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What do we want for STO in 2015?



  • kintishokintisho Member Posts: 1,040 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    a permanent 50% discount to all dilitium "prices" on all projects (fleet/crafting the new DOff robbery etc) and no price increases for any of this.
  • bioixibioixi Member Posts: 764 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    js26568 wrote: »
    I think the only response we are likely to get is from the person hiding behind the "Q" account today.

    At least they could sticky it.
  • nikephorusnikephorus Member Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    goodscotch wrote: »
    Also, all D7/K'tinga variants get their glowing nacelles back.

    That would be nice! :cool:
  • executiveoneexecutiveone Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Make alts viable again. Some kind of token akin to the reputation system would be particularly helpful. Making specialization points account-bound so I can accrue them on one character and spend them on another would also help.

    Increasing the dilithium supply. Increasing the refining cap and making ore transferable among alts would be particularly helpful.

    Selectable mods in crafting. If that means they require more mats, fair enough. But running through scores to hundreds of weapons to get the coveted [CrtD]x3 just isn't fun.

    Fix bugged PvE queues. The anomaly task in VCE and the Benthan missions in Korfez have been bugged since DR rolled out.
  • archsorcererxarchsorcererx Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Separate loadouts for ground and space traits - This would be a nice quality of life improvement as having to change between traits when I would like to play a space map after finishing a ground map is annoying.

    The ability to change modifiers through the crafting system - A request pretty much everyone would like. If it requires significant resources so be it as long as the costs are reasonable.

    Active Consoles ie Isometric Charge, Cloaking Device reworked - I would like to see these consoles made viable again in some way. As of now outside of a few examples there is no reason to slot one.

    Changes on how skill points are given - Currently progression is just way too slow. Skill point rewards should be similar regardless of the map being ground or space as well.
  • tacofangstacofangs Member Posts: 2,951 Cryptic Developer
    edited January 2015
    js26568 wrote: »
    I think the only response we are likely to get is from the person hiding behind the "Q" account today.

    HA! Take that!

    Unfortunately, pretty much everything people want is a ways outside the niche of Environment Art. . .
    Only YOU can prevent forum fires!
  • ddesjardinsddesjardins Member Posts: 3,056 Media Corps
    edited January 2015
    Duty Officers

    - Add the R&D Icon to applicable officer, especially on the small 'slug' to avoid donating them.
    - Add a 'reserve for'; status to doffs to save them for crafting, research etc.


    - Add an autofilter when dragging and dropping item into the field; fields reset to that items characteristics
    - Add Boolean search features; *.* or [proc], [proc] as separate entities
    - Restructure Exchange UI and UX
    - Break out Personnel, Ground, Space, R&D, Commodities and Boxes as primary groups
    - Autopost feature - set up sale items to autopost <--- sell feature for ZEN.
    - Sell 'SETS' - ability to make groupings of items for a price.

    Dilithium Management

    - Transfer unprocessed dilithium within an account.
    - Use unprocessed dilithium for fleet projects (maybe at a taxed rate)


    - Add back some sort of R&D drop of value, randomly a research or technology boost +50, or universal superior upgrade
    - Guaranteed 1 per Advanced, 2 per Elite - but make them bound, AND convertible to dilithium. Still cool for casual players needing to develop, AND provides a dil source for the full timers or an incentive to try something new in R&D.

    Meet the DEVS Night

    - Run stfs with the devs, on the slowest night of the week, 1x a month.


    - Able to reset specialization points


    - The ability to buy anything in the Z store, and immediately gift it to another player.
  • ddesjardinsddesjardins Member Posts: 3,056 Media Corps
    edited January 2015
    Excuses, excuses :D

    But logging on after new content is released is like getting a beautifully wrapped present on your birthday with a broken toy inside. You do a great job wrapping!

    Brilliant metaphor. Absofrikinglutely perfect. You win the internetz this very night.
  • jagdhippiesjagdhippies Member Posts: 676 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Rewards for missions and queues to be increased to match argala. I should be able to grind my face wherever I want. This means that normal queues should reward as much xp as argala, advanced x4, elite x8.
    -especially the delta ground zone, it is fun and well done, just make its rewards match the dyson ground zone's rewards

    Reduce the xp needed for specialization points to a fourth of what they are now.

    More cannon ships, new orleans, freedom, etc. Even if they are 'retro' skins for future T6s.
    My carrier is more powerful than your gal-dread
  • inthefluxxinthefluxx Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Introduce the specialization system at a lower level. At this point, 4 specialization grinds is going to take me forever, not even counting in alts.

