i went to where STO is installed, which on mine is in public under games. There is a file called cef_cache. I renamed it cef_cache01. This caused STO to make a new cef_cache file, and i was able to log in.
Just tried that. No luck....:mad:
Error code: 14178636
Primary ship: U.S.S. Lacus Clyne, Dyson Science Destroyer/U.S.S. Fausticorn, Multi-Mission Reconnaissance Explorer
Secondary ship: U.S.S. Rainbow Dash, Odyssey Tactical Cruiser/I.S.S. Princess Cadance, Mirror Assault Cruiser
Tertiary ship: I.S.S. Freedom Gundam, Mirror Deep Space Science Vessel My YouTube Channel
I guess this will NOT get fix any sooner since EVEN after the second maintenance, I still get the desktop crash. So I guess instead I'll go to vacation and come back in a MONTH, YEAR or more ENJOY ALL THE HATE DEV's :rolleyes: I'll be on a tropical island with nothing but cold drinks, the sand, waves and sunshine all day long :cool:
Is this the same issue? I am unable to connect to the launch server (trying to go to "Patchserver2" actually, then just gives up after a while. Is anyone else having connectivity issues as well? Sorry if this is a stupid post/question!!!
Is this the same issue? I am unable to connect to the launch server (trying to go to "Patchserver2" actually, then just gives up after a while. Is anyone else having connectivity issues as well? Sorry if this is a stupid post/question!!!
I'm connecting fine, my issue is:
Load launcher,
Cryptic loading screen,
Legacy of Romulus screen,
popup saying something like 'resetting to default graphics settings'
Crash to desktop.
Had this issue since season 9 launch.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
Not using "Arc". Could this be an issue now? I am located on the North American east coast, and getting some time outs during my trace. Maybe there are some network traffic issues? First time signing on since season 9 launch.
Same here been trying to get into the game for 2 days. CTD at character load screen. Tried about 30 times now. I was able to get into options and lower graphics to 0 but still crashes at character load.
Been a 3 year player and 2 year LTS after all the hours and money invested into this game I would hate to have to buy another computer just to play this game. Maybe this is a sign to retire from STO? lol Should I renew my SWTOR sub, buy a new comp., or wait until whenever or if ever this issue would be resolved for us?
Wait it out, they'll sort it out i'm sure. Like you say you've invested money into the game, it would be wrong to throw it all away. There are always issues when a new season is launched, the frustrating part about this one is the silence of the devs (sounds like a movie title).
Yeah it's a real pain in the neck, just check back every now and then.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
I know have a different error description. I get past the LOR screen, but it crashes to desktop the same, but there is a prompt that graphics settings have been reset. This is after today's patch. Error ID (see signature) still hasn't changed.
That's the problem I've had since S9 went live.
I have a feeling the notification is the trigger.
I hear the bgm start to play before CtD...which is kind of like a killer's helpless victim crying out in terror before getting their throat slit.
Anyway...the lack of official response here is even more unsettling.
They didn't even offer a console command to try.
I hope they know that mere hours prior to S9 I was happily bunny hopping through the corridors of Ganalda Station so the problem isn't with my computer.
NO to ARC RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
I can see how people may feel that way. As for me, I've come to accept the fact that Cryptic may have too many pressing issues which are all equally important so it's imperative that they establish a list of priorities.
And this is a problem, because people too often "accept the fact that X excuse means there are more important things to be dealt with." It's the "Well, it's okay, because while I'm a customer, they're doing the best they can, so I should accept sub-par performance."
And that might even wash except for things like (and this is FAR from the amount of problems that have existed for YEARS):
It took two years to fix the Ker'rat system's bug of spheres colliding with Borg nodes, allowing them to fire at you from inside the note. Thus, you could not scan the node (necessary to complete the mission) AND you could not fire back because they were inside the node. I bugged that for two years.
When beaming down to planets in "cluster missions," any of the following will happen:
1. Your away team beams down BELOW the surface, leaving them unable to move or help you, then you must attempt to take out groups of enemies on your own.
2. 1 happens, but the enemies are ALSO below the ground. While they are able to shoot at you, you cannot shoot at them. This leaves you entirely unable to scan the item you need to scan but they are protecting - and unable to complete the mission as a result.
3. You and your away team beam down fine, but the enemies are underground - leading to the result for 2.
4. You use your tricorder to try and locate objectives but because they put NO thought into tricorder operations, it points to anything in the area - and you wind up standing in front of a random anomaly. But, because the anomaly is half in the ground, you can't scan it. Since they didn't think to have a tricorder scan for separate things, you're stuck wandering around looking for something with a tricorder that points to the anomaly you can't scan.
