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  • therealmttherealmt Member Posts: 428 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Warning : Old farty like post.

    So, I'm thinking of adding a " ARC Drive ".
    A second hard drive with a striped down to bare bones operating system, hardware drivers, anti virus, firewall and no browser or email. And STO with ARC. ( when it comes mandatory :rolleyes: )

    Both my " Main Drive " and the ARC Drive(tm) will be wired up to power switches to both the 12v and 5v power wires. One is always turned off, while the other one is on. Just have to restart the system with the ARC Drive switched on when I want to play.

    Seeing as I have everything left over from doing something similar for storage before I got my USB external hard drive cases years ago, this will enable me to continue to play STO.
    I don't give a fig about PW looking at my hardware ( damn proud of my rig, designed and built her myself =3 ).
    Besides no one will go near her due to her looking like she was assimilated by the Borg. Even they won't go near her.

    It's not that I don't trust PW ( cause I don't ), but I'd feel safe in knowing that if anything it should just be monitoring my game sessions. That I don't care cause it's info that fuels the next season ( assuming the Dev's give a toss ).

    Call me paranoid, whacky or just plain nuts ( don't or I will hide under your bed tonight and draw on your face with permanent marker during the night while you sleep), but when it comes to my privacy, I exercise it to a inch of it's life.
    I have NEVER had a virus attack or hacker in ANY of my systems due to always being 3 steps ahead with proper programed anti viruses and security programs, all up to date. But with ARC transmitting information ( as what kind of information has me concerned as I don't trust them ) back to our wonderful Overlords, that's one thing I won't allow, even if they say I can opt out of that, as said, I just don't trust them from years of, well, half truths.
    PW always say one thing then do another. Kittens die when PW does that.
    Won't somebody please think of the kitten's?

    Oh, I know the Dev's and Smirky will say " We won't be gathering any private information that's on your hard drive. ". ( there goes Fluffy and Snookems, they will be missed by the children. :( )
    That's like saying that governments are for the citizens and not out for themselves. But they are right, cause their WON'T be any private information on the ARC Drive. ;)

    Don't get me wrong, I hate ARC, and I'd rather stick my tail in a live power socket then use it, due to the last ARC that went ape TRIBBLE on my system, but I do admit with ARC in a contained area, I'm polishing my collection of tinfoil hats while I poke around inside of it like a alien with a icy cold anal probe on a unsuspecting farmer doing up his shoe laces at 3am, but I like STO and I love my Gorn and Catian, my Excelsior and Vor'cha and that's why I'm doing this.

    But due to reading everything I found written by the fantastic, yet concerned players here and the sneaky Cryptic Spin-doctors and on game sites, on forums and what that drunk with the seriously epic BO told me last Tuesday while he was watering that tree he was using to prop himself up on, I may very will to do this rig up so I can watch the watchers and keeps things under my control and pull the plug if anything decides to go south, north, west or round and round and falls over, like a bored Cryptic staff member in their computer chair while ignoring posts loaded with concerns about ARC.

    PW ask yourself this:
    Why do I need a ARC and two of everything when just one Tribble and a snickers bar does the job? :P
    ( it's 4am, and I can't sleep, so if you understood that, explain it to me )

    You sound nuts. I would personally stop playing on any suspicious activity on cryptics end, be it the game itself, arc or w.e.
  • borg7of10borg7of10 Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    ARC is Absolute Garbage and not even worth using i'd rather use the exe. file to launch STO
    instead of using a program like ARC:rolleyes:
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    decronia wrote: »

    jonsills, Microsoft and Google have been hit hard by the EU courts over breaches of EU law, and they are not based in the EU. If something offered in the EU breaches EU law to the point it can be taken to court, there is lee way ofcourse, then they can be. Given the hit MS and Google have taken, then PWE could be given two options adapt ARC so it doesn't break EU law or lose all EU customers as it can be banned and blocked. Whether or not ARC would be in this situation would take someone with more knowledge of EU law and how ARC operates to make a statement of fact on this, until then we are operating on a hypothetical when we say one way or the other on this matter.

