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Season 8 Dev Blog #54: Galaxy Class Reboot



  • cerritourugcerritourug Member Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Also, I'll go ahead and suggest my ideal weapon for the new Dreadnaught:

    Photon Pulse Cannon.

    Really? In 3 years of request for a fix we only got the saucer sep fixed and you believe that they are going to hear your suggestion about a new weapon?

    Division Hispana
  • maxvitormaxvitor Member Posts: 2,213 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I'm interested in whether they dealt with the graphical issues as well, although that may be a minor consideration, it's always bugged me the lance and saucer parts being so visibly off center.
    If something is not broken, don't fix it, if it is broken, don't leave it broken.
    Oh Hell NO to ARC
  • sirokksirokk Member Posts: 990 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Cryptic, haven't you seen the enthusiasm that people have for the Galaxy ships? I think you missed the opportunity to capitalize on this unique event, being labeled a "Reboot"!

    It would have made more since to have the "Reboot" be a pay-for item that delivered something of more value. For the Gal-X, for example, add a Lt. Cmdr Universal BOff slot, integrated saucer-sep console (zero slot), +10 Weapon power, and 1 UNIVERSAL CONSOLE SLOT. This would be the Fleet ship as well.

    This unique universal console slot mechanic is supported by the ST:TNG Reference Manual saying that the Galaxy is a very modular ship. http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Galaxy_class.

    I would be willing to pay 5000 Zen for that! (Equivalent to a 3-ship pack.) Rather than EXCLUDING current owners of the Gal-R or Gal-X, give them a 25% discount on a one-ship package with a universal Lt.Cmdr, universal console slot and the bridge.

    Cryptic, you should have at least made us chase Q around for a few more weeks for a "Free (tm)" retrofit! It would have been worth chasing Q some more if it were more than a Universal Ensign slot, a couple of numbers and a hanger.

    Regarding the saucer-separation console... Seriously! This is a part of the ship! Not a module that you plug a couple of conduits into! Please get rid of the saucer-separation as a console and let it be an inherent ability of all Galaxy-class ships.

    I am part serious and part kidding with this post. The universal console slot mechanic alone would make ship much more unique. The Lt. Cmdr BOff would have give it more value as well.

    (BTW does Starfleet do "reboots" of their ships? Maybe only if they run Windows. :) )
    Star Trek Battles Channel - Play Star Trek like they did in the series!Avatar: pinterest-com/pin/14003448816884219Are you sure it isn't time for a "colorful metaphor"? --Spock in 'The Voyage Home'
    SCE ADVISORY NOTICE: Improper Impulse Engine maintenance can result in REAR THRUSTER LEAKAGE. ALWAYS have your work inspected by another qualified officer.
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Really? In 3 years of request for a fix we only got the saucer sep fixed and you believe that they are going to hear your suggestion about a new weapon?

    One of these things is easier than the other, particularly when talking about a new, separate 2500 ZEN Dreadnought variant.
  • turbografix16turbografix16 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I probably would've integrated the phaser spinal lance as a 5th forward weapon, non removable, like the Kumari wing cannon or the Dyson Science Destroyer proton cannons. Increase the rate of fire/accuracy significantly, and reduce the damage, making it comparable to a typical dual heavy cannon MK XI [acc]x2[crth]. I'd keep the unique weapon discharge appearance. I'd add a 2nd hangar bay. That'd give essential parity with the Scimitar.

    There is precedent for this type of change. The spinal lance fires at a fairly high rate of fire in All Good Things.

    Regarding the Galaxy-R, I'd probably add 1) a hangar bay (they're used as carriers in the Dominion War - precedent) and 2) some type of high level tractor beam (used by the USS Challenger in Voyager and in a ton of TNG eps). I'd stock the hangar bay by default with Runabouts. With a flight of Runabouts and an upgraded tractor beam, you'd get a new role for the Galaxy-R - a "tackler," a vessel that is able to slow/control enemy vessels. This would give the standard Galaxy a unique role to play - something it desperately needs, being such an iconic ship.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    ok its noon, wheres the galaxy R blog? you know, the ship completely excluded from the last blog that actually needs a reboot?
  • altechachanaltechachan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    ok its noon, wheres the galaxy R blog? you know, the ship completely excluded from the last blog that actually needs a reboot?

