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What do we want for STO in 2015?

mistressbenihimemistressbenihime Member Posts: 224 Arc User
looking back on 2014 we've had a great year. Sure there both ups and downs but I still feel that the good outweighed the bad. 2014 was a year in which Cryptic made some difficult but much needed changes to STO. Many systems were overhauled or simply redone and the transition hasn't been easy sometimes even painful. Many new systems were added as well to make the overall experience much more flexible and smoother. This resulted in a lack of content added to the game and even Delta Rising was rather heavy on the systems update side of things. The redone crafting system is far from perfect and still needs work. Many player including myself have complained about this. However seeing it along side the the gear upgrade system it's overall better than expected yet still not what it at best could have been.
Overall though we been given the much requested access to the delta quadrant and most systems have been improved to provide a much smoother experience while playing. I look back at 2014 as a year in which some much needed hard work has been done by cryptic so at is fifth anniversary in 2015 a fresh start can be made.

Looking ahead to 2015 I see the opportunity for a fresh start and forget last years drama. What do we as players want to see happening in STO during 2015?
I Will try to keep this first post up to date whit the suggestions made in this thread. Please keep it civil and be as constructive in your criticism (if any) as you can be. It will increase your chances to make it into the OP.

Ill start by making my own suggestion for 2015 feel free to add below.

Frequently Made Requests are:
PvP and PvE power split. This would benefit both styles of play.
PvP can then have everything balanced properly. This would then introduce an interesting and competitive meta. To keep an interesting and competitive meta going requires constant maintenance but will benefit the game in the long run.
In PvE science powers can be boosted and made viable again. Essentially as a science captain I need to be able to do my DPS without firing my weapons. That means that firing off science powers is the main way i contribute to the group. Right now its my weapon power while trowing out the occasional gravity well so we can all shoot fish in a barrel. These powers should in PvE be so harsh they make up my lack of DPS though weapons fire. However when you do that it screws up PvP. Not to mention that some of these powers can even be used by escorts who really don't need them.
Get rid og T5-U. I would counter this whit retroactively fit hybrid-specialization boff seats on T5-U so that once a trait is unlocked whit a T6 there is no difference flying T5-U compared to T6.
Give us proper trinity. We need to be able to control thread so that playing the roles of tank/healer/DPS is possible. That would allow more interesting engagements and unique boss battles.
better craftingallow us to actually set rarities. set modifiers and change them in existing gear. if you want a slots machine that dispenses random gear in exchange for dilitium fine the game need some dilitium sink but don't pretend its a crafting system. Whit what you have in place now you can pull out the component cost to have it just cost dilithium, place it on a newly created ferengenar social zone and call it gambling....
We want more content and less dilitium. You tuned the game into a dilithium store without interesting ways to gather it. we all realize there need to be dilitium sinks in the game but some systems like crafting and upgrading really don't need it. to speed up fine that's a proper dilitium sink but the components and upgrades themselves don't need to cost dilithium at all.
We need content to play and have fun beating it. in the beginning of the game in spite of all the bugs and problems the game had you manged to get out a featured series every 3 month that gave us a new mission for 5 weeks in a row. Just one of these features series is comparable to all of the actual story content in DR. what happened?
Cryptic I know you can do this you because you did it before please return to this now that all the fixes are in place. You do realize that rep systems/crafting/upgrading/dill and fleet stores are reward systems? They are not the game! They are there to reward you for playing the game. We really like you're game and want to play and support it but last year you gave us only reward dispensers instead of content. Just give us something to keep us busy whit. If the game is just fun and interesting to play it matters a whole lot less if we can actually buy stuff. You could still sell vanity items as a dilithium sink.
Another problem is that the upgrade system. It makes the game far to rigid. you invest so much in that one MK14 set that you will not try out other gear that you get at MK12 the gap and the investment needed to close it is just to big. So essentially once you have a set you are happy whit you grind the dil to upgrade to MK14 gold and nothing new that drops comes in rep/fleet/whatever other store will ever be interesting ever again. As a result of the upgrade system no reward can be added to the game from here on to be worthwhile getting for anything but vanity reasons....(harsh but true realization i had while typing this)

the fix is obvious though increase the MK of gear purchasable in all stores (rep/fleet/etc.) and rep project gear into their MK14 versions and make upgrading for MK really cheap so that long time players don't feel like they just majorly got short end of the stick. upgrading for mk should just be fun and easy. a way for your old gear to grow whit you not a punishing pain that lock you out of trying other builds.

