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What do we want for STO in 2015?



  • jorantomalakjorantomalak Member Posts: 7,133 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    idk if this has been mentioned but

    reducing the mind numbing chinese style uber grinds i havent really played much cause its to much and im bored within about 30-40 minutes and off doing other things.
  • lystentlystent Member Posts: 1,019
    edited January 2015
    PvEs to reward XP (I mean real XP; not that pitiful drip we have been getting).
  • rsoblivionrsoblivion Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    bioixi wrote: »
    I want:

    More alt friendly stuff:

    • Being able to mail sponsorship tokens.
    • A common pool of EC and dill (you can exchange them between characters now, but using very convoluted means).
    • Specialization sponsorship.

    Trait overhaul

    • Trait loadouts with separated ground and space loadouts, with shortcuts to exchange loadouts on the fly.
    • Away team traits, similar to starship traits.

    Bridge officers:

    • More cosmetic updates for special bridge officers, there is no reason why the photonic duty officer can't look like anything different, it's photonic!.
    • Security escort and request reinforcements beams bridge officers in the reserve.
    • Being able to take direct control of bridge officers.
    • Another weapon slot for bridge officers.

    Better crafting and upgrading:

    • Remove lottery crafting and upgrading.
    • Use salvaged tech (reward from Elite STF) to craft quality upgrading tech, for example: you need 4 tech to upgrade something from very rare to ultra rare, 8 to upgrade from ultra rare to epic.
    • Add mod slots to weapons and equipment, allow people to craft mods, those mods can be slotted and removed at will, think of it as gems and gem slots from other MMOs.
    • For example: lets say you craft a [Dmg] mod, and you add it to a rare weapon, which has 2 mod slots, the [Dmg] mod occupies one mod slot and increases damage, it can be freely removed and slotted in another weapon at will.

    Remove PVE lottery:

    No more 2.5% chance to X the only things that should have chance should be accuracy and critical hit.
    • For example, tetryon weapons should have X extra damage vs shields
    • Disruptors add an small stacking damage resistance debuff up to X.
    • Phasers knock down a system/stun an enemy after dealing X damage.
    • Plasma always leaves a DoT (but weaker).
    • Polaron always reduces subsystem power, (but on an smaller amount) or cause weapon malfunction after X damage.
    • etc.

    Space PvE

    • Make shield drain, shield heal and hull heal abilities percentage based.
    • Remove global cooldown from torpedoes, instead make them fire in a sequence from left to right with a 0.5s delay, so they don't interfere with eachother.
    • Allow players to bind Beam overload, transport warhead, torpedo spread and torpedo high yield abilities to an specific weapon.


    • Common pool fleet credits and marks.
    • Ability to cancel projects if nobody made any contribution (it's meant to fix mistakes).
    • Fleet credit exchange for high tier fleets:
    • If Dillithium mine is upgraded to tier III you can exchange dill for Fleet credits ad a 1:2 rate.
    • If Embassy is upgraded to tier III you can exchange doffs at the same rate you can buy randoms (ex: 500 fleet credits for a common doff).
    • If Starbase is at tier V you can exchange fleet maks.
    • If Spire is at tier III you can exchange EC.

    Captain skills overhaul:

    • More skill tree like (similar to specialization skills).
    • Merge some skills and simplify the new skill tree, some skills are just useless (sensors, graviton generators...) but merging them should make them more viable.
    • Add Skill loadouts that can be swapped on the fly.
    • Everyone gets 2 skill loadouts for free and a free retrain for both at level 60.
    • The captain retrain token allows you to retrain your skills as many times as you want in the captain retrain npc for an small dillithium fee.
    • You can buy additional skill loadout slots in the zen store.

    Ground overhaul:

    • More non consumable devices.
    • Combat pets as an away team slot or as an ability instead of a device.
    • Being able to set your ground weapon in autofire.
    • Fix ground animations so it looks like you are firing continuously with certain weapons (for example: right now borg prosthetic arms fire continuously, go give it a try, they fire a continuous stream of plasma bolts).
    • Modify borg prosthetic arms so they are brog prosthetic arms.


