HI can someone tell me how to get an emergencey beacon?
Im in east zone atm and the chat is terrible its a full blown rasist verbal slagging match and has been each time i log in...Im sitting in starbase atm afer gooing to get the item of Grym. No one answeres and they just fire off insults at anything in the chat and then start again throwing their insults.
I have a science lvl 51... What ship should I be saving up for/put effort to procure?
At this point I have been told to get the Vesta... Is this info correct?
What would be "the" ship for lvl 60 science?
Any reply would be appreciated.
Personally, I find matching captain to ship is mathematically inferior to mixing them. I tend to put tactical or engineer captains in to science ships, and science captains into cruisers or escorts.
But if you really want a science ship the Vesta is a very good one. Other top options are the voth palisade, the M
HI can someone tell me how to get an emergencey beacon?
Im in east zone atm and the chat is terrible its a full blown rasist verbal slagging match and has been each time i log in...Im sitting in starbase atm afer gooing to get the item of Grym. No one answeres and they just fire off insults at anything in the chat and then start again throwing their insults.
Zone chat is pretty bad. Many people turn it off.
I'm guessing that you are doing the "what lies beneath" mission. The emergency beacon is a flashlight and it is totally optional. When you first zone into the mission there is a glowing box. Stand near it and you'll be prompted to pick one up.
I find that setting you brightness in the options menu (hit escape then options) helps more than the flashlight.
My second question, How or in what way, other than selling something someone wants on the exchange/discarding engines, shields, deflectors... again other... does one go about getting Energy credits?
(There is a doff mission to be had at the fleet mine from the mining foreman(?) who hands out mining doff missions... this gives 40k+ that im aware of)
I prefer to stick with the dreadnought carrier. I don't know why I just like it. LOL.
1- whats the best all round setup for this ship. I don't have a standed layout as im constanly mixing and matching.
2- whats the most advanced level JH attack ship hanger pet. and where to get it. I've got very rare.
Hi, I am looking at getting into STO and have a couple of questions, they are:
1. Is it possible to acquire the files from a friend and still have the game work (I.E. if my brother went away for a couple of days and came home with the up-to-date files, could I get them off him and have the game run fine)?
2. How good is this game for lag compared to say TSW on low end internet connections? In TSW even when slowed I get barely any lag and when I do it is easily recoverable, how about this game?
3. What abilities are borg/talaxian exclusive, just so I know whether I should life-sub or not.
Thanks for the help, been a fan of Star Trek for AGES.
Hi, I am looking at getting into STO and have a couple of questions, they are:
1. Is it possible to acquire the files from a friend and still have the game work (I.E. if my brother went away for a couple of days and came home with the up-to-date files, could I get them off him and have the game run fine)?
2. How good is this game for lag compared to say TSW on low end internet connections? In TSW even when slowed I get barely any lag and when I do it is easily recoverable, how about this game?
3. What abilities are borg/talaxian exclusive, just so I know whether I should life-sub or not.
Thanks for the help, been a fan of Star Trek for AGES.
1. I doubt it, but I do not know for sure.
2. I have used my g2 phone as a hot spot and played without significant lag. It does help to stay out of crowded maps, and to turn down particles and turn off all the floating numbers.
3. Borg, the only exclusive power is a neural blast stun for ground, and a version of resist/heals but there are like 5 or 6 different ones to pick from as an alien so this isn't so big a deal. Talaxians, however, have a very nice team wide skill boost and can theoretically steal crafting materials from damaged enemies. I say theoretically because the bridge officer power is buggy, and I haven't seen the captain power reported as working yet. In general race is more about looks. If you are looking for statistical bonuses then only the talaxian, reman, romulan, and joined trill have meaningful racial bonuses for space combat. Ground combat everyone has something cool.
The best reason to get a lifetime subscription is if you will play for more than 20 months and if you like having many characters. If you only have one character, then a lifetime offers less than spending that money on zen and just a $15 one month sub. But there are many advantages to having multiple characters, like seeing the unique story lines and different ships. I have a lifetime sub and based in the monthly 500 zen I will have gotten it for free come February. Even without that, I enjoy the perks (free ships, extra boff slots, extra inventory, and no waiting to login during expansion releases). For me and my 14 characters it was totally worth it. I have friends who play totally free and for them, free works great.
I prefer to stick with the dreadnought carrier. I don't know why I just like it. LOL.
1- whats the best all round setup for this ship. I don't have a standed layout as im constanly mixing and matching.