    ... I think CaptainSmirk is getting ready for his livestream in 45 minutes...
    Member since November 2009... I think.
    (UFP) Ragnar
  • dave18193dave18193 Member Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Wait so just to be clear the long promised galaxy revamp consists of:

    a pointless BOFF change (most sane people would use that ensign for tactical anyway).

    an equally useless 2 piece set bonus (though I'll admit these are a step in the right direction, shame about the implementation this time)

    lance receiving no improvement to accuracy or rate of fire, and its firing-arc increase only comes online if you equip the competitively poor saucer separation

    Saucer sep improved (admittedly very nice for us who love rp, including me)

    Hangar bay. This I'll admit is a good thing, but doesnt address the true problems of the ship (especially since the only decent fed hangar pet is the yellowstones).

    NOTHING for normal galaxy. At all (bar saucer sep fix). Its still the worst ship in the game, by far. Only the Aquarius approaches this level of suckiness.

    Fleet version. I'll reserve judgement until I see the stats.


    So the only truly good things those of use who want a competitive galaxy can take from this is the hangar bay and the possibility of a good fleet dreadnaught.

    Please, please cryptic. Give the fleet version a universal Lt Cmdr (and either keep the ensign as uni, or make it science), and make that tenth console a tactical console.

    That 2 piece set bonus seems to imply that the cloak will stay as a console, when a lot of us hoped for integrated. The increased firing arc on the lance doesnt make up for the fact it cant hit a blue giant from 20 feet and has an awful rate of fire.

    Finally, will wee see anything for that poor beleaguered normal Galaxy and its fleet version?

    Theres still time to give us the fleet version we all want to buy, and im sure we can wait a little longer for you to fix the lance so long as we know its coming (please give it at least Accx2).
    Got a cat? Have 10 minutes to help someone make the best degree dissertation of all time?

    Then please fill out my dissertation survey on feline attachment, it'd be a massive help (-:

  • gyhoulgyhoul Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    So, now the galaxy and odyssey can separate in motion, think they will give the Prometheus the same ability?
  • orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    gyhoul wrote: »
    So, now the galaxy and odyssey can separate in motion, think they will give the Prometheus the same ability?
    It's apparently getting patched at the same time.
  • raiden911raiden911 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Its great that they finally made a fleet variant of the galaxy dread, but wished they would have improved the boff layout a bit more by having a uni-ltcmdr slot, and improve the acc on the phaser lance.

    For the fleet galaxy-R, there should have been improvements done at minimum through a third tac console slot, and an improved boff layout.

    I do hope that cryptic makes another minor revision before this "galaxy class reboot" release.
  • gooddaytodie39gooddaytodie39 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    kortaag wrote: »
    I don't want to be a jerk or anything normally but.. Al Rivera should have his knuckles severely rapped for this. For the love of anything proper if it was a matter of zen difference just make current owners pay a 1k zen difference and charge the rest to those who don't accordingly for a completely different purchase. It's not rocket science.

    This "reboot" is just an insult to our intelligence, our patience and makes the design team appear absent of competency while lacking faith in their ability to deliver.

    Here here. It's time for Al Rivera aka Captain Geko to resign. The game is getting worse not better with his derptastic ideas about what players want from this game versus what he thinks is cool. Luckily Stahl is gone but who's going to be accountable for this mess? I'd like to see a whole new team take the reigns of STO. This game needs a complete over haul by a team that knows what they're doing.

