For some reason, there are some that think that if you express a dislike for something, then you are under the impression that the developers are forcing you to do it, or get the ship. I believe that none of us are under the impression that we are required to get the ships, or the developers will not let us play anymore.
Also, I don't think that the developers are stupid. Far from it. I mean, look at the things they have done even if we don't like it. Therefore, with all the players, like myself, that did the grind in the winter event, but still expressed our dislike for it, I am sure that they do know that there are a large number of us that don't like it. Even though there are some of us that will still do it. (I am not compelled by any invisible force to do so, or think it is required that I do).
I for one have no problem with grinding. I know it is how companies make their money, and keep players in the game longer. I personally feel that they can just attach the rewards to something that already has a story to it, if they are not going to create a story for the grind. Like for example, foundry missions. Or, maybe have them attached to the missions that were redone, to encourage players to replay those, and see the work that was done on them. I know that unless I start up a new character, or they offer a reason why, I am not redoing those missions. And, there are some foundry missions I am not going to do, unless there is a higher incentive than we have now.
(No offense to anyone who has worked on their foundry missions. I just don't do most of them, because of the lack of rewards. Sorry if it makes me sound greedy).
The point in this grind is like with all of the others. It is to keep players coming back. If it was about the story, then there would have been more than one episode for the sphere that actually had story content. There would have been either a story that gave more information on the sphere, or they would have created some side story to give us for episodes.
Since it is just so that people will have a reason to log in and play, then they could have just picked PVE, episodes, or foundry missions to attach the rewards to. We will still have the grind, but there will be some filler to keep it from being boring.
Leader of Elite Guardian Academy.Would you like to learn how to run a fleet? Would you like to know how to do ship builds (true budget as well as high end)?The join the Academy today!
i believe we should all reserve judgement till the ship specs are known.
Specs have nothing to with it. In fact, a cynic might say that "specs" and "power creep" is how they hook you in and force you to grind or pay for the shiny content. The anniversary event was about celebrating STO and having some casual fun with a nifty reward. I don't need a powerful ship for that. They were always welcome to put the more powerful variant in the c-store. If I liked it enough, I would pay for it.
But no ... more grinds and more lobi to alleviate the grind. that is the answer! In the meantime:
1) no canon ship
2) no Intrepid refit ... despite the strip teasing of Voyager in nearly every screenshot
3) no casual fun
Back to the mines kiddies.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
I think a big point about the complaints is that this is something that wasn't a grind before, but is now. Yet another facet of the game has been turned into a grind, and the idea of a free anniversary ship with 15 hoops to jump through is a little tough to swallow, especially compared to last year. That there is grinding in the game is expected and accepted to a degree, but must everything be that way?
The reputation sponsorship token was a great idea and was a nice gesture on Crytpic's part to ease the repetition. But now this new grind, it just seems like one step forward, one step back.
Still, I guess if this ship is special enough, it's worth it? We'll have to see.
I'm normally supportive of what you guys do, but I've got to say that I am not looking forward to grinding the same mission over and over for 15 out of 25 days per character for a ship... after having just done that for three of my characters during the winter event.
This is more than "just a little extra effort". And it's more time-consuming than it sounds. You might as well have put these ships in the C-Store and been done with it.
Maybe I'll change my mind after I see the stats, but those ships are going to have to be pretty amazing for me to do it even one time.
Please, please do not start pushing everything into the Event system with 1000 point projects. You start turning all of these promotions into 25 day grindfests and people are going to start getting fed up with them. I know I was looking forward to not having to grind out another one-mission Event for at least a few months. I have fleet projects I need to spend time on.
I would have happily played through a 5-episode FE series to get a ship. I get that you can't realistically do that kind of thing very often. If you had left the Event timing more open-ended, I would have been okay with that too. Or give us the whole month of February to run it ten times. Or make the dang reward account-wide.
ANYTHING to make this tolerable to those of us who have alts and like it like that. That's my feedback.
unbelievably put.. 100% on point, and i couldn't have said it better myself.. (mainly cause im jaded lol)..
ive said it before.. going free to play doesn't help anyone but the developer.. and as far as the community goes, there is a definite difference.. (i refered to as going free to play is like changing an apartment building to section 8 housing.. usually doesn't go all that well lol..)..
but yes, unfortunately, we can complain and what not all we want, but it wont change anything.. cryptic has made their decisions, and wont change their ways..
all i can say, is if you don't like it, don't pay for it.. that is the only way they will listen, is if it hurts their pockets.. i truly don't think anyone who is against this should run or buy the ships.. stop it here and now.. it would be awesome if this happened, but i wont hold my breath.. lol
I completely agree with you! And no, I am not paying them another dime until they reform. Been spending around $20 a month on ships and random stuff. That's done. I never have nor will I ever touch lobi or lock boxes.
