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STO Player Poll! February 12th, 2015



  • trelane87trelane87 Member Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    1. Ability to upgrade T5U ships to full T6 (Add specializations, additional BOFF power)
    2. DOFF Revamp
    3. Make upgrades cost less dilithium and Tech Points
    4. Bug fixes/balancing
    5. Ability to have different captain powers (Photonic Fleet is worthless)
    6. Show small fleets some love
    7. All the stuff on the poll

    Do this stuff and maybe I'll put some monies into the game :P
  • vaadwaurprimevaadwaurprime Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    trelane87 wrote: »
    1. Ability to upgrade T5U ships to full T6 (Add specializations, additional BOFF power)
    2. DOFF Revamp
    3. Make upgrades cost less dilithium and Tech Points
    4. Bug fixes/balancing
    5. Ability to have different captain powers (Photonic Fleet is worthless)
    6. Show small fleets some love
    7. All the stuff on the poll

    Do this stuff and maybe I'll put some monies into the game :P

    I would love to see this! I want my Scimitar to be able to utilize T6 boff powers, and also they need to make Federation T6 ship traits cross faction usable so i can use reciprocity and desperate repairs on my KDF aligned Romulan ships.
  • wast33wast33 Member Posts: 1,855 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    This marks the twilight time of day one for voting, make sure to tell your friends and fleetmates to come vote before Monday!

    You have 3 full days left, make em count! :)

    Gnite everyone!


    hell smirk, may ask the right questions next time?!?! u confused it all up like many stated in here. that way u destroyed the whole outcome, it's worthless :mad:!

    "pvp queues".. we need balance, not more queues...

    "more episodes" coming anyway, eh?
  • vaadwaurprimevaadwaurprime Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    wast33 wrote: »
    hell smirk, may ask the right questions next time?!?! u confused it all up like many stated in here. that way u destroyed the whole outcome, it's worthless :mad:!

    "pvp queues".. we need balance, not more queues...

    "more episodes" coming anyway, eh?

    lol pretty much this.
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I voted for PvP, because its where my heart lies.

    But sincerely you need to balance out your game before touching PvP.

    And all the other things on the list - keep adding them two.
  • nativejoenativejoe Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I wish for bug fixes!

    Currently the game is pretty much unplayable!

    2nd to that I would want some incentive to PVP!

    3rd Exploration missions! While it is the Core to Star Trek, I would like there to be some multiplayer Fun...make it happen. I want to be able to explore stuff with friends... semi random stuff.

    4th More missions... You've produced great quality missions as of late. While I would vote for this as the TOP... I only play thru them once...and it takes u guys 3 months to make one...so.......yeah

    5th Bug FIXES! seriously just stop production on everything else and just start fixing things. Clipping weapons, graphical errors...but most certaintly the damn lag on the UI... Not being able to see when my weapons are firing is killing me, as well as hitting my hull and shield heals 12 times and waitiing 10 seconds for them to go off is literally killing me
  • craig76craig76 Member Posts: 775 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    fix the crashes :(
    I believe God created the universe, because he knew we wanted to explore. So, he made us a playground...
  • dova25dova25 Member Posts: 475
    edited February 2015
    I would vote for Reciprocity+Battle ready made cross-faction
    "There already is a Borg faction, its called the Federation. They assimilate everyone else's technology and remove any biological or technical distinctiveness and add it to their own."
    I refuse to be content https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwI0u9L4R8U
  • drumcd74656drumcd74656 Member Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Cryptic needs to ******FIX****** PvP, not just add some queues! Cryptic's management ineptitude has taken us way beyond what throwing a few scraps at the dogs will correct.

    No, those jack-wagons will look at this poll and do exactly what they did with the Klingons by saying "see, nobody wants us to develop PvP".

    Unlike other problems, if you ignore them customers DO go away, but then you have another problem don't you?
  • kerygankerygan Member Posts: 254 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Before adding ANY new stuff , you have to add T6 intel fleet ships , its easy to take money , and don't care after that. T6 fleets should have been added even before command ships.
  • janus1975janus1975 Member Posts: 739 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    And I would also like to add:

    "... plus more fixing of game-breaking bugs, and less fiddling with non-broken mechanics"!
  • breadandcircusesbreadandcircuses Member Posts: 2,355 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    More PvP Queues
    --Queues are the least of PvP's problems. Balance, matchmaking, rewards, and the need to not PvP in order to be competitive in PvP (i.e. post-DR progression rates) all need to be addressed long before more queues are added.

