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Tier 5 Starship Upgrades



  • belanna58belanna58 Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I'm really curious to see how PWE can ignore 142 pages and counting of absolutely unhappy players. Will that unlock Geko insulting the playerbase again? Hopefully not. Will it result in anything changing. Probably not. We all need to keep our money in our wallets and vote that way. Revenue is the only way to ensure they don't make asinine moves like this again in the future.

    when did gecko do that? what did he say?
  • borthaniusborthanius Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    This game is no longer any fun, it's nothing but a grind. Now they want to take all my previous grinding & make it worthless & introduce more grinding. They made all my previous reputation grinding worthless, they've made all my previous crafting grinding worthless & I'm supposed to be happy & greatful? Can you say TRIBBLE? Where is that eject button?
  • dragnridrdragnridr Member Posts: 671 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    tuskin67 wrote: »
    They will never make it free. How would they make any money that way?

    They could make money by just charging a flat rate of 2000 zen per captain to have ALL their T5 and higher ships upgraded. (Only for the ships they currently own, any future ship purchases will require an additional purchase) This is because some people have more than 1 ship they fly at a given time.

    The regular Obelisk should be included in the list for a free upgrade since it was a limited time only ship.
  • dirlettiadirlettia Member Posts: 1,632 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    dragnridr wrote: »
    The regular Obelisk should be included in the list for a free upgrade since it was a limited time only ship.

    Wouldnt get included as it falls in the same category as the T5 Ambassador as a mission reward which gets them specifically excluded. The free ones were event ships requiring more than 1 mission run to obtain.

    Still waiting to be able to use forum titles
  • odoetalodoetal Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    borthanius wrote: »
    This game is no longer any fun, it's nothing but a grind. Now they want to take all my previous grinding & make it worthless & introduce more grinding. They made all my previous reputation grinding worthless, they've made all my previous crafting grinding worthless & I'm supposed to be happy & greatful? Can you say TRIBBLE? Where is that eject button?

    Hence why I hope the mk12 rep gear arnt Nerf batted but the danger also is with these new boffs once a bug whifflebats its training by detraining his main skill it effectively would make it worthless much the same as to an keiv when whiffleskill batted to an engineer or sci
  • alen9thalen9th Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I know for shure i wont pay a dime any more for whatever upgrade...what is next step they will ask from me and others to pay the bug fixes...my god this is geting worse then SWTOR there you at least know what are you buying and paying...and that isnt a case here any more...LOL to pay for the SAME ship 3 times or more...that is like when i buy milk in store and next time i came they tell me i shoud pay more this time for the milk i buyed last time....ROFL
  • reynoldsxdreynoldsxd Member Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Ok lets be honest here for a minute:

    Yes the t6 ships will most assuredly be "better" due to hitpoints and the additional boff slot,s however those will work out, but please let us have a REALITY CHECK here:

    The Current elite content is no challenge for a fully geared characters no matter the ship (not talking sub endgame tier ships here obviously, though lets remember the elite stfs were done with t2 ships...).

    We still have the scimitar and i will eat my hat if any of the new ships turn out so clearly... superior. I mean the damn ship has major gank, tank and a "FCK YOU!!!! I BATTLEcloak with shields on!" button on a 9 second cooldown.

    We have aux2bat'ed every ship and our ships really perform way above any norm cryptic might have taken as a baseline for testing stfs, considering the stfs can still be done by severely less well developed characters and ships.

    So yes, the new ships, especially the release ones (they are the tantalizers after all) will have a slight edge with that one more trait slot and possible extra boff slots but the T5U will get the CORE upgrades: a leveling hull and traits, 4 of 5 traits. So thats not too far behind.

    I am pretty much sure that whatever new grind content will come our way, it is specced for... less than our power gamer ships and gear.

    I think considering the level of firepower and tank that we currently enjoy, the slight increase the t6 will have will be a paper tiger. Unless those boffs slots have totally broken powers and that last, fifth trait slots contains some sort of selection of uber buffs.

    So... do not discard your current ships yet. There is on thing no new t6 ship will ever have: The iconic look of the current lineup.

    I have a dedicated tholian recluse captain, one for the jemmy dread, one romulan in a fleet dderidex, one in a tulwar, one more fed in fleet GX....

    If the new ships looks sweet enough to warrant a dedicated char? lets see.
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    sf911 wrote: »
    I do not mind paying Zen ($$) and supporting the game.


    I would like to upgrade my current ship to FULL T6. With ALL the bells and whistles of full T6. Doesn't matter if it costs as much as buying a new T6 ship to upgrade my "old" Tactical Odyssey.