What I will do:
1) spend money on C-store ships and fleet upgrades
2) spend money on canon ships and refits
3) spend money on cool uniforms for KDF
But not until they reform. Which will never happen probably.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
I'm normally supportive of what you guys do, but I've got to say that I am not looking forward to grinding the same mission over and over for 15 out of 25 days per character for a ship... after having just done that for three of my characters during the winter event.
This is more than "just a little extra effort". And it's more time-consuming than it sounds. You might as well have put these ships in the C-Store and been done with it.
Maybe I'll change my mind after I see the stats, but those ships are going to have to be pretty amazing for me to do it even one time.
Please, please do not start pushing everything into the Event system with 1000 point projects. You start turning all of these promotions into 25 day grindfests and people are going to start getting fed up with them. I know I was looking forward to not having to grind out another one-mission Event for at least a few months. I have fleet projects I need to spend time on.
I would have happily played through a 5-episode FE series to get a ship. I get that you can't realistically do that kind of thing very often. If you had left the Event timing more open-ended, I would have been okay with that too. Or give us the whole month of February to run it ten times. Or make the dang reward account-wide.
ANYTHING to make this tolerable to those of us who have alts and like it like that. That's my feedback.
This is easily bearable on one, two, or even three toons. But I have like 6 that I'm going to want to run this for.
And, as I have previously stated, if these ships are not really, really special? I'm going to blow a gasket.
This! Another sensible post by a fan of STO and a mod. If this is the shape of things to come in terms of grinds then you are going to wear out your player base.
I'm normally supportive of what you guys do, but I've got to say that I am not looking forward to grinding the same mission over and over for 15 out of 25 days per character for a ship... after having just done that for three of my characters during the winter event.
This is more than "just a little extra effort". And it's more time-consuming than it sounds. You might as well have put these ships in the C-Store and been done with it.
Maybe I'll change my mind after I see the stats, but those ships are going to have to be pretty amazing for me to do it even one time.
Please, please do not start pushing everything into the Event system with 1000 point projects. You start turning all of these promotions into 25 day grindfests and people are going to start getting fed up with them. I know I was looking forward to not having to grind out another one-mission Event for at least a few months. I have fleet projects I need to spend time on.
I would have happily played through a 5-episode FE series to get a ship. I get that you can't realistically do that kind of thing very often. If you had left the Event timing more open-ended, I would have been okay with that too. Or give us the whole month of February to run it ten times. Or make the dang reward account-wide.
ANYTHING to make this tolerable to those of us who have alts and like it like that. That's my feedback.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
It actually does not surprise me at all that we have to grind for the ship. After all, with them nerfing the hourly events they need to give us some reason to log in every day.
I don't care what the header says, I am not now, nor have I ever been, nor will I ever be, an "ARC user".
I completely agree with you! And no, I am not paying them another dime until they reform. Been spending around $20 a month on ships and random stuff. That's done. I never have nor will I ever touch lobi or lock boxes.
What I will do:
1) spend money on C-store ships and fleet upgrades
2) spend money on canon ships and refits
3) spend money on cool uniforms for KDF
But not until they reform. Which will never happen probably.
im totally with you.. if the niagra dropped tomorrow or even the new Orleans, id pull my credit card out, and buy it right out of the c store.. but im not into these power creep alien ships that keep showing up..
and im not for time gated grinding.. a perfect example of a grind i really didn't mind in game is the c/e event.. you had to grind every day, and if you finished it, you got a ton of dil, fleet marks, and marks of yoru choice, and a doff.. and it comes around here and there, so if you don't hit it, you get it eventually.. these time gated, once a year deals suck.. if you want said prize, you gots to grind more than a stripper to get it..
The whining is premature until we see the exact specs of the ships. For all we know at this point, it could be the greatest thing ever.
You say this like it matters.
The ship could be a Tier 6 (No, I didn't mean Tier 5) Constitution, Miranda, and [insert all the other obnoxiously over-demanded ships] bulk package and people would still be filling up the "Torches_and_Pitchforks" channel because they don't get it handed to them for a quick one-off mission.
Me, I'll just keep laughing about the guy yelling about 5 hours a day for his 5 characters to get the Breen ships when I did 10 characters in an hour a day. Some people are really, obviously doing something very wrong somehow. :cool:
im totally with you.. if the niagra dropped tomorrow or even the new Orleans, id pull my credit card out, and buy it right out of the c store.. but im not into these power creep alien ships that keep showing up..
and im not for time gated grinding.. a perfect example of a grind i really didn't mind in game is the c/e event.. you had to grind every day, and if you finished it, you got a ton of dil, fleet marks, and marks of yoru choice, and a doff.. and it comes around here and there, so if you don't hit it, you get it eventually.. these time gated, once a year deals suck.. if you want said prize, you gots to grind more than a stripper to get it..
another canon person.. i like you.. lol..
