When transitioning to any Fleet holding location (mines, fleet base, spire, etc), First City or new romulus I have active space Doffs removed from active duty and placed into unassigned pool. This does not happen when going between Qo'nos orbit to sector space, nor going into places such as Cho's Nebula or scan sites to engage enemy fleets. It's been happening in Delta Rising new areas too but but haven't tracked down specifically which ones.
Character: Harkon@Arjhan
Issue: On logging in, changing sector space region or moving from ground to space, CRF2 and TS2 will remove themselves from their quickbar slots. These abilities were purchased and slotted after the release of Delta Rising, and the previous powers in those slots did not vanish.
Well, first off, my suggestion is to get rid of the system entirely. Cryptic has more than demonstrated that they can't handle whatever complexities are involved with the system, and I honestly never expect them to figure it out, at this point. At the very least, I'd like to have a way to DELETE loadouts and hope that relieves me of the chore of ever dealing with it again.
That being said, every character on my account (@Captain_Thiraas) has had multiple, repeated issues with this system since it was first implemented. Most recently, the character Ralak (KDF Rom Eng) has one of two Tactical Team I buttons and Isometric Charge dropping off the quickbars as often as every time I zone into or out of an instanced mission of any kind (ground or space). Saving loadouts, renaming them, switching ships and resaving... nothing works. When it happens, it acts as if I don't even have it saved, other than the name of the loadout still being there. Attempting to reload it does absolutely nothing.
Other characters have had similar issues. One (Khyron, Fed Rom Sci) seemed to typically have such problems with click powers gained as part of the 8472 Counter Command space gear sets. I don't see issues with BOffs unslotting anymore, though I used to. That problem seemed to affect my away teams somewhat more often than bridge seating.
Actually, never mind. Pay someone to do your testing. Done paying Cryptic for imcompetence.
Every time I beam down to a planet or starbase 3/4 my load out gets removed (tray & doffs) when I return to the ship.(any ship) If I stay in sector space,I can log in & out of the game & my loadout is intact. It affects the following characters: Reaper,Sekona,Torina,Ravel,Tso'Bak,Tso'Dak,all at Rocketman359. I have tried loading the load out to correct this problem but it didn't work.The load out failed to load. This bug has made STO unplayable.
after delta rising my char Arshes Ney@grifithrkv lost all skills from consoles and sets when change from space to ground, i tryed use another tray and all changes are reseted when change. Started when i upgraded my ship to Fleet Destroyer T5-U
That issue has been solved, by using the Loadout Slots...I created 2 holdings that has different shield, engines and deflectors set. Doffs in use, were saved in both. Batteries, the same, are not disappearing.
The funny thing, when I testing in tribble...that came up, but I didn't think much of it. Until it went live to Holodeck, and then became very annoying.
SPACE---The Last and Great Frontier. A 15th-year journey
Vna res, una mens, unum cor et anima una. Cetera omnia, somnium est.
Sadly, I actually had two loadouts bearing two different setups. I tried toggling back and forth and no go ... both are still jumbled up when i beam up from a planet. Doesn't seem to come up when switching to and from sector space, mind you. Just when beaming down or up to a planet, where it happens consistently.
@wyrde, tested with 2 characters so far.... mint & lovana
I noticed two things: the issue only occurred with the dyson science destroyer (on both characters) and that the loadout that was being reset to was the one active at the time the ship was upgraded to T5-U. I only have 2 ships that are upgraded to T5-U (dyson and breen ships).
Any changes to the boffs, weapons, or just the layout of my power tray were reverted back to the loads at the time of the upgrade.
Dismissing and reclaiming the ships would not work for me--the ships would be gone (as far as I know). Well, it would solve the issue... just not desirably. Dismissing the ships would have the result of, presumably, clearing the loadout info.
I think I finally fixed the issue by clearing the loadout information by hand.
1) Going to sector space in the problem ship (Dyson science destroyer in my case)
2) completely emptying the ship (Basically made the information stored by the loadout empty).
