You are ASSUMING that normals are doable. They aren't. I'm 0-for-3 in freaking Federation Fleet Alert in my best ship. Which, by the way, is an upgraded Wells with all purple mk 12 or better gear, seven fleet consoles, etcetera....
I'm not saying they need to nerf Elite and Advanced because, honestly, 'Normal' has become so 'Impossible' that I'm not even tempted to try either 'Advanced' or 'Elite'.
So heres the deal to all the nay sayers, and whiners ive seen in this thread, about them wanting cryptic to "nerf" the advanced/elite. Get over it, and learn a build, and put it together.
if you cannot do the new stuff you have one or multiple of the problems i am going to list.
1. You dont actually know a decent ship build. ( gear level is not that important )
2. Your skill tree, you have that all messed up don't you?
3. Your not level 60, SO do normals, until you are max level.
4. Remember Normals were all you could do at level 44-45t to level 50?? Well they should make you do normals from 50-55 so you all quit whining.
5. Your too, unknowlegeable, or unaware how FREE to play this game is, without even needed to cheat, with a macro or anything to make dilithium, and turn it into zen.
Your only whining because cryptic is forcing you to play content, your not "used to".
I would suggest to you, temporarely find a fleet, that is willing to help you learn some actual knowledge about the game, and play with them. Most people have fleet channels, and they are basically "fleet alliances".
If your an owner of a small fleet, make an alt toon and go meet some people. For petes sake this is an MMO, its not meant to be played solo. These are meant to be social games. Join an alliance, with a tier 5 fleet, and get access to your gear that way, and keep your fleet. Its not hard to do things, as long as you have a team that knows what they are doing.
Crytpic has done the best thing they could for this game, because even for most casual players, that play it for the social experiance, as adults, THINK ITS TOO EASY. ( you know, the actual money providers for the game. )
Cryptic, and the team SAID you could not just pug the new stuff, so stop trying to join a que from a pug group. Expecially while everyone that knows what to do is power leveling.
I say thank you cryptic, for taking us in a brighter, better direction!
Looking forward to this supposed drastic increase in difficulty. I stopped playing "Tactical" because it was too easy to kill NPCs (even on elite) Pop the boost abilities, 1 or 2 good volleys and target is down.
Started playing a science captain/ship combo, hoping for more of a challenge, or at least more interesting gameplay. So far, its a bit more fun, but still stupid easy.
"The dead one tried to show me h3ll, but it was a pale imitation of the horror I can paint on the darkness in a quiet moment. - Mark Lawrence
So heres the deal to all the nay sayers, and whiners ive seen in this thread, about them wanting cryptic to "nerf" the advanced/elite. Get over it, and learn a build, and put it together.
if you cannot do the new stuff you have one or multiple of the problems i am going to list.
1. You dont actually know a decent ship build. ( gear level is not that important )
2. Your skill tree, you have that all messed up don't you?
3. Your not level 60, SO do normals, until you are max level.
4. Remember Normals were all you could do at level 44-45t to level 50?? Well they should make you do normals from 50-55 so you all quit whining.
5. Your too, unknowlegeable, or unaware how FREE to play this game is, without even needed to cheat, with a macro or anything to make dilithium, and turn it into zen.
Your only whining because cryptic is forcing you to play content, your not "used to".
I would suggest to you, temporarely find a fleet, that is willing to help you learn some actual knowledge about the game, and play with them. Most people have fleet channels, and they are basically "fleet alliances".
If your an owner of a small fleet, make an alt toon and go meet some people. For petes sake this is an MMO, its not meant to be played solo. These are meant to be social games. Join an alliance, with a tier 5 fleet, and get access to your gear that way, and keep your fleet. Its not hard to do things, as long as you have a team that knows what they are doing.
Crytpic has done the best thing they could for this game, because even for most casual players, that play it for the social experiance, as adults, THINK ITS TOO EASY. ( you know, the actual money providers for the game. )
Cryptic, and the team SAID you could not just pug the new stuff, so stop trying to join a que from a pug group. Expecially while everyone that knows what to do is power leveling.
I say thank you cryptic, for taking us in a brighter, better direction!
Just to clarify, this does not pertain to me.
I have done all of this.
When a ship is shooting you from off of the map, spawning endless assistance, and you can't target it because it's off of the map, you have to fly all of the way across the map to get to it, and it has fully healed by then, AND every mission I played scaled according to the team I played it amount of build knowledge and/or teamwork will help that much.
"Join Date: Jun 2012" Says Cryptic's "new" forum system. I've been here since a week before launch, but SOME stuff just didn't carry over through multiple system changes/updates. :rolleyes:
I'm going to put a nay say on FAs being undoable... yes they are harder (probably too hard since lowbies are allowed in as well. Can we segregate on basis of rank, for FAs, for being fair's sake, at least?)
