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Griefing on Risa - Race Sabotage



  • aduinfinrod1aduinfinrod1 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited June 2014

    I've never had problem with Race, but i hope Dev will lock all personal abilities (exception do with the use of Powerboard, only) for the time of the race. This will be useful.

    OFF TOPIC (but not less important)

    I'm not interested, normally, in this apparently unuseful discussions. This time, i need to do few annotations:

    1 - The Eagle of Roma was named "Fulminata" because she has the lightning of Giove Optimo Massimo between its claws. She, NEVER, was rapresented with a circle of flora DIRECTLY UNDER its claws. And, when i say NEVER, i say NEVER. No one similar rapresentation in over 1000 years of history. The circle of flora appear ONLY around SPQR. The flora was formed by laurum, that was symbol of glory, in Ancient World.

    2 - The Eagle of Roma tips her head straight ahead, not at her right.

    3 - The font used by Roman is not, and will be never, similar at font that appear NOW on "Starfleet Dental" name. This font was tipical of years between 1920 and 1950, and was used by TRIBBLE propaganda.

    4 - The Eagle of Nazism HAS a circle of flora DIRECTLY UNDER its claws. The Eagle of Nazism TIPPED her head to her right.

    If u are not so stupid as you want appear, you will notice this "strange similarity" between your logo and Nazism Logo. And the same will be with the font that you used for your name.

    Even if you do this WITHOUT intention, i hope you will be at least sufficiently attentive to the possibility of causing offense to someone to change it AND stop all possible accuse of TRIBBLE propaganda.

    Otherwise, the only thing you can do is accept all the criticism that obviously will rain down on you every time someone will notice certain similarities.
  • alex284alex284 Member Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I don't do the powerboard races anymore because I'm just terrible at them. I gave up. :(

    But seriously this doesn't sound like cheating at all. If someone can put up a cover shield, that means they got to the flag first (by a lot) and so they would have won anyway. It sounds more like someone being a jerk for the lols.

    Yeah, there's no reason for kit abilities on Risa. Turn them off.
  • grayfoxjamesgrayfoxjames Member Posts: 1,516 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    alex284 wrote: »
    I don't do the powerboard races anymore because I'm just terrible at them. I gave up. :(

    But seriously this doesn't sound like cheating at all. If someone can put up a cover shield, that means they got to the flag first (by a lot) and so they would have won anyway. It sounds more like someone being a jerk for the lols.

    Yeah, there's no reason for kit abilities on Risa. Turn them off.

    Yeah but the 1st place winner can grab his flag and then put up a shield on the 2nd place flag causing a hassle for the actual 2nd place winner possibly throwing his chances off and making him get 3rd or last.

    Shouldn't be allowed. Even if crossing the finish line was all that was needed imagine running into a shield while the guy behind you swerves around it...
    Fleet Admiral Thomas Winston James a.k.a. The Grayfox
    Fleet Leader of:
    Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
    Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
    Liberty Guardians
    U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class

    Game Handle: Grayfox@GrayfoxJames
    Website: https://www.libertytaskforce.com
    Armada (STOFA Member Fleet): https://www.libertytaskforce.com/stofa
    Discord: https://discord.gg/bGp9N7z
    Twitter: STOFA@LTFGrayfox
    Email: CSDynamix@Hotmail.com
  • assimilatedktarassimilatedktar Member Posts: 1,708 Arc User
    edited June 2014

    None of those look anything like the 3rd Reich imperial eagle with the straight, spread out wings that was clearly the model for the avatar we can see in this thread. Should I ask Geordi if you can borrow his VISOR?:rolleyes:
    FKA K-Tar, grumpy Klingon/El-Aurian hybrid. Now assimilated by PWE.
    Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    You know it's funny to see us, players, bickering and arguing here for 20+ pages trying to find who is to blame amongst oursleves, without even noticing the real culprit here - Cryptic Studios.

    It's is their sloppy work, it is their lazy development and it is their non-existant Q&A that leads to these sort of things happening. Have they been paying attention to bugs reported and take the time to deliver a quality product instead of applying bandages and shoving corks in the gaping holes in the game of which there are more of than in swiss cheese, none of this would have happened.

    Just sayin'.
  • assimilatedktarassimilatedktar Member Posts: 1,708 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    shpoks wrote: »
    You know it's funny to see us, players, bickering and arguing here for 20+ pages trying to find who is to blame amongst oursleves, without even noticing the real culprit here - Cryptic Studios.