    • Pistols: Short-mid range, 90% accuracy, average dps.
    • Standard pistol secondary fire: High damage bolt
    • Dual pistol secondary fire:: high damage dps to single target.
    • Stun pistol secondary fire:: Hold.
    • Wide beam secondary fire: Cone
    • Full auto rifles: Mid-Long range, 85% accuracy, high dps, secondary fire: cone
    • H.D beam rifle: Mid-long range 95% accuracy, moderate dps, secondary fire: Piercing beam+repel
    • Sniper rifle: very long range, 100% accuracy, 25% shield penetration, low dps secondary fire: high damage with 50% shield penetration or exploit damage with 100% shield penetration.
    • Split beam: mid-long range, 90% accuracy, average dps, secondary fire: tri-beam
    • Minigun: Short-mid range, 80% accuracy, very high dps, small cone, secondary fire: wide cone
    • Blast assault: long range: 90% accuracy, low dps high damage, small sphere AoE, secondary fire: big sphere AoE+knockback
    • Pulsewave: Very short-short range, 100% accuracy (decreases at range), very high damage (decreases at range), small cone, small repel, secondary fire: high damage, high repel+kockback
    • Beam weapons: mid range, 100% accuracy, jumps up to 3 targets (damage reduced per jump), average dps, secondary fire: high damage, jumps to all targets (doesn't decrease damage per jump)
    • Flamethrowers: Short range, small cone, DoT, high dps, secondary fire: big cone, high damage, causes fire (like plasma grenades).


    • Revamp Caitian and Ferasan models, give them more hairstyles.
    • Gamma quadrant expansion, playable Cardassian, Vorta and Jem'Hadar.
    • Hybrid battleground with ground gameplay and small craft as fighters.
    • Revamp adventure zones and allow bridge officers.
    • Better STFs rewards.
    • Less XP grind.
    • I want to see the 37s' planet http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/The_37%27s_(episode)

    Listen to this guy, he's got mostly good ideas :)
    Chris Robert's on SC:
    "You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
  • edited January 2015
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  • barrington1982barrington1982 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    What I'd like to see:

    - More raid-style content (I'd like a mission that lasts more than fifteen minutes, something we as teams can really get our collective teeth into)
    - Raising of the dil refining cap

    What I'd really like and would pay for:

    - Removal of costume restrictions (i.e. to mix and match armour sets, off-duty and uniform etc.)
    - Ability to re-species a character

    What I think is absolutely necessary:

    - You MUST siginificantly raise the XP rewards, which leads me onto...
    - Let alts be viable again! If you lowered the XP requirements, I'd be playing my alts and maxing them out, spending time and real money on them as I have for the last five years. Instead, I can barely get through maxing out one!
  • dgdolphdgdolph Member Posts: 592 Arc User
    edited January 2015

    1) Balance

    2) New maps

    3) Match making / Leaderboard

    4) "Auto Gear" in Arena:
    - every Item is set to white mk xiv
    - disable doffs
    - disable reputation traits
    - disable character traits
    - disable spezialization
    - disable all universal, reputation, lobi & zen consoles

    5) Spectator mode

    6) Disallow T6 Ships and/or Intel abilities (or see 1) Balance)

    7) Bring back the PvP button to the main hud or just swap with PvE tab


    - Balance
    - Better rewards (mostly XP)
    - Team focused content (5x dps >>> all is kinda lame)
    - Real endgame content


    - Bug Fixes!!!
    - Remove all kinds of lottery (boxes, crafting, upgrades)
    - No more revamps! I'd like to see actual NEW content. There's almost no content in 9.5 or DR...
    - Removal of ALL "finish now" buttons in the game! It's a shame they exist in the first place
    - Bring back some c-store stuff like special emotes and photonic officer III
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    A decent pair of pants
  • impactpointimpactpoint Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I would like to see a Cardassian storyline. You would start out in those smaller ships possibly the Hideki class and go from there. I think it would fantastic to see the ships that would come out of this storyline besides the galor and keldon classes. Though they would have to be careful not to recreate the romulan storyline.
  • hawku001xhawku001x Member Posts: 10,771 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    i don't want any changes..... it's time for a revolution!
  • edited January 2015
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  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    hawku001x wrote: »
    i don't want any changes..... it's time for a revolution!