.. a) All ship slots
.. b) the power tray (everything except my character's ranked abilities and the science-beam specials, those are usually on the shift-bar)
.. c) removing the boffs (set the stations to none).
3) saved the empty loadout
4) returned to ground (delta command in this case)
5) switched to another ship (this one happened to not have any loadout stored--not sure if that is important or not)
6) logged out and back in (just to try and make sure any cached info was cleared--may not actually be important (or even useful))
7) Took new ship to sector space (well, the jen sphere, which is almost the same thing)
8) Returned to delta command and switched to the empty dyson science ship
9) beamed back to sphere/sector space
10) configured ship
.. a) ship slots first. saved loadout
.. b) ship boffs. saved loadout.
.. c) power tray. saved loadout.
11) tested... beamed to delta command. Beamed back. Relogged. Tray stayed stable.
Going to try this with my other characters and see if it works. Fingers crossed that it continues to work.
Oh no - not this mother of all bugs again.... Haven't tested every char/ship and now can't test further since I can't get onto the server, but as of ~an hour ago, with 100% consistency:-
Svetlana Makarov@perfectships.
U.S.S. Izumrud (Eclipse) and U.S.S. Calcutta (Guardian - I haven't renamed her yet). I have never used the loadout feature on any char/ship, given that it's always seemed to be linked to this horrible bug.
Both ships revert back to the exact power tray configuration they started with (when I first beamed up to them before I slotted anything in at all) whenever I go to a ground map and back to the ship. Easiest way to replicate:-
Sol Space. Note config. Place anything from the 'P' menu anywhere in the tray, and remove any of the icons it insists upon from the tray. Just one for testing convenience but it'll reset the entire three-row tray just the same if you want to test that.
Beam to the Academy, or Dock with ESD. Beam back to the ship at either Sol or Sirius, and your changes will have reverted back to that config the ship started with (mostly weapon buttons; and ship, captain and Intel abilities).
Unlike the previous time another char/ship had this bug bad, my BOFFs and Active DOFFS remain at their stations. And Izumrud experienced no problems when transitioning from space to space maps (haven't tested this with Calcutta yet).
* * *
And U.S.S. Retvizan (FT5-U Ambassador). Was fine before DR and her Upgrade. Is mostly okay except that if I transition to a ground map and back (exactly as above), whatever I put into slots 'a7' (Row 3, 7th slot) and '3' (Row 1, 3rd slot) vanishes - leaving those two slots empty. You'd test this the same way as above.
Ive quit the game over this bug months ago. I'll be doing it again apparently.
Just about every time I zone my ship abilities tray resets.
No I'm not paying attention to when it happens because it takes me a few minutes to reset them,m praying that itt will ****ing still this time only to have it reset when i change characters or log off for a bit.'
Seriously about to blow a gasket over this bug STILL BEING HERE MONTHS LATER.
I was able to fix by saving both my ship load outs with the same setup. I wonder if having an empty loadout slot is affecting it.
I have just claimed one of my five Tier 6 ships and just equipped my gear and set a custom name. No loadout saved ... and see ... all works fine. Why didn't I do that on my Nicor ... I should have known this would happen again. Now I baysickly ... or sickbayly ... can't use my Nicor anymore until this issue is fixed again, unless I spend some time to fix the issue every single time myself when switching between maps.
"Everything about the Jham'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris
Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
Well I've read through maybe half of the thread but not all. I just wanted to let at least some know that I've fixed my issue with loadout's. I basically would not make it through a mission without having to re-setup my loadout's.(map changes etc)
My fix:
Step 1 - Re-setup ship the way you want, trays, boffs, etc.
Character: Leonov@avatarofmal
Ship: U.S.S. Nicodemus (Phantom Intel Escort)
Problem: Switching from Ground to Space resets all bars to default ability slotting when ship was first commissioned. Exactly the same, even slots where there were usable items are now empty that items have been banked (items like Pool items and reinforcements). Can be any space location to any ground location.
When ship was first commissioned had Bonus pool items in inventory that were included in default slot assignments (25k Fleet, 10k cxp, 5k fleet, 2k cxp and 4 or 5 reinforcement type items)
To reproduce the bug, follow the steps below.