    Also and EULA can itself be in breach of the law. In the UK, not sure about the rest of the EU, we have legislation against unfair terms and conditions in contracts. Which if the EULA was decided to be than it would become invalid, and so would the restrictions which could then open PWE/Cryptic to the UK courts. I am not saying that the one for this game is. As with ARC this would need someone with more knowledge of this law and the EULA to make a case on I am just saying that an EULA is not a "get out of jail free" card as some people seem to think.

    These points are well made.

    It's not about hating on ARC, it's just being aware that a EULA that specifies California Law is only good up to a point.

    Think about it, it's a non-starter in terms of precedent.

    If a legal violation occurs in an area, the perpetrator doesn't get to specify under what legal regime they are tried under.

    In the US you can have the right to carry, indeed there's a whole second amendment to that effect.

    Try relying on Texas law in London, UK and see where that gets you.

    "You do not need ARC to launch STO, assuming you installed STO directly from cryptics website. ARC is not about launching, its about connecting. It creates an option where you can have greater access to community members and features like the forums while in game or even not in game. You don't have to run an internet browser anymore, just arc. And the best part! You get free items for installing arc! OMG! NO! The world is coming to an end! Get over yourselves folks, show some appreciation for a change."

    Hmmm, you realise that ARC is a beta product and this is its feedback thread?

    You realise that feedback, in order to be useful, must not consist entirely on OMG THIS IS THE BEST EVAH!

    A beta will, inevitably, have errors and oversights in it.

    That's why its a beta.

    The point regarding data protection laws has been brought up explicitally so that Cryptic can rectify it, if needed.

    I do appreciate it when Cryptic do things for the players, however I'm pretty sure Cryptic appreciate it when they ask for honest thoughtful feedback and get it.
  • gofasternowgofasternow Member Posts: 1,390 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    rinkster wrote: »
    Strawman much?

    As it happens, I already have ARC installed.

    Not sure how that squares with your assertion of my wanting to validate some theoretical hatred of ARC.

    If you'd bothered to actually read my posts on this matter, as opposed to the apparent knee jerk reaction you've indulged in, you'd see that my advice on this matter was for Cryptic to seek some legal advice on the matter.

    I appreciate jonsills point about the EULA.

    However, in matters of data protection and following recent world events, juridstiction is less cut and dry than it used to be.

    By suggesting seeking legal advice, I'd hope for a piece of clarity on the matter, that is all.

    My motivation in this matter is for Cryptic not to be exposed to any legal action.

    Having cryptic dragged before the courts is in no way to be considered a win.

    It's not really a strawman ideal, but more I'm probably growing incredibly cynical about everyone's complaints about Arc. Malware/Spyware, resource hog, why do I need this when I only play STO; it feels like whenever someone snaps like that, they're trying to come up with reasons as to why they shouldn't have to use this.

    I understand not wanting to use Arc, I understand just keeping with what you have, but when many of the posts here amount to people acting like using the Cryptic Launcher makes them part of THE GLORIOUS PC GAMING MASTER RACE and that others who use Arc are nothing more that "sheep" and "lower class", it makes me wonder if the complaints and hole poking are actual concerns or, well.... THE GLORIOUS PC GAMING MASTER RACE
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,483 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    therealmt wrote: »
    Appreciation? They merely do it to get more money...
    I hope this knowledge doesn't shock you too much, but - Cryptic is a for-profit company, not your buddy. Everything they do is "merely" to get more money.

    Welcome to the grown-up world.
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    It's not really a strawman ideal, but more I'm probably growing incredibly cynical about everyone's complaints about Arc. Malware/Spyware, resource hog, why do I need this when I only play STO; it feels like whenever someone snaps like that, they're trying to come up with reasons as to why they shouldn't have to use this.

    I understand not wanting to use Arc, I understand just keeping with what you have, but when many of the posts here amount to people acting like using the Cryptic Launcher makes them part of THE GLORIOUS PC GAMING MASTER RACE and that others who use Arc are nothing more that "sheep" and "lower class", it makes me wonder if the complaints and hole poking are actual concerns or, well.... THE GLORIOUS PC GAMING MASTER RACE

    Fair enough.