And the list goes on. And why do I point this out? Because this particular set of bugs has existed since BETA. It's been over for years and this bug still exists. I bugged these over four years ago. I still bug them.
The hit-box for entry into the Hromi Cluster and Traelus System have been off since Beta. I bugged that over four years ago.
Flickering textures were bugged over four years ago - and I still see them whenever I'm in the game.
The history of Cryptic's apathy and incompetence is older than Beta. That's YEARS of the exact same pattern. And that's what really makes it inexcusable.
But sometimes I have to wonder if they are given enough freedom (budget, dedicated support teams etc...) to ensure quality service. Many things happen that make me feel like PWE is pressuring cryptic in a bad way. Cryptic could be a victim in all of this, as much as we are.
I think it's more complex than that. It's good to have labor that can do the work but that means nothing if they don't get paid. So ultimately, the people with the money have complete authority on the direction this company is going. This is my opinion of course, and can be completely false but I suspect PWE is convinced of the integrity of sto's game code and cryptic somehow failed in their request for more funding to fix certain areas of the game with dedicated sto support teams. Or maybe not enough financial resources in PWE profit margins. Who knows? Nevertheless, the point is that ultimately, when a big company which is working for another by proxy, and fails to provide quality service, it's usually money/budget related. I've worked too long in customer relations to identify these signs almost anywhere.
I grew up in a family business. In my own career I have to make sure attorneys, realtors, judges, lenders, loan officers, buyers and sellers are happy - every single day. And not just one of two of them. ALL of them. Otherwise, they can just go to another company. I deeply understand Customer Relations and how important it is to ensure your customers are happy, because that keeps them coming back.
Unfortunately, Cryptic seems to have always relied on the fact that we, the Star Trek fans will keep STO alive, no matter how bad it is, or how little they do. And even worse, they're rather justified in that assumption. I will never, ever, spend another penny on STO and in fact support a complete boycott of the C-Store until they fix the bugs that have existed for years. But I'm in the minority, and too many people are happy to let Cryptic's poor performance slip because "it's the only Trek MMO we have." I'd prefer they lose the license and live in hope that a better company will pick it up.
All of that said, no mater how little money they have, fixing things like the hit box around the Hromi Cluster or Traelus is not a hideously difficult thing to do. But they've ignored it for over four years. This tells me it's not money. It tells me they just don't care - at all.
I don't know the background of that story but why would there be a need for a separate engine? Is it bad to mod and tweaking code that you already own to reach sightly different clientele?
The background is that they wanted a $20 million bonus if they pushed the game out when "on time," and also met their revenue goal following launch. They rushed the game (whem they actually had more time, but would have forefeited the bonus if they took that time), launched a horrible, bug-filled, unpolished mess. This means that people unsubscribed not long after launch, and they didn't meet the revenue goals, so they never got the bonus. Greed led to what we have.
This was the beginning of the pattern that has been a hallmark of Cryptic's performance with STO for the past four years.
And there's more than a "bad mod" or "tweaking code" going on here (and the engine is different from the game code. Their entwined, but different). STO is an entirely different game to Champions. It works differently. There's a reason that ground combat and space combat feel like two separate games. They are.
The Champions code wasn't actually intended to do what STO needs it to. So it doesn't work properly and you get bugs and unexpected consequences as a result of their original greed and laziness.
So you're probably doing yourself a disservice using terms such as "crypdiots". It would have been better to tell them you're dissatisfied with the service and you want to cancel your subscription or any other paying services you have with them. Yeah, as home consumer, we gotta corporate speak. That's the kind of world we live in.
I tried the "nice" angle years ago. I'm at the "tough disgust" state, now. Hopefully, they will eventually get embarrassed by the history of incompetence they've got and actually do something about it that helps the game. That's a joke (mainly), but being nice doesn't work with Cryptic. It never has.
As to "Crypdiots," I call 'em as I see 'em. When you have years of this kind of track record, there are some conclusions your customers come to. I see a litany of idiocy and incompetence that has left what could have been an unbelievable, spectacular game languishing as a dead-end, mediocre-at-best grindfest. So I'm going to call them on it because being nice didn't work.
And this is a problem, because people too often "accept the fact that X excuse means there are more important things to be dealt with." It's the "Well, it's okay, because while I'm a customer, they're doing the best they can, so I should accept sub-par performance."