1. Start anywhere, example: Jenolan Dyson Sphere
2. Bars are in default ability slotting from first commission
3. Set all weapons to auto-activate by right clicking each weapon the weapon interface
4. Remove all default powers slotted
5. Slot any ability or set of abilities any in positions, or none at all (completely empty)
6. Beam to ground
7. Beam back to space, bars are back to default ability slotting from first commission (if pool/reinforcement items are in inventory those abilities are slotted. If not in inventory, those slots on the bars where they were slotted are empty).
Okay, I didn't have to rename anything to fix my tray problem, but this is what I did.
1: Unequip your BOFF slots.
2: Empty your tray of EVERYTHING
3: Save the empty configuration to a loadout. (I only have one, so I saved to that.)
4: Put BOFFs back. Empty out anything it puts in your tray (That way you don't have to worry about what's there and what isn't)
5: Bring up the window that shows all the stuff you're supposed to have and manually drag everything you need to your tray and arrange how you like.
6: Save again over empty loadout.
7: Switch to another ship and fly to any starbase with a ship selector
8: Select the ship again and beam up.
This fixed all three of my toons who were having tray problems.
Edit: I say go to a ship selector because my problem was beaming off would scramble my tray. This gave me a chance to test the fix.
Now a LTS and loving it.
Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything.
There's obviously a bunch of you still having issues with loadouts. Powers, Boffs and Doffs get changed or unslotted from the reports I'm seeing. We need your help to track this down.
We need characters that consistently experience this issue. Not "most of the time" or "sometimes", but "all of the time" or as close thereto as possible.
If you have such a character, please provide the character's name@handle, and a clear description of what exactly happens with the character, and under what circumstances this is seen.
For example: Enter the Sol System map, switch to <Ship Name>, set the loadout to <Loadout Name>, note the locations of the following power icons <list powers>, and now <action that causes the bug> and note that the previous power icons are now moved.
So, if you've got a character that consistently experiences these loadout issues, and are willing and able to take the time to provide a clear description of how to reproduce the bug with your character, please reply.
I understand this issue is extremely frustrating, and you may want to vent about it, but I'm asking everyone to please limit replies to this thread to the requested information only.
Thank you.
Nearly ever time I play I have to reset my tray due to "lost" powers. Usually when leaving from one map to another. It doesn't seem to matter if it is ground to space or space to space... in fact, sometimes just logging in I see missing powers in my tray.
SO far I notice this on my character Kagome. I haven't been playing my alt, Aiel, yet so I can't say she's having the same issues.
Also, what's with the sudden and random crashes, SLOW load-in times when logging in (takes 3-5 minutes for the map to set so I can even move), etc? None of this happened before the release of DR, although I first noticed it on Neverwinter Nights... could be related?
Character: Warchun@lajevda
Ship: I.K.S. Riba kostey (1 saved loadout)
Problems: Active space roster Doffs unslot after any map transitions
Bateries unslot and/or are missing from tray after beaming up
Console Repair platform icon is missing from tray after any map transitions
Reproducing bug: Load the game, sector or normal space, switch map, bug happens.
this happens to all ships except (risian corvette and fleet patrol escort refit) ,when zoning to sector space or to pve ques or zoning to ESD and beaming out of ESD or just zoning to anywhere the ability space bars disappear and only a few powers are left behind but are jumbled up. also when i click a loadout for a ship all the items on some ships get transferred over but no skills and on others no items get transferred and no powers still.
Well I've read through maybe half of the thread but not all. I just wanted to let at least some know that I've fixed my issue with loadout's. I basically would not make it through a mission without having to re-setup my loadout's.(map changes etc)
My fix:
Step 1 - Re-setup ship the way you want, trays, boffs, etc.
1) Get a different ship and switch to it so you can decommission the ship that's giving you problems.
2) Re-purchase or re-claim your desired ship and set it up again.
3) Decommission your "switch ship" you used to decommission your "problem ship".