    I simply want to fly the ship *I* like without being forced into a different ship to get all the T6 features.

    This, to me, seems reasonable.

    I think so.

    I would also prefer if they kept it simple and don't make any hidden traps for people that start out buying a C-Store Retrofit, upgrading it to Tier 5, only to later realize that they should have waited for a Fleet Version and upgrade that.

    KISS. Please.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • dragnridrdragnridr Member Posts: 671 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    dirlettia wrote: »
    Wouldnt get included as it falls in the same category as the T5 Ambassador as a mission reward which gets them specifically excluded. The free ones were event ships requiring more than 1 mission run to obtain.

    They could EASILY exclude the Ambassador since you can get it anytime you want just by running the mission. You CAN NOT get the Regular Obelisk for free anymore. Hence why it should be included in the list.
  • gagocashgagocash Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    justin2384 wrote: »
    SO all my ships I paid REAL money for are going to be obsolete unless I PAY more REAL Money?....guess I'm done with STO.
    I'll join you too soon, i just wait for GTA V online for PC, release is nov 14th. i can't wait to trash sto into the bin. my fleet is also soon a complete t5 fleet and all i do now in sto is to help the fleet with the projects.

    P.S. Thanks Cryptic for making all my hard earned Ships, Gear and everything else just worthless.




  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I'm really curious to see how PWE can ignore 142 pages and counting of absolutely unhappy players. Will that unlock Geko insulting the playerbase again? Hopefully not. Will it result in anything changing. Probably not. We all need to keep our money in our wallets and vote that way. Revenue is the only way to ensure they don't make asinine moves like this again in the future.
    You should not expect a corporation like Cryptic to move and alter decisions just after a day of feedback.

    They need to listen to the feedback, evaluate it, and then consider what to do, and how to do it. They will not give you a new concept within a day. I would actually expect at least a week before you see any actual feedback on feedback.

    That is not saying I am optimistic they will change anything. But crying of "ignored feedback" after a day is mostly unconstructive and not helping.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • dareaudareau Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Riddle me this then, I bought the galaxy bundle and 2 fleet galaxy xs for 2 different characters. This occurred, ironically, the day before delta rising was announced. Should I pay more money? Don't answer, I will tell you... NO!

    I will answer, despite your demand not to.

    You paid what, $60, for the 3 pack Galaxy set and the extra two fleet modules, enough to get 2x Gal-X at fleet (T5.5) level.

    Day before DR, today, Day after DR's launch and the introduction of T6, your precious fleet Galaxy Xs are still T5.5, exactly what you paid for.

    In theory, outside of PvP, said T5.5 will be "fully capable" of completing all "at release" DR content. It might start lagging when the T60 queues come out (that expect 5-Us or 6s), but you could do the classic "bring a T4 into STF" maneuver with your 5.5...

    On the hopeful belief that Cryptic is willing to go lowball on the upgrade chips, and only charge 500 zen (ye olde BK-modified $5 bill), then to make those two ships T5U would cost you an additional $5... Remember, once you buy the upgrade kit for a given ship, it's like the "regular C store stuff" in that it applies to all versions of that ship on the account.

    Did I mention that if you roll a new toon, you still have that T4 Galaxy Refit and the T5 Galaxy Retro or T5 Gal-X to use until you invest the additional $5 to fleetify it and, assuming you fleetify your Gal-X, it too goes straight to 5U?

    Does double dipping suck? Yeah. Does "covering the difference" between the ship you have now and what it would cost for a new ship of the appropriate level not suck? Probably.

    Which then switches this convo from "OMG, I'm being fleeced" to "Is T5U really 'competitive' with T6?" After reviewing the charts and follow up intel from our friendly Devs, maybe not...

    Clarification came down that the 5th "mastery" slot is the one that assigns the trait. Therefore, true T6s can grant you the trait, T5Us can't. However, once you earn the trait, it can be applied to the T5U. And there will be (lockbox) traits that can go on T5Us without having to own a T6.
    Clarification came down that T6s are counting the "+1 console" from the baseline L40 T5 versions with 9 consoles - so 9+1=10. Fleet ships already have the 10th console, and since the T5U process hands out another console, it will make them 11 console ships. The original chart confirms that T6s will accept the specialist BOffs with their hybrid powers, however, we are still in the dark as to whether universal seats are confirmed to accept the specialists with their funky powers. If so (as universal should mean universal), then on many T5s that particular difference is slightly glossed over... (Vesta can run a LtCmdr specialist, Recluse Cmdr special, and Gal-X an ensign...)