And I like that you and others are once again so rational in your critique and even handed. I also agree that a CE is an okay grind. 10-15 minutes (with an average pug) and you get 480 dilithium + 50,000 dilithium for doing it 15 times + 2000 dilithium / day bonus and marks.
Maybe the answer to this backlash is to add something to the daily grind to make it worth it. Make it so that it pays 980 dilithium or awards 50 fleet marks or both. Then maybe, it might be worth it.
As it stands, it seems like most people will skip out on this ship and play the mission once.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
This is easily bearable on one, two, or even three toons. But I have like 6 that I'm going to want to run this for.
And, as I have previously stated, if these ships are not really, really special? I'm going to blow a gasket.
it shouldn't even matter how special they are.. the bigger picture is that no ship is worth that kind of grind.. honestly, especially when you get it, and 6 months later, a newer better ship hits the c store or something..
on top of that, this event was always had a gesture of thanks, and rewarding us for the *year of grind we have done.. and now its been swallowed up by the grind monster.. thus, cryptic just gave all of us the middle finger..
further more.. look at the ghel gret cruiser, or the stupid risa cruiser, no one flies them.. sure a few here and there, but bigger better ships came along so quickly, they all disapeard
simply THE JUICE ISNT WORTH THE SQUEEZE.... even if its a super awesome ship... cause i bet other ships will come out with the same mechanic, or other ships will get new fleet upgrades to support the new mechanic..
Are you happy? Technically that's more then 0.03% of your post, but I can't do 6/10 of a letter.
I'm still bothered by ever more grind, though I'm willing to accept grind for a nice ship. But don't lock any more story behind grinds!
Here's an idea, find a way to make grinding the foundry more worthwhile. Let us grind 100 different missions instead of a single mission 100 times. Even grinding one foundry mission repeatedly is more fun than flying around to the same spots on Risa every day. Perhaps a "foundry festival?"
I got the Breen ship on 5 chars in an hour a day. That included a slow computer, line jumpers, doff maintenance, and transit from base to WW.
If this takes about the same amount of time, I'm in. If not...
Well, let's just say that these had better be really spectacular ships.
Even if it's that short to do a day, theses ships better make every other ship in the game obsolete to be worth 15 days of repeating the same thing. IMO
It's gonna have to be, I'm kinda all grinded out after the winter event and getting a new ship for all my 15 toons.
My wife even incorporated it into her daily nagging:
Did you take out the garbage ? (me - yes),
Did you throw your dirty clothes in the hamper ? (me - yes),
Did you run the daily race to get your winter event ship ? (me - sigh yes dear :rolleyes:)....
TBH, I've run the rep systems all the way through on only one toon.
The rest's progress is going to go considerably slower as I just don't have the stones to run all of them through on the rest.
TBH, I mainly log in to doff now. I'm taking a bit of a break until something new and exciting happens.
Any new toons, probably won't get advanced on any of the reps either.
i believe we should all reserve judgement till the ship specs are known.
But you see, that makes no difference, at least to most of the posters with negative feedback to give I've seen here.
It's not about the quality of the ship, it's about the thought behind it. It's STO's 4-th Anniversary. A time when they're suposed to say "Whoa, our game has made it through 4 years and difficult times and all of you guys have stuck with us and made that possible, so we have a gift for you!", but instead we got "They are some very cool ships, so you'll have to work for them a bit".
Except I'm not going to do that, I'll just stick with my Ambassador - it reminds me of better times when a gift was a gift, an anniversary a celebration and not a month long event/grindfest. I got that ship on all my chars. I have 3 of them still in active use: a free one and two fleet ones. Yes fleet ones - I liked the craftsmanship behind the free one, easily the most detailed and perfectly executed ship that Cryptic has made, so I got 2 more of them. They have no C-Store variant, so no discount, that was 8 modules - that's how you make money Cryptic.
This year, I'm having none of this. I'm not about to start hating Tuvok because of Cryptic.
We've focused on the grind that we'll have to bear with soon, but it makes me wonder... What will happen to those ships once the event is over? Does Cryptic plan to repeat them every anniversary from now on? Considering they're encouraging spending Lobi for the Qmendations I doubt they would release the ships in any Store after all that... That would be unfair.
So, basicaly... people are given a month to either spend two weeks grinding for tokens, or spend their Lobi on them to get brand new unique ships that most probably won't be obtainable till next year...
Well that's another issue if you ask me, especially since this is the game's anniversary. People are asked to engage in tedious and pointless activities to get their shinies or else they will be gone for a year...
bluegeek provided some great feedback regarding this whole concept. I just hope that despite all the hate and "DOOOOM" posts in this thread Cryptic will consider some of the feedback and will at least try to change the system next time.