4) Set up the hotbar stuff to your preference and beam to the likes of New Romulus Command and back to your desired ship again.
Hopefully (like me), this has pro-tem fixed the problem...
I'd be interested to know if this works for others.
I was encouraged to post here, I am having a regular problem, I don't want to confuse the issue though, this has nothing to do with the "loadout" system you guys have. In fact, I've never even created a "loadout" before today and the only reason I created one is because someone suggested it might help. It did not.
In short, my quickbars are resetting on zone, and it's not a particular type of zoning that does it. Though I will say, it does seem to be more common if I zone from a "city" to space be it orbit or pve que. I no longer que for pve from the ground.
Occasionally other things happen as well, bits of equipment pop out. Some mail has vanished. Some auctions have vanished. In the world I've encountered missing bosses or double bosses from dynamic events. (kill the borg in a particular zone)
EDIT: note, this isn't the normal equipment popping out when you switch ships, this is keeping the same ship for hours and hours on end and then devices randomly popping out. batteries and the like.
I've been lucky, I've experienced no major item losses. No ships, no unique items, etc.
OK, important here -- this is not ship specific. This also has nothing to do with "loadouts". It also isn't specific to a particular zone. Though, my sense is high traffic zones make it happen more.
I generally play one char, the klingon orion science guy, my other 3 chars are not played aside from mining and some doffing.
I guess - also important, it's not a random reset. The quickbars reset back to the exact same thing every single time. 90% of the quickbar slots are empty.
I've seen all these things in games (and at work) before and in every case it had to do with increased net/server/request/db traffic, bursts of traffic that expose weaknesses in code and/or bottlenecks in access time on requests that create weird outcomes. They generally appear to go away when load decreases but it's far far far FAR better if they are actually figured out and solved.
ALL of my toons drops their space duty doffs, when changing from ground to space.
This happens every time i do that.
When i use ship loadout to get my doffs back on space duty, it selects doffs i havnt assigned for space duty. and i have to do it manually cause ship loadout dosnt work.
Upon zoning my bars revert to an old incomplete layout. It's a coin flip every time I zone that once I get to the new zone I have to totally re do my bars. It does not seem to matter where on the map (galaxy zone or say in a dyson sphere) I am at the time.
I thought this was fixed a while back, no?
Something is DR seems to have made this bug come back into the game.
My issue is consistent all the time for my only character 'Ikari@X-Morgan'
After Delta Rising was released I got rid of all my old BOffs for new set of purple BOffs to tidy things up a bit.
Upon any transition from Space to Ground or Ground to Space, my entire bar resets.
I can confirm this is affecting ONLY the BOffs, and all my Captain/Trait/Other abilities remain in place.
Set up BOffs on ESD
Exit to Space ESD
Set up tray with all relevant BOff powers
Beam back down to ESD
Exit to Space ESD
All BOff powers have been removed
This can be replicated in any location which requires you to go from ground to space or vice versa.
Since a few days I have the problem that my space tray resets frequently.
Character: Abby Windsor@stcaptainquirky
Ship: Voltaire (Risian luxury cruiser)
I never had such issues on the Voltaire before, they seem to have started after upgrading to T5U although I never tested it as T5 after release of Delta Rising so it might very well be the expansion itself and not the ship upgrade that started this.
The reset happens reliably upon:
Change from starship bridge to sector space
Change from ground to system space
Change from starship bridge to system space
No reset occurs upon:
Change from sector to sector
Change from sector to system space and vice versa
Use of transwarp
So far this only affects the space skill tray and not the Boffs or active Doffs for me. It is probably worth noting that I never saved any loadouts for any of my ships (interestingly the game seemed to have remembered my last Boff configuration on that ship anyway, at least I didn't have to set them after switching from my ambassador class).
Character : Travis@woller2
Odyssey Operation Cruiser - T5-U
This is annoying. Skills icons in trays are constantly reset when moving from sector space to space map or returning to sector space from ground map. I'ts only my Tactical first officer who works fine....