    For new players, this is impossible for them to ever achieve it.

    Fix the xp needed to acquire spec points, either by increasing exp across the board, or lowering the threshold to receive them.

    I am going to echo those who want to pick the mods when they craft. I refuse to upgrade my rare beam arrays hoping to get the [over] mod. I'm not going to grind for them to try again, it just isn't going to happen.
  • inthefluxxinthefluxx Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Also, I would like other profession like specializations, or missions based around:

    - Hunting pirates and being a privateer
    - I want to mine materials and transport cargo.
  • superherofansuperherofan Member Posts: 342 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    An actual expansions worth of content.
  • js26568js26568 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    tacofangs wrote: »
    HA! Take that!

    Unfortunately, pretty much everything people want is a ways outside the niche of Environment Art. . .

    That sounds accurate from my personal experience. There are a lot of fantastic environments in the game. From my personal favourite - Facility 4028 - to the Kobali Ground Zone, there's a lot of nice places.

    It's a shame they don't get used more.
    Free Tibet!
  • psiameesepsiameese Member Posts: 1,649 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    • A robust system of exploration in which my Captain, Bridge Officers and Starship are active participants.
    • An orbit planet mechanic which doesn't require any cut scenes. Usuable on all system maps with planets on them.
    • A launch new starship from Drydock. Make this a Cutscene with neutral, text dialogue that is obvious for most player Captains and their Bridge Officer's to relate.

    I almost forgot my Commodore title that I was told would come to me through the Fleet system. Still waiting...
    (/\) Exploring Star Trek Online Since July 2008 (/\)
  • ddesjardinsddesjardins Member Posts: 3,056 Media Corps
    edited January 2015
    psiameese wrote: »
    • A robust system of exploration in which my Captain, Bridge Officers and Starship are active participants.
    • An orbit planet mechanic which doesn't require any cut scenes. Usuable on all system maps with planets on them.
    • A launch new starship from Drydock. Make this a Cutscene with neutral, text dialogue that is obvious for most player Captains and their Bridge Officer's to relate.

    I almost forgot my Commodore title that I was told would come to me through the Fleet system. Still waiting...

    Hell yes., and;

    Why is this NOT A THING ALREADY?
  • dkratascodkratasco Member Posts: 585 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    1. Ability to use more Ship Upgrade Token to put ship you like up to date. T5 -> T5u -> T6 - > Fleet T6. Would say it win-win scenario players have ships they like, Cryptic have profits from selling SUT.

    Maybe even ability to upgrade low tier ships using free tokens after promotion. Like use token to upgrade your current T2 ship or buy new T3 with it.

    2. Ability to buy special token which allow us to convert one BOff station to chosen specialization hybrid station (Only one per ship) Again win-win scenario.

    3. Some ship parts packs in C-Store. T6 ships have some parts which can be used to customize all of them ex. nacelles.

    4. New "Season" dedicated only fixing bugs which accumulate for those 5 years. No new content, only fixes.
  • johnniemesojohnniemeso Member Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    1 - fix the delta crashing splash screen crash. remember that thing - where the splash screen would crash the game leading to a direct3d fatal error

    2 - game loot, rep system and fleet shops to provide mk13/14 gears. I don't want to become involved in the excessively grindy upgrade system, which is so expensive in dils. just want to have gears relevant to my levels, not care about dps that much

    3 - many of the delta crashing patrol missions have very low dps/ stuttering graphics. fix this also
    here are the ones i have done so far which suffer from this. Ocampan convoy, sakari, shivolia, parein, nanipia, legira, kroida. of course there are more, haven't gotten so far yet.
  • nimbullnimbull Member Posts: 1,564 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    tacofangs wrote: »
    HA! Take that!

    Unfortunately, pretty much everything people want is a ways outside the niche of Environment Art. . .

    Your expansion is incomplete. It's incomplete game design to have tons of Federation T6 science ships while leaving Romulan and KDF science captains with no T6 science ship options. If you are going to have multiple factions in your game, you need to support them equally. If you don't it's not good for anyone and only adds to the criticisism your company gets for what is precieved as a faulty product by design by your customers.
    Green people don't have to be.... little.
  • arachnaasarachnaas Member Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I actually do have something for the environment team. I would like to see more Romulan bridge styles. We have one, only one bridge for all of our ships. I understand that there are not too many shots of the interior of a romulan ship in the series, and that the republic style is more art than canon, but if you have time I would appreciate it.