2- whats the most advanced level JH attack ship hanger pet. and where to get it. I've got very rare.
1. "Best" is impossible. Highest damage in end game teams? Best for PvP? Best for solo? Best survivability? Best all around mix of survival and damage? Here is a high damage end game build that's solid:
The best hangar pet is the "bug ship" jemhaddar attack ship. To get access to them as carrier p
ets you must have the ship unboxed on that character. The ship runs hundreds of millions of ec, it is the most expensive thing in the game.
The next best are either elite swarmers from a fleet spire or elite scorpions from a fleet starbase. The elite jem Haddar fighters are good, but not as good as those two. Federation can use Yellowstone runabouts which are very survivable and have control powers (tractor beams and warp plasma).
My second question, How or in what way, other than selling something someone wants on the exchange/discarding engines, shields, deflectors... again other... does one go about getting Energy credits?
(There is a doff mission to be had at the fleet mine from the mining foreman(?) who hands out mining doff missions... this gives 40k+ that im aware of)
The primary way earn ec is via selling loot to vendors. In an emergency you can use the replicator,but it pays far less then a vendor, so only sell food and batteries to it.save the rest until you go to a starbase or merchant ship.
Next, duty officer missions pay small amounts though a few trade missions pay a few thousand.
There is the "tour the galaxy" daily mission available daily at earth space dock and qonos that pays a decent bit (it used to pay millions).
Klingons have access to fighters called orion slavers that steal money and goods from enemies.
But the most common is to sell on the auctionhouse. Right now crafting materials are the easy money. Keep a small supply of whites for the daily project, and sell everything else. Make millions daily.
Keys are also good money. Convert a bit of dilithium to zen each day and use some to/buy keys then sell them.
1- what is the best setup for these assignments. I have two each of the Very rare mining DO from the fleet mine store and all of my DO's are very rare. the best I can do is approx. 30 % crit, 60% suc and 10% fail. but most of the time I fail. do you know what DO's are best for this. both (motherlode) assignments.
2- where can you get ultra rare and/or epic DO's
3- Do you know why I cant redo the ( Request R&D assistance ) DO assignment at Starfleet academy. as soon as I finish it.
4-do you know what all the level 15 R&D unlocks are. Science is it 2nd deflector. if not are there any way to get different 2nd deflectors. than getting from ships.
PS I would just like to thank you mynameisnom for opening this post. I by no means am new, but even I have trouble. after 4 1/2 years of playing. I just have a crappy memory. LOL
The reward will be increased by the dilithium event. I once had a character turn in all five (this was before Delta) reps during a dilithium weekend and netted about 250-300k dilithium total from the rewards. This is one of the easiest ways to earn a large amount of dilithium, but unfortunately, can only be done a handful of times per character.
In fact, the dilithium event bonus gives either a 1.5x or 2x multiplier on all sources of dilithium gamewide. (The multiplier varies; you get one or the other of those two figures, depending on the dilithium source.)
Didn't that get nerfed? Thought I read something about that not to long ago. Was it Bort?
Edit: Yes. Stated in this thread. Borts' post is #9.
What are we supposed to do when the stations health starts to drop?
The station's health usually drops because it's swarmed by MU ships in great numbers that are firing at it. That means that the team has neglected closing the rifts from one or multiple sides and a big number of MU ships made it through.
What can be done to save/improve the situation:
- Science ships need to debuff the MU ships or using control abilities push them away from the station.
- Tactical ships need to start sweeping the area from the sides, destroying big groups of MU ships that would be closely together in such a scenario, preferably after science ships have debuffed them or grouped them with GW.
- Science ships and cruisers go on top of the station and use hull and shield heals on the station, while at the same time science ships debuff or CC the MU ships and the cruisers fire at them while helping heal the station.
- Cruisers heal the station on top of it, tactical ships grab agro and try to clear the area of MU ships, while science ships attempt to go around unnoticed and close the multiple rifts from behind so the enemy ships stop piling up.
Basically, what such sitiation needs is the players to be aware what's going on and what their role in the team is. What needs to be done is the groups that are swarming the station to be either destroyed, slowed down/disabled or pushed back while helping to heal the station.
It's not so bad if the group doesn't have the variety of ships - 5 escorts will melt the MU ships fast, 5 sci. ships can organize so few ships keep the MU ones disabled away from the station while others close rifts and all cruiser team can heal the station and FAW to death. It just needs a quick reaction which means closing the rifts as well as destroying or keeping away the MU ships, because when people focus on the ships only - the rifts start producing more and more ships and it becomes an insane zerging and the team and station are eventually overwhelmed.