BUT...I have solved it...with help from other Captains
1. Go to Space
2. Remove all DOFF's and BOFF's from ship - then clear all trays
3. Save as a load-out
4. Put back DOFF's and BOFF's and organize your tray's
Just a small loadout issue for my federation science admiral (Garner@vosoros) aboard his T5-U fleet long range science vessel (bellerophon class)...
Basically, when I beam back up from the likes of earth space dock or starfleet academy the loadout resets to the one I had prior to Delta Risings launch. Thankfully, I can live with this...even if I would like tetryon cascade in the mix.
Regardless, I'm fortunate that the loadout is pretty solid as is, so I'm not keen to try my own stop-gap solution least that's ruined.
I hope you guys can patch the problem soon however...
Currently running the first Risan ship.
I start out on new Romulus. Beam into space, all settings revert to what was there previously.
Fine, change them to what I want. Reset buttons, save.
Warp into sector space RESET BUTTONS, SAVE.
Go back to New Romulus, RESET BUTTONS, SAVE.
Beam down to New Romulus, do eppoh hunt. Back to embassy. Beam into space. RESET BUTTONS, SAVE.
Go into space STF. ALL buttons have reverted once more. RESET BUTTONS, SAVE.
After STF in orbit around new Romulus, RESET BUTTONS, SAVE.
Leave new romulus for ESD. RESET BUTTONS, SAVE.
Beam down to academy. Get called up for Fleet Alert. AGAIN, buttons are reset. RESET Buttons, SAVE.
Finish dailies on Academy. Go to ESD. Beam into orbit. AGAIN with the reset. RESET BUTTONS, SAVE.
Go into sector space, it RESET AGAIN?!?!? Quit game and chalk it up as unplayable for the day. Go do laundry.
This issue is occurring constantly with my character Brad@ultraunit.
I fly the Wells Class Temporal Science Vessel. I am in the Sol system, and I place all of my powers into the power tray at the area I want. As soon as I leave the Sol System (or anywhere else that I set my powers in the tray) they completely reset, moving around randomly or just vanishing from the tray all together. There is no pattern or set place from which the powers move to after placing.
I hope you're able to fix this soon. Thank you.
USS Dauntless - Dauntless Class Experimental Science Vessel - T6
Issue: On logging in, changing sector space region or moving from ground to space, CRF2 and TS2 will remove themselves from their quickbar slots. These abilities were purchased and slotted after the release of Delta Rising, and the previous powers in those slots did not vanish.
That being said, every character on my account (@Captain_Thiraas) has had multiple, repeated issues with this system since it was first implemented. Most recently, the character Ralak (KDF Rom Eng) has one of two Tactical Team I buttons and Isometric Charge dropping off the quickbars as often as every time I zone into or out of an instanced mission of any kind (ground or space). Saving loadouts, renaming them, switching ships and resaving... nothing works. When it happens, it acts as if I don't even have it saved, other than the name of the loadout still being there. Attempting to reload it does absolutely nothing.
Other characters have had similar issues. One (Khyron, Fed Rom Sci) seemed to typically have such problems with click powers gained as part of the 8472 Counter Command space gear sets. I don't see issues with BOffs unslotting anymore, though I used to. That problem seemed to affect my away teams somewhat more often than bridge seating.
Actually, never mind. Pay someone to do your testing. Done paying Cryptic for imcompetence.
The funny thing, when I testing in tribble...that came up, but I didn't think much of it. Until it went live to Holodeck, and then became very annoying.
I noticed two things: the issue only occurred with the dyson science destroyer (on both characters) and that the loadout that was being reset to was the one active at the time the ship was upgraded to T5-U. I only have 2 ships that are upgraded to T5-U (dyson and breen ships).
Any changes to the boffs, weapons, or just the layout of my power tray were reverted back to the loads at the time of the upgrade.
Dismissing and reclaiming the ships would not work for me--the ships would be gone (as far as I know). Well, it would solve the issue... just not desirably. Dismissing the ships would have the result of, presumably, clearing the loadout info.
I think I finally fixed the issue by clearing the loadout information by hand.