And that might even wash except for things like (and this is FAR from the amount of problems that have existed for YEARS):
It took two years to fix the Ker'rat system's bug of spheres colliding with Borg nodes, allowing them to fire at you from inside the note. Thus, you could not scan the node (necessary to complete the mission) AND you could not fire back because they were inside the node. I bugged that for two years.
When beaming down to planets in "cluster missions," any of the following will happen:
1. Your away team beams down BELOW the surface, leaving them unable to move or help you, then you must attempt to take out groups of enemies on your own.
2. 1 happens, but the enemies are ALSO below the ground. While they are able to shoot at you, you cannot shoot at them. This leaves you entirely unable to scan the item you need to scan but they are protecting - and unable to complete the mission as a result.
3. You and your away team beam down fine, but the enemies are underground - leading to the result for 2.
4. You use your tricorder to try and locate objectives but because they put NO thought into tricorder operations, it points to anything in the area - and you wind up standing in front of a random anomaly. But, because the anomaly is half in the ground, you can't scan it. Since they didn't think to have a tricorder scan for separate things, you're stuck wandering around looking for something with a tricorder that points to the anomaly you can't scan.
And the list goes on. And why do I point this out? Because this particular set of bugs has existed since BETA. It's been over for years and this bug still exists. I bugged these over four years ago. I still bug them.
The hit-box for entry into the Hromi Cluster and Traelus System have been off since Beta. I bugged that over four years ago.
Flickering textures were bugged over four years ago - and I still see them whenever I'm in the game.
The history of Cryptic's apathy and incompetence is older than Beta. That's YEARS of the exact same pattern. And that's what really makes it inexcusable.
See above.
I grew up in a family business. In my own career I have to make sure attorneys, realtors, judges, lenders, loan officers, buyers and sellers are happy - every single day. And not just one of two of them. ALL of them. Otherwise, they can just go to another company. I deeply understand Customer Relations and how important it is to ensure your customers are happy, because that keeps them coming back.
Unfortunately, Cryptic seems to have always relied on the fact that we, the Star Trek fans will keep STO alive, no matter how bad it is, or how little they do. And even worse, they're rather justified in that assumption. I will never, ever, spend another penny on STO and in fact support a complete boycott of the C-Store until they fix the bugs that have existed for years. But I'm in the minority, and too many people are happy to let Cryptic's poor performance slip because "it's the only Trek MMO we have." I'd prefer they lose the license and live in hope that a better company will pick it up.
All of that said, no mater how little money they have, fixing things like the hit box around the Hromi Cluster or Traelus is not a hideously difficult thing to do. But they've ignored it for over four years. This tells me it's not money. It tells me they just don't care - at all.
The background is that they wanted a $20 million bonus if they pushed the game out when "on time," and also met their revenue goal following launch. They rushed the game (whem they actually had more time, but would have forefeited the bonus if they took that time), launched a horrible, bug-filled, unpolished mess. This means that people unsubscribed not long after launch, and they didn't meet the revenue goals, so they never got the bonus. Greed led to what we have.
This was the beginning of the pattern that has been a hallmark of Cryptic's performance with STO for the past four years.
And there's more than a "bad mod" or "tweaking code" going on here (and the engine is different from the game code. Their entwined, but different). STO is an entirely different game to Champions. It works differently. There's a reason that ground combat and space combat feel like two separate games. They are.
The Champions code wasn't actually intended to do what STO needs it to. So it doesn't work properly and you get bugs and unexpected consequences as a result of their original greed and laziness.
I tried the "nice" angle years ago. I'm at the "tough disgust" state, now. Hopefully, they will eventually get embarrassed by the history of incompetence they've got and actually do something about it that helps the game. That's a joke (mainly), but being nice doesn't work with Cryptic. It never has.
As to "Crypdiots," I call 'em as I see 'em. When you have years of this kind of track record, there are some conclusions your customers come to. I see a litany of idiocy and incompetence that has left what could have been an unbelievable, spectacular game languishing as a dead-end, mediocre-at-best grindfest. So I'm going to call them on it because being nice didn't work.
Crypidiots, Craptic, nimwits....all the same thing really.
They get the same issues with the SAME bug(meaning that 301 bug) every major update, and they say it is not the same problem.
Their QA is ****ty at best. Bugs remain in game for well over a year while they continue to dump lock boxes on us. They can never be bothered to actually reply to posts in the bug reports forum(namely ones about being enable to play the fracking game).
They deserve the nicknames their customers have given them. Every single one of them.
I have indefinitely cancelled a recurring fleet event I run because I have no idea when I will be able to play this game again.
It's time for the devs and moderators to stop lying to us.
