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Server Outage December 31st - Merged Comments Threads



  • noxteregnoxtereg Member Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    It cracks me up that a lot of you who are complaining have those "DR is da best etc etc etc lel so TRIBBLE" signatures. You put up a big front, but you're acting like junkies banging on the dealer's door trying to get your fix of STO.

    Kinda defeats the purpose of your signatures and endless whining.

    inb4 "i'm just watching for fun! I'm not actually playing the game at all because of xyz." You're not fooling anyone.

    Perfectly said lol
  • bst011bst011 Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    isror wrote: »
    The janitorial service Cryptic uses probably unplugged one of the firewalls so they could vacuum. Once Rosa is done, we'll be back in business.

    I hope she feeds the hamsters. well at least she didn't unplug the life support systems like the one in the South African hospital.
  • thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,991 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    frojoe2000 wrote: »
    I took this advice to heart when I was young. I remember these conversations clear as day. It was such a revelation to me that you could just tell people it will take longer to do things and always have stuff done early instead of giving a legitimate estimate and suffering when setbacks push back a deadline.

    This is something game devs need to learn. Their initial release dates are always too soon, and either they push it back and upset fans, or release an unfinished game and upset fans. Devs should always add 6 months to their actual desired release date, and if they finish early, they can polish and run an extended open beta to really root out bugs.

    Unfortunately, the dev breed as a whole is quite lazy and slacking so they would actually take that long and still release garbage because you know, slacking.
  • minmacdougalminmacdougal Member Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    No ETA yet. Network engineers are still working on it but they can't give us an update quite yet.

    Ya know, suddenly I'm starting to suspect Lizard Squad for some reason. If you don't know who these script kiddies are just take a gander at your favorite search engine's results.
  • irminstanirminstan Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    seifer1701 wrote: »
    Or... we DO like the game, it has a huge scope and a lot of potential but it's management is ... lacking at times. Personally I wish they'd taken that "voyager season 8" funding they used in DR and put it into testing and not TRIBBLE up my loadouts. just saying...

    Yeah that TRIBBLE is annoying, innit?
  • harbringer70harbringer70 Member Posts: 0
    edited December 2014
    Crisis meeting :

    Boss : Ok guys, what's happening ?

    Unix Team : well we ran some scripts to check, all is running smooth, servers are up and running

    Boss : hummm, ok, Storage team ?

    Storage Team : SAN is clear, no bottleneck, no crashed disks

    Boss : hummmm, ok, Network team ?

    Network Team : nothing special on our side, we didn't touch anything as usual ...

    Boss : hmmm ....

    Network Team : well ... in fact .... we actually touch something, but no impact on game...

    Boss : .... hmmmm ?

    Network Team : what ? you mean that THIS cable is important ?????? .... oups
  • cromarty1cromarty1 Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    bst011 wrote: »
    The evidence the FBI did give is circumstantial at best. Would NK be threatening war if they really did do it? Nothing adds up with this except the almighty Dictator of the United States declared on international television "North Korea did it!!!" If you were continually accused of something you did not do would you sit back quietly? I don't sympathize with North Korea but if they were responsible don't you think they'ed claim responsibility? If the world believes North Korea is responsible that is very bad because it make the country seem a lot more threatening then it actually is. either way NK win at this point eiter they are found innocent or become more menacing pick one.

    to cyber attack the us is simply the most menacing as it is the weekist point in Americas defences and why it in it self is not cause for an immediate invasion is truly beyond me as it would help to put fear in those that could lets say launch a icbm or otherwise start a war we just don't know the effect of fall out in a global scale and the few accedents and controlled tests just do not give a proper way to understand how a posable outcome of tens of thousands of multimagaton warheads could have on earths ecosystem/biosphere the newest thairies based on ambient radiation that has been added and has been going away from all the testing during the cold war are simply inconclusive thare is simply no scaling information to use to make a model for what the saturation point is for earth as a whole planet to active and or passive radiation and no one knows the possible effects on life of say 10 times ambient levels for a hundred years

    so lets make a computer program ai that seeks out threats like a computer virus that gets the job dune and hope it never becomes self aware
  • thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,991 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    seifer1701 wrote: »
    Or... we DO like the game, it has a huge scope and a lot of potential but it's management is ... lacking at times. Personally I wish they'd taken that "voyager season 8" funding they used in DR and put it into testing and not TRIBBLE up my loadouts. just saying...

    Did you just say management in regards to STO? I just sprayed coffee all over my "Launcher Failed to Load" screen.
  • irminstanirminstan Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    did You Just Say Management In Regards To Sto? I Just Sprayed Coffee All Over My "launcher Failed To Load" Screen.

    :D LoooooL
  • isrorisror Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Crisis meeting :

    Boss : Ok guys, what's happening ?

    Unix Team : well we ran some scripts to check, all is running smooth, servers are up and running

    Boss : hummm, ok, Storage team ?

    Storage Team : SAN is clear, no bottleneck, no crashed disks

    Boss : hummmm, ok, Network team ?

    Network Team : nothing special on our side, we didn't touch anything as usual ...

    Boss : hmmm ....

    Network Team : well ... in fact .... we actually touch something, but no impact on game...

    Boss : .... hmmmm ?