    To me, the primary difference between a fleet-grade 10 console today T5U and a True T6 will be the 11th console vs the 13th BOff slot/power/ability/whatever you want to call it. The true measure of competitiveness will only be seen once we find out the full details of specialists, and even then, that 13th console could be worth more than that 13th slot, depending on exactly what level said slot is...
    Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...

    To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
  • belanna58belanna58 Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    from what i can see, cryptic dont listen to da players tis a shame cause i was actually think of gettin de liftetime subscription i wont now if they dont listen to players i would b a fool if i did
  • ufpterrellufpterrell Member Posts: 736 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Actually IIRC the T6 ships are going to have 11 console slots, so even with a T5-U we will still be lacking an important console slot. Unless of course they keep doing things like having 5 engineering consoles which is pretty useless compared to field gens and tac consoles. I fear that greed has struck again and that this is just a "make do and mend" kind of attitude to T5 ships people have purchased off the C-Store. I myself have LOADS of ships and before people say that I didn't have to buy them, they're right but this game has had a chronic lack of content for so long that new ships WERE the only things keeping people interesting in he game. I believe Cryptic/Geko would be fools to try and push a flawed system like this on the very players which have been keeping this game afloat since it's botched inception and launch.

    Looking for a dedicated Star Trek community? Visit www.ufplanets.com for details.
  • vinsinarvinsinar Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    dareau wrote: »
    I will answer, despite your demand not to.

    You paid what, $60, for the 3 pack Galaxy set and the extra two fleet modules, enough to get 2x Gal-X at fleet (T5.5) level.

    Day before DR, today, Day after DR's launch and the introduction of T6, your precious fleet Galaxy Xs are still T5.5, exactly what you paid for.

    In theory, outside of PvP, said T5.5 will be "fully capable" of completing all "at release" DR content. It might start lagging when the T60 queues come out (that expect 5-Us or 6s), but you could do the classic "bring a T4 into STF" maneuver with your 5.5...

    On the hopeful belief that Cryptic is willing to go lowball on the upgrade chips, and only charge 500 zen (ye olde BK-modified $5 bill), then to make those two ships T5U would cost you an additional $5... Remember, once you buy the upgrade kit for a given ship, it's like the "regular C store stuff" in that it applies to all versions of that ship on the account.

    Did I mention that if you roll a new toon, you still have that T4 Galaxy Refit and the T5 Galaxy Retro or T5 Gal-X to use until you invest the additional $5 to fleetify it and, assuming you fleetify your Gal-X, it too goes straight to 5U?

    Does double dipping suck? Yeah. Does "covering the difference" between the ship you have now and what it would cost for a new ship of the appropriate level not suck? Probably.

    Which then switches this convo from "OMG, I'm being fleeced" to "Is T5U really 'competitive' with T6?" After reviewing the charts and follow up intel from our friendly Devs, maybe not...

    Clarification came down that the 5th "mastery" slot is the one that assigns the trait. Therefore, true T6s can grant you the trait, T5Us can't. However, once you earn the trait, it can be applied to the T5U. And there will be (lockbox) traits that can go on T5Us without having to own a T6.
    Clarification came down that T6s are counting the "+1 console" from the baseline L40 T5 versions with 9 consoles - so 9+1=10. Fleet ships already have the 10th console, and since the T5U process hands out another console, it will make them 11 console ships. The original chart confirms that T6s will accept the specialist BOffs with their hybrid powers, however, we are still in the dark as to whether universal seats are confirmed to accept the specialists with their funky powers. If so (as universal should mean universal), then on many T5s that particular difference is slightly glossed over... (Vesta can run a LtCmdr specialist, Recluse Cmdr special, and Gal-X an ensign...)

    To me, the primary difference between a fleet-grade 10 console today T5U and a True T6 will be the 11th console vs the 13th BOff slot/power/ability/whatever you want to call it. The true measure of competitiveness will only be seen once we find out the full details of specialists, and even then, that 13th console could be worth more than that 13th slot, depending on exactly what level said slot is...

    They should post this on the front page of Arc very good post. Considering more than half the people in this thread raged out before reading everything or jumping to conclusions this will get lost on the masses.
  • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    After having seen a lot of discussion regarding the T5 upgrade and especially whether the ships we're flying will remain as useful as they are now, I'd like to give my view on this discussion and the naivety I've seen so far.

    Tier 5 ships won't remain as useful as they are. It is something not too many players seem aware of, but every time new gear is released, new traits become available or more powerful ships come into existence, the enemies in this game are improved as well.