    It's is their sloppy work, it is their lazy development and it is their non-existant Q&A that leads to these sort of things happening. Have they been paying attention to bugs reported and take the time to deliver a quality product instead of applying bandages and shoving corks in the gaping holes in the game of which there are more of than in swiss cheese, none of this would have happened.

    Just sayin'.

    You act if it was unintentional. I just say: Risian Entertainer Doff. Risa is supposed to be the troll paradise.:D
    You guys keep posting but it just sounds like crying because the mods already determined the last time this was brought up that the avatar in question is not a TRIBBLE symbol, and is not violating the forum rules on offensive images.

    I'm giving you all big hugs in my mind. I hope that helps sooth your tortured souls. ;)

    Of course it's not a TRIBBLE symbol, where did I say that? However, it is clearly based on one to provoke others.
    FKA K-Tar, grumpy Klingon/El-Aurian hybrid. Now assimilated by PWE.
    Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
  • doffingcomradedoffingcomrade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Of course it's not a TRIBBLE symbol, where did I say that? However, it is clearly based on one to provoke others.
    How is it necessarily meant to provoke? Maybe it just looks cool and is amusing. Or is the Luftwaffle also provocative?
  • jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited June 2014
    That symbol is based on the south amercian Thunderbird which is many hundreds of years older than anything else i believe

    a google search on bird or eagle symbols should educate a lot of people

    the most provocitive symbols from that time are chinese :P

    go figure why people cant read history
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
  • rhakatheredrhakathered Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    3) I'm well aware that eagles have been used as symbolism throughout history , however it's up to you to provide me with an credible example of another (non TRIBBLE) eagle symbol where the eagle is shown perching atop of a circle made of flora .

    Until that credible proof surfaces , my interpretation of your Fleet symbol will remain that of a TRIBBLE metaphore , and I don't care that you've removed the Swastika from it .

    I think I said that in the last thread as well, but when the WW2 Allies went along with denazification, they removed the swastika from the eagles and left the eagles in peace. Maybe it wasn't bold and italic enough to be noticed, so let's try this again:

    Why do you demand from Cryptic and the forum staff to be more thorough in denazification than even the wartime Allies?

    German Eagle sitting on a circle made of flora, with an Iron Cross even - Politically correct (it's from the 19th century)
    Reichsadler at a tower of the Ravensburg - denazified by removing the Swastika and leaving the eagle in place
    Reichsadler in Bremerhaven - denazified by removing the Swastika and leaving the eagle in place
    Reichsadler at a court in Erlangen - denazified by... can you guess yet?

    This is all an explosion about absolutely nothing of consequence.
  • spacegoatcx#8996 spacegoatcx Member Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I think I said that in the last thread as well, but when the WW2 Allies went along with denazification, they removed the swastika from the eagles and left the eagles in peace. Maybe it wasn't bold and italic enough to be noticed, so let's try this again:

    Why do you demand from Cryptic and the forum staff to be more thorough in denazification than even the wartime Allies?

    German Eagle sitting on a circle made of flora, with an Iron Cross even - Politically correct (it's from the 19th century)
    Reichsadler at a tower of the Ravensburg - denazified by removing the Swastika and leaving the eagle in place
    Reichsadler in Bremerhaven - denazified by removing the Swastika and leaving the eagle in place
    Reichsadler at a court in Erlangen - denazified by... can you guess yet?

    This is all an explosion about absolutely nothing of consequence.

    Thank you. I am sure that both of us, as German citizens, can even reach into our wallets and pull out a coin sporting the Republic eagle.

    As to the font of the text on our flag: You can find that font on old street signs all over the country.

    Quit grasping at straws and maybe accept that your own negative actions are what attracts attention.

    Those also include the percieved political opinions or pathetic cultural brandings that you wish to assign to anyone who calls you out on your actions.

    Next time you wish to be this stupidly ignorant on matters you clearly all do not understand, remember that our fleet is multinational and includes several Germans, like myself and Rhaka, as well.
  • icsairgunsicsairguns Member Posts: 1,504 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Obligatory post about how Party Amps are to blame for this exploit and all other EBIL since the beginning of time. ;)

    lol well I bet its the same sort of dork that uses both. party amp on Qonos is just as annoying as a cover shield on the course to me.
    Trophies for killing FEDS ahh those were the days. Ch'ar%20POST%20LoR.JPG

  • aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    3) I'm well aware that eagles have been used as symbolism throughout history , however it's up to you to provide me with an credible example of another (non TRIBBLE) eagle symbol where the eagle is shown perching atop of a circle made of flora .