    I would also like to be able to hire a D.J. Zuza type alien for my ship. Doesn't matter if she is a bridge officer, or an interior npc like the bartender. I just think Zuza is neat looking, and my ship could probably use a dance party.
  • aleaicaleaic Member Posts: 352 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Raise XP rewards to something that doesn't cause my character's pixelated arteries to harden, in spending most of it's life, grinding out for Spec XP now. And enough Argulala-whatever! My hair's turning Kazon, in seeing those ships too often. Either raise rewards of give us better places, to better utilize our bloody time. See (quote) below, for where to start.

    Oh, and put back the EC rewards back where they were. The whole controlling the Exchange bit tain't working at all. Peeps will be greedy even if you put EC rewards to zilch, so save my character's pixelated arteries from more hardening, and put em back? I feel like I'm wasting half a Foundry EC grind anymore, loosen up on them too, would ya devs? (Either that, of the Foundry really is a buggier system than I thought, at least on my end. Anywho.)

    (Quote) Add. More. Story. I don't remember Picard having the Ent-D grind the same nebula with scans, day in and day out, during each episode. Sheesh! Can you even imagine that? Eight seasons, the plot stalls because they had to grind out something in a nebula. Add. More. Story. (End Quote)
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    nimbull wrote: »
    Your expansion is incomplete. It's incomplete game design to have tons of Federation T6 science ships while leaving Romulan and KDF science captains with no T6 science ship options. If you are going to have multiple factions in your game, you need to support them equally. If you don't it's not good for anyone and only adds to the criticisism your company gets for what is precieved as a faulty product by design by your customers.

    There was a time when the KDF had no science ships at all. Intentionally. Just like Feds didn't have Raiders (and particularly non with Battle Cloak and all Universal Slots).

    The KDF needs a new Bird of Prey much more than a Science Vessel IMO. Science Vessels - you can get them with the Federation. But Bird of Preys, those are Klingons. They feel Klingon.

    (and with the all-universal slots, you don't need science vessel specific features anyway. Science Vessels get Sensor Analysis and Subsystem Targeting, BOPs get Battle Cloak and 4 front weapon slots with DHC capability)
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • bioixibioixi Member Posts: 764 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I want a Tongo minigame: http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Tongo
  • tacofangstacofangs Member Posts: 2,951 Cryptic Developer
    edited January 2015
    Not true.

    Ferenginar Economic Adventure Zone.


    All it really needs is exchange terminals. Like a hundred of them.

    I'd love to get to Ferenginar at some point. We'd have to add some new sectors though, it's north of Deferi space by a bit.
    Only YOU can prevent forum fires!
  • centaurianalphacentaurianalpha Member Posts: 1,150 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    To the OP's point: let's have less of we didn't ask for, and more of what has been requested, including bug fixes! We didn't ask for an interminable specialization grind, we didn't ask for higher dil costs for EVERYTHING; we didn't ask for the skill point balance to be completely thrown out of reason; we did ask for years-old bugs to be fixed.

    New content is worthless if it is full of unplayable lag & continued bugs... :(
    Expendables Fleet: Andrew - Bajoran Fed Engineer Ken'taura - Rom/Fed Scientist Gwyllim - Human Fed Delta Tac
    Savik - Vulcan Fed Temporal Sci
    Dahar Masters Fleet: Alphal'Fa - Alien KDF Engineer Qun'pau - Rom/KDF Engineer D'nesh - Orion KDF Scientist Ghen'khan - Liberated KDF Tac
    Welcome to StarBug Online - to boldly Bug where no bug has been before!
    STO player since November 2013
  • suuperduudesuuperduude Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    So. This is what I would like:

    XP rebalancing.
    • It just takes too long as it is.
    • I understand that we shouldn't max specilizations over night, but it can't take this long.

    • The time to hit 15 could take a bit less. But just a tad. More like a rep system would be better.
    • Stop needing special Doffs to build special things. If I want to craft the Aegis set and I'm at level 15, let me craft it.
    • Stop making everything a grind. The Q shell game for the anniversaries for instance....why? Does everything have to be wrapped in a grind?

    • Rebalance them and make them worth doing.
    • Bring Terradome back. PLEASE!
    • Revamp some of them so they make sense to the new story arcs.
    • Stop using AoE and HP as artifical difficulty.

    • Balance for PvP. I miss ground PvP. I wasn't any good, but still I miss it.
    • Cutting the Cord as a PvP map....oh that would be a great ground map!