    Try doing the missions from more than one or two years ago without a warp core. Without special reputation traits. Without the newest Spire tactical consoles. You'll see that your ship will be far worse than before all these things were released. In sector space, you won't even pass warp 5 without a warp core, whereas you could easily break that barrier with impulse engines only before warp cores were here.

    Or try doing a ground mission without the new kit frames that give bonuses to shields and weapon proficiency. Again, you'll find you're far less capable of doing these missions before these new kit frames were even available.

    It is logical to assume that with the release of T6 ships, and their 'bells and whistles', tier 5 ships will become less able to do the missions we're all playing now. Since you can't make players more powerful and keep doing that without making the enemies more powerful.

    The only solution to this would be to give T6 ships access to T6 content only. That way, players in ICE, Cure Elite and so on won't be much better and there won't be a need to improve the enemies. Otherwise, expect the enemies to become more powerful again in these missions, and expect to need a tier 6 ship in these missions if you don't want to be comparatively weaker than when you're fighting them now.

    Edit: the same goes for mark 14 gear. You're going to need them in Infected and the Cure, if you want to remain as powerful as you are now with mk 12 gear.
  • captainmal3captainmal3 Member Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    ufpterrell wrote: »
    Actually IIRC the T6 ships are going to have 11 console slots, so even with a T5-U we will still be lacking an important console slot.
    No, tier 6 will only have 10 consoles, they stated that quite clearly earlier in the thread. Tier 6.5 will come soon and will have 11 though, tier 5-U is going to be 'competitive' for a year or so at most. Not worth paying to upgrade when you're going to rendered obsolete soon anyway.

    Still waiting for them to tell us whether there will be a free rank up ship or not. I will be very annoyed if the only possible way to remain at all competitive at level 60 will be to pay out, either by upgrading to tier 5-U or by buying a c-store tier 6 ship.
  • admiralq1732admiralq1732 Member Posts: 1,560 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    You should not expect a corporation like Cryptic to move and alter decisions just after a day of feedback.

    They need to listen to the feedback, evaluate it, and then consider what to do, and how to do it. They will not give you a new concept within a day. I would actually expect at least a week before you see any actual feedback on feedback.

    That is not saying I am optimistic they will change anything. But crying of "ignored feedback" after a day is mostly unconstructive and not helping.

    I expect within a day to say they are not doing this and go back to the drawing board. IF that delays DR launch so be it I say. yiou have life subs ticked off at craptic/PWE.
  • dirlettiadirlettia Member Posts: 1,632 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Devs have already said missions will not be scaled to Tier 6 so T5 ships will still be competitive. Maybe some elite STF's will benefit from a T6 ship but how many regular players do them anyway?

    Still waiting to be able to use forum titles
  • qjuniorqjunior Member Posts: 2,023 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    dirlettia wrote: »
    Devs have already said missions will not be scaled to Tier 6 so T5 ships will still be competitive. Maybe some elite STF's will benefit from a T6 ship but how many regular players do them anyway?

    All of them ? :confused:
  • gameversemangameverseman Member Posts: 1,110 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    dareau wrote: »
    I will answer, despite your demand not to.

    You paid what, $60, for the 3 pack Galaxy set and the extra two fleet modules, enough to get 2x Gal-X at fleet (T5.5) level.

    Day before DR, today, Day after DR's launch and the introduction of T6, your precious fleet Galaxy Xs are still T5.5, exactly what you paid for.

    In theory, outside of PvP, said T5.5 will be "fully capable" of completing all "at release" DR content. It might start lagging when the T60 queues come out (that expect 5-Us or 6s), but you could do the classic "bring a T4 into STF" maneuver with your 5.5...

    On the hopeful belief that Cryptic is willing to go lowball on the upgrade chips, and only charge 500 zen (ye olde BK-modified $5 bill), then to make those two ships T5U would cost you an additional $5... Remember, once you buy the upgrade kit for a given ship, it's like the "regular C store stuff" in that it applies to all versions of that ship on the account.

    Did I mention that if you roll a new toon, you still have that T4 Galaxy Refit and the T5 Galaxy Retro or T5 Gal-X to use until you invest the additional $5 to fleetify it and, assuming you fleetify your Gal-X, it too goes straight to 5U?

    Does double dipping suck? Yeah. Does "covering the difference" between the ship you have now and what it would cost for a new ship of the appropriate level not suck? Probably.

    Which then switches this convo from "OMG, I'm being fleeced" to "Is T5U really 'competitive' with T6?" After reviewing the charts and follow up intel from our friendly Devs, maybe not...