1) Going to sector space in the problem ship (Dyson science destroyer in my case)
2) completely emptying the ship (Basically made the information stored by the loadout empty).
.. a) All ship slots
.. b) the power tray (everything except my character's ranked abilities and the science-beam specials, those are usually on the shift-bar)
.. c) removing the boffs (set the stations to none).
3) saved the empty loadout
4) returned to ground (delta command in this case)
5) switched to another ship (this one happened to not have any loadout stored--not sure if that is important or not)
6) logged out and back in (just to try and make sure any cached info was cleared--may not actually be important (or even useful))
7) Took new ship to sector space (well, the jen sphere, which is almost the same thing)
8) Returned to delta command and switched to the empty dyson science ship
9) beamed back to sphere/sector space
10) configured ship
.. a) ship slots first. saved loadout
.. b) ship boffs. saved loadout.
.. c) power tray. saved loadout.
11) tested... beamed to delta command. Beamed back. Relogged. Tray stayed stable.
Going to try this with my other characters and see if it works. Fingers crossed that it continues to work.
(resources used: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubber_duck_debugging // http://xkcd.com/722/ )
Svetlana Makarov@perfectships.
U.S.S. Izumrud (Eclipse) and U.S.S. Calcutta (Guardian - I haven't renamed her yet). I have never used the loadout feature on any char/ship, given that it's always seemed to be linked to this horrible bug.
Both ships revert back to the exact power tray configuration they started with (when I first beamed up to them before I slotted anything in at all) whenever I go to a ground map and back to the ship. Easiest way to replicate:-
Sol Space. Note config. Place anything from the 'P' menu anywhere in the tray, and remove any of the icons it insists upon from the tray. Just one for testing convenience but it'll reset the entire three-row tray just the same if you want to test that.
Beam to the Academy, or Dock with ESD. Beam back to the ship at either Sol or Sirius, and your changes will have reverted back to that config the ship started with (mostly weapon buttons; and ship, captain and Intel abilities).
Unlike the previous time another char/ship had this bug bad, my BOFFs and Active DOFFS remain at their stations. And Izumrud experienced no problems when transitioning from space to space maps (haven't tested this with Calcutta yet).
* * *
And U.S.S. Retvizan (FT5-U Ambassador). Was fine before DR and her Upgrade. Is mostly okay except that if I transition to a ground map and back (exactly as above), whatever I put into slots 'a7' (Row 3, 7th slot) and '3' (Row 1, 3rd slot) vanishes - leaving those two slots empty. You'd test this the same way as above.
Just about every time I zone my ship abilities tray resets.
No I'm not paying attention to when it happens because it takes me a few minutes to reset them,m praying that itt will ****ing still this time only to have it reset when i change characters or log off for a bit.'
Seriously about to blow a gasket over this bug STILL BEING HERE MONTHS LATER.
I was able to fix by saving both my ship load outs with the same setup. I wonder if having an empty loadout slot is affecting it.
Original Join Date: January 30th, 2010
My fix:
Step 1 - Re-setup ship the way you want, trays, boffs, etc.
Step 2 - Make sure your trays are "unlocked"
Step 3 - Rename both/all loadout's to "Temp 1" "Temp 2" etc
Step 4 - Save your new setup to both/all loadout's named "Temp 1" "Temp 2" etc
Step 5 - Switch your ship and Test
Step 6 - If successful rename and setup accordingly.
Have done so for Tier-5 existing, Tier-5U and Tier-6 ships. Now all working correctly.
Hopefully it works for you.
Ship: U.S.S. Nicodemus (Phantom Intel Escort)
Problem: Switching from Ground to Space resets all bars to default ability slotting when ship was first commissioned. Exactly the same, even slots where there were usable items are now empty that items have been banked (items like Pool items and reinforcements). Can be any space location to any ground location.
When ship was first commissioned had Bonus pool items in inventory that were included in default slot assignments (25k Fleet, 10k cxp, 5k fleet, 2k cxp and 4 or 5 reinforcement type items)
To reproduce the bug, follow the steps below.