    LoR - bad, half assed, made feds and kdf obsolete. Romulans that have zero resembelance to Romulans just hippiy humans with pointy ears and Remans that sound like god knows what. Not Remans. Some of the worst voice over and writing to be found in a modern game.

    Season 8 - bad, the sphere sucks, dinosaurs with lasers on the heads sucks rewards for space nerfed to oblivion even though the focus was supposed to be the "First space adventure zone" What happened to that? The ground zone is so much better developed???

    season 8.5 - bad, more mindless grind, lousy short episode with bad writing and bad voice over.

    So called Galaxy revamp- a slap in the face to STO players straight up.
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    ok its noon, wheres the galaxy R blog? you know, the ship completely excluded from the last blog that actually needs a reboot?

    ....iiiit's a Friday ... and they don't post Blogs on the Weekend .
    But hey , if we're lucky we'll get Friday Screenshot of the Galaxy falling ... to the sound of the other shoe ... .
  • cptshephardcptshephard Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    These are some nice additions but I still don't like the Galaxy's BOFF layout. I would rather drop a BOFF slot to have a Lt Tac, Lt Science, Cmdr Engineering, and a Lt Cmdr Universal. Then make the consoles a straight 3/3/3. Wishful thinking I guess.
  • captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Dropping the ensign and throwing in a Lcdr universal would certainly fit the bill, especially with the new loadouts feature. You could go from a full blown cannon ambush, to a gravity well sniper, something I love to do in my Hanom that would be so much sweeter with a phaser lance.
    Is simple, Geko once said that he loves the Excelsior.. so there is the explanation on why the Excelsior is far superior than the Galaxy or in balance (or even superior) with the Sovereign. If the balance of a game is run by the love of the developers in one particular ship, well.. you cant expect much balance.
    I can appreciate a love of a particular ship to the detriment of canon, but that's no good reason to ignore, neglect, and abuse the object of your consumer's affection. I'm fine with the Excelsior being awesome, there's canonical basis as the Lakota was able to go toe to toe with the Defiant, and the Defiant only held out due to some...unreported upgrades.

    Although I agree, the Sovereign should be able to walk through both of them.

    Also simple. Because if an iconic ship like the E-D is in balance with the rest of the ships, the trek fans would nave change it so they dont sell their new and horrible ships.
    But I still prefer my assault cruiser. I want a great Gal-X for my Tac alt.

    *Cryptic/PWE/Whoever* How could you not have known or had the foresight to see that the people who first brought this issue to light (being VERY vocal about it too) would be the same customers who would be penalized from buying the 3 pack? How could a company NOT see that as a little upsetting?
    I'm curious, what about people who have gotten the Galaxy-X through their veteran token or from the referral program?
    PS - *off topic I know but . . . * anyone know when we're getting that magic Raider Flank bonus as my B'Rel is what I'm going to continue to use until these items are addressed?
    I was wondering about that myself.
    ufpterrell wrote: »
    They put the ensign universal on the Galaxy-X, which is more than comical it feels like a slap round the face for everyone who prayed for the very same BOFF change to the Galaxy-R. They add the sacuer seperation for the X, which is fair enough I guess. I was kind of against it since it's not canon (the lance uses the power from the third nacelle IIRC) and a hanger pet (FOTM "fix").
    I'd say the lance uses power straight from the warp core since that's where power is generated. Although I've been imagining that they stuck a class 7 core (the short stack inside the Defiant) inside the saucer section just to power the lance. That's how I'd design it :rolleyes:
    One of the things that's really bugging me is that there isn't any hint that they've given the ship model a pass over, so the lance is STILL going to be miss-aligned after all these years and they're asking a few thousand Zen for the pleasure. All the constructive feedback, all the effort put in by the fans of this ship who like me probably grew up watching it when TNG was on the air.
    The Phaser Lance...is misaligned :lmao I think that accounts for the accuracy issues.
    My will to spend a penny on this game has just blown away in the breeze, guess I won't be getting that Fleet Nova or Fleet Galaxy-R now...