    Clarification came down that the 5th "mastery" slot is the one that assigns the trait. Therefore, true T6s can grant you the trait, T5Us can't. However, once you earn the trait, it can be applied to the T5U. And there will be (lockbox) traits that can go on T5Us without having to own a T6.
    Clarification came down that T6s are counting the "+1 console" from the baseline L40 T5 versions with 9 consoles - so 9+1=10. Fleet ships already have the 10th console, and since the T5U process hands out another console, it will make them 11 console ships. The original chart confirms that T6s will accept the specialist BOffs with their hybrid powers, however, we are still in the dark as to whether universal seats are confirmed to accept the specialists with their funky powers. If so (as universal should mean universal), then on many T5s that particular difference is slightly glossed over... (Vesta can run a LtCmdr specialist, Recluse Cmdr special, and Gal-X an ensign...)

    To me, the primary difference between a fleet-grade 10 console today T5U and a True T6 will be the 11th console vs the 13th BOff slot/power/ability/whatever you want to call it. The true measure of competitiveness will only be seen once we find out the full details of specialists, and even then, that 13th console could be worth more than that 13th slot, depending on exactly what level said slot is...
    Whatever the case may be, I'm not paying for what I already have paid for.
  • harryhausenharryhausen Member Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I'm amazed at how many people are suddenly concerned about being ultra-competitive in pvp. The queues would say otherwise. If you want to min-max every ounce of power out of a ship, you shouldn't care what it looks like. Use a T6. If you still want to fly a particular ship for looks purposes, you can without making the new content painful. What's the problem?


  • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    dirlettia wrote: »
    Devs have already said missions will not be scaled to Tier 6 so T5 ships will still be competitive. Maybe some elite STF's will benefit from a T6 ship but how many regular players do them anyway?

    If they don't, and people can use T6 ships in missions that were made when everyone was flying T5 or T5.5 ships, then these missions will become even more easy than they're already are.

    T6 ships should be banned imo from T5 or T5.5 content, or you're going to need to scale the missions, but scaling missions would require people to fly a tier 6 ship which will make t5 ships obsolete.
  • robeasomrobeasom Member Posts: 1,911 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Can't really say I am happy about having to pay somethin to upgrade my ships but my romulan has the only C store ship worth upgrading and I don't play with that toon often so will most likly remove him.
    But the free upgrade for lockbox ships does that include the mu ships
    Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
    Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
    Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
  • zambonidriverzambonidriver Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    After reading that post I feel like I just got kicked in the balls. I know its a money grab but I have at least 11 C-Store ships that I will need to spend 5-10 bucks each on if I want to upgrade them. If they keep releasing ships I have to spend money on and then spend more money on later then whats the point of collecting ships I like to play. I dont have enough cash to pump in just to keep playing the ships I like at their best possible level. Wonder how much it will cost for Tier 7 and 8 ships when they get around to it.
  • dirlettiadirlettia Member Posts: 1,632 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Personally I cannot even remember the last time I went into an elite STF. When I did get in one it was usually down to a mis-click or a specific run which was organised in the fleet as a farming event. Even now in the current Crystalline Entity event I have got first place on several toons which are in basic store ships using only rep gear (have no fleet gear at all) so the difference in power levels between the ships may not be as much as many people worry it is.

    I really wouldnt worry about the future until it arrives so you can adapt to what is and not what you think it may be.

    Still waiting to be able to use forum titles
  • teuteburgteuteburg Member Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited August 2014

    What really makes me mad is this statment in the announcment of
    the last bug-promo:

    With the release of Star Trek Online: Delta Rising, this starship [the Bug] (either from
    this run of the promotion or from previous runs) will be upgradeable to Tier 6 starship
    capabilities at no cost.

    everything else is not worth a word.....

    Greetz Siegfried
  • robeasomrobeasom Member Posts: 1,911 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    tuskin67 wrote: »
    So the MU ships are exempt from the free upgrade even though they were in a lockbox. Think I will only be playing my KDF one from x2 onwards
    Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
    Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
    Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
  • frozenfewfrozenfew Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    In our latest Dev blog, Phil “Gorngonzolla” Zeleski, Systems Lead share all the crucial details on upgrading your Tier 5 ship to be competitive in the Delta Quadrant and beyond!

    Read more about it here.



    I have been paying for this since day one... what really sucks, is no matter how long I have been on, I get no credit toward a lifetime account. I cannot afford $300 in one pop to go life time. I have een paying $15.00 a month for 4+ years the only credit I get is a pitiful 600 Zen. I buy keys, I get nothing from lockboxes. you treat original veteran's that have supported this like TRIBBLE. I'm ready to close my account. how sad.

    now everything I have is going to be useless unless I fork over more? your a bunch of greedy TRIBBLE...
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