! Don't have the Zen spend $$$.

    Spend time to get the new ship and grind the content - Cryptics metrics say this is great content and the players are loving it .

    Want to have a real life summer holiday and spend a couple of weeks away from your computer, then you have to pray the game doesn't go down while you can play or you are S.O.O.L.

    For the record, yes I do/did have pearls stored up to get a jump start on this years event as I didn't want to play every day, and had I got the new ship on day one I still would have played whenever I could. Now it seems I am being penalised for trying to plan ahead and wanting what everyone else wants.

    No I am not happy with this at all, not one bit.
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  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Well STO's "Alt-friendliness" is like a bipolar monkey on crack with multiple personalities ...

    + Play Delta Recruits ! Make a new Toon ! Get extra Stuff ...
    - You want an easy way to level multiple Toons ... too bad we're nerfing Doffing XP ...
    + Never mind how about those useful Sponsorship Tokens i.E.
    - You want to have all the fancy old Event Ships & maybe complete your Console-Set ... sorry you're screwed ... especially if you're a Delta Recruit ...
    + Never mind you can still have your "Event-Ship-Discount" ... but only if you're doing it on every toon during Year X ... otherwise you're screwed again & it's worthless ...

    etc etc ...

    Pfft ... , that's a lot of entitled nonsense .

    Don't you see ??? The emotes are so kawaiiii, kids love emotes, and we NEED more kids in this gambling-timer-RNG fest, because they spend without understanding money .

    ... sorry, I had to RP a pro-Cryptic stance there ... , if only because for over 50 pages no one said "entitled" , and I was getting worried that something was wrong with our "I don't understand what words mean" generation ...
  • titus1608titus1608 Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    It's a slap in the face for the older accounts and harder working players...and why? Just so new players or lazy players can start at the same line?

    Ever thought about that some players have worked ahead when they had time because they never know if they have enough time the following year?
    What if they have not enough time this year to get the ship and would have gotten it with their leftovers?

    So I guess we can say goodbye to the Q-autographs from the winter event too?
  • gameleechgameleech Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    never was into any repetitive junk events like summer or winter. Free ship, good for the masses I could care less. Adding ship emotes BWHAHAHAHAH what a joke and totally pathetic. Time to FIRE more plebes at your office, whoever came up with this one! Game has gone plaid pathetic!
  • sheldonlcoopersheldonlcooper Member Posts: 4,042 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I have huge stockpiles of Qmendations and photos of Q. Hey I love Q.

    I don't think having to trade these for exp or upgrades is a huge hit.

    However, everyone seems to agree that removing the old ships is bad. I mean, it makes no sense. Let new people grind for them fresh - earn their 1000 currencies this year for them and get them if they want. That equals more metrics!

    I have all the ships on all but 2 characters and don't care about them for those 2, however, others would like to collect them - so let them. Really it's a no-brainer. Win win for all.
    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."

    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

  • danquellerdanqueller Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    The Star Trek Online re-write of 'Who Mourns For Adonis', excerpt:

    Scene of Starship Enterprise being held by spectral hand

    Kirk: Analysis, Mr. Spock? Is that a...hand?

    Spock: It appears to be a Klingon emote, Captain. We're trapped.

    Dramatic angle of Captain Kirk looking frustrated and angry

    Fade to black
  • sunfranckssunfrancks Member Posts: 3,925 Arc User
    edited May 2015

    Cryptic doing what they do best in removing players in game progress/currency, to favour their latest metrics..

    What you should have done, is said that this is the last year for the pearls, and allow us to use what we earned previously.

    That would have been the honest way to do things, not make them obsolete and tell us "ha ha, sucks to be you"....
    Fed: Eng Lib Borg (Five) Tac Andorian (Shen) Sci Alien/Klingon (Maelrock) KDF:Tac Romulan KDF (Sasha) Tac Klingon (K'dopis)
    Founder, member and former leader to Pride Of The Federation Fleet.
    What I feel after I hear about every decision made since Andre "Mobile Games Generalisimo" Emerson arrived...

  • staq16staq16 Member Posts: 1,181 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    mjarbar wrote: »
    Want to have a real life summer holiday and spend a couple of weeks away from your computer, then you have to pray the game doesn't go down while you can play or you are S.O.O.L.

    Or more to the point; consider whether the starship is worth that level of aggro. What is it going to let you do in-game that you couldn't do otherwise?
  • kuraitsukaikuraitsukai Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    New player here, and by new I mean I joined in October-ish, have almost if not over 900 hours in game already, 7 characters total at present was LOOKING FORWARD to getting the Risian Corvette and Cruiser with my fianc
  • saurializardsaurializard Member Posts: 4,404 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    bjornfried wrote: »
    The ship emotes are not a good idea.
    They are completly bull****. No ship should have that. Its emberassing realy. "Oh look i have a ship emote how realistic! Look look loooooooooooohooooook! Im a stupid, brainless, litlle fanboy! I make emotes. with my starship!" Thats just stupid and bad indemnity. A klick in the users balls from cryptic

    Personally, I think it's a good "concept" if used correctly. Right now, it's not.

    I'm talking about having emotes that can mean and give an instruction in each teammate's language:
    -going to left/right/above/below
    -going to flank target
    -going to tank and aggro
    -healer here
    -CC here
    -protect current target
    -drink your ovaltine

    that kind of things that CAN be useful.
This discussion has been closed.