You both clearly mean Perfect World Entertainment, or as I prefer to call them at times like this: Imperfect World Entertainment.
Maybe PWE should hire me for their QA Department, since I have done QA Testing for about 6 years now.
Primary ship: U.S.S. Lacus Clyne, Dyson Science Destroyer/U.S.S. Fausticorn, Multi-Mission Reconnaissance Explorer
Secondary ship: U.S.S. Rainbow Dash, Odyssey Tactical Cruiser/I.S.S. Princess Cadance, Mirror Assault Cruiser
Tertiary ship: I.S.S. Freedom Gundam, Mirror Deep Space Science Vessel My YouTube Channel
Finally, I was able to get through on Tribble. Hopefully, Thurday's patch will resolve the problem for all of us on Holodeck. I was getting the ID#s 30189532 and 30274756. I hope everyone will be satisfied tomorrow.
30191178 do you know if this patch will sort this error code out. Has anyone else got this code. Can't believe this is happening again a new season a new problem
30191178 do you know if this patch will sort this error code out. Has anyone else got this code. Can't believe this is happening again a new season a new problem
This patch is addressing the 300 series errors so yes.
Well, not sure on how widespread the fix has changed player get-ins (so it still may have worked)
However, there are some cases of it still happening (including me) after today's patch; finish the Cryptic loading screen, get that white box in the upper-left corner, then go to large-viewing mode with the 'barcode' lines
Was named Trek17.
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
I am still crashing to desktop, I can get to space maps no problem but as soon as I beam down to a ground map it crashes within seconds of loading. I get error code 25664664.
Hello, i am experiencing a curious case of 30187498.
I launch it once, play a while, close. Second launch, play it, close. Third launch crashes at Cryptic loadscreen with the 30187498 error. I reinstalled STO, the same drill, two sessions of working game and a crash a third time. Reinstalled it, the same. Today's patch resolved nothing, still two sessions of gameplay and crash.
I play it windowed, min to med graphic settings. AMD Phenom II X4 955, 2GB of RAM,
GeForce GT 630.
Don't know to what's it related, graphics/system/specs?
Just tried that. No luck....:mad:
Error code: 14178636
Primary ship: U.S.S. Lacus Clyne, Dyson Science Destroyer/U.S.S. Fausticorn, Multi-Mission Reconnaissance Explorer
Secondary ship: U.S.S. Rainbow Dash, Odyssey Tactical Cruiser/I.S.S. Princess Cadance, Mirror Assault Cruiser
Tertiary ship: I.S.S. Freedom Gundam, Mirror Deep Space Science Vessel
My YouTube Channel
another said during tribble that it affects a small minority and is not an issue at this point in time.
Today, downloaded a ~55MB patch. Launched game, CTD while loading the character select.
Relaunch, got to fly around 3 zones. Tried to beam down, CTD.
Reload, immediately CTD when it tries to beam in.
Giving up now. Hit me up when the game is playable again.
I'm connecting fine, my issue is:
Load launcher,
Cryptic loading screen,
Legacy of Romulus screen,
popup saying something like 'resetting to default graphics settings'
Crash to desktop.
Had this issue since season 9 launch.
Wait it out, they'll sort it out i'm sure. Like you say you've invested money into the game, it would be wrong to throw it all away. There are always issues when a new season is launched, the frustrating part about this one is the silence of the devs (sounds like a movie title).
Yeah it's a real pain in the neck, just check back every now and then.
That's the problem I've had since S9 went live.
I have a feeling the notification is the trigger.
I hear the bgm start to play before CtD...which is kind of like a killer's helpless victim crying out in terror before getting their throat slit.
Anyway...the lack of official response here is even more unsettling.
They didn't even offer a console command to try.
I hope they know that mere hours prior to S9 I was happily bunny hopping through the corridors of Ganalda Station so the problem isn't with my computer.
RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
And this is a problem, because people too often "accept the fact that X excuse means there are more important things to be dealt with." It's the "Well, it's okay, because while I'm a customer, they're doing the best they can, so I should accept sub-par performance."
And that might even wash except for things like (and this is FAR from the amount of problems that have existed for YEARS):
It took two years to fix the Ker'rat system's bug of spheres colliding with Borg nodes, allowing them to fire at you from inside the note. Thus, you could not scan the node (necessary to complete the mission) AND you could not fire back because they were inside the node. I bugged that for two years.
When beaming down to planets in "cluster missions," any of the following will happen:
And the list goes on. And why do I point this out? Because this particular set of bugs has existed since BETA. It's been over for years and this bug still exists. I bugged these over four years ago. I still bug them.