Other Requests:
Fix crafting.
  • Allow us to predetermine the rarity we'll get even if that comes at an increased component cost.
  • Let us change modifiers on existing items.
  • Let us set modifiers when crafting new items even if it takes special component to do so.
  • Please remove dilithium from crafting. It's like working to make it and than still paying to buy it. plus it crept in to many systems already.

it's not just me
erei1 wrote: »
-Ability to choose my mod when crafting/upgrading
bioixi wrote: »
  • Remove lottery crafting and upgrading.
  • Use salvaged tech (reward from Elite STF) to craft quality upgrading tech, for example: you need 4 tech to upgrade something from very rare to ultra rare, 8 to upgrade from ultra rare to epic.
  • Add mod slots to weapons and equipment, allow people to craft mods, those mods can be slotted and removed at will, think of it as gems and gem slots from other MMOs.
  • For example: lets say you craft a [Dmg] mod, and you add it to a rare weapon, which has 2 mod slots, the [Dmg] mod occupies one mod slot and increases damage, it can be freely removed and slotted in another weapon at will.

The new Boff system on tribble is absolutely amazing but and it feels like nitpicking here but remove the dilithum cost from crafting the pads. It's practically noting anyway just make it actually noting and spare yourselves the backlash its already creating.

New outfits
thay8472 wrote: »
Enterprise Maco Outfit? :P
nice one. other out fits we may want to see comming?

More content and new missions
by that we mean actual missions not patrol missions.
risian4 wrote: »
1. Finish all the story lines. Defera, the building of New Romulus, preserver archive, Dyson spheres and all other unfinished content.

2. Make this a game again. You know, with more focus on content and missions rather than click-systems. Right now it's a bunch of systems where you can click some buttons. Season 9.5 did nothing but add a system where you can click to select some DOFF's to do something. DR did have new content, but was mainly patrol missions and another click-system (upgrading and specialisations). While content was added, it was always accompanied by a system that takes months or years to complete, except if you pay money.
I tend to agree now that most of the updated systems are in place it's time for a new featured series.
iconians wrote: »
More KDF-related content (even if it's cross faction) which could lead to the addition of more unique bridges and whatnot, such as an Orion or Gorn interior.

More Dominion/DS9 content that would let the environmental art team concentrate on redoing the interior of DS9.

Andorian-related mission content that could lead to an overhaul of the ground map, and possibly allow Aenar captains (they already exist as bridge officers, and thus in the chain of command).
flash525 wrote: »
* More Tholian content.
* More Elachi content.
* Son'a Content (and Lock Box).
erei1 wrote: »
-More story content, with the hope that they will make me forget those terrible patrol mission disguised as story mission.

flash525 wrote: »
* Suliban Bridge Officers (for the Republic).
* Deltan Bridge Officers (for the Federation).
* Talarian Bridge Officers (for the Imperial Defense Force).
* Reworked (feline-style) Caitians (and Ferasan).
bioixi wrote: »
  • More cosmetic updates for special bridge officers, there is no reason why the photonic duty officer can't look like anything different, it's photonic!.
  • Security escort and request reinforcements beams bridge officers in the reserve.
  • Being able to take direct control of bridge officers.
  • Another weapon slot for bridge officers.

Klingon (and Romulan) faction(s) should be fleshed out more. mainly by adding faction specific content and ships.
flash525 wrote: »
* Playable Cardassians (in whatever form is deemed necessary).
erei1 wrote: »
-Some love for the Romulan, like a Romulan academy, a security officer, etc etc... Sure, that would mean some nerf, like no double dipping on DOFFs and stuff, but I don't care.
-Some love for the Klingons, in a perfect world, Klingon, Romulan and Federation should be equal in quality and content.

lowered overall zen and dilithium costs - less grinding
risian4 wrote: »
3. Stop monetising everything. I'm fine with buying a ship or buying zen to convert to dilithium for gear or supporting my fleet every now and then (I've spent around 1500 euros across two accounts in the past two years) but I'm not willing to spend ridiculous amounts of dilithium or zen on services that don't cost Cryptic anything or on rebuying my gear. Boff training, retrain tokens and all that should be free imo. Rebuying gear should never be necessary, which it is at the moment since all older content like borg stf's have enemies that are far more powerful than they used to be.
Dilitium seem to have crept into literally everything lately we can only refine 8000 a day. that cap does not need increasing but some systems like crafting really don't need it. speeding up for dil ok but to pay for the components themselfs no way...
iconians wrote: »
Make spec points easier to get.
erei1 wrote: »
-More XP from STF and endgame content (including battlezone).
-No more XP fap when doing content from 50 to 60.
-Specialization being account bound, or at the very least, alt friendly.
-Reduced cost for upgrind.
Dilithium cost balance
bioixi wrote: »
More alt friendly stuff:
  • Being able to mail sponsorship tokens.
  • A common pool of EC and dill (you can exchange them between characters now, but using very convoluted means).
  • Specialization sponsorship.