But I digress, of the ones I've been in, three of five so far, have been beaten, two of those with Borg as the enemy.
It IS still doable, with teamwork, and a bit of luck. Course I do them atm for XP mainly, more than fleet marks. (I'm drowning in fleet gear, on my ships and Boffs.)
Originally Posted by westmetals View Post
You are ASSUMING that normals are doable. They aren't. I'm 0-for-3 in freaking Federation Fleet Alert in my best ship. Which, by the way, is an upgraded Wells with all purple mk 12 or better gear, seven fleet consoles, etcetera....
I'm not saying they need to nerf Elite and Advanced because, honestly, 'Normal' has become so 'Impossible' that I'm not even tempted to try either 'Advanced' or 'Elite'.
Then your ship sucks, Fix it.
Hush now, you will be back kicking Neelix and killing those nasty Vaadwaur soon enough... hush child.
*pat pat on your head*
omg, lmao
Seriously though, I'm glad that they chose to do this downtime in order to fix the Skills Invalid issue now, rather than letting this bug languish until next week.
Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
You are ASSUMING that normals are doable. They aren't. I'm 0-for-3 in freaking Federation Fleet Alert in my best ship. Which, by the way, is an upgraded Wells with all purple mk 12 or better gear, seven fleet consoles, etcetera....
I'm not saying they need to nerf Elite and Advanced because, honestly, 'Normal' has become so 'Impossible' that I'm not even tempted to try either 'Advanced' or 'Elite'. But 'Normal' needs to be set back about 75% in the direction of where it used to be (maybe not all the way, but down my three-quarters of the difference between old and new).
The only normal I've lost is the storming the spire where it was beyond my control. I think the normal are slightly challenging and the advanced are a handful at level 51 with a good ship.
Space the final frontier. These are the voyages of [your name here] on a five year mission to gain one level after the delta rising xp nerf.
I will take this time to reflect on one of the good things about Delta Rising.
It respects Star Trek canon very faithfully. Cryptic didn't even have to write up a reason why these aliens want to kill us, they just remembered Janeway did it for them over a period of 7 years.
so he can smirk in your general direction ;-D
I see it already LOL.
And the servers are getting llaaarrrrrggggeerrrr
Hey its allways entertaining to watch people rage
Hey Trevor, how about some coffee?
Then your ship sucks, Fix it.
Looking forward to this supposed drastic increase in difficulty. I stopped playing "Tactical" because it was too easy to kill NPCs (even on elite) Pop the boost abilities, 1 or 2 good volleys and target is down.
Started playing a science captain/ship combo, hoping for more of a challenge, or at least more interesting gameplay. So far, its a bit more fun, but still stupid easy.
I would link the threads referring to forum rage, but I am not pulling an all nighter to do it.
Cuz you're terrible.
It's not like I woulld find that SOMEWHAT amusing
Just to clarify, this does not pertain to me.
I have done all of this.
When a ship is shooting you from off of the map, spawning endless assistance, and you can't target it because it's off of the map, you have to fly all of the way across the map to get to it, and it has fully healed by then, AND every mission I played scaled according to the team I played it amount of build knowledge and/or teamwork will help that much.
But I digress, of the ones I've been in, three of five so far, have been beaten, two of those with Borg as the enemy.
It IS still doable, with teamwork, and a bit of luck. Course I do them atm for XP mainly, more than fleet marks. (I'm drowning in fleet gear, on my ships and Boffs.)
I have to say i agree
Smirk that is awesome you got that reference most people haven't seen that movie it's that old:D
Hehe...wonder how many ran to check the launcher >.<
How do you function in daily activities?
Is it also bad if he does, either way i wont feel sorry for you guys...
omg, lmao
Seriously though, I'm glad that they chose to do this downtime in order to fix the Skills Invalid issue now, rather than letting this bug languish until next week.
Joined January 2009
I just did but it still says 630 - 11 pm Pacific for me
so I tried what used to be called ISE today
that was a free for all someone blew a gen early as usual and poof kicked out fail 10 marks I was okay bad pug
so tried khitomer on normal (new normal)
was a really good pug and 10 minutes of playing keep away and killing everything in site. one got through slightly kicked out 10 marks.
the new normal is harder a lot harder then the old elite by far.
its in the NUMBERS
and I mean not 1.5 or 2x I am talking 6x to 8x.
lol, i know, i was bored :-p
The only normal I've lost is the storming the spire where it was beyond my control. I think the normal are slightly challenging and the advanced are a handful at level 51 with a good ship.
It respects Star Trek canon very faithfully. Cryptic didn't even have to write up a reason why these aliens want to kill us, they just remembered Janeway did it for them over a period of 7 years.