1. Start anywhere, example: Jenolan Dyson Sphere
2. Bars are in default ability slotting from first commission
3. Set all weapons to auto-activate by right clicking each weapon the weapon interface
4. Remove all default powers slotted
5. Slot any ability or set of abilities any in positions, or none at all (completely empty)
6. Beam to ground
7. Beam back to space, bars are back to default ability slotting from first commission (if pool/reinforcement items are in inventory those abilities are slotted. If not in inventory, those slots on the bars where they were slotted are empty).
1: Unequip your BOFF slots.
2: Empty your tray of EVERYTHING
3: Save the empty configuration to a loadout. (I only have one, so I saved to that.)
4: Put BOFFs back. Empty out anything it puts in your tray (That way you don't have to worry about what's there and what isn't)
5: Bring up the window that shows all the stuff you're supposed to have and manually drag everything you need to your tray and arrange how you like.
6: Save again over empty loadout.
7: Switch to another ship and fly to any starbase with a ship selector
8: Select the ship again and beam up.
This fixed all three of my toons who were having tray problems.
Edit: I say go to a ship selector because my problem was beaming off would scramble my tray. This gave me a chance to test the fix.
Nearly ever time I play I have to reset my tray due to "lost" powers. Usually when leaving from one map to another. It doesn't seem to matter if it is ground to space or space to space... in fact, sometimes just logging in I see missing powers in my tray.
SO far I notice this on my character Kagome. I haven't been playing my alt, Aiel, yet so I can't say she's having the same issues.
Also, what's with the sudden and random crashes, SLOW load-in times when logging in (takes 3-5 minutes for the map to set so I can even move), etc? None of this happened before the release of DR, although I first noticed it on Neverwinter Nights... could be related?
Ship: I.K.S. Riba kostey (1 saved loadout)
Problems: Active space roster Doffs unslot after any map transitions
Bateries unslot and/or are missing from tray after beaming up
Console Repair platform icon is missing from tray after any map transitions
Reproducing bug: Load the game, sector or normal space, switch map, bug happens.
tal shiar adapted destroyer
mirror patrol escort
risian corvette
risian luxury cruiser
fleet patrol escort refit
obelisk carrier-the mission one
oddyssey tactical cruiser
support cruiser retrofit
dyson science destroyer
breen chel grett warship
mirror escort retrofit
denube runabout
ferengi na'far
this happens to all ships except (risian corvette and fleet patrol escort refit) ,when zoning to sector space or to pve ques or zoning to ESD and beaming out of ESD or just zoning to anywhere the ability space bars disappear and only a few powers are left behind but are jumbled up. also when i click a loadout for a ship all the items on some ships get transferred over but no skills and on others no items get transferred and no powers still.
I also presented a possible solution on page 5 which is as follows...
These are the voyages of the U.S.S. Pioneer...
I've detailed the description here
In short, my quickbars are resetting on zone, and it's not a particular type of zoning that does it. Though I will say, it does seem to be more common if I zone from a "city" to space be it orbit or pve que. I no longer que for pve from the ground.
Occasionally other things happen as well, bits of equipment pop out. Some mail has vanished. Some auctions have vanished. In the world I've encountered missing bosses or double bosses from dynamic events. (kill the borg in a particular zone)
EDIT: note, this isn't the normal equipment popping out when you switch ships, this is keeping the same ship for hours and hours on end and then devices randomly popping out. batteries and the like.
I've been lucky, I've experienced no major item losses. No ships, no unique items, etc.
OK, important here -- this is not ship specific. This also has nothing to do with "loadouts". It also isn't specific to a particular zone. Though, my sense is high traffic zones make it happen more.
I generally play one char, the klingon orion science guy, my other 3 chars are not played aside from mining and some doffing.
I guess - also important, it's not a random reset. The quickbars reset back to the exact same thing every single time. 90% of the quickbar slots are empty.
I've seen all these things in games (and at work) before and in every case it had to do with increased net/server/request/db traffic, bursts of traffic that expose weaknesses in code and/or bottlenecks in access time on requests that create weird outcomes. They generally appear to go away when load decreases but it's far far far FAR better if they are actually figured out and solved.