    More Episodes
    --Sure. I like the Episodes, so long as they aren't composed of Patrols. Oh, and actually have something useful as a reward. They do need some serious attention as far as contributing to our progression, though, since we now have 60 (+80) levels worth of progression to get through.

    Exploration Missions
    --Does anybody remember when we used to be Explorers? I do. We had these cool maps that gave us a better shot at doffing missions, we could get bridge invites to avoid having to fly all over Sector Space just to check and see if our Colonization chain was available, and had random missions to wander out to for no reason other than... random. At least put the maps back...

    More Fleet Functionality
    --Eh, maybe? While I like the idea, I'm in a smaller Fleet and don't really care about added functionality since we haven't finished out the existing functionality. Also... where Fleet functionality is concerned, added functionality means added grind, something we have in abundance (both in variety and quantity).

    More Foundry Functionality
    --I guess. I do like the Foundry in theory, but in practice I haven't bothered with it in ages... maybe the occasional foray into grinder missions to test out a ship in a shooting gallery or whatnot, but the removal of Fleet Marks, addition of loot caps, etc. have kept me elsewhere.

    My vote... hrm... there is so much else in the game that has been tampered with that needs attention more than what's on the list. I guess Exploration because it's the only thing that doesn't actually exist... other than PvP queues, but that is a symptom rather than the underlying problem. Really, most of the rest of the list is the victim of some other issue with the game, rather than needing attention in and of itself. YMMV
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I do not like Geko ether.
    iconians wrote: »
    With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.​​
  • mchenckulamchenckula Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Greetings from germany.
    I wish a better balanced and for all players playabel pvp not only pvp-lists.
    For all players means not only for this folks with epic equipment and
    with million of ecs and dilithium on his bank for pay to win every round.
    The little gamer should also have a fair chance to win against other pvp-players.
    A way to select pvp-ques in rooki, advanced and expert for the players.

    Sorry for my simple english. I hop it is a bit understanding.
  • bzdryngolbzdryngol Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Hi, I would like to take this opportunity and ask to respond on my last question about exploration missions, I noticed that they are (fortunatly) popular in poll:


    "Hi captains, can you recommend some missions with eye-catching maps? I really like the 'trek' part of this game. Maybe you have some screenshots?

    Maps in explore strange new worlds were usually nice."

    I will be grateful for answer ;P
  • eurialoeurialo Member Posts: 667 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Bug fixing
    Less grinding
    Pvp (many vs many)

    Playing STO spamming FAW is like playing chess using always the computer's suggested moves
  • ramos40kramos40k Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    First of all, more PVE, more STF's! STO needs at least 20 more ground and 20 more space PVE's! Better reward system. Cheaper upgrade, atm it is a dilithium sinkhole. Updated olda ships with intel and command seats (defiant fe).
  • szimszim Member Posts: 2,503 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Considering how the last time they polled us, and did absolutely nothing for or about it. (Krenim anyone?) Can we really trust that they wouldn't do this again? Especially considering all the other times they've polled and done something else entirely?

    Yeez, do you think they can just press a button and the Krenim are part of the game? It takes months to create a new race, write the story of their involvement and creating the mission telling it. There was a clear hint in "Dust to Dust" that the Krenim might soon be part of the game (Voyager's secret mission). So stop your nagging and be patient. :rolleyes:
  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,001 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I voted for exploration missions. Mind you, that does not mean single player missions which just require you to run from one corner to the other of the map 4 times to "explore" the map. What I mean is bring back the equivalent of randomly-generated, open-end game content. That's what makes games reach a lifespan of decades.

    You had a major selling point with the genesis engine back in the day. Work on that and don't argue "the quality of the missions was bad" - well, work on it so it isn't bad anymore. Have players solo or in teams explore strange new space and ground maps with random objectives and things to happen, there are plenty of examples in this forum alone how something like this could look like.
    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
    "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
    "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
  • tequilapastatequilapasta Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Hi PWE Captain Smirk:

    Thanks for this poll, but you're missing what I think is an extremely important option:

    In canon, dilithium was used as fuel for ships.