    Proper Q&A
    • Sometimes I feel the developers are bad Tactical officers. I want more ways to grant uber pereception other than a paper bag EV suit.
    • Test the stuff. Then test it again. Then a 3rd time. Listen to the players on Tribble....postpone if you have to. We'd rather wait than get incomplete broken stuff. That would stop some if the fires right there....
    • Make healing important again.
    • Look at some of the kits and ship abilities. Make sure there are counters to them.

    Different NPCs
    • I'm starting to call the Borg the Bored. "You will be assimilated bla bla bla"
    • On a side not, it'd be kinda funny if every now and then they say "ho ho ho" in a Borg voice for Christmas...but I'm insane like that.
    • Flesh out the Iconians just a little. Let's see them, even if it's one STF or FE. Make them matter but still be a mystery.

    • Stop. Think. Post. ......maybe we should all do that as players too, but still.
    • Communication on the forums. COMMUNICATION. This is the official forums of the game. Stop posting only on Tribble and Twitter.
    • Less snarky comments
    • From both sides of the fence, rebuild the relationship of Player and Dev.
    • A monthly statement or something from Cryptic of what's coming. You should have some short term things ironed out that you can tell us. And not be posted by certain devs.
    • No report button or like button in the forums. That's just ripe for abuse.
    • However, once upon a time I used to frequent a tech site called Slashdot. They had a system based on karma. And mod points were randomly given out. Once you used your 5 mod points, you didn't get them again for a while. If you posted in the thread your modded, the mod points were undone. On that same thought, community managers here should not post and then close a thread they posted in to end discussion. Just my $0.02, I expect change.

    And Taco, this question is for you I think. Why do some of the maps have "hard points" where a toon gets stuck. For instance going up the ramp in Shanty Town, there's a lip at the top that just makes you come to a complete stop. And some hills in Nukara, etc. I'm sure there's a reason, but I was wondering why they are there.

    Also, ymmv on any of these opinions. They are mine and mine alone. I do not claim to represent the community or my fleet in this post. Cheers.
    Lion Heart of Hammer Squadron
  • arachnaasarachnaas Member Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    tacofangs wrote: »
    I'd love to get to Ferenginar at some point. We'd have to add some new sectors though, it's north of Deferi space by a bit.

    The females do wear clothes there now right? Otherwise it might be a lot more of a pain to create than just the environment.
  • hyperionx09hyperionx09 Member Posts: 1,709 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    1. More C-Store account-wide clothing and armor (tailor; not actual functional armor) unlocks, such as the full Tal Shiar set for Romulan/Reman/Romulan-aligned Aliens, and more KDF attire, namely belts and shoes/boots compatible with the Orion bottom.

    2. More special/unique race BOffs as C-Store options, such as Tholians (who we can have as DOffs).

    3. More T6 ships that are original but not necessarily Intel, like the Guardian, Aelahl, and Mat'ha.

    4. More Original T6 Intel Ships that still retain the necessary core aesthetics of each faction but also keep to the design of the Specialization (so far, "stealthy" for Intel).

    5. Mirror Universe Skin + Registry Packs; Fed, Rom, and KDF. Each containing the appropriate Registry Prefix and skin for ALL existing and future Faction starships. Cost increases incrementally with each new faction-ship to reflect this.

    6. T6 Federation Jupiter and Typhoon classes; maybe as a 3-variant bundle like the Odysseys. Such as a Tac Jupiter with a Vaadwaur Broadside Cannon-style setup, an Eng Jupiter with a long-range BFG, and a Frigate Supercarrier Sci Jupiter (2 or 3 Hangars with Defiant "Frigates").

    7. C-Store Lifetime Membership. Mainly for those willing to spend months to earn the Zen to buy; though the difference is that the C-Store option will never go on sale unlike buying from the site during special events.

    8. Expanded sidestories. Once the majority of the main stories are done, add optional sidestories that will still allow players to earn free special gear and equipment as an option besides crafting/Rep, while expanding our characters' involvement with various races and incidents.

    9. More hair and options for character customization. We're lacking in variety and Star Trek Barbie is an important part of the game considering it's directly affecting the character we design and use. I'd like to give some characters an eternal smile or an eternal frown, or longer hair, or unicorn/bicorn/dragon horns (Alien Customization), or a Lion Mane (Male Caitian/Feressan), or Terminator-style borg implants visible through broken skin (Borg).