    I can assure you that my concerns over the opt in/out button are genuine.

    I see where you're coming from vis a via the polarisation of the argument.

    Thing is, that sort of thing works exactly like any internet troll. Feeding the troll doesn't help.

    As to the data privacy issue, I dont think its an insurmountable problem.

    If its determined by Cryptics legal people that they are exposed, there's an easy fix.

    First, acknowledge the problem publically.

    Second, undertake to not use and verifiably destroy any data collected by ARC as it stands.

    Third, as a matter of primary priority fix ARC so the opt in/out is continually available. Get it done within seven days.

    Do those three things and I seriously doubt any prosecution would take place.

    However, calling it a 'beta' and hiding behind the EULA wont.
  • ragestroke008ragestroke008 Member Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    How about instead of offering player costumes or shuttles, the incentives program offer actual useful items. Like one random daily reward on a 24 hour timer. You could add things like crafting materials (normal, rare and unreplicatables), a small allotment of refined dilithium, a lockbox key, a piece of random green/blue/purple equipment found in doff crafting missions. But no lockboxes, reward items that require spending money to use defeats the point.
    Time is a funny thing; There is always too much of it. Except when you need it the most, then there is never enough.
  • joltonjolton Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    It is just......Bad, no thank you.
  • nerf5000nerf5000 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    rinkster wrote: »
    Not making any threats, just don't want my favourite game company to get exposed to legal action needlessly.......speaking of which....

    We may have a problem.

    The following link leads to a PDF of the EU regulations on personal data.

    [http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=COM:2012:0011:FIN:EN:PDF Article 7]

    From Article 7, section 3.

    "The data subject shall have the right to withdraw his or her consent at any time. The
    withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent
    before its withdrawal."

    Thus, it seems that ARC, without its ability to withdraw consent enabled, may be already in breach of EU data protection laws.

    For those that don't bother to read, from the same PDF on *where* it applies:

    Article 3
    Territorial scope

    1. This Regulation applies to the processing of personal data in the context of the activities of an establishment of a controller or a processor in the Union.

    2. This Regulation applies to the processing of personal data of data subjects residing in the Union by a controller not established in the Union, where the processing activities are related to:
    (a) the offering of goods or services to such data subjects in the Union; or
    (b) the monitoring of their behaviour.

    3. This Regulation applies to the processing of personal data by a controller not established in the Union, but in a place where the national law of a Member State applies by virtue of public international law.

    So it applies to:
    companies in the EU
    companies whose users are in the EU
    companies who are established in countries which recognize the international tenets of the law

    Pretty sure ARC snags on at least one of these points; and with that said I hereby withdraw my consent on gathering any personal data as specified by Article 7, section 3 as per the above.

  • edited February 2014
    This content has been removed.
  • drazursouthclawdrazursouthclaw Member Posts: 223 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Well, I installed it today and was pleasantly surprised when it found my previously-installed STO and loaded THAT instead of redownloading the entire thing. Here in quaint old Tassie, a 10+ gig download is still a big deal, what with our blazing internet speeds of just-above-dial-up and all. Thanks again, Telstra (the 'people' who own all the Aussie physical connections and refuse to fix them).

    Anyway, so I thought I'd try Neverwinter, which is also already installed. No dice. Still downloading after a few hours.

    I have no doubt that Champions Online, which is also currently installed, will be redownloaded as well.

    Why STO and not the other(s)?

    Also, I mainly use Steam for screenshots, and Arc doesn't appear to have that functionality. Yes, the games themselves do, but I like the ease of Steam's screenie functionality. Also, I use my Steam wallet to purchase Zen, and would hate to see that option disappear.

    In short: While I don't really think we need Arc, I won't be uninstalling it unless I find a very good reason to do so. Cryptic already have my details, and they've never abused the privilege.

