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I need to buy a whole ship for just a part i want ?



  • ghyudtghyudt Member Posts: 1,112 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    kirk2390 wrote: »
    No problem if it was a C-Store Ship I would have bought it but I'm not gonna spend what he said 180 dollars or 200 Euro's to boxes to gather 600/800 LOBI to get a warp core to complete my set bonus, I might be crazy but I aint dumb !!!

    Neither would I. I'd find an alternative. I rarely have lobi to spend anyway, and I certainly wouldn't spend any of it on a ship I'm not gonna use. But players have all kinds of items that I'd love to get my hands on that were given as event prizes, and since I wasn't around for them, I'll never get to use them. That's just the way it is.
  • risingstar2009risingstar2009 Member Posts: 329 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I sense an IP ban coming in someone's near future.

    Especially since he blatantly admitted to some pretty hefty violations of the ToS and various other agreements when playing this game.

    ::Grabs a bag full of popcorn from the machine and watches what comes next::
    Star Trek Battles: For those who want to Play Star Trek Online as it WAS MEANT TO BE!!!

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  • peetapipmacpeetapipmac Member Posts: 2,131 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I sense an IP ban coming in someone's near future.

    Especially since he blatantly admitted to some pretty hefty violations of the ToS and various other agreements when playing this game.

    ::Grabs a bag full of popcorn from the machine and watches what comes next::

    Total popcorn thread.:)
    It's not my fault if you feel trolled by my Disco ball... Sorry'boutit.

    R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
  • wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Member Posts: 1,728 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    to be honest, this ain't anything new. More often, that's really the only reason they manage to sell certain ships at all. Even with the new packs for older ships, like the Dreadnaught pack or i'm sure the eventual Intrepid pack, even if you previously owned all of the ships but one, you still need to pay full price for that ship, just for a single console. it really is a greedy way of doing things, but then again, what do you expect from a company that has pretty much said they're just in it for the money?
  • revandarklighterrevandarklighter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Just an observation but he is technically a liar regardless of what is the truth.

    He either lied to Cryptic/PWE about not letting other people use his account/forum identity, or he lied about how someone else was impersonating him while he was away on vacation.

    Technically that is correct...

    Praactically.... who really reads the terms of service? I'm practicing law in real life and I freely admit... I didn't. Its just common knowledge that using another persons MMO account is NEVER allowed, neither in forums nor the actual game.

    So if he didn't know that... its not lying... its just stupidity.
  • decroniadecronia Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I sense an IP ban coming in someone's near future.

    Especially since he blatantly admitted to some pretty hefty violations of the ToS and various other agreements when playing this game.

    ::Grabs a bag full of popcorn from the machine and watches what comes next::

    Account ban maybe but not an IP ban. IP bans are as useless as a chocolate teapot as most people are on dynamic IPs so all it takes is powering down the router for 5-15 minutes then turning it back on and viola a new IP.

    The only time an IP ban can even be of any use it through range blocking, and even then those in the know can get round it.
  • decroniadecronia Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    It's a real shame this company doesn't offer their customers a way to get everything for free. :rolleyes:

    In Guild Wars 2 they let players convert gold to store credit.

    Maybe we could mine something and convert it to Zen. Then we could use the zen to buy stuff that gets us lobi.

    Oh wait we already have that feature.

    I guess the real problem isn't that Cryptic is greedy, the problem is that the game has attracted players that are too cheap to buy what they want, and too lazy to use the tools available to get what they want for free because they have entitlement issues.

    I would agree with you but for the fact this is a unique situation. It is the only c-store ship set that requires a lobi ship for it to be complete. That to me is wrong. They are meant to be separate entities store wise.