    Someone responding to you said that the Fleet Nova outguns the Galaxy-X....IT DOES. The Fleet Nova has a Lcdr Tac slot. A science ship has more advanced tactical systems than the foremost Battleship in Starfleet. That is worthy of a belly laugh of absurdity. Come on devs laugh along.... think about it you know it's true. And it's not that the Fleet Science is too strong....the Galaxy-X is too weak.
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
  • nikephorusnikephorus Member Posts: 2,744 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I was so SO EXCITED - emphasize excited - when I saw the post in my news feed that the Galaxy family was getting a "reboot" ....and then I read the blog.

    One of the first lines I read was how they were going to bring the dreadnought in line with other dreadnoughts (scimitar, jam'hadar, voth) which are all excellent ships. Then I looked over the changes.

    Have a hangar and the ensign tac is now an ensign universal. The saucer and antimatter spread bonus is pretty weak considering it takes up two console slots. I'd much rather have universals in there that add permanent boosts instead of 3 minute cool down wonders.

    Please tell me how this ship is anywhere near the level of the other three dreadnoughts I mentioned above? And what of the regular Galaxy...no change at all. It's the one that could have used the ensign universal.

    I'm just so SO DISAPPOINTED - emphasize disappointed. I so wanted to fly this ship, but it's just totally outclassed by just about every fedcruiser. I mean if it's a dreadnought isn't it suppose to be very tactical? The original royal navy ship, which became a class unto itself, was a tactical power house and set off a naval arms race. This ship is not tactical at all. It's just an Rear Admiral Assault Cruiser that can use a cloak console, with a lance that misses half the time, and is missing half the cruiser commands.

    *sigh* it is what it is I guess. :(
  • cptrichardson12cptrichardson12 Member Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    johngazman wrote: »
    By and large, they actually don't.

    See; Fleet/Retrofit Galaxy, Fleet/Retrofit Heavy Cruiser, Fleet/Retrofit Advanced Cruiser, Fleet/C-Store Avenger, Fleet/Retrofit Tactical Escort, Fleet/Retro D'Deridex, Fleet/Standard Vo'Quv etc.

    In fact, check the wiki, and you'll find that for the vast majority of ships - if not all of them - do not change their Boff seating in their Fleet variant from any Retrofit version they may have.

    Fleet Ambassador. Fleet Ha'pax. Fleet Ha'nom. Fleet Science Ship Retrofit. Fleet Patrol Escort.

    Just off the top of my head. So it can happen, and should.

    But the saucer sep getting turned into an instant escort console would be much better.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    well, i guess we have till next thursday to have a blog about the galaxy R. and if theres not one, then cryptic can look forward to another 500 pages about that ship.
  • erraberrab Member Posts: 1,434 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    The more I think about the Galaxy Reboot the more I feel like I've been Punked.

    When you look at all the changes that Cryptic made to the Galaxies on the whole there's just not much there.

    Saying that the changes that they made to the Galaxy X puts in more inline with the other Dreadnoughts just seems like a bold faced lie.

    The Galaxy X is being billed has a Drednought Cruiser but show me one other in-game vessel that is classified has a Drednought that only has a Lt. Tactical station has its highest ranked Tactical station :confused:

    I'm a primary KDF player but even I am a huge fan of the Galaxy Class and the X was the 1st pay for vessel that I ever bought here in STO and it deserves the same love the Excelsior class got from day one.

    I'm glad that it's only going to cost me one fleet module for the Fleet X because then I won't feel so bad when I shelve it after a day or so of messing with it to go back to my Avenger or my Advanced Obelisk.

    Adding a Hangar to the X was ok but not introducing a new type of Hanger support ship to go with the X makes it kind of meh.

    Has I said in an earlier post the X's hangar should come preloaded with something comparable to the Romulan Drone ship but just in terms of Durability and Firepower.