    That's a bold move, Cotton. Let's see how well it plays out for him...
  • vesterengvestereng Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I want them to put timegated dil sinks into doff, tailor and skillpoints

    At which point everything in the whole game is now milking so they will HAVE to actually add content to the game

    I know people have said they are just going to do specialization passives in notepad from here on out but I refuse to believe that
  • eagledracoeagledraco Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Rocket Boots ala Spock!

    How could you want anything else??
  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,276 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Someone else Said it...

    "More Tholian Content"

    What about a small arc between the Klingon War and Nimbus arcs?

    explaining why the Tholians are lurking about in the area, maybe.. how Starfleet got the design for the Odyssey Class (Maybe it was originally a Mirror Universe design?)


    Elachi Props
    Tholian Props
    Risa Props
    Maps (From the arrival of the Dyson sphere to Elachi Base 001)

    More Mirror Universe!
    Thank you for the Typhoon!
  • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    bioixi wrote: »
    More alt friendly stuff:

    • Being able to mail sponsorship tokens.
    • A common pool of EC and dill (you can exchange them between characters now, but using very convoluted means).
    • Specialization sponsorship.
    With the exception of specialization sponsorship, we already have this. It's called the Account Bank (and costs 1000zen); which you can either pay for, or exchange saved Dilithium to acquire.

    The Account Bank enables you to trade certain items (like sponsorship tokens) between characters, and also gives you an EC storage location. Unfortunately this doesn't include Dilithium, but maybe one day?
  • kittykaboomboomkittykaboomboom Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited January 2015
  • wast33wast33 Member Posts: 1,855 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    what i want? lockdown and total reset!
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Well here's my fairytale!!

    1. Rebalance and fixing legacy bugs
    2. Updates to PvP and introduction to some new maps.
    3. Engagement with the community. We need to heal the divide.
    4. New PvP Mechanics and strategies ie. Death Match, Capture and Hold, Base Assault etc.
    5. PvP Leaderboard and some additional Open Zones like Kerrat, perhaps even a open Sector. Perhaps just in this one sector we could have some kind of Territory control mechanic.
    6. PvE and PvP separation of powers.
    7. Universal Mark
    8. Diversify ways to earn marks and dilithium with more than one event at a time. Allow players to play an assortment of missions during events not limited to the same event like 60 times.
    9. Story-line Arcs even adventure zones around the Dominion, Bajoran, Ferengi Alliance and Cardassian.
    10. Mirror Universe Adventure zone!
    11. Allow Foundry spotlights and missions with good reviews to be considered for sector space missions from some of the NPCS or perhaps as Red Alert type of missions, or even automatically assigned to various planets.
    12. Some new ships for the Romulan and Klingon players.
    13. Rework of the dialogue animations to be more lifelike? Perhaps just additional animation options in regards to the facial expressions and posture.
    14. Some fleet addition that involves a base somewhere on a planet :)
    15. Extension of scientific and diplomatic exploration. Perhaps have factions be able to visit each other's embassies then gain access to the homeworld like with New Romulus? Obviously this would need to have a reason, and perhaps some really great doff missions could be added, perhaps some different, unique projects and chains?
    16. Doff missions - please add some new ones and expand on the system.
    17. Strategy mini-game? e.g you build-up your fleet and construct ships using projects, and these are then be used to engage in some like of RTS campaign? This would supplement the doff system.
    18. Boffs - recruitment of boffs should be factional and planet based. e.g. want a Bajoran, you need to go to Bajor. Want a Romulan go to New Romulus.
    19. I would very much like to see some kind of adventure zone/ trade center/ storyline for each of the races of the factions together with a homeworld which can be visited.
    20. Lockbox ship > faction skin conversion token? Just cosmetic change to the ship of a equal ship class of the faction.
  • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    1. Universal Mark
    I feel this wont ever happen (nor should it?) cause it'll take away from the purpose behind the current marks and the missions required to collect them.
    1. Story-line Arcs even adventure zones around the Dominion, Bajoran, Ferengi Alliance and Cardassian.
    2. Mirror Universe Adventure zone!
    3. Some new ships for the Romulan and Klingon players.
    4. Rework of the dialogue animations to be more lifelike? Perhaps just additional animation options in regards to the facial expressions and posture.
    1. Some fleet addition that involves a base somewhere on a planet :)
    Like the Embassy? :P
    1. Lockbox ship > faction skin conversion token? Just cosmetic change to the ship of a equal ship class of the faction.
    I like this idea very much.
  • crowley875crowley875 Member Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    What I want for STO in 2015?