    While I can understand that trading fuel for valuable commodities is a thing that could easily happen in the future when money isn't a thing and people work/get killed by exploding consoles to better themselves exclusively, I simply cannot accept that ships run forever on no fuel.

    It violates both canon and thermodynamics.

    I propose that dilithium be used whenever your ship moves, including transwarping and mission cutscene travel.

    If you run out of dilithium, you can either proceed at impulse speed only (canonically, all ships have fusion backup generators). It should take about 12 hours to cross a sector map at impulse, to keep the scale of STO in keeping with the vast scale of the Star Trek Universe; or you can summon your racial freighter, which will take the highest value upgraded item of gear on your ship in exchange for 1/3rd of the upgrade dil value. If you have a bunch of stuff at the same upgrade level (I run all Mk XIV gold beams, for example), only one would be taken.
  • gardatgardat Member Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Dilithium as warp fuel is both canon and would add immensely to my immersion.

    Yes please! :)
    486 DX2/66Mhz, 4MB SD-RAM, 16KB L-1 cache, 120MB HDD, 3.5" FDD, 2x CD-ROM, 8-Bit Soundblaster Pro, IBM Model M PS/2 keyboard, Microsoft trackball mouse, 256KB S3 graphics chip, 14" VGA CRT monitor, MS-DOS 6.22
  • enniksenniks Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Just do ALL of this:

    #1 Feature Freeze
    #2 Eliminate Bugs
    #3 Rethink your datacenter design
    #4 wait for feedback
    #5 think about new content/mission/whatever when all of this is done....
    Geben Sie jemanden einen Fisch und Sie ernähren ihn für einen Tag; 
    lehren Sie jemanden zu fischen und Sie verlieren einen verlässlichen Kunden.

  • rossclansforce1rossclansforce1 Member Posts: 400 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Other than the obvious stability issues..

    #1 Exploration
    Add a foundry option to create new exploration specific content. Options will be limited depending on sector. Bring back exploration zones but update it with this content. Maps picked will be based off of top voted from foundry system. Make it easier to sort regular and exploration foundry missions.

    #2 Fleet activities
    content only accessible through your fleet starbase?

    #3 Foundry
    make it easier to make maps, content, and linking multiple maps.
    add more details so we can have more realistic maps

    #4 Episodes
    Update old missions

    #5 PvP
    PVP zones have all abilities reduced. This keeps PVP nerfs from hitting PVE content. You can then adjust the % in order to balance PVP easier.

    Click to Join armadafleet.org/
  • cjseven01cjseven01 Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    How about fixing the crafting system !
    who the hell wants to waste hours trying to make equipment when there is no guarantee you will get the weapon you want/need

    40 attempts at making a decent beam array for an alt not one hit X3 , mostly got pvp junk all just got vendered
    If you could guarantee the out come of the mods on weapons etc it would make it worth while crafting.
  • robert359robert359 Member Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Well if they do something based on this poll, I am glad they already did the Top 3. I was suprised by thier infograph that there are over 80K Foundry missions. I would have never gussed that looking at the Foundry UI.

    I was torn between Exploration and Foundry, but went with Foundry becuase there is already so much content there wiating to be played.
    "The soldier above all others prays for peace, for it is the soldier who must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war."
    Douglas MacArthur - Quote on the dedication plaque of the U.S.S. Ranger NCC-97332-A Armitage class Fleet Heavy Strike Wing Escort.
  • vegeta50024vegeta50024 Member Posts: 2,336 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Hi PWE Captain Smirk:

    Thanks for this poll, but you're missing what I think is an extremely important option:

    In canon, dilithium was used as fuel for ships.

    While I can understand that trading fuel for valuable commodities is a thing that could easily happen in the future when money isn't a thing and people work/get killed by exploding consoles to better themselves exclusively, I simply cannot accept that ships run forever on no fuel.

    It violates both canon and thermodynamics.