    Adding Saucer Sep to the X is ok I guess but doesn't this move kind of put the final nail in the coffin of the Galaxy - R?

    In retrospect I think I would have given the Galaxy- R this boff layout:

    Commander Engineering, Universal Lt.Commander Lt. Commander Science, Lt. Tactical

    Console upgrades 4 Engineering, 3 Science, 2 Tactical with a fleet version getting +1 Tac

    The above boff layout would be a huge boost for the R and really set it apart from the X and the T4 Galaxy and offer a ton of versatility.

    I still think that this would have been the best Boff layout for the X:

    Commander Engineering, Lt. Commander Tactical, Lt. Engineering, Lt. Science, Ensign Tactical

    No universals for the X, it's a Cruiser turned War Machine and its Boff layout should reflect that.
  • lordfuzunlordfuzun Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    kortaag wrote: »
    My initial and recent tests were all pretty much similar. I laughed when I saw this description of "Shotgun" in the separation benefit.. I was like awesome.. What are we firing off this time? Dust bunnies? Cool sawed of shotgun dude.

    Take this Galaxy X back to the 2 star kitchen it limped out of.. and kill it before you put it on a plate.

    For a comparison of the stats between the Beam and Shotgun modes of the Phaser Lance. Note: This character I'm using is not optimally build for phaser damage nor damage in general.

    Beam Mode damage: 8041.1 Damage.

    Shotgun Mode: 5848.1 Damage
    Targeting Arc: 45 degrees
    Firing Range/Arc: Max 5 targets at 5 km / 25 degree cone.
  • sunfranckssunfrancks Member Posts: 3,925 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    errab wrote: »
    The more I think about the Galaxy Reboot the more I feel like I've been Punked.

    When you look at all the changes that Cryptic made to the Galaxies on the whole there's just not much there.

    Saying that the changes that they made to the Galaxy X puts in more inline with the other Dreadnoughts just seems like a bold faced lie.

    The Galaxy X is being billed has a Drednought Cruiser but show me one other in-game vessel that is classified has a Drednought that only has a Lt. Tactical station has its highest ranked Tactical station :confused:

    I'm a primary KDF player but even I am a huge fan of the Galaxy Class and the X was the 1st pay for vessel that I ever bought here in STO and it deserves the same love the Excelsior class got from day one.

    I'm glad that it's only going to cost me one fleet module for the Fleet X because then I won't feel so bad when I shelve it after a day or so of messing with it to go back to my Avenger or my Advanced Obelisk.

    Adding a Hangar to the X was ok but not introducing a new type of Hanger support ship to go with the X makes it kind of meh.

    Has I said in an earlier post the X's hangar should come preloaded with something comparable to the Romulan Drone ship but just in terms of Durability and Firepower.

    Adding Saucer Sep to the X is ok I guess but doesn't this move kind of put the final nail in the coffin of the Galaxy - R?

    In retrospect I think I would have given the Galaxy- R this boff layout:

    Commander Engineering, Universal Lt.Commander Lt. Commander Science, Lt. Tactical

    Console upgrades 4 Engineering, 3 Science, 2 Tactical with a fleet version getting +1 Tac

    The above boff layout would be a huge boost for the R and really set it apart from the X and the T4 Galaxy and offer a ton of versatility.

    I still think that this would have been the best Boff layout for the X:

    Commander Engineering, Lt. Commander Tactical, Lt. Engineering, Lt. Science, Ensign Tactical

    No universals for the X, it's a Cruiser turned War Machine and its Boff layout should reflect that.

    It isn't a reboot, despite what hype the devs want to pull out of a hat.

    A reboot means significant changes are made and then it is re-released far better than the previous version.

    What they are actually doing is patching the saucer sep to current standards and the Dread gets a hangar slapped on.