This happens every time i do that.
When i use ship loadout to get my doffs back on space duty, it selects doffs i havnt assigned for space duty. and i have to do it manually cause ship loadout dosnt work.
I thought this was fixed a while back, no?
Something is DR seems to have made this bug come back into the game.
Please squash this bug.
After Delta Rising was released I got rid of all my old BOffs for new set of purple BOffs to tidy things up a bit.
Upon any transition from Space to Ground or Ground to Space, my entire bar resets.
I can confirm this is affecting ONLY the BOffs, and all my Captain/Trait/Other abilities remain in place.
Set up BOffs on ESD
Exit to Space ESD
Set up tray with all relevant BOff powers
Beam back down to ESD
Exit to Space ESD
All BOff powers have been removed
This can be replicated in any location which requires you to go from ground to space or vice versa.
Character: Abby Windsor@stcaptainquirky
Ship: Voltaire (Risian luxury cruiser)
I never had such issues on the Voltaire before, they seem to have started after upgrading to T5U although I never tested it as T5 after release of Delta Rising so it might very well be the expansion itself and not the ship upgrade that started this.
The reset happens reliably upon:
Change from starship bridge to sector space
Change from ground to system space
Change from starship bridge to system space
No reset occurs upon:
Change from sector to sector
Change from sector to system space and vice versa
Use of transwarp
So far this only affects the space skill tray and not the Boffs or active Doffs for me. It is probably worth noting that I never saved any loadouts for any of my ships (interestingly the game seemed to have remembered my last Boff configuration on that ship anyway, at least I didn't have to set them after switching from my ambassador class).
Odyssey Operation Cruiser - T5-U
This is annoying. Skills icons in trays are constantly reset when moving from sector space to space map or returning to sector space from ground map. I'ts only my Tactical first officer who works fine....
BUT...I have solved it...with help from other Captains
1. Go to Space
2. Remove all DOFF's and BOFF's from ship - then clear all trays
3. Save as a load-out
4. Put back DOFF's and BOFF's and organize your tray's
5. Save as a load-out
Basically, when I beam back up from the likes of earth space dock or starfleet academy the loadout resets to the one I had prior to Delta Risings launch. Thankfully, I can live with this...even if I would like tetryon cascade in the mix.
Regardless, I'm fortunate that the loadout is pretty solid as is, so I'm not keen to try my own stop-gap solution least that's ruined.
I hope you guys can patch the problem soon however...
These are the voyages of the U.S.S. Pioneer...
I start out on new Romulus. Beam into space, all settings revert to what was there previously.
Fine, change them to what I want. Reset buttons, save.
Warp into sector space RESET BUTTONS, SAVE.
Go back to New Romulus, RESET BUTTONS, SAVE.
Beam down to New Romulus, do eppoh hunt. Back to embassy. Beam into space. RESET BUTTONS, SAVE.
Go into space STF. ALL buttons have reverted once more. RESET BUTTONS, SAVE.
After STF in orbit around new Romulus, RESET BUTTONS, SAVE.
Leave new romulus for ESD. RESET BUTTONS, SAVE.
Beam down to academy. Get called up for Fleet Alert. AGAIN, buttons are reset. RESET Buttons, SAVE.
Finish dailies on Academy. Go to ESD. Beam into orbit. AGAIN with the reset. RESET BUTTONS, SAVE.
Go into sector space, it RESET AGAIN?!?!? Quit game and chalk it up as unplayable for the day. Go do laundry.
I fly the Wells Class Temporal Science Vessel. I am in the Sol system, and I place all of my powers into the power tray at the area I want. As soon as I leave the Sol System (or anywhere else that I set my powers in the tray) they completely reset, moving around randomly or just vanishing from the tray all together. There is no pattern or set place from which the powers move to after placing.
I hope you're able to fix this soon. Thank you.
USS Dauntless - Dauntless Class Experimental Science Vessel - T6
Romulan Hyperbeam, and Singularity Weapon Capacitor remove them selves from the hotbar when going from ground to space.