Bugg fixes
risian4 wrote: »
4. STF optionals accolade fix, I want my uniform :( . I really miss the shoulder pads on my new character.
ill keep adding to this list when they come up

3 man missions
risian4 wrote: »
5. Something I like to see is making it possible for people to start playing missions with less than 5 persons. I like playing Infected ground on normal difficulty for example, and I like to pug it. But it can take almost as long to get 5 people in the queue as it takes to finish the entire mission. A 3-player version or even a solo version would be a nice addition I think.

New ships
iconians wrote: »
Finish out the canon ship designs, even if it means introducing them as a skin to an updated 2410-era version of an 'upgraded' refit of the ship with its own special snowflake console.

Norway-class, New Orleans-class, Freedom-class, Niagara-class, etc.

More KDF ships.

(combat) pets
iconians wrote: »
Attack sehlats (like the attack mastiff).

Better PvP
like it not going to come up
dgdolph wrote: »
1) Balance

2) New maps

3) Match making / Leaderboard

4) "Auto Gear" in Arena:
- every Item is set to white mk xiv
- disable doffs
- disable reputation traits
- disable character traits
- disable spezialization
- disable all universal, reputation, lobi & zen consoles

5) Spectator mode

6) Disallow T6 Ships and/or Intel abilities (or see 1) Balance)

7) Bring back the PvP button to the main hud or just swap with PvE tab

I suggest making brackets for each ship tier and borderlands for each. In my experience communities can self organize PvP as long as they are given proper tools.
this has been true for the pokemon comunity just look here:


all gamers can be defined one or as a mix of 3 Psychographic profiles Timmy, Johnny and Spike
these Psychographic profiles are used by Mark Rosewater the lead designer for Magic the Gathering. this is what Mark Rosewater says about spikes:
"Spike is the competitive player. Spike plays to win. Spike enjoys winning. To accomplish this, Spike will play whatever the best deck is. Spike will copy decks off the Internet. Spike will borrow other players' decks. To Spike, the thrill of Magic is the adrenaline rush of competition. Spike enjoys the stimulation of outplaying the opponent and the glory of victory."

In MMO terms that means spike is a stereotypical PvP player that enjoys testing his skills against other players to see how they themselves match up. for a game to be successful you need to cater to these people. in some cases by nerving some powers in PvP only.
to fix PvP there is nothing to it other than Identifying the community leaders talking to them and tweak all the powers to create a balanced meta....

iconians wrote: »
Overhaul the Foundry UI to put more power in the hands of authors and make missions easier to find and play. Use the Foundry UI as a springboard for Foundry authors to create exploration mission content.

Improved Ground game
bioixi wrote: »
  • More non consumable devices.
  • Combat pets as an away team slot or as an ability instead of a device.
  • Being able to set your ground weapon in autofire.
  • Fix ground animations so it looks like you are firing continuously with certain weapons (for example: right now borg prosthetic arms fire continuously, go give it a try, they fire a continuous stream of plasma bolts).
  • Modify borg prosthetic arms so they are brog prosthetic arms.


  • Pistols: Short-mid range, 90% accuracy, average dps.
  • Standard pistol secondary fire: High damage bolt
  • Dual pistol secondary fire:: high damage dps to single target.
  • Stun pistol secondary fire:: Hold.
  • Wide beam secondary fire: Cone
  • Full auto rifles: Mid-Long range, 85% accuracy, high dps, secondary fire: cone
  • H.D beam rifle: Mid-long range 95% accuracy, moderate dps, secondary fire: Piercing beam+repel
  • Sniper rifle: very long range, 100% accuracy, 25% shield penetration, low dps secondary fire: high damage with 50% shield penetration or exploit damage with 100% shield penetration.
  • Split beam: mid-long range, 90% accuracy, average dps, secondary fire: tri-beam
  • Minigun: Short-mid range, 80% accuracy, very high dps, small cone, secondary fire: wide cone
  • Blast assault: long range: 90% accuracy, low dps high damage, small sphere AoE, secondary fire: big sphere AoE+knockback
  • Pulsewave: Very short-short range, 100% accuracy (decreases at range), very high damage (decreases at range), small cone, small repel, secondary fire: high damage, high repel+kockback
  • Beam weapons: mid range, 100% accuracy, jumps up to 3 targets (damage reduced per jump), average dps, secondary fire: high damage, jumps to all targets (doesn't decrease damage per jump)
  • Flamethrowers: Short range, small cone, DoT, high dps, secondary fire: big cone, high damage, causes fire (like plasma grenades).

Improved Fleet systems
bioixi wrote: »
  • Common pool fleet credits and marks.
  • Ability to cancel projects if nobody made any contribution (it's meant to fix mistakes).
  • Fleet credit exchange for high tier fleets:
  • If Dillithium mine is upgraded to tier III you can exchange dill for Fleet credits ad a 1:2 rate.
  • If Embassy is upgraded to tier III you can exchange doffs at the same rate you can buy randoms (ex: 500 fleet credits for a common doff).
  • If Starbase is at tier V you can exchange fleet maks.
  • If Spire is at tier III you can exchange EC.