    They should put the core a deflector in a pack on the c-store, or make them an account unlock. As it is it does concern me how it will go in the future.
  • thecosmic1thecosmic1 Member Posts: 9,365 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    It's just that the whole "Ignore the truth, Cryptic's greedy" rant is as tired as the T5 connie requests.
    Hey now! Do not mess with my T5 Connie dreams. :D
    STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
  • talonxvtalonxv Member Posts: 4,257 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Well kinda tied to this, why is it that once you buy the ship you have to summon that ship over and over again if you want to reuse that module instead of having like a C-store reclaiming sevice like they have in the Zen store with modules you get on ships.

    It's REALLY annoying to summon, then dismiss ships over and over.
    Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!

  • revandarklighterrevandarklighter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    It's a real shame this company doesn't offer their customers a way to get everything for free. :rolleyes:

    In Guild Wars 2 they let players convert gold to store credit.

    Maybe we could mine something and convert it to Zen. Then we could use the zen to buy stuff that gets us lobi.

    Oh wait we already have that feature.

    I guess the real problem isn't that Cryptic is greedy, the problem is that the game has attracted players that are too cheap to buy what they want, and too lazy to use the tools available to get what they want for free because they have entitlement issues.

    50 bugs for the ship is hardly for free.
    50 more per character to get the full set is the problem.
  • gurugeorgegurugeorge Member Posts: 421 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Troll senses tingling.
  • eazzieeazzie Member Posts: 4,173 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    So you are aware this thread is under the wrong sub forum and should of been posted under the academy as it is question related. It will end up being moved there.
  • thecosmic1thecosmic1 Member Posts: 9,365 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    eazzie wrote: »
    So you are aware this thread is under the wrong sub forum and should of been posted under the academy as it is question related. It will end up being moved there.
    I am not exactly certain why you are posting all over the place today about people putting threads in the wrong sub forums, but I will say that this is the 4th day this thread has been here and the Devs or Mods have not moved it yet - even though they have moved many other thread over the last 4 days. So it would seem it is in the right area.
    STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    eazzie wrote: »
    So you are aware this thread is under the wrong sub forum and should of been posted under the academy as it is question related. It will end up being moved there.

    Just to let you know, this is spamming, and can result in suspension , or banning of account. :D

    thecosmic1 wrote: »
    I am not exactly certain why you are posting all over the place today about people putting threads in the wrong sub forums, but I will say that this is the 4th day this thread has been here and the Devs or Mods have not moved it yet - even though they have moved many other thread over the last 4 days. So it would seem it is in the right area.

    He most likely had threads going, and his got moved, so now he is angry that the mods are finally organizing General discussion, after years of insanity
  • berginsbergins Member Posts: 3,453 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    eazzie wrote: »
    So you are aware this thread is under the wrong sub forum and should of been posted under the academy as it is question related. It will end up being moved there.
    thecosmic1 wrote: »
    I am not exactly certain why you are posting all over the place today about people putting threads in the wrong sub forums, but I will say that this is the 4th day this thread has been here and the Devs or Mods have not moved it yet - even though they have moved many other thread over the last 4 days. So it would seem it is in the right area.

    Plus, should HAVE.

    Not should OF.
    "Logic is a little tweeting bird chirping in a meadow. Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell BAD." - Spock
  • groomofweirdgroomofweird Member Posts: 1,045 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    eazzie wrote: »
    So you are aware this thread is under the wrong sub forum and should of been posted under the academy as it is question related. It will end up being moved there.

    Getting annoying now dude. You are not a mod and I can tell you now the mods are moving everything that can even remotely be tied into another thread.
    If this thread or any other is to be moved that is for a MODERATOR to do and to indeed decide upon.
    "If this will be our end, then I will have them make SUCH an end as to be worthy of rememberance! Out of torpedos you say?! Find me the ferengi!".
  • monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    kirk2390 wrote: »
    I need to buy a whole ship for just a part i want ?

    You read it right it's about the dyson warp cores, I find this very strange that I have to buy the whole ship, and all I want is the warp core.