    10. Standardized color pallet and proper full color options (including reflective/saturation/hue settings), even the bright red and green colors (as well as the other colors) of the Winter coats for proper matching; just use a color wheel and let us choose the exact RGB/Brightness color values. It's already problematic trying to give some characters a certain look when half the colors you want to use are not available (a true Red color being especially problematic) or don't show up right (because half the uniforms/armor have different reflective/saturation/hue settings).

    11. The possibility of promoting a BOff to Ship Captain and allowing them to pilot another ship in your inventory, and with additional special Intel-style sub-class upgrades, eventually allow for up to three AI ships to actively accompany you in missions. Of course, you may only command them to use their own trained skills, but they will use the skills of the BOffs you assign them as they see fit. Of course, this will require some coding to give them a "personality", even if it's as rudimentary and simple as Tac Captains auto using Tac BOff abilities most of the time, Sci BOff abilities sometimes, and Eng abilities when HP is lower than 50%.

    12. Delta Tech Upgrades from the C-Store, because if I'm going to waste money upgrading, I want to waste it on something that actually is worthwhile, and those Delta Tech Upgrades are it. I still have to pay the Dil costs and boosters. Win-win for Cryptic and the player.

    13. The option to actually unlock the Skins and Overlays (Aegis and Borg go over your existing skin rather than replace it) that unique shields have. Except it doesn't require collecting all 3 parts like the ground sets, just requires you unlock the shield, then pay the unlock fee (Marks + Dil). Mission-reward shields with unique skins have an "event" unlock with a Dil Cost. It would also allow for additional customization; such as Aegis over the Nukara skin, or Assimilated Borg over the Counter Command skin.

    14. Unlock Elite Frigates so that they can be used by any Frigate-capable Carrier. As well, Unlock all Elite Fighters and Shuttles so that they can be used by ANY carrier (Elachi Oshu shuttles, Breen Choas fighters). We're already going to pay the Dil and Fleet Mark cost, may as well make it worthwhile.

    15. The ability to buy Lobi/Lockbox/Promotional/Event Elite Hangar Pets with Zen off the C-Store after unlocking the ships they're affiliated with. An alternative but still steady income for Cryptic, and an alternate means for those without access to an established Fleet holding for one reason or another (either they don't have provision usage rights, no provisions to use, or not enough Fleet marks). Costs would be around 300 Zen for Fighters and Shuttles, and 400 Zen for Frigates, which is a bit more costly than just using Fleet Marks and Dilithium (which is almost 40k per Elite pet; divided by 160 Dil to 1 Zen = 250, or 150 Dil to 1 Zen = 266.6).

    16. Tholian Tarantula Science Dreadnought with Web Cannon console and the 3rd piece set allowing it to auto-teleport the current target front-and-center of its cannon as its charging up to fire. Preferably with a Sci/Intel Reciprocity-style trait, and the ability to use 1 Hangar of Tholian Frigates (default equip is Tholian Fighters).

    17. Gorn Science Dreadnought with a multi-Phalanx barrier Mastery Trait around the selected Target when using Shield-healing skills.

    18. A Guardian-X Dreadnought - Console Super Lance; has two built-in firing modes: Narrow and Spread. Does NOT require Saucer Separation; instead works more like the Dual/Multi-Vector abilities (use one and the other automatically goes into Cooldown). Can either use the Odyssey's Chevron Separation or the Galaxy-X's Saucer Separation. Pets entirely optional. And 4 Nacelles. NOT 3. Either enlarge the two Pylon Nacelles or have two vertical pylons with full-sized nacelles on them come up from where those built-in Nacelles would be. 2 or 4 Nacelles. Not 3.

    19. Valkyrie Fighter Pets for the Feds.

    20. A Suggestions Forum, even if they'll never be read and used, for the rare event that it does get read and some suggestions get used. As well as a place to post one's ideas and suggestions and update them as needed.
  • chalpenchalpen Member Posts: 2,207 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    1) when cryptic releases "packs" like delta rising and LOR, to have a long term type of bonus (like extra dil refinement
    2) allow all frigates to go on all carriers (or make a new carrier) when unlocked
    Should I start posting again after all this time?
  • bioixibioixi Member Posts: 764 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I want to pilot a Voth battlesuit.

    Or at least design a duty officer with 20% chance to beam down a voth battlesuit instead of a security escort or standard reinforcements.
  • paxfederaticapaxfederatica Member Posts: 1,496 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Seeing that the Nexus is due back in our neck of the galactic woods in 2410, I'd love an FE or even a whole FE series devoted to that.
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