Captain skills overhaul
bioixi wrote: »
  • More skill tree like (similar to specialization skills).
  • Merge some skills and simplify the new skill tree, some skills are just useless (sensors, graviton generators...) but merging them should make them more viable.
  • Add Skill loadouts that can be swapped on the fly.
  • Everyone gets 2 skill loadouts for free and a free retrain for both at level 60.
  • The captain retrain token allows you to retrain your skills as many times as you want in the captain retrain npc for an small dillithium fee.
  • You can buy additional skill loadout slots in the zen store.

Space PvE
bioixi wrote: »
  • Make shield drain, shield heal and hull heal abilities percentage based.
  • Remove global cooldown from torpedoes, instead make them fire in a sequence from left to right with a 0.5s delay, so they don't interfere with eachother.
  • Allow players to bind Beam overload, transport warhead, torpedo spread and torpedo high yield abilities to an specific weapon.

PvE Systems and More interesting group play
bioixi wrote: »
Remove PVE lottery:

No more 2.5% chance to X the only things that should have chance should be accuracy and critical hit.
  • For example, tetryon weapons should have X extra damage vs shields
  • Disruptors add an small stacking damage resistance debuff up to X.
  • Phasers knock down a system/stun an enemy after dealing X damage.
  • Plasma always leaves a DoT (but weaker).
  • Polaron always reduces subsystem power, (but on an smaller amount) or cause weapon malfunction after X damage.
  • etc.
dgdolph wrote: »

- Balance
- Better rewards (mostly XP)
- Team focused content (5x dps >>> all is kinda lame)
- Real endgame content
iconians wrote: »
Reign in the high DPS meta instead of pandering to it.

we need to get some abilities that allow for people to take up Tank and healing roles. that at the very least means control over the aggro we generate. by taunts, aggro-wipes(feign death: hunter WoW), skill that allow tanks to generate increased amount of aggro, skills that let DPS and healers generate less aggro.
when aggro becomes controllable and reasonably predictable more interesting boss-fights can be scripted requiring decent group coordination. the current lack of this leads to situation that favors groups of 5 DPS guys that need to spit op properly and do their own solo part as the best that this game has to offer as coordinated group play... just look at the new Borg Disconnected mission its a perfect example.

iconians wrote: »
More ways to receive valuable duty officers from retired packs.

Get rid of T5-U entirely and make it a simple T5 to T6 distinction so we can move on with our lives.

More quality of life updates.
dgdolph wrote: »


- Bug Fixes!!!
- Remove all kinds of lottery (boxes, crafting, upgrades)
- No more revamps! I'd like to see actual NEW content. There's almost no content in 9.5 or DR...
- Removal of ALL "finish now" buttons in the game! It's a shame they exist in the first place
- Bring back some c-store stuff like special emotes and photonic officer III
First of all it's not even a crafting system! It's just a dumb game system that's nothing more than a glorified slots machine.
second the "special items" you hope will be the saving the saving grace are messed up to.
Post edited by mistressbenihime on


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    mistressbenihimemistressbenihime Member Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    still reserverd for future use but:

    the reason why I started this topic is because when I visited the forums to share my thoughts on the new Boff-training system I was shocked at how disgruntled everybody seems to be here now. we had reached the state where we were actually bickering on the forums about everybody bickering on the forums. when you discussing, discussing noting constructive gets done!
    the state of the game is appalling lately and that has little to do whit cryptic and much more whit the community. in short where is everybody? I feel alone when i Que up for a PuG when there are only 5 groups active and less then ten people in line to start. on a Saturday no less! I want to have fun and play the content that we did get but there is hardly anyone to play it whit. No-one is really to blame here but its bad.
    everybody seem to have forgotten that cryptic did give us most things we asked for in this game. though often not in the way we imagined. and in some cases it a lot less than we really wanted but ill rather take what i can get than not having it at all. I hoped that by getting the community to generate a list of what they like to see changes or come to this game I could at least instigate positive change. at least there would be a place where we could vent out what we are missing now. hopefully some of the items mentioned here will actually make it into the game.
    I the end I know Crypitc does listen, there is evidence of that and I am not the only one who sees that.

    iconians wrote: »
    Because people wanted it.

    Just like PvP.

    As much as I wish otherwise, the Romulan faction is in the same boat as the KDF, and I love the Romulans dearly. Do I want Cryptic to ignore them? No. Nor do I want them to ignore the KDF.

    But it really comes down to just that, people wanted the KDF. People wanted the Romulans.

    We have a minimally-viable faction of each. That means it's not as awesome as maybe we wish it was, but it's better than having nothing done to them at all, and work and care was clearly put into them -- even if perhaps not to the extent of the Federation.