What are we supposed to do when the stations health starts to drop?
There is some preventive maintenance that can be done to help keep it from getting to this point. I have found out by pugging that a lot of people think that all you need to do is focus on just the power stations first, and the station will help kill the MU ships faster. So they end up sacrificing the station's health for the little assistance it can provide.
Problem is that the help the station provides is so minor that you end up either losing it, or coming really close to it. And you give up some marks, while also increasing the work you need to do.
The best way to try to prevent this from happening on normal is to just have one person fly around to the different power stations to activate them, while the other four split up. Two go left, and two go right. All they focus on are MU ships, and closing rifts. On advanced difficulty, you can have two people activate the power stations, but it is better to have just one person do it. The extra firepower on the MU ships, and closing rifts is better.
Also, by splitting up, both teams will meet on the other side of the station where some rifts have been open longer, and are spawning more powerful ships. After closing them, just keep both groups heading in the direction they were first heading in. Working on the rifts regularly like this will keep from having any battleships, or will keep you from having as many of them.
You will need to keep an eye on pugs. Some times you will get campers that will just camp at one station, and not go to others. When you get lazy players like this, it means that others need to cover for them. One of the four left will need to start activating power stations to make up for them only activating one. Sadly, this is what a lot of pugs are doing so they don't get the AFK penalty. But, on normal, four players can carry them easily. On advanced it means that there is a lot of work to be done. They are turning a five man mission into a four man one. But is still doable as a four man mission.
If you are pugging, I recommend sticking with normal difficulty, and avoid the advanced unless you have at least three or four in a pre-made group first.
Hope this might help with your mirror runs.
Leader of Elite Guardian Academy.Would you like to learn how to run a fleet? Would you like to know how to do ship builds (true budget as well as high end)?The join the Academy today!
Thanks for the help! Also, is it possible to use the bound to character tech upgrades from the DR promos from alts to up all gear on my main or does applying an upgrade bind the item to character? Obviously won't work for fleet and rep gear cuz that's already bound so you can't even try trading it around in the first place, but for like weapons and stuff that I can't afford yet on top of everything else so prolly won't be getting anytime soon.
The station's health usually drops because it's swarmed by MU ships in great numbers that are firing at it. That means that the team has neglected closing the rifts from one or multiple sides and a big number of MU ships made it through.
What can be done to save/improve the situation:
- Science ships need to debuff the MU ships or using control abilities push them away from the station.
- Tactical ships need to start sweeping the area from the sides, destroying big groups of MU ships that would be closely together in such a scenario, preferably after science ships have debuffed them or grouped them with GW.
- Science ships and cruisers go on top of the station and use hull and shield heals on the station, while at the same time science ships debuff or CC the MU ships and the cruisers fire at them while helping heal the station.
- Cruisers heal the station on top of it, tactical ships grab agro and try to clear the area of MU ships, while science ships attempt to go around unnoticed and close the multiple rifts from behind so the enemy ships stop piling up.
Basically, what such sitiation needs is the players to be aware what's going on and what their role in the team is. What needs to be done is the groups that are swarming the station to be either destroyed, slowed down/disabled or pushed back while helping to heal the station.
It's not so bad if the group doesn't have the variety of ships - 5 escorts will melt the MU ships fast, 5 sci. ships can organize so few ships keep the MU ones disabled away from the station while others close rifts and all cruiser team can heal the station and FAW to death. It just needs a quick reaction which means closing the rifts as well as destroying or keeping away the MU ships, because when people focus on the ships only - the rifts start producing more and more ships and it becomes an insane zerging and the team and station are eventually overwhelmed.
The single most effective thing to saving the station is CLOSE RIFTS. Don't run around solo. Instead, look for someone who is along and fighting near a rift. Fly up and close the rift, without shooting anyone at all.
Second, tactical team on the station. Most of the time it has two or three shields at full, and one side at zero taking a beating. Tactical team auto balances all facings.
But closing the rifts is the most important thing of all.
Thanks for the help! Also, is it possible to use the bound to character tech upgrades from the DR promos from alts to up all gear on my main or does applying an upgrade bind the item to character? Obviously won't work for fleet and rep gear cuz that's already bound so you can't even try trading it around in the first place, but for like weapons and stuff that I can't afford yet on top of everything else so prolly won't be getting anytime soon.