    I propose that dilithium be used whenever your ship moves, including transwarping and mission cutscene travel.

    If you run out of dilithium, you can either proceed at impulse speed only (canonically, all ships have fusion backup generators). It should take about 12 hours to cross a sector map at impulse, to keep the scale of STO in keeping with the vast scale of the Star Trek Universe; or you can summon your racial freighter, which will take the highest value upgraded item of gear on your ship in exchange for 1/3rd of the upgrade dil value. If you have a bunch of stuff at the same upgrade level (I run all Mk XIV gold beams, for example), only one would be taken.
    gardat wrote: »
    Dilithium as warp fuel is both canon and would add immensely to my immersion.

    Yes please! :)

    I have just have a few words to say to you both. NEVER GOING TO EVER HAPPEN!

  • gardatgardat Member Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    This is a good idea, but maybe just have it so transwarping costs dil instead of ec?

    With the changes to sector space that are coming, people should enjoy flying from place to place not having to zone all the time, so a higher cost should be placed on transwarping.

    The Vesta (which is an excellent ship) was put into the game from novels and we saw dilithium used many times as fuel on the shows.

    It absolutely can and should happen. Dilithium is fuel and it wants to be burned :cool:
    486 DX2/66Mhz, 4MB SD-RAM, 16KB L-1 cache, 120MB HDD, 3.5" FDD, 2x CD-ROM, 8-Bit Soundblaster Pro, IBM Model M PS/2 keyboard, Microsoft trackball mouse, 256KB S3 graphics chip, 14" VGA CRT monitor, MS-DOS 6.22
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Hi PWE Captain Smirk:

    Thanks for this poll, but you're missing what I think is an extremely important option:

    In canon, dilithium was used as fuel for ships.

    While I can understand that trading fuel for valuable commodities is a thing that could easily happen in the future when money isn't a thing and people work/get killed by exploding consoles to better themselves exclusively, I simply cannot accept that ships run forever on no fuel.

    It violates both canon and thermodynamics.

    I propose that dilithium be used whenever your ship moves, including transwarping and mission cutscene travel.

    If you run out of dilithium, you can either proceed at impulse speed only (canonically, all ships have fusion backup generators). It should take about 12 hours to cross a sector map at impulse, to keep the scale of STO in keeping with the vast scale of the Star Trek Universe; or you can summon your racial freighter, which will take the highest value upgraded item of gear on your ship in exchange for 1/3rd of the upgrade dil value. If you have a bunch of stuff at the same upgrade level (I run all Mk XIV gold beams, for example), only one would be taken.

    :rolleyes: dilithium isnt a fuel, its a magical catalyst for controlling the reaction of the actual fuel. deuterium (mater), and antideuterium (antimater), in the warp core to create plasma, that the warp engines and everything else on the ship uses like electricity.

    they have technology to recrystallize dilithium almost indefinitely, ships tend to carry years worth of deuterium in giant slush tanks, it can be convert it into antideuterium at about 30% efficiency, and the bussard collectors draw in any useful stellar gas wherever the ship is.

    things to make us go are not a scarcity inside the boarders the game takes place in.
  • inferiorityinferiority Member Posts: 4,303 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Isn't it interesting that the item players appear to most want was the very feature that was removed?
    - - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Everyone has a better name and Youtube Channel than me...  :/
  • alestertargaryalestertargary Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    In my opinion the heart of star trek where always the stories and the characters.
    How is best known... to boldly go where no one has gone before...
    So i prefer new missions, new explorations, new worlds to discover.
    See at much of the foundries.
    There are more than enough examples for fantastyc real star trek missions.
    By the way at this place many thanks to the creators of foundries all over the world.

    Thanks for reading and regards from earth-germany-bavaria.

    Live long and prosper... and fly save thereout :)
  • darkdamnaithdarkdamnaith Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I agree with others that I would like to put them in an order and not just vote for a single one :)

    For myself it'd be:
    1. More episodes
    2. More foundry functionality (the latest addition of giving a popup of the top 3 foundry missions on a given location is awesome)
    3. Exploration missions
    4. More fleet functionality
    5. More PvP Queues
    FSM grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of everyone who pissed me off along the way.
This discussion has been closed.