    Actually, no. Out here in the real world, the way it works is that by the act of making an assertion, you accept the burden of proving your assertion.

    The only places "I assert [concept being asserted], so now it's on you to disprove what I said" applies are Fantasyland, kangaroo courts, the minds of people who just can't let go of something, and similar bias-loaded circumstances.
  • medtac124medtac124 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Seriously, how is this thread still alive?
    [SIGPIC]Click here to visit our website[/SIGPIC]
    lunasto wrote: »
    Banned because I don't like your pictures eyebrows! They look like pinball flippers!
  • worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    medtac124 wrote: »
    Seriously, how is this thread still alive?

    I don't know, I requested an orbital strike from literally every Mod I could remember. Maybe they were just busy over the weekend.
  • aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    worffan101 wrote: »
    I don't know, I requested an orbital strike from literally every Mod I could remember. Maybe they were just busy over the weekend.

    Celebrating Father's Day, while some Father's kids went berserk?
    You forgot politics. :P Or does politics fall under fantasyland, and kangaroo courts? :rolleyes:

    Precisely, it's a (pretty flaming obvious) combination of both of those thus covered by their inclusion. :D
  • xtern1tyxtern1ty Member Posts: 796 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    preechrsa wrote: »
    I know this will be difficult for you to believe, psychological manipulation: because it will shatter your beautiful illusion where you're the good guy fighting a righteous war against the mean evil bullies on the internet, but just because lie: you file a lot of reports against us doesn't mean that we ever actually have action taken against us. As a matter of fact, with the exception of one player, lie: none of us have ever faced official censure. You want to know our secret? It's not breaking the rules. cover-up and assumption: We don't break the rules, so your complaints get round-filed. attempt at justification: Now, before you start sputtering about cyber-bullying and the ToS and all other sorts of white noise, we're talking about actual rules here, personal attack: not the pretend ones you make up and then write up as scary-looking in-game mails where you impersonate a GM and try and intimidate us.

    self-justification: Believe it or not, we're the good guys here. We're doing Dukat's work, and it shows in the smiles of those around us.

    These are the good guys I can count to be following players across instances while pretending in zone chat to be doing absolutely nothing. The good guys who use rl information from players they don't get along with to harass them in zone chat. The good guys who like to annoy players minding their business and follow them around. The good guys who troll chat channels until they go defunct.

    By contrast, I help players daily in zone chat and in person not to brag how many followers I've gained, but because it's right. But in a game where the good guys make their own definition of what's good, I'm the bad guy. I'm notorious for being un-bullyable across many a mainstream fleet and untouchable by their power-mongering drama. Despised by every fleet leader with a superiority complex and yet I've successfully built an active fleet of free players who kiss up to no one, not even me; all the while running a free game help channel that provides troll-free accurate help to the decent players from many fleets - even Dental. The nice players who don't start trouble and don't put up with none either, but who consist the majority of the game player base. Does that Wesley guy really want to start adding good guy/bad guy labels? I'm game.

    I seen what the good guys do and I'd rather be the bad guy who does what's right, than pseudo-good guy brats who go on troublemaking sprees then hide behind the good members of their fleet and pretend nothing happened. Sure they're helpful - to those who keep their mouth shut and go along with the nonsense. I don't. I bow and scrape before no one and I don't care if they don't like it.

    Anyone wonder why the majority of this thread revolves around a small group of fleets and their friends who are constantly defending themselves and trying the make believe it's the rest of us who are troublemakers? Because it's no secret what they do and who the names on top of their characters are whenever there is some trouble in-game. Funny thing about trouble, it sticks.

    Think about it: Threads like this don't arise from nowhere. There has to be a troublemaker for trouble to start in the first place. As I said before, it starts with the player and ends with the player.
  • technical42ndtechnical42nd Member Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    xtern1ty wrote: »
    These are the good guys I can count to be following players across instances while pretending in zone chat to be doing absolutely nothing. The good guys who use rl information from players they don't get along with to harass them in zone chat. The good guys who like to annoy players minding their business and follow them around. The good guys who troll chat channels until they go defunct.

    By contrast, I help players daily in zone chat and in person not to brag how many followers I've gained, but because it's right. But In a game where the good guys make their own definition of what's good, I'm the bad guy. I'm notorious for being un-bullyable across many a mainstream fleet and untouchable by their power-mongering drama. I'm despised by every fleet leader with a superiority complex and yet I've successfully built an active fleet of free players who kiss up to no one, not even me; all the while running a free game help channel that provides troll-free accurate help to the decent players from many fleets - even Dental. The nice players who don't start trouble and don't put up with none either, but who consist the majority of the game player base. Does that Wesley guy really want to start adding good guy/bad guy labels? I'm game.