If it isn't bound at all yet or is only account bound and you have the event techs on other chars you can temporarily mail or account bank it to the other chars with unused upgrades, upgrade it there then mail/account bank it back. Also I'm happy to see my thread has continued to help people and the people in it helping each other :-)
The boss being a gigantic Winter Epohh Researcher. As you lay waste to the Epohh Horde, she can occasionally cry out things like, "Didn't you want an Epohh friend?"
You cannot_ because there is nothing to claim. Bare feet is an option with a limited number of off duty outfits. For example the "beach comber" from the summer event.
1- what is the best setup for these assignments. I have two each of the Very rare mining DO from the fleet mine store and all of my DO's are very rare. the best I can do is approx. 30 % crit, 60% suc and 10% fail. but most of the time I fail. do you know what DO's are best for this. both (motherlode) assignments.
The miner doffs at the dil mine vendor are best but also if you have the free exocomp, he's great.
2- where can you get ultra rare and/or epic DO's
so far there is only one, you can get an epic emh mark i as a mission reward with delta rising. I forget the specific mission name, but its the one where you help the doctor.
3- Do you know why I cant redo the ( Request R&D assistance ) DO assignment at Starfleet academy. as soon as I finish it.
4-do you know what all the level 15 R&D unlocks are. Science is it 2nd deflector. if not are there any way to get different 2nd deflectors. than getting from ships.
as stated, it has a cool down. The reason it doesn't just take 4 days is so people can collect the reward sooner.
There are only two secondary deflectors so far, and the two ships they come on are the only ones that can use them. More will be added once more ships have the second deflector slot.
First, thanks for all the helpful stuff in this thread! It really does help!
Second, I am hoping for ship advice.
I have been playing for about a month and I have a pretty good handle on things mechanically, I think, but I'm getting close to hitting 40 and I'd like to pick up a ship that will last me all the way to 60 and maybe even beyond.
I am in a small fleet with real-world friends, so while I have boatloads of fleet credits, we're probably not moving beyond Tier I anytime soon. Also, I love science ships and having science abilities on tap (though I prefer to play tactical captains) and I am looking at the one of the Multi-Mission Reconnaissance Explorer ships as my long-term ship, to combine science abilities and a run and gun play-style.
Is that a bad idea? If not, is any one particular MMRE better than the others? The Aventine certainly seems tempting with that big gun.
And while we are at it, I'm learning to play the market and crafting parts of the game as well and have 40-50 million EC on tap. Is a Plasmonic Leech console worth spending that on? It seems like a staple of a good many successful builds.
Thanks in advance for any help and I apologize for getting newbie all over the forum.
Im in east zone atm and the chat is terrible its a full blown rasist verbal slagging match and has been each time i log in...Im sitting in starbase atm afer gooing to get the item of Grym. No one answeres and they just fire off insults at anything in the chat and then start again throwing their insults.
Personally, I find matching captain to ship is mathematically inferior to mixing them. I tend to put tactical or engineer captains in to science ships, and science captains into cruisers or escorts.
But if you really want a science ship the Vesta is a very good one. Other top options are the voth palisade, the M
Zone chat is pretty bad. Many people turn it off.
I'm guessing that you are doing the "what lies beneath" mission. The emergency beacon is a flashlight and it is totally optional. When you first zone into the mission there is a glowing box. Stand near it and you'll be prompted to pick one up.
I find that setting you brightness in the options menu (hit escape then options) helps more than the flashlight.
My second question, How or in what way, other than selling something someone wants on the exchange/discarding engines, shields, deflectors... again other... does one go about getting Energy credits?
(There is a doff mission to be had at the fleet mine from the mining foreman(?) who hands out mining doff missions... this gives 40k+ that im aware of)
1- whats the best all round setup for this ship. I don't have a standed layout as im constanly mixing and matching.
2- whats the most advanced level JH attack ship hanger pet. and where to get it. I've got very rare.
1. Is it possible to acquire the files from a friend and still have the game work (I.E. if my brother went away for a couple of days and came home with the up-to-date files, could I get them off him and have the game run fine)?
2. How good is this game for lag compared to say TSW on low end internet connections? In TSW even when slowed I get barely any lag and when I do it is easily recoverable, how about this game?
3. What abilities are borg/talaxian exclusive, just so I know whether I should life-sub or not.
Thanks for the help, been a fan of Star Trek for AGES.
1. I doubt it, but I do not know for sure.
2. I have used my g2 phone as a hot spot and played without significant lag. It does help to stay out of crowded maps, and to turn down particles and turn off all the floating numbers.