    - All bugs fixed first before more broken content is being added to the game.
    - Stability issues fixed. (Server not responding, lag spikes, random connection timeouts/disconnects for absolutely no reason etc.)

    Oh and maybe some work on the physics of this game? For example: I'm being knocked down BEFORE a plasma grenade hits me. What kind of logic is that?
  • chastity1337chastity1337 Member Posts: 1,608 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Boobies! :)
  • vawlkusvawlkus Member Posts: 348 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I want the fun back.

    Before DR, STO was fun. Now, it isn't.
  • hawku001xhawku001x Member Posts: 10,771 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    iconians wrote: »
    That's a bold move, Cotton. Let's see how well it plays out for him...

    thanks, shatner
  • drunkadmiraldrunkadmiral Member Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Territory control on galaxy map between fleets.
  • puttenhamputtenham Member Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    what I want for 2015 is for cryptic to get back to basics, stop overthinking the plumbing, and make the game enjoyable again..

    not every aspect of the game has to be a sit and waite (or buy the timer to finish now). and while dilithium sincs are good, not every aspect of the game needs to be one. especially since we can only refine 8k a day.

    I want to see a focus on genuine fun this year, not just what is going to make money. im not saying that they should completely stop thinking about fluff for cash and what not, but lets stabilize the game.. cryptic needs to earn that money, and if dr is any indication, the buck has stopped here.

    sto needs to get away from everything being monotized, and needs to get back to a healthy mix.. when the game was first released, they had the c store, it had a lot of stuff that a lot of people had purchased, but it was not over bearing, nor did it decide the course of the game.. I feel as if the z store now is the primary focus, and that the game is a secondary focus..

    the z store should be the secondary concearn.. you don't seel someone all the accessories to a car before they purchase the car.. you have to sell them the car first (the core game) before you can start asking them to buy the fluff...

    lets make the game flow evenly and be fun again cryptic.. 2015 is your year to turn it around.. I want this game to succeed, but I wont support a subpar, unfun, monotized game. and im pretty sure given that queues and servers are pretty empty as of late, neither is anyone else.

    earn my money cryptic.. I have no problem giving you some, but you have to earn it. make me want to stop giving my money to other games that are worth it.
  • kreisviereckkreisviereck Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Territory control on galaxy map between fleets.

    Nice idea but there are too many fleets.

    What I would like to have in 2015 is an app or a widget with which I am informed directly about scheduled server maintenance on the day and does not need only open the launcher and than close it disappointed.
  • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Play as a Female?
  • js26568js26568 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Less attempts to divide the players, that's what I'd like to see in the next 12 months.
    Free Tibet!
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    -Remove unnecessary outfit customization restrictions:
    1. "Can only be worn on <insert map here>".
    2. Uniform vs off-duty.
    3. Items just arbitrarily appearing or not depending on what other items you're wearing. If clipping is a concern, put an "expert mode" setting somewhere that unlocks them with a disclaimer saying we understand some things won't fit together and its our own fault if we make something that looks bad.
    4. Arbitrarily restricted color palettes, especially on items with no canon coloration.
    5. Faction restrictions on items that are not faction uniforms.
    6. Some outfit categories not available for bridge officers.

    -Increase the ship name limit. The character creator lets us give a 43 character (IIRC) name to our starting ship and it works just fine, so there's no reason not to let us use long names on other ships too.
  • coolheadalcoolheadal Member Posts: 1,253 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Bring the Iconian into to play. Be able to beam down to battlezone on that planet. Make like over 40 new missions or enough so we don't get bored if your level 60 and have completed Tier 5 of Delta Rising.

    Defera Invasions Zone, make the Elite Heavy Tactical Drones spawn more, then just one walking around randomly. Elite Gorn Heavy Tactical Drones should also be walking around too not just to be activated on 3 team player mode.

    Make Nimbus 3 adventure zone even add night time version. Got all these planets they should be able to be used. Earth New San Francisco should be able to either beam over from ST Academy to the city and look around or even do PVE there. Just seems to be a waste that Earth map hasn't been develop enough to do so.

    Time will only tell!
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