    Hello this aint right, right ? :mad:

    I mean 800 Lobi and I won't use the ship I only need the core to complete my build, if this is a Joke I ain't laughing !!
    To earn 800 LOBI Goodmorning Vietnam you know how many lockboxes that is before you get 800 LOBI...

    You get 10 or 15 LOBI per Lockbox maybe with some luck 1 of the 25 boxes you get 50 LOBI that's just Grazy and you can't trade as we allready have tried I wish I good be more positive Cryptic but this time NO JOKE you let us down !!!

    The dyson ship in the lobi store costs 600 lobi.

    The problem with this whole situation is that the lobi dyson ship comes with the secondary deflector that is part of the set from the 3 pack of ships in the lobi store. That means if you buy the 3 pack of dyson ships for your faction and want to have the whole 4 piece set, you'll need to pay an additional 600 lobi just to get that final piece, which to me is a huge ripoff. Minimum 4 lobi per lock box, so at the most you're looking at needing 150 master keys. If you buy only the 10 key packs in the c-store and the the worst possible luck, that's a max of 1,6875 zen. For christ's sake you can get the 9 pack bundle that gives you all 9 dyson ships in the c-store (3 per faction) for 10,000 zen if you haven't purchased any of them yet.

    But I doubt your luck will be bad enough to need 150 keys to get the lobi. Even then, you're still looking at paying close to, or more than, the whole 9 pack of ships just to get enough lobi. And keep in mind that lobi ships are *per character*, meaning that even though c-store ships can be claimed/reclaimed for free on any character after you purchase them, you're going to have to spend an additional 600 lobi *per character* just to get the secondary deflector to complete the set, as well as the warp/singularity core if you want to complete the solanae set from 'A Step between Stars' episode.

    It will probably require at least 100 master keys to get enough lobi for the ship, unless you get really lucking that a bunch of boxes give you 20 or 50 lobi each, so roughly close to, or more than, 10k zen per character for the set.

    This is the most asinine thing I have seen Cryptic do and the first time I've seen them put a piece of a lobi store ship set into the lobi store forcing you to pay a lot more than normal.

    Yeah........10k zen is a great deal to get all 9 dyson ships in the c-store (until you realize you're getting royally screwed over on the equipment set).

    I did get the free dyson ship on all 11 characters during the anniversary event, but if I make any new characters in the future I'm gonna be without. Because of this stunt Cryptic pulled I will never by any of the dyson ships from the c-store. I'll be damned if I'm gonna have to pay thousands of more zen to get keys just to complete the equipment set.
  • monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    eazzie wrote: »
    So you are aware this thread is under the wrong sub forum and should of been posted under the academy as it is question related. It will end up being moved there.

    This is what I see on the main forum page
    Star Trek Online General Discussion

    - This forum is for general discussion and feedback related to Star Trek Online.

    Since when did questions not fall into the 'general discussion' category? You can't have a discussion without asking questions. The OP was discussing the situation on needing to buy a lobi ship to get certain pieces of equipment that comes equipped on the ship. The OP wasn't asking about keybinds, hows to use auto fire, or where the bathroom is on ESD.

    Who made you a moderator anyway? Nobody. That's who.
  • ejsphcrispejsphcrisp Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I don't know if this is still relevant, but I have 4 Solanae Overcharge Warp Core, and didn't pay anything (5 when I open the crate).

    I don't know if it is a bug/glitch, but in the dilithium store, under your asset menu, there is an option to "buy back." When I think of it, I check it, and there has been a Solanae Overcharge Warp Core there each time.

    I hope this helps the OP, or his neighbor.
  • qjuniorqjunior Member Posts: 2,023 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    ejsphcrisp wrote: »
    I don't know if this is still relevant, but I have 4 Solanae Overcharge Warp Core, and didn't pay anything (5 when I open the crate).

    I don't know if it is a bug/glitch, but in the dilithium store, under your asset menu, there is an option to "buy back." When I think of it, I check it, and there has been a Solanae Overcharge Warp Core there each time.