3. Borg, the only exclusive power is a neural blast stun for ground, and a version of resist/heals but there are like 5 or 6 different ones to pick from as an alien so this isn't so big a deal. Talaxians, however, have a very nice team wide skill boost and can theoretically steal crafting materials from damaged enemies. I say theoretically because the bridge officer power is buggy, and I haven't seen the captain power reported as working yet. In general race is more about looks. If you are looking for statistical bonuses then only the talaxian, reman, romulan, and joined trill have meaningful racial bonuses for space combat. Ground combat everyone has something cool.
The best reason to get a lifetime subscription is if you will play for more than 20 months and if you like having many characters. If you only have one character, then a lifetime offers less than spending that money on zen and just a $15 one month sub. But there are many advantages to having multiple characters, like seeing the unique story lines and different ships. I have a lifetime sub and based in the monthly 500 zen I will have gotten it for free come February. Even without that, I enjoy the perks (free ships, extra boff slots, extra inventory, and no waiting to login during expansion releases). For me and my 14 characters it was totally worth it. I have friends who play totally free and for them, free works great.
1. "Best" is impossible. Highest damage in end game teams? Best for PvP? Best for solo? Best survivability? Best all around mix of survival and damage? Here is a high damage end game build that's solid:
The best hangar pet is the "bug ship" jemhaddar attack ship. To get access to them as carrier p
ets you must have the ship unboxed on that character. The ship runs hundreds of millions of ec, it is the most expensive thing in the game.
The next best are either elite swarmers from a fleet spire or elite scorpions from a fleet starbase. The elite jem Haddar fighters are good, but not as good as those two. Federation can use Yellowstone runabouts which are very survivable and have control powers (tractor beams and warp plasma).
The primary way earn ec is via selling loot to vendors. In an emergency you can use the replicator,but it pays far less then a vendor, so only sell food and batteries to it.save the rest until you go to a starbase or merchant ship.
Next, duty officer missions pay small amounts though a few trade missions pay a few thousand.
There is the "tour the galaxy" daily mission available daily at earth space dock and qonos that pays a decent bit (it used to pay millions).
Klingons have access to fighters called orion slavers that steal money and goods from enemies.
But the most common is to sell on the auctionhouse. Right now crafting materials are the easy money. Keep a small supply of whites for the daily project, and sell everything else. Make millions daily.
Keys are also good money. Convert a bit of dilithium to zen each day and use some to/buy keys then sell them.
2- where can you get ultra rare and/or epic DO's
3- Do you know why I cant redo the ( Request R&D assistance ) DO assignment at Starfleet academy. as soon as I finish it.
4-do you know what all the level 15 R&D unlocks are. Science is it 2nd deflector. if not are there any way to get different 2nd deflectors. than getting from ships.
I normally go to the wiki. http://sto.gamepedia.com/Main_Page
and also http://steamcommunity.com/app/9900/guides/
pagers for my information. but even they don't have everything.
PS I would just like to thank you
There is a 2 day Cool Down on the mission, i just wish they put a timer on it.
well that's pointless. why not just make it a 4 day assignment. it would make thing easer and clear-rer.
Didn't that get nerfed? Thought I read something about that not to long ago. Was it Bort?
Edit: Yes. Stated in this thread. Borts' post is #9.
Vlugta Asteroid Field:
100% Bonus Dilithium Ore for Daily Mining Missions
100% Bonus to all Rich Dilithium Claims
Fleet Dilithium Mine:
100% Bonus Dilithium Ore for Daily Mining Missions
Everywhere else in the game: (including turning in Marks/Neural Processors/Cybernetic Implants, etc.)
50% Bonus Dilithium Ore
hope this help clear things up
The station's health usually drops because it's swarmed by MU ships in great numbers that are firing at it. That means that the team has neglected closing the rifts from one or multiple sides and a big number of MU ships made it through.
What can be done to save/improve the situation:
- Science ships need to debuff the MU ships or using control abilities push them away from the station.
- Tactical ships need to start sweeping the area from the sides, destroying big groups of MU ships that would be closely together in such a scenario, preferably after science ships have debuffed them or grouped them with GW.
- Science ships and cruisers go on top of the station and use hull and shield heals on the station, while at the same time science ships debuff or CC the MU ships and the cruisers fire at them while helping heal the station.
- Cruisers heal the station on top of it, tactical ships grab agro and try to clear the area of MU ships, while science ships attempt to go around unnoticed and close the multiple rifts from behind so the enemy ships stop piling up.