    If I have the choice of flying a D'Deridex in the service of the Romulan Republic even if it's in the shadow of the Federation, or not having a D'Deridex at all and not being able to play a Romulan (Alien generator never appealed to me), I'll take what I can get and enjoy what Cryptic was able to create.

    And I'm perfectly okay with that. They still give us stuff from time to time. So it's not like we're completely ignored.

    closing I'd like to thank tacofangs for taking the time to read and respond to this topic.

    ps. ill keep on updating the OP and reading the things mentioned in the thread but there are so many suggestions now that I can't have every single one of them in the OP
    First of all it's not even a crafting system! It's just a dumb game system that's nothing more than a glorified slots machine.
    second the "special items" you hope will be the saving the saving grace are messed up to.
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    thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,108 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Enterprise Maco Outfit? :P
    Typhoon Class please!
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    anazondaanazonda Member Posts: 8,399 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    More XP
    Less Dil cost

    (Look... I am not talking a 50% reduction here... 10-15% would do wonders).
    Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
    Let me put the rumors to rest: it's definitely still the C-Store (Cryptic Store) It just takes ZEN.
    Like Duty Officers? Support effords to gather ideas
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    flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    My Signature would be a good start. What else?

    * Selectable modifiers (via crafting/upgrading) - even if it costs more.
    * Suliban Bridge Officers (for the Republic).
    * Deltan Bridge Officers (for the Federation).
    * Talarian Bridge Officers (for the Imperial Defense Force).
    * Reworked (feline-style) Caitians (and Ferasan).
    * Playable Cardassians (in whatever form is deemed necessary).
    * More Tholian content.
    * More Elachi content.
    * Son'a Content (and Lock Box).
    * Account Specialization Skills.

    Generally, story content is ongoing, though some of the earlier stuff could do with tweaking and tidying up (such as Defera and the Fek'lhr stuff).
  • Options
    risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    What I want:

    1. Finish all the story lines. Defera, the building of New Romulus, preserver archive, Dyson spheres and all other unfinished content.

    2. Make this a game again. You know, with more focus on content and missions rather than click-systems. Right now it's a bunch of systems where you can click some buttons. Season 9.5 did nothing but add a system where you can click to select some DOFF's to do something. DR did have new content, but was mainly patrol missions and another click-system (upgrading and specialisations). While content was added, it was always accompanied by a system that takes months or years to complete, except if you pay money.

    3. Stop monetising everything. I'm fine with buying a ship or buying zen to convert to dilithium for gear or supporting my fleet every now and then (I've spent around 1500 euros across two accounts in the past two years) but I'm not willing to spend ridiculous amounts of dilithium or zen on services that don't cost Cryptic anything or on rebuying my gear. Boff training, retrain tokens and all that should be free imo. Rebuying gear should never be necessary, which it is at the moment since all older content like borg stf's have enemies that are far more powerful than they used to be.

    4. STF optionals accolade fix, I want my uniform :( . I really miss the shoulder pads on my new character.

    5. Something I like to see is making it possible for people to start playing missions with less than 5 persons. I like playing Infected ground on normal difficulty for example, and I like to pug it. But it can take almost as long to get 5 people in the queue as it takes to finish the entire mission. A 3-player version or even a solo version would be a nice addition I think.


    6. Nerf the 116 TR gun. Make it 50% shield penetration or reduce its damage. One sniper rifle shouldn't outperform all other sniper rifles. (Yes, I've used this gun as well but I find it boring as it makes everything too ease. It's also depressing to see others shoot all the enemies before you can shoot them because you're still fighting their shields. Not to mention that this weapon basically broke ground missions and ground pvp.)
  • Options
    kerygankerygan Member Posts: 254 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    What i want from Sto in 2015 ... nothing but balance , i don't mind grinding ,i don't mind paying , i just want balance.
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    deaftravis05deaftravis05 Member Posts: 4,885 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    like risan said, FINISH the storyline please
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    iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Finish out the canon ship designs, even if it means introducing them as a skin to an updated 2410-era version of an 'upgraded' refit of the ship with its own special snowflake console.

    Norway-class, New Orleans-class, Freedom-class, Niagara-class, etc.

    Overhaul the Foundry UI to put more power in the hands of authors and make missions easier to find and play. Use the Foundry UI as a springboard for Foundry authors to create exploration mission content.

    More KDF ships.

    More KDF-related content (even if it's cross faction) which could lead to the addition of more unique bridges and whatnot, such as an Orion or Gorn interior.

    More Dominion/DS9 content that would let the environmental art team concentrate on redoing the interior of DS9.

    More ways to receive valuable duty officers from retired packs.

    Andorian-related mission content that could lead to an overhaul of the ground map, and possibly allow Aenar captains (they already exist as bridge officers, and thus in the chain of command).