    I seen what the good guys do and I'd rather be the bad guy who does what's right, than pseudo-good guy brats who go on troublemaking sprees then hide behind the good members of their fleet and pretend nothing happened. Sure they're helpful - to those who keep their mouth shut and go along with the nonsense. I don't. I bow and scrape before no one and I don't care if they don't like it.

    Anyone wonder why the majority of this thread revolves around a small group of fleets and their friends who are constantly defending themselves and trying the make believe it's the rest of us who are troublemakers? Because it's no secret what they do and who the names on top of their characters are whenever there is some trouble in-game. Funny thing about trouble, it sticks.

    Think about it: Threads like this don't arise from nowhere. There has to be a troublemaker for trouble to start in the first place. As I said before, it starts with the player and ends with the player.

    Who are you?
    Official STARFLEET DENTAL Bug Hunter
  • aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    xtern1ty wrote: »
    Think about it: Threads like this don't arise from nowhere. There has to be a troublemaker for trouble to start in the first place. As I said before, it starts with the player and ends with the player.

    Oh, the irony.
    Who are you?

    The good, upstanding non-troublemaking non-troll who started this thread.

    Y'know, one of the "good guys" who are thoroughly anti-troublemaker. :rolleyes:
  • erkyss2erkyss2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    None of those look anything like the 3rd Reich imperial eagle with the straight, spread out wings that was clearly the model for the avatar we can see in this thread. Should I ask Geordi if you can borrow his VISOR?:rolleyes:

    This is the reason that may offend some people on the forums and maybe in-game. It may not be the exact same symbol used in 3th Reich, but its clear that insignia was made based on the original symbol.

    Also, Nabreeki called out Aelfwin for turning this thread into anti-Dental thread, well, its partly true since on almost all treads that involve trolling and such you can see Dental members posting something. Simple conclusion is that Dentals are doing it asswell, and they are not ashamed doing it, neither on forums or ingame.

    Personally I dont have issues with trollers in STO since i just ignore them, and just change instances if i spot any.

    Back on topic, all kit powers should be disabeld on Risa to prevent this kind of issue.
    And seriously, ppl are really doing this race? I find it very boring and time consuming. I can`t spend more than 10 min on Risa.

    *edit: since kit powers ARE allready disabeld on Risa, this makes this problem even worse, considering players are exploiting broken things just to troll others.

    (sorry for grammar mistakes, english is not my native language)
  • tenelltenell Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    xtern1ty wrote: »
    These are the good guys I can count to be following players across instances while pretending in zone chat to be doing absolutely nothing. The good guys who use rl information from players they don't get along with to harass them in zone chat. The good guys who like to annoy players minding their business and follow them around. The good guys who troll chat channels until they go defunct.

    By contrast, I help players daily in zone chat and in person not to brag how many followers I've gained, but because it's right. But in a game where the good guys make their own definition of what's good, I'm the bad guy. I'm notorious for being un-bullyable across many a mainstream fleet and untouchable by their power-mongering drama. Despised by every fleet leader with a superiority complex and yet I've successfully built an active fleet of free players who kiss up to no one, not even me; all the while running a free game help channel that provides troll-free accurate help to the decent players from many fleets - even Dental. The nice players who don't start trouble and don't put up with none either, but who consist the majority of the game player base. Does that Wesley guy really want to start adding good guy/bad guy labels? I'm game.

    I seen what the good guys do and I'd rather be the bad guy who does what's right, than pseudo-good guy brats who go on troublemaking sprees then hide behind the good members of their fleet and pretend nothing happened. Sure they're helpful - to those who keep their mouth shut and go along with the nonsense. I don't. I bow and scrape before no one and I don't care if they don't like it.

    Anyone wonder why the majority of this thread revolves around a small group of fleets and their friends who are constantly defending themselves and trying the make believe it's the rest of us who are troublemakers? Because it's no secret what they do and who the names on top of their characters are whenever there is some trouble in-game. Funny thing about trouble, it sticks.

    Think about it: Threads like this don't arise from nowhere. There has to be a troublemaker for trouble to start in the first place. As I said before, it starts with the player and ends with the player.