    Not disagreeing with others at all, just sharing my experience/thoughts on the Arc Beta.
  • aleciabethaleciabeth Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I have no problems with ARC.

    for people who agitate against arc, I have something. stop blubber.
  • sparkiesoftsparkiesoft Member, Cryptic Developers Posts: 47
    edited February 2014
    Well, I installed it today and was pleasantly surprised when it found my previously-installed STO and loaded THAT instead of redownloading the entire thing. Here in quaint old Tassie, a 10+ gig download is still a big deal, what with our blazing internet speeds of just-above-dial-up and all. Thanks again, Telstra (the 'people' who own all the Aussie physical connections and refuse to fix them).

    Anyway, so I thought I'd try Neverwinter, which is also already installed. No dice. Still downloading after a few hours.

    I have no doubt that Champions Online, which is also currently installed, will be redownloaded as well.

    Why STO and not the other(s)?

    Also, I mainly use Steam for screenshots, and Arc doesn't appear to have that functionality. Yes, the games themselves do, but I like the ease of Steam's screenie functionality. Also, I use my Steam wallet to purchase Zen, and would hate to see that option disappear.

    In short: While I don't really think we need Arc, I won't be uninstalling it unless I find a very good reason to do so. Cryptic already have my details, and they've never abused the privilege.

    Not disagreeing with others at all, just sharing my experience/thoughts on the Arc Beta.

    The games not installing even though you had them installed prior to Arc, has been bug reported and we're aware. As for the screenshot functionality, that will hopefully be coming soon.
  • origcaptainquackorigcaptainquack Member Posts: 614 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    i just bought a laptop and installed arc.then sto. only problem is first try came up with an error in downloading. but 2nd time worked without a problem.
  • goobilygoobily Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I am getting close to deleting this game.

    So I load up arc this morning, and my trusty firewall/process protector program is askign me if I want to trust the Arc Update System to read several running processes.

    Why Arc are you snooping at my system? Im denying every request, gone through 20 of them so far.
  • admiralcranfieldadmiralcranfield Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    well after todays patch and "maintence" I am unable to connect to a client to even play the game. I downloaded arc hit play it logs me in gets the patch update and says engage. I hit engage and it says unable to link to client process finished. So thanks to arc I can now longer play the game I should of stayed with steam cause now the steam version does the same thing
  • clearbeardclearbeard Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    To be a little more constructive than most of the "hate it, don't want" posts on this thread, I just don't see the benefit of running yet another launcher client. The only PWE game other than STO that I've ever played is Torchlight, which isn't even in ARC. Perhaps someday I'll check out Neverwinter, but even there, having to run a graphics and resource intensive (relatively) launcher for only two games is simply pointless.

    In a general sense, I can't see many people playing more than a couple MMO style games on more than a trial basis. They simply take up too much time to commit to more than one at a time for me personally. Since those are the kinds of games that seem to be offered through ARC, I come right back to: what's the point?

    So thank you for the freebies for running it as a trial, but I don't expect to use it ever again. And not that I've heard it been seriously considered, but yes, making STO run exclusively through ARC would be enough to push me into the "then I just won't bother" category.

  • coldwarrior69coldwarrior69 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I think the new arc site sucks, the old website was extremely easy to use and not confusing at all plus you could actually click the news button and have a selection box that popped up to read the latest patch notes...

    The new TRIBBLE arc site, well to sup it up simply - it blows more then lindsay lohan on a bender.
  • edited February 2014
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  • warchunwarchun Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Dont like the new design i like my news to be vertical from newest to oldest this horizontal giberish is annoying
  • fcaptkmtonfcaptkmton Member Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Does the term "Epic Fail" mean anything to you? This new website is a mess. GO back to the old one please until you get something that works.
  • suavekssuaveks Member Posts: 1,736 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Why does every freaking website nowadays have to change layouts into this horrendous metro-like vertical mess with giant buttons and pictures and totally unintuitive layout?

    I guess this is just the beginning - with completely unnecessary and unwanted Arc being next in line...
  • kortaagkortaag Member Posts: 525
    edited February 2014
    Just going to say that this is the most horrific and terrible layout you guys have braved. It's, again, terrible. i spent 5 minutes trying to navigate to patch notes. This makes me want to avoid the game all together and remove arc once and for all.