    Attack sehlats (like the attack mastiff).

    Get rid of T5-U entirely and make it a simple T5 to T6 distinction so we can move on with our lives.

    Make spec points easier to get.

    More quality of life updates.

    Reign in the high DPS meta instead of pandering to it.

    Better forum moderation.
  • Options
    hyplhypl Member Posts: 3,719 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    What I want? A change in personnel and management. A change in direction and design. A change in attitude. Less PR, more humility. Less revenue gimmicks and more GAME.

    And more importantly, an open admission of fault. A simple "We messed up and we will do better" would be enough for Cryptic to get back on my good side.

    Make this game live up to the IP.
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    eltatuseltatus Member Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Fix PVP, or at least have the balls to close it.

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    anazondaanazonda Member Posts: 8,399 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    eltatus wrote: »
    Fix PVP, or at least have the balls to close it.

    At this point, isn't the latter the only solution to the first...

    Just to be clear: I like PvP... I don't like STO PvP players (In general... I've only met few I like)
    Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
    Let me put the rumors to rest: it's definitely still the C-Store (Cryptic Store) It just takes ZEN.
    Like Duty Officers? Support effords to gather ideas
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    praxi5praxi5 Member Posts: 1,562 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    PvP fixes. Namely, Neutronic Torp and Surgical Strikes.
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    heckgoblinheckgoblin Member Posts: 685
    edited January 2015
    Caitian females should have 8 TRIBBLE.
    I AM WAR.
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    chalpenchalpen Member Posts: 2,207 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    1) fix defari to have it soloable with doffs
    2) gateway
    3) t6 scimitar/bortasq/oddy. Smaller, less hull, more maneuverable.
    4) finish/continue the defari story and what was in the library
    Should I start posting again after all this time?
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    bioixibioixi Member Posts: 764 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    risian4 wrote: »
    6. Nerf the 116 TR gun. Make it 50% shield penetration or reduce its damage. One sniper rifle shouldn't outperform all other sniper rifles. (Yes, I've used this gun as well but I find it boring as it makes everything too ease. It's also depressing to see others shoot all the enemies before you can shoot them because you're still fighting their shields. Not to mention that this weapon basically broke ground missions and ground pvp.)

    Following that logic we should also nerf particle emission torpedo, the hyperplasma and the omega torpedo after all they outperform normal plasma torpedoes, and rapid reload transphasic torpedoes they outperform other transphasic torpedoes there is no reason to get normal transphasic torpedoes when you can get rapid reload.

    Nerft the tricobalt cluster, it's a lot better than normal tricobalt torpedoes.

    360º Beams are better than turrets, nerf them.

    Vulnerability locators, we should nerf them they are better than their normal counterparts.

    Neutronic, gravimetric and bio-molecular torpedoes are better than normal torpedoes.

    Why get a neutronium alloy when you can get enhanced neutronium?

    Why would be fleet upgrades valid but R&D upgrades would not?

    My point is, there are some things in this game that are meant to be plain upgrades, like the 116b, like all R&D special projects, reputation projects and fleet equipment, they are meant to be upgrades over common gear, and you are supposed to work hard to get it.
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    md9119md9119 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    How about making MACO bridge officers with superior space and ground abilities? Also with a new version of the MACO uniform. Somewhere along the lines of the photonic ones but without the armor.
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    erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Ok, my wishlist :

    -More XP from STF and endgame content (including battlezone).
    -No more XP fap when doing content from 50 to 60.
    -Specialization being account bound, or at the very least, alt friendly.
    -Reduced cost for upgrind.
    -Ability to choose my mod when crafting/upgrading
    -More story content, with the hope that they will make me forget those terrible patrol mission disguised as story mission

    Not going to happen, but what I also want :
    -Rollback the DOFF UI to what it was, but keep the good features like auto doff slotting.
    -A total gameplay revamp, to get rid of the powercreep
    -Some love for the Romulan, like a Romulan academy, a security officer, etc etc... Sure, that would mean some nerf, like no double dipping on DOFFs and stuff, but I don't care.
    -Some love for the Klingons, in a perfect world, Klingon, Romulan and Federation should be equal in quality and content.
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    nileight1nileight1 Member Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    A fleshed out exploration system.
    The return of exploration clusters, with short, random missions.

    An equivalent KDF system.
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    sqwishedsqwished Member Posts: 1,475 Bug Hunter
    edited January 2015
    erei1 wrote: »
    Ok, my wishlist :

    -More XP from STF and endgame content (including battlezone).
    -No more XP fap when doing content from 50 to 60.
    -Specialization being account bound, or at the very least, alt friendly.
    -Reduced cost for upgrind.
    -Ability to choose my mod when crafting/upgrading
    -More story content, with the hope that will make me forget those terrible patrol mission disguised as story mission

    You've got my vote for the above points. As regards to XP how about balancing them out across space and ground maps based on how long the "Average" player takes to complete the mission. For example, ISA can be blitzed through in a matter of minutes. A top end team has completed IGA in a little over seven minutes yet gets awarded less XP.
    Oh, it's not broken? We can soon fix that!