    Just take JJTrek for example, if JJA had done to ST2009 what the STO devs did to the Galaxy, then JJA would of just used the same film of the motion picture, update the effects, slap a snazzy new intro and bobs your uncle, a new reboot film.. :rolleyes:
    Fed: Eng Lib Borg (Five) Tac Andorian (Shen) Sci Alien/Klingon (Maelrock) KDF:Tac Romulan KDF (Sasha) Tac Klingon (K'dopis)
    Founder, member and former leader to Pride Of The Federation Fleet.
    What I feel after I hear about every decision made since Andre "Mobile Games Generalisimo" Emerson arrived...

  • whatinblueblazeswhatinblueblazes Member Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I was thrilled to read the title of the blog. Galaxy Class Reboot! Beyond thrilled, really. Ecstatic. The poor performance of the Galaxy class in comparison to all of her peers has been troubling to me since launch. And she wasn't just getting a tweak... no sir, she was getting a full reboot!

    As I eagerly read the blog itself however, I found my excitement waning. Then failing altogether.

    Let me be clear -- I am glad that the Galaxy Dreadnought is finally getting a fleet version. I think the 2-piece console bonus for the AMS and Saucer Separation consoles is kinda nifty. Saucer separation will surely help the Dreadnought. Even the added hangar isn't terrible, though I'm not a hangar kinda guy. These are pretty nice changes. Nothing earth shattering, and nothing I'll pay $40 for personally, but pretty nice.

    But I think this was ultimately a missed opportunity. There's no real Galaxy class reboot here, and the exciting title leaves a stinging sensation in its wake. The changes to the Galaxy Dreadnought's bridge officer seating, which would have solved more than a few problems on the Galaxy herself, are all but useless.

    I keep going back to dontdrunkimshoot's killer saucer separation concept as a model of what could and should be done with the Galaxy and the Galaxy Dreadnought: taking the BOFF slot changing technology from the new Dyson destroyers to make the Galaxy fill a unique niche. Still not the best at most things, still not overpowered, but at least the queen of her own particular role. For that matter, it would give the Galaxy a role in the first place.

    Right now, the Galaxy is the Aquarius of cruisers. It's a clumsy, lumbering oaf with thick skin and no teeth. No brains, either, if we're to look at its science aptitude. That's not fair to an iconic ship such as the Galaxy. That she's beaten mercilessly by her predecessors the Ambassador and Excelsior is a dark irony.

    Don't get me wrong... I am happy for the Galaxy Dreadnought fleet version (assuming, of course, it gets a fourth tactical console slot and a ltc tactical or universal station). I'm grateful that the devs took the time to address any ship with the word Galaxy in the name at all.

    But I hope you guys will see our criticism and take it for what it is -- constructive urging to address one of the game's injustices.
  • atatassaultatatassault Member Posts: 1,008 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    captainjay wrote: »
    Where the frig is the fleet version of the Scimitar?
    The Scimitar, like the other 3 Pack Ships (Vesta, Kumari, Odyssey, and Bortasqu') is already at fleet level stats/power.
  • hawke89305092hawke89305092 Member Posts: 237 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I don't think it's worth making such a big deal out of the Gal-X... at least not until we see the stats on the fleet version. If it gets a 4th Tac console, and a Lt. Cmdr. Tac, what more could we ask for? With a hangar in exchange for the low turn rate, it'd be a decent addition to the cruiser lineup.

    And after all, it's in Cryptic's best interests to give a Fleet Dreadnought Cruiser that nobody owns desirable stats, no? :P

    On the other hand, the basic Galaxy-R is still awful, and this thread really should have been called Galaxy-X Class Reboot.

    Just my 2 cents, anyway.
  • captsolcaptsol Member Posts: 921 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I don't think it's worth making such a big deal out of the Gal-X... at least not until we see the stats on the fleet version. If it gets a 4th Tac console, and a Lt. Cmdr. Tac, what more could we ask for? With a hangar in exchange for the low turn rate, it'd be a decent addition to the cruiser lineup.