    I stomached the arc client at first but if you're going to make your webpage just like arc then.. Yeah no thanks.

    And now I sign in to see 0 online friends or offline friends.. No chat whatsoever.. What are you guys doing!?
    May good management be with you.
  • joeykoricjoeykoric Member Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Cryptic, I realize this was probably out of your hands and probably belongs solely in the lap of PWE. I hope you have and hope you will continue to push the old STO website layout to be the model used to represent STO on the new arcgame.com website. First, as a visually impaired customer, the old layout was easy to read and navigate. The new layout on arcgame.com is not user friendly. When I land on the page, it honestly makes me sick and not want to linger on the site any more than I have to. I have to go through too many clicks in order to get to the information I want. Information that was first and foremost on the old STO website layout. I really hope you can find a way to have PWE reverse this decision. I used to check the old STO website several times a day. Now that you are making arcgame.com the mandatory go to site, I will not be using it, except for maybe once a day or every few days. I will instead rely a bit more on STO's tweeter feeds from the community manger and various other individuals with STO. Please do reconsider this decision. Thank you.
    Fleet Admiral Zach Caldwell
    Commanding Officer, Strategic Starfleet Operations
  • timezargtimezarg Member Posts: 1,268
    edited February 2014
    For anyone who wants to go back to the older style (or at least, something similar), and is using Firefox: Download the Stylish Add-On, and search for "
    STO forums 2013 enhanced look. Once installed and active, it will return the appearance of the forums to something similar to where it was before.

    I don't know for certain how it's done in IE or Chrome, as I haven't used either in a long time.
    tIqIpqu' 'ej nom tIqIp
  • worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    The new website is AWFUL. If I were a potential player, I would not start playing.

    I realize that this is probably a PWE mandate thing, but it is unfair to the current players and really bad for attracting new players.

    Please change back, now. I am really getting tired of this Perfect World junk. I will never play PWI or Jade Dynasty or any of those other games. Why, then, do you keep bombarding me with ads for them and now forcing me to use an ugly website that was originally designed for them?

    Not to be immature, but it's just plain mean, not to mention hugely unprofessional.

    Seriously. The ARC website is bugged out my eyeballs and looks like it was put together by a drunken five-year-old. I have no reason, inclination, or desire to use it.

    Not. Happy.

  • joeykoricjoeykoric Member Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    worffan101 wrote: »
    The new website is AWFUL. If I were a potential player, I would not start playing.

    I realize that this is probably a PWE mandate thing, but it is unfair to the current players and really bad for attracting new players.

    Please change back, now. I am really getting tired of this Perfect World junk. I will never play PWI or Jade Dynasty or any of those other games. Why, then, do you keep bombarding me with ads for them and now forcing me to use an ugly website that was originally designed for them?

    Not to be immature, but it's just plain mean, not to mention hugely unprofessional.

    Seriously. The ARC website is bugged out my eyeballs and looks like it was put together by a drunken five-year-old. I have no reason, inclination, or desire to use it.

    Not. Happy.


    I use stylish on Chrome, this only affects the STO forum. There is no method to revert to the old Layout for STO's main website.
    Fleet Admiral Zach Caldwell
    Commanding Officer, Strategic Starfleet Operations
  • khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,640 Bug Hunter
    edited February 2014
    Oh God, you've forced us to start using the new home page. It's not as nice as the old one. :(
    Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
    True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,483 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I have the forums bookmarked, so (for the nonce, at least) I don't have to deal with any new homepage issues. However, it sounds like they want to make the website look like Win8.

    Guys, there's a reason why Microsoft is letting people boot out of 8 and into 7. Win8 is really not a good thing, especially if you don't have a touchscreen.
  • pwecangetlostpwecangetlost Member Posts: 538 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Okay. This is getting ridiculous.
    It seems not only are you content to shove arc down our throats, but you're also deleting forum entries criticising arc.
    I was willing to give it a go, but installing it crippled my PC performance across the board. So, stop it, stop fixing things that aren't broken by replacing them with user unfriendly adverts like Microsoft has. Look how well that's going for them, Sony are now wiping the floor with them.
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