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    doublechadoublecha Member Posts: 241 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    We give again the pleasure of playing and not be like the factory.
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    rossclansforce1rossclansforce1 Member Posts: 400 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Dilithium cost balance

    Click to Join armadafleet.org/
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    mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    what we want? the kids got jokes, he may as well call himself benjamin dover and wait for a kicking in the vain hope of player ideas being acknowledged. :rolleyes:.

    what will probably happen is feb: anni, 1 FE that leads to information building towards a new project thats probably half way completed by then and some new gates on stuff that doesnt need it - but the players love it, right?
    by mid point of the year the summer event arrives and a new expansion or season is officially revealed, more info comes.

    by later point of the year the new release content comes, if a season likely a few FE but nothing significant and yet another gated sink, again the players luv it.

    end of the year, new years event comes, with perhaps another FE.

    im just guessing, but the majority of the content is more borg inspired then anything if i were to guess at their usual MO;

    we are the grind,
    your biological and technological distinctiveness with be added to the cryptic,
    resistance is futile.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
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    janus1975janus1975 Member Posts: 739 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    hypl wrote: »
    What I want? A change in personnel and management. A change in direction and design. A change in attitude. Less PR, more humility. Less revenue gimmicks and more GAME.

    And more importantly, an open admission of fault. A simple "We messed up and we will do better" would be enough for Cryptic to get back on my good side.

    Make this game live up to the IP.


    I doubt we'd ever see an apology, but if they at least stopped trying to talk themselves into this idea that DR and its attendant game nerfing, money grabs, and Argala funneling, wasn't a monumental misstep, that would at least be progress.
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    bunansabunansa Member Posts: 928 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Secondary deflectors.

    Reading tribble patch notes once a week would help ;)

    What I want?

    How bout a separate server that doesn't involve anything to do with the best expansion ever?


    How about no more politics in reporting things?


    How about owning up and coming out with a real full complete list of every bug and known issue in this game so if players still keep talking about it then you have legit grounds to whine at the customers for bringing it up every day.


    Dan Stahl comes back with other changes in the management team that reflect good decisions that don't monetize every damn thing (example if it benefits the players it has to benefit the company too, make em pay for it attitude needs to stop)

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    bioixibioixi Member Posts: 764 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I want:

    More alt friendly stuff:

    • Being able to mail sponsorship tokens.
    • A common pool of EC and dill (you can exchange them between characters now, but using very convoluted means).
    • Specialization sponsorship.

    Trait overhaul

    • Trait loadouts with separated ground and space loadouts, with shortcuts to exchange loadouts on the fly.
    • Away team traits, similar to starship traits.

    Bridge officers:

    • More cosmetic updates for special bridge officers, there is no reason why the photonic duty officer can't look like anything different, it's photonic!.
    • Security escort and request reinforcements beams bridge officers in the reserve.
    • Being able to take direct control of bridge officers.
    • Another weapon slot for bridge officers.

    Better crafting and upgrading:

    • Remove lottery crafting and upgrading.
    • Use salvaged tech (reward from Elite STF) to craft quality upgrading tech, for example: you need 4 tech to upgrade something from very rare to ultra rare, 8 to upgrade from ultra rare to epic.
    • Add mod slots to weapons and equipment, allow people to craft mods, those mods can be slotted and removed at will, think of it as gems and gem slots from other MMOs.
    • For example: lets say you craft a [Dmg] mod, and you add it to a rare weapon, which has 2 mod slots, the [Dmg] mod occupies one mod slot and increases damage, it can be freely removed and slotted in another weapon at will.

    Remove PVE lottery:

    No more 2.5% chance to X the only things that should have chance should be accuracy and critical hit.
    • For example, tetryon weapons should have X extra damage vs shields
    • Disruptors add an small stacking damage resistance debuff up to X.
    • Phasers knock down a system/stun an enemy after dealing X damage.
    • Plasma always leaves a DoT (but weaker).
    • Polaron always reduces subsystem power, (but on an smaller amount) or cause weapon malfunction after X damage.
    • etc.

    Space PvE

    • Make shield drain, shield heal and hull heal abilities percentage based.
    • Remove global cooldown from torpedoes, instead make them fire in a sequence from left to right with a 0.5s delay, so they don't interfere with eachother.
    • Allow players to bind Beam overload, transport warhead, torpedo spread and torpedo high yield abilities to an specific weapon.