    I hope this helps the OP, or his neighbor.

    It never was relevant, because the OP was raging about having to buy a 600 Lobi ship to get those items. You can't buy back something you never had. :P

    He also seems to be under the impression that colouring his posts in an annoying way makes them more relevant. And if Lockboxes actually gave 10-15 Lobi that were great, it's mostly 4-5. :D
  • ejsphcrispejsphcrisp Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I have a Solanae Overcharge Warp Core on 4 ships, never sold 1. like I said, maybe a glitch.

    Just checked, can't sell them in the replicator, and are bound to the character.
  • qjuniorqjunior Member Posts: 2,023 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Don't forget that he's raging about the lobi ship after he previously raged about having to grind to get the ship for free, and refused to do the grind stating that he'd rather buy the ship. ;)

    Well, I didn't like the whole grindaversary thing either, but it's alright. Cryptic didn't want me to buy those c-store ship packs it seems. :D
  • wildweasalwildweasal Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    kirk2390 wrote: »
    How I was on vacation and on vacation I'm not gonna play STO pfff !!:P

    so its STOs fault that you were on vacation? and they should have waited till you came back?...dismissed
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    qjunior wrote: »
    Well, I didn't like the whole grindaversary thing either, but it's alright. Cryptic didn't want me to buy those c-store ship packs it seems. :D

    Yup, this is the right approach.

    Don't like a given instance of monetarisation, don't buy the product.

    As far as I know, they can't force anyone to open their wallet if they don't want to...
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    rinkster wrote: »
    Yup, this is the right approach.

    Don't like a given instance of monetarisation, don't buy the product.

    As far as I know, they can't force anyone to open their wallet if they don't want to...

    Conversely, if they gave me things I want, I would open my wallet so fast dimes would break the sound barrier. ;)
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Conversely, if they gave me things I want, I would open my wallet so fast dimes would break the sound barrier. ;)

    Quite so.

    My wallet is still closed as a result of the grindaversary....if I get the sense that cryptic have learned why that event was such a bad idea, then off will come the padlock.

    I quite fancy a few bits and pieces from the cstore, but until I feel like cryptic is a company I want to give money to again, I'll grind the dilithium slowly for them.
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Mine is closed simply because they aren't offering anything I want to buy.
  • lenovo123456lenovo123456 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    ...and I'll ask again.

    WHY are people still playing this game if Cryptic just keep TRIBBLE people over? ESPECIALLY with the horrible reputation changes coming.

    They are going to limit the slots.

    I GUARANTEE you a few months later, they are going to add C-store purchases to expand your slots.
  • qjuniorqjunior Member Posts: 2,023 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    ...and I'll ask again.

    WHY are people still playing this game if Cryptic just keep TRIBBLE people over? ESPECIALLY with the horrible reputation changes coming.

    They are going to limit the slots.

    I GUARANTEE you a few months later, they are going to add C-store purchases to expand your slots.

    While I'm sure Cryptic is capable of completely ignoring their own stated reasons for the rep changes, I don't think they will sell slots. Supposedly they made those changes to limit power creep or whatever, selling slots kinda evaporates that reason. :o
  • kalvorax#3775 kalvorax Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    ...and I'll ask again.

    WHY are people still playing this game if Cryptic just keep TRIBBLE people over? ESPECIALLY with the horrible reputation changes coming.

    They are going to limit the slots.

    I GUARANTEE you a few months later, they are going to add C-store purchases to expand your slots.

    you make it sound liek a bad thing....the only thing i hate about the new rep change is the 3 every 20 hours per rep hourly lol.

    I've already gotten used to the slot changes due to how much times ive been on tribble
    I find this line of replies sadly hilarious. We put a lot of work into the massive list of fixes/changes above, and ya'll are hung up on the ability to skip our content. =p
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