The hit-box for entry into the Hromi Cluster and Traelus System have been off since Beta. I bugged that over four years ago.
Flickering textures were bugged over four years ago - and I still see them whenever I'm in the game.
The history of Cryptic's apathy and incompetence is older than Beta. That's YEARS of the exact same pattern. And that's what really makes it inexcusable.
See above.
I grew up in a family business. In my own career I have to make sure attorneys, realtors, judges, lenders, loan officers, buyers and sellers are happy - every single day. And not just one of two of them. ALL of them. Otherwise, they can just go to another company. I deeply understand Customer Relations and how important it is to ensure your customers are happy, because that keeps them coming back.
Unfortunately, Cryptic seems to have always relied on the fact that we, the Star Trek fans will keep STO alive, no matter how bad it is, or how little they do. And even worse, they're rather justified in that assumption. I will never, ever, spend another penny on STO and in fact support a complete boycott of the C-Store until they fix the bugs that have existed for years. But I'm in the minority, and too many people are happy to let Cryptic's poor performance slip because "it's the only Trek MMO we have." I'd prefer they lose the license and live in hope that a better company will pick it up.
All of that said, no mater how little money they have, fixing things like the hit box around the Hromi Cluster or Traelus is not a hideously difficult thing to do. But they've ignored it for over four years. This tells me it's not money. It tells me they just don't care - at all.
The background is that they wanted a $20 million bonus if they pushed the game out when "on time," and also met their revenue goal following launch. They rushed the game (whem they actually had more time, but would have forefeited the bonus if they took that time), launched a horrible, bug-filled, unpolished mess. This means that people unsubscribed not long after launch, and they didn't meet the revenue goals, so they never got the bonus. Greed led to what we have.
This was the beginning of the pattern that has been a hallmark of Cryptic's performance with STO for the past four years.
And there's more than a "bad mod" or "tweaking code" going on here (and the engine is different from the game code. Their entwined, but different). STO is an entirely different game to Champions. It works differently. There's a reason that ground combat and space combat feel like two separate games. They are.
The Champions code wasn't actually intended to do what STO needs it to. So it doesn't work properly and you get bugs and unexpected consequences as a result of their original greed and laziness.
I tried the "nice" angle years ago. I'm at the "tough disgust" state, now. Hopefully, they will eventually get embarrassed by the history of incompetence they've got and actually do something about it that helps the game. That's a joke (mainly), but being nice doesn't work with Cryptic. It never has.
As to "Crypdiots," I call 'em as I see 'em. When you have years of this kind of track record, there are some conclusions your customers come to. I see a litany of idiocy and incompetence that has left what could have been an unbelievable, spectacular game languishing as a dead-end, mediocre-at-best grindfest. So I'm going to call them on it because being nice didn't work.
Patch update tomorrow will restore it to holodeck.
It's not the best, you will still get the graphic error, but it wont crash
You both clearly mean Perfect World Entertainment, or as I prefer to call them at times like this: Imperfect World Entertainment.
Maybe PWE should hire me for their QA Department, since I have done QA Testing for about 6 years now.
Primary ship: U.S.S. Lacus Clyne, Dyson Science Destroyer/U.S.S. Fausticorn, Multi-Mission Reconnaissance Explorer
Secondary ship: U.S.S. Rainbow Dash, Odyssey Tactical Cruiser/I.S.S. Princess Cadance, Mirror Assault Cruiser
Tertiary ship: I.S.S. Freedom Gundam, Mirror Deep Space Science Vessel
My YouTube Channel
I hope so...we've been removed from "known issues".
RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
I guess I'll have to say some nice things in the Persistence Chat Channel if it is up for me after Thursday.
Looking to make some friends?
Add me on Enjin or Check out the Federation Special Operation Initative.
This patch is addressing the 300 series errors so yes.
Would be nice if it does.. call me cautiously optimistic until the patch is done and will see then.
However, there are some cases of it still happening (including me) after today's patch; finish the Cryptic loading screen, get that white box in the upper-left corner, then go to large-viewing mode with the 'barcode' lines
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
I launch it once, play a while, close. Second launch, play it, close. Third launch crashes at Cryptic loadscreen with the 30187498 error. I reinstalled STO, the same drill, two sessions of working game and a crash a third time. Reinstalled it, the same. Today's patch resolved nothing, still two sessions of gameplay and crash.
I play it windowed, min to med graphic settings. AMD Phenom II X4 955, 2GB of RAM,
GeForce GT 630.
Don't know to what's it related, graphics/system/specs?