    Remind me of the time when you first made your fleet. Where you ended up spamming zone chat and screaming constantly in the redditalert channel until you were "perma banned" from it for not stopping in your quest to find your four special snowflakes. Also more recently pretending to be a GM with a certain mail you sent somebody.


    Completely off topic, NoP Public Service is now sitting at 7,778 total registered members from the time that thread was created. Also its been about a year since the channel in its creation.
  • xtern1tyxtern1ty Member Posts: 796 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Who are you?

    I can ask you the same question, but one can't expect straight answers from trollers, as above posts serve to show.

    I'm a guy you're stuck sharing the world with, whether you like me or not. Same with you, live with it.
  • ayradyssayradyss Member Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    For those who don't know, or claim not to know: Combat skills and abilities (including Cover Shield) are already disabled on Risa. Asking that they be disabled is not the issue here. The issue is that some people have found a hack or some way to exploit a glitch and create cover shields regardless of the fact that the ability is disabled. That is clearly not a legitimate use of an in-game skill. It's a hack/exploit and as such, needs to be fixed by the devs in the code.
    Live long, and prosper.
  • aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    ayradyss wrote: »
    For those who don't know, or claim not to know: Combat skills and abilities are already disabled on Risa. Asking that they be disabled is not the issue here. The issue is that some people have found a hack or some way to exploit a glitch and create cover shields regardless of the fact that the ability is disabled. That is clearly not a legitimate use of an in-game skill. It's a hack/exploit and as such, needs to be fixed by the devs in the code.

    Quite correct, and worth repeating over and over and over lest it be washed away in the flood of ulterior-motive anti-certain-fleets rhetoric some people are pouring here as they confuse their personal problems with real game issues.
  • tontokowalski22tontokowalski22 Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    xtern1ty wrote: »
    These are the good guys I can count to be following players across instances while pretending in zone chat to be doing absolutely nothing. The good guys who use rl information from players they don't get along with to harass them in zone chat. The good guys who like to annoy players minding their business and follow them around. The good guys who troll chat channels until they go defunct.

    By contrast, I help players daily in zone chat and in person not to brag how many followers I've gained, but because it's right. But in a game where the good guys make their own definition of what's good, I'm the bad guy. I'm notorious for being un-bullyable across many a mainstream fleet and untouchable by their power-mongering drama. Despised by every fleet leader with a superiority complex and yet I've successfully built an active fleet of free players who kiss up to no one, not even me; all the while running a free game help channel that provides troll-free accurate help to the decent players from many fleets - even Dental. The nice players who don't start trouble and don't put up with none either, but who consist the majority of the game player base. Does that Wesley guy really want to start adding good guy/bad guy labels? I'm game.

    I seen what the good guys do and I'd rather be the bad guy who does what's right, than pseudo-good guy brats who go on troublemaking sprees then hide behind the good members of their fleet and pretend nothing happened. Sure they're helpful - to those who keep their mouth shut and go along with the nonsense. I don't. I bow and scrape before no one and I don't care if they don't like it.

    Anyone wonder why the majority of this thread revolves around a small group of fleets and their friends who are constantly defending themselves and trying the make believe it's the rest of us who are troublemakers? Because it's no secret what they do and who the names on top of their characters are whenever there is some trouble in-game. Funny thing about trouble, it sticks.

    Think about it: Threads like this don't arise from nowhere. There has to be a troublemaker for trouble to start in the first place. As I said before, it starts with the player and ends with the player.

    Someone you don't even know on the internet caused you to take the time to write this, and you think you're winning. You're hilarious.
    I don't always feel like endlessly grinding for hours with little to gain from it. But when I do, I choose Star Trek Online
  • shadeofflameshadeofflame Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I find the race to be great fun that might perhaps become monotonous if the spontaneous obstacles in question are removed.
  • acrosscatacrosscat Member Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    nabreeki wrote: »
    Read the OP -- Threads like this WEREN'T created from nowhere. The OP is not pointing to Dental. This is not a Dental thread. You and your ilk have made it one. No Dental posted in this thread until your tin foil hat brigade jumped in and made it all about Dental based on a screenshot of a Dental TACTICAL observing other players placing cover shields.

    Admittedly, we do jump on these threads because we have a search query queued up for 'Denalt' just to keep track of these infractions.
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I find the race to be great fun that might perhaps become monotonous if the spontaneous obstacles in question are removed.

    Spontaneous obstacles is an interesting euphemism for exploiting a glitch to troll/grief players.

    This bad behavior needs to stop, and I'd have no problem with the perpetrators having a little enforced holiday from STO.
This discussion has been closed.