Basically, what such sitiation needs is the players to be aware what's going on and what their role in the team is. What needs to be done is the groups that are swarming the station to be either destroyed, slowed down/disabled or pushed back while helping to heal the station.
It's not so bad if the group doesn't have the variety of ships - 5 escorts will melt the MU ships fast, 5 sci. ships can organize so few ships keep the MU ones disabled away from the station while others close rifts and all cruiser team can heal the station and FAW to death. It just needs a quick reaction which means closing the rifts as well as destroying or keeping away the MU ships, because when people focus on the ships only - the rifts start producing more and more ships and it becomes an insane zerging and the team and station are eventually overwhelmed.
[Combat (Self)] You lose 6549 (7572) Cold from the torment of the underworld.
In-game handle @Janetza
There is some preventive maintenance that can be done to help keep it from getting to this point. I have found out by pugging that a lot of people think that all you need to do is focus on just the power stations first, and the station will help kill the MU ships faster. So they end up sacrificing the station's health for the little assistance it can provide.
Problem is that the help the station provides is so minor that you end up either losing it, or coming really close to it. And you give up some marks, while also increasing the work you need to do.
The best way to try to prevent this from happening on normal is to just have one person fly around to the different power stations to activate them, while the other four split up. Two go left, and two go right. All they focus on are MU ships, and closing rifts. On advanced difficulty, you can have two people activate the power stations, but it is better to have just one person do it. The extra firepower on the MU ships, and closing rifts is better.
Also, by splitting up, both teams will meet on the other side of the station where some rifts have been open longer, and are spawning more powerful ships. After closing them, just keep both groups heading in the direction they were first heading in. Working on the rifts regularly like this will keep from having any battleships, or will keep you from having as many of them.
You will need to keep an eye on pugs. Some times you will get campers that will just camp at one station, and not go to others. When you get lazy players like this, it means that others need to cover for them. One of the four left will need to start activating power stations to make up for them only activating one. Sadly, this is what a lot of pugs are doing so they don't get the AFK penalty. But, on normal, four players can carry them easily. On advanced it means that there is a lot of work to be done. They are turning a five man mission into a four man one. But is still doable as a four man mission.
If you are pugging, I recommend sticking with normal difficulty, and avoid the advanced unless you have at least three or four in a pre-made group first.
Hope this might help with your mirror runs.
You need to wear clothing packs that enable bare feet, like the Risian beachcomber outfit.
The single most effective thing to saving the station is CLOSE RIFTS. Don't run around solo. Instead, look for someone who is along and fighting near a rift. Fly up and close the rift, without shooting anyone at all.
Second, tactical team on the station. Most of the time it has two or three shields at full, and one side at zero taking a beating. Tactical team auto balances all facings.
But closing the rifts is the most important thing of all.
If it isn't bound at all yet or is only account bound and you have the event techs on other chars you can temporarily mail or account bank it to the other chars with unused upgrades, upgrade it there then mail/account bank it back. Also I'm happy to see my thread has continued to help people and the people in it helping each other :-)
You cannot_ because there is nothing to claim. Bare feet is an option with a limited number of off duty outfits. For example the "beach comber" from the summer event.
The miner doffs at the dil mine vendor are best but also if you have the free exocomp, he's great.
so far there is only one, you can get an epic emh mark i as a mission reward with delta rising. I forget the specific mission name, but its the one where you help the doctor.
as stated, it has a cool down. The reason it doesn't just take 4 days is so people can collect the reward sooner.
There are only two secondary deflectors so far, and the two ships they come on are the only ones that can use them. More will be added once more ships have the second deflector slot.
Second, I am hoping for ship advice.
I have been playing for about a month and I have a pretty good handle on things mechanically, I think, but I'm getting close to hitting 40 and I'd like to pick up a ship that will last me all the way to 60 and maybe even beyond.
I am in a small fleet with real-world friends, so while I have boatloads of fleet credits, we're probably not moving beyond Tier I anytime soon. Also, I love science ships and having science abilities on tap (though I prefer to play tactical captains) and I am looking at the one of the Multi-Mission Reconnaissance Explorer ships as my long-term ship, to combine science abilities and a run and gun play-style.
Is that a bad idea? If not, is any one particular MMRE better than the others? The Aventine certainly seems tempting with that big gun.
And while we are at it, I'm learning to play the market and crafting parts of the game as well and have 40-50 million EC on tap. Is a Plasmonic Leech console worth spending that on? It seems like a staple of a good many successful builds.
Thanks in advance for any help and I apologize for getting newbie all over the forum.