    Network Team : what ? you mean that THIS cable is important ?????? .... oups

    Sums it up, usually the network team or patch management who come back 6 hours later and say "I don't know what happened, I pushed that update via LanDesk to the pilot group, and somehow it hit all three colos"
  • harbringer70harbringer70 Member Posts: 0
    edited December 2014
    Loadouts : greatest idea => biggest fail

    We really need this to work !
  • frojoe2000frojoe2000 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2014

    "Hello Comperter."

    Where are the miracle workers when you need them?
  • seifer1701seifer1701 Member Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Crisis meeting :
    Network Team : nothing special on our side, we didn't touch anything as usual ...

    Boss : hmmm ....

    Think the forum is becoming more entertaining than the game of late:(
  • skittlesmcgeeskittlesmcgee Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    The launcher is MAAAAAYBE connecting. It seems to really be thinking about it. I need to get the game going before my wife notices I'm not playing and makes me go out to dinner!!!
  • drakethewhitedrakethewhite Member Posts: 1,240 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Crisis meeting :

    Boss : Ok guys, what's happening ?

    Unix Team : well we ran some scripts to check, all is running smooth, servers are up and running

    Boss : hummm, ok, Storage team ?

    Storage Team : SAN is clear, no bottleneck, no crashed disks

    Boss : hummmm, ok, Network team ?

    Network Team : nothing special on our side, we didn't touch anything as usual ...

    Boss : hmmm ....

    Network Team : well ... in fact .... we actually touch something, but no impact on game...

    Boss : .... hmmmm ?

    Network Team : what ? you mean that THIS cable is important ?????? .... oups

    The really sad thing, and take this from someone who (works, did work, or knows someone who works or worked) in IT at a Fortune 50 company... this is *exactly* what goes on.

    To be fair to all involved, that may not be the issue here. And large data center environments aren't as easy to manage as people like to think. But most outages in the end have simple causes.
  • seifer1701seifer1701 Member Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Loadouts : greatest idea => biggest fail

    We really need this to work !

    Yeah showing up in ADV/Elite runs with no boffs because I put on a new stack of batteries is getting a little old. Especially the part where the team yells at me for it.
  • gatetrekkergatetrekker Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    frojoe2000 wrote: »

    "Hello Comperter."

    Where are the miracle workers when you need them?

    They are all watching Riker sit down https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVIGhYMwRgs
  • knightravionknightravion Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    you should go have dinner with your wife the game is not more important than family
  • frojoe2000frojoe2000 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    The launcher is MAAAAAYBE connecting. It seems to really be thinking about it. I need to get the game going before my wife notices I'm not playing and makes me go out to dinner!!!

    See Cryptic! Look what you've done! Now this poor man has to go out to eat with his wife!
  • bst011bst011 Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    cromarty1 wrote: »
    to cyber attack the us is simply the most menacing as it is the weekist point in Americas defences and why it in it self is not cause for an immediate invasion is truly beyond me as it would help to put fear in those that could lets say launch a icbm or otherwise start a war we just don't know the effect of fall out in a global scale and the few accedents and controlled tests just do not give a proper way to understand how a posable outcome of tens of thousands of multimagaton warheads could have on earths ecosystem/biosphere the newest thairies based on ambient radiation that has been added and has been going away from all the testing during the cold war are simply inconclusive thare is simply no scaling information to use to make a model for what the saturation point is for earth as a whole planet to active and or passive radiation and no one knows the possible effects on life of say 10 times ambient levels for a hundred years

    so lets make a computer program ai that seeks out threats like a computer virus that gets the job dune and hope it never becomes self aware

    Note to Cryptic and the US government lets just sit down, shut up, and put our thinking caps on people! and to YOU mr. president do not provoke someone who may be able to vaporize California!!!
  • dianqverdianqver Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    maybe massive cyberattacks going on, lots off outages all over the ustated nights of murica
  • dcgregg1dcgregg1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
  • erraberrab Member Posts: 1,434 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    The launcher is MAAAAAYBE connecting. It seems to really be thinking about it. I need to get the game going before my wife notices I'm not playing and makes me go out to dinner!!!


    Well at least your not getting dragged to your in-laws for New Years :mad:
  • ethdrielethdriel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Ya know, suddenly I'm starting to suspect Lizard Squad for some reason. If you don't know who these script kiddies are just take a gander at your favorite search engine's results.

    We'll know shortly if it was, there'll be a demand for free t6 ships and all of their characters or face a prolonged DDOS.
  • irminstanirminstan Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Sooooo bored...
  • noxteregnoxtereg Member Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    you should go have dinner with your wife the game is not more important than family

    Amen. There is hope for humanity.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    dcgregg1 wrote: »

    Actually... it wasn't Data... it was Barclay.

  • seifer1701seifer1701 Member Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    bst011 wrote: »
    Note to Cryptic and the US government lets just sit down, shut up, and put our thinking caps on people! and to YOU mr. president do not provoke someone who may be able to vaporize California!!!

    hmmm good point. Always figured poor broke Korea would sell that fresh new nuke tech to gold rich middle eastern countries, and then I'd be incinerated...

    Oh and since we're assembling the B team, should probably invite Bethesda and Square Enix to the party, no?
  • bst011bst011 Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    dcgregg1 wrote: »

    AND I BLAME MY GRANDMOTHER!!!! Man is she a mean old b ... And it goes on, and on, and on...
  • gatetrekkergatetrekker Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    dcgregg1 wrote: »

    I thought this is what it was going to be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r36TcG5XZDg
This discussion has been closed.