    And after all, it's in Cryptic's best interests to give a Fleet Dreadnought Cruiser that nobody owns desirable stats, no? :P

    On the other hand, the basic Galaxy-R is still awful, and this thread really should have been called Galaxy-X Class Reboot.

    Just my 2 cents, anyway.

    I reserve my right to laugh if they shoot themselves in the foot. Just saying. :D
  • worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I don't think it's worth making such a big deal out of the Gal-X... at least not until we see the stats on the fleet version. If it gets a 4th Tac console, and a Lt. Cmdr. Tac, what more could we ask for? With a hangar in exchange for the low turn rate, it'd be a decent addition to the cruiser lineup.

    And after all, it's in Cryptic's best interests to give a Fleet Dreadnought Cruiser that nobody owns desirable stats, no? :P

    On the other hand, the basic Galaxy-R is still awful, and this thread really should have been called Galaxy-X Class Reboot.

    Just my 2 cents, anyway.
    captsol wrote: »
    I reserve my right to laugh if they shoot themselves in the foot. Just saying. :D

    Agreed with both of these. Making the Fleet Gal-X a hot item will be a cash cow for Cryptic, simply because NOBODY will have the upgraded dreadnought and few people will have the base version anyway. But a footshot is still possible.
  • krotazkrotaz Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Well there are quite a few people that do not think the changes are good or that they don’t meet their personnel expectations I am satisfied with what is being done. Look I bought this ship a long time ago and while I like it, I could not justify using it over other ships because of the scale in performance differences between it and say an Odyssey class ship. With these changes I expect that I can consider actually using the ship without worrying about its performance being detrimental to a team effort when compared to other ships available to me. As the article stated a lot has changed since this ship was first introduced, and these updates are be given for free to those of us who already own the ship. This is better than me having to buy another Galaxy variant as some have suggested be done.

    The changes being made are a significant improvement to the ship and its playability, to state otherwise would be less than logical. Yes, I would agree that a Lt Cmdr Tactical slot would be very nice or a tech feature like the Dyson ships that would exchange the Lt Cmdr and Lt bridge officer Tactical and Engineering abilities based on saucer separation. However, that one thing aside everything else brings this ship up to par in my opinion with the ships that have been released in the last year. In saying this ship is not as potent as a Scimitar I would say to remember that Romulan ships in general by nature have a higher tactical lean than Federation ships. The Scimitar will not be more maneuverable than Galaxy-X that has engaged saucer separation, it does not have the cruiser command abilities the Galaxy-X has, and the use of its special beam attack requires the use of three console slots and someone to stay in the beam path for 12 seconds to zero consoles for the Galaxy-X and no chance to fly away from it. The other Scimitar abilities are inherent to all Romulan ships and cannot be considered for comparison anymore than what has already been done for other ship classes. I think when these things are considered carefully one will find that the Galaxy-X compares quite well with the Scimitar which sacrifices durability for general damage output while the Galaxy-X trades damage output for survivability. Again I am not saying that Galaxy-X will beat or match the overall dps numbers of a Scimitar especially against the stagnant targets found in STFs. However, it will be a good performer now that can viably be played against any other cruiser in game and will offer some unique and fun game mechanics.
  • mewmaster101mewmaster101 Member Posts: 1,239 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    How much were you payed, anyone whos says the Gal-R "fixes" were in any way useful has not even looked at why the Gal-R is bad in the first place. all the Gal-X got was a hangar bay slapped on(Which by the way, is lazy and makes no sense what so ever), because that ensign un is STILL going to be a tac anyway so that changed nothing, Overall the Gal-X is still a fairly poor ship and even the free ships are just as good.
  • tragamitestragamites Member Posts: 424 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Are we going to get the Galaxy Captains Yacht with it?
  • captsolcaptsol Member Posts: 921 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    tragamites wrote: »
    Are we going to get the Galaxy Captains Yacht with it?

    If only. Always loved that thing.
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