    • Common pool fleet credits and marks.
    • Ability to cancel projects if nobody made any contribution (it's meant to fix mistakes).
    • Fleet credit exchange for high tier fleets:
    • If Dillithium mine is upgraded to tier III you can exchange dill for Fleet credits ad a 1:2 rate.
    • If Embassy is upgraded to tier III you can exchange doffs at the same rate you can buy randoms (ex: 500 fleet credits for a common doff).
    • If Starbase is at tier V you can exchange fleet maks.
    • If Spire is at tier III you can exchange EC.

    Captain skills overhaul:

    • More skill tree like (similar to specialization skills).
    • Merge some skills and simplify the new skill tree, some skills are just useless (sensors, graviton generators...) but merging them should make them more viable.
    • Add Skill loadouts that can be swapped on the fly.
    • Everyone gets 2 skill loadouts for free and a free retrain for both at level 60.
    • The captain retrain token allows you to retrain your skills as many times as you want in the captain retrain npc for an small dillithium fee.
    • You can buy additional skill loadout slots in the zen store.

    Ground overhaul:

    • More non consumable devices.
    • Combat pets as an away team slot or as an ability instead of a device.
    • Being able to set your ground weapon in autofire.
    • Fix ground animations so it looks like you are firing continuously with certain weapons (for example: right now borg prosthetic arms fire continuously, go give it a try, they fire a continuous stream of plasma bolts).
    • Modify borg prosthetic arms so they are brog prosthetic arms.


    • Pistols: Short-mid range, 90% accuracy, average dps.
    • Standard pistol secondary fire: High damage bolt
    • Dual pistol secondary fire:: high damage dps to single target.
    • Stun pistol secondary fire:: Hold.
    • Wide beam secondary fire: Cone
    • Full auto rifles: Mid-Long range, 85% accuracy, high dps, secondary fire: cone
    • H.D beam rifle: Mid-long range 95% accuracy, moderate dps, secondary fire: Piercing beam+repel
    • Sniper rifle: very long range, 100% accuracy, 25% shield penetration, low dps secondary fire: high damage with 50% shield penetration or exploit damage with 100% shield penetration.
    • Split beam: mid-long range, 90% accuracy, average dps, secondary fire: tri-beam
    • Minigun: Short-mid range, 80% accuracy, very high dps, small cone, secondary fire: wide cone
    • Blast assault: long range: 90% accuracy, low dps high damage, small sphere AoE, secondary fire: big sphere AoE+knockback
    • Pulsewave: Very short-short range, 100% accuracy (decreases at range), very high damage (decreases at range), small cone, small repel, secondary fire: high damage, high repel+kockback
    • Beam weapons: mid range, 100% accuracy, jumps up to 3 targets (damage reduced per jump), average dps, secondary fire: high damage, jumps to all targets (doesn't decrease damage per jump)
    • Flamethrowers: Short range, small cone, DoT, high dps, secondary fire: big cone, high damage, causes fire (like plasma grenades).


    • Revamp Caitian and Ferasan models, give them more hairstyles.
    • Gamma quadrant expansion, playable Cardassian, Vorta and Jem'Hadar.
    • Hybrid battleground with ground gameplay and small craft as fighters.
    • Revamp adventure zones and allow bridge officers.
    • Better STFs rewards.
    • Less XP grind.
    • I want to see the 37s' planet http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/The_37%27s_(episode)
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    jjdezjjdez Member Posts: 570 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Lower the amount of specialization experience needed for each point, but a huge margin. Or give us A LOT more xp for doing queues, like in the range of 10-15k at the least.
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    proteus22proteus22 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    what do i want for stonline in 20151

    1 the release of each faction broadside cruiser
    2 more destroyers
    3 fed carrier
    4 new fed fighter
    5 better customer support
    6 no more lock boxes
    7 four more rom and kling tier6 ships by,march to balance out the teir 6 ships

    8 make a questions section in forum and once a week the devs would pick 25 to answer
    9 a true fed destroyer and a new dreadnought with new abilities not just a variation on phaser lance
    10 make cannons viable again there is too much lag in stfs caused by all tthe beams flooding the skies.
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    thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,541 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    A Featured Episode based on Captain Proton! :D
    A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
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    farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited January 2015

    New Orleans, Freedom, Niagara, Typhoon, 2410 version of the Excelsior for Fed. More ships for KDF and Romulan. Like a K'Vort BOP for KDF, more Sci for KDF and Romulan.


    More for the Romulan and KDF. Like skirts/dress for them. Different tops, pants, boots, etc. More hair options for all factions. Like hairbands for girls, and other options.


    How about some spacial phenomena that is a threat. Something that more in nature. This is what this game is lacking. I want to see a natural threat. Even on the planets we can see something that is there as well.

    New Romulas:

    Lets see the Remen area of this planet. Have them find a threat hidden under ground since they are doing all that digging. Or something that goes wrong.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
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