Because truth be told... I don't mind EARNING my reward through some activity over a course of days. I really don't. It's just that I would like that activity to be actually fun, and not tedious and repetitive, like the Winter Race or Summer Superman 64. "Party Patrol" will most probably will be the same minigame as last year, which I personally hated for being slow and unreliable...
It all comes down to a simple question - why force us to engage in some tedious busywork instead of offering us some interesting and fun alternative?
Yes, "fun" is subjective, as I've said earlier in this thread, but I still think there are some alternatives that would appeal to majority of players, instead of forcing us to do something that has little to do with the actual game we play. We normally fly starships, engage in ground combat, exploration and such... and yet suddenly we're forced to run around a frozen lake every day for about a month... Or fly through circles like in Superman 64 (you know, one of the worst games ever made?)...
Here's an idea, find a way to make grinding the foundry more worthwhile. Let us grind 100 different missions instead of a single mission 100 times. Even grinding one foundry mission repeatedly is more fun than flying around to the same spots on Risa every day. Perhaps a "foundry festival?"
Oh, Lord, this ^^^^^ ! Or at least something like it.
You guys really, really need to get away from this one mission/task over-and-over reward thing.
Give us a few things to do to choose from and let us have a little bit of variety to go with our grind. It doesn't have to be a whole lot.
I've said it before. If the event daily were more like a New Romulus/Tau Dewa sort of thing where you had a few different things you could choose to do to complete the daily, it would be a lot more bearable.
As it is, we get bored with the event long before its over. Why do you want us to feel bored? That doesn't sound like a good plan.
The DO system works because there's variety. Sure, there's a lot of repetition, too, but the variety of assignments keeps it fresh enough to bother with. I DOFF multiple characters a session whenever I can get away with it, and not just because the rewards are worth it.
My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
But you see, that makes no difference, at least to most o the posters with negative feedback to give I've seen here.
It's not about the quality of the ship, it's about the thought behind it. It's STO's 4-th Anniversary. A time when they're suposed to say "Whoa, our game has made it through 4 years and difficult times and all of you guys have stuck with us and made that possible, so we have a gift for you!", but instead we got "They are some very cool ships, so you'll have to work for them a bit".
Except I'm not going to do that, I'll just stick with my Ambassador - it reminds me of better times when a gift was a gift, an anniversary a celebration and not a month long event/grindfest. I got that ship on all my chars. I have 3 of them still in active use: a free one and two fleet ones. Yes fleet ones - I liked the craftsmanship behind the free one, easily the most detailed and perfectly executed ship that Cryptic has made, so I got 2 more of them. They have no C-Store variant, so no discount, that was 8 modules - that's how you make money Cryptic.
This year, I'm having none of this. I'm not about to start hating Tuvok because of Cryptic.
But you see, that makes no difference, at least to most o the posters with negative feedback to give I've seen here.
It's not about the quality of the ship, it's about the thought behind it. It's STO's 4-th Anniversary. A time when they're suposed to say "Whoa, our game has made it through 4 years and difficult times and all of you guys have stuck with us and made that possible, so we have a gift for you!", but instead we got "They are some very cool ships, so you'll have to work for them a bit".
Except I'm not going to do that, I'll just stick with my Ambassador - it reminds me of better times when a gift was a gift, an anniversary a celebration and not a month long event/grindfest. I got that ship on all my chars. I have 3 of them still in active use: a free one and two fleet ones. Yes fleet ones - I liked the craftsmanship behind the free one, easily the most detailed and perfectly executed ship that Cryptic has made, so I got 2 more of them. They have no C-Store variant, so no discount, that was 8 modules - that's how you make money Cryptic.
This year, I'm having none of this. I'm not about to start hating Tuvok because of Cryptic.
I do hope you come out this coming Tuesday for the Galaxy class anniversary event at ESD - grinding content in the Galaxy that day is encouraged - but optional. Hanging around ESD for galaxy fans is a must for that day.
(Event reputation has been extended with a 4th project slot)
I just grinded my eye balls out just to get 4 breen frigates and cryptic expects us to kill ourselves again with another massive ship rep grind!? What the heck!? The anniversary ships were free last time around and now Cryptic wants more of our proverbial blood...When will this grindfest honestly end!? More grind....and more grind...and more reps... This game isn't fun anymore; it's a freaking job.
Anniversary events are supposed to be fun Mr. D'angelo, right?
I really hope the event will be up at least 30 days worth. I just added up my time of playing on weekends to do it. It will take me nearly all that time just to get it.
So unless its up long enough I will try for 1 ship of them. If not I won't bother doing it. Specially since I family, church, work, and other stuff to do.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
I really hope the event will be up at least 30 days worth. I just added up my time of playing on weekends to do it. It will take me nearly all that time just to get it.
So unless its up long enough I will try for 1 ship of them. If not I won't bother doing it. Specially since I family, church, work, and other stuff to do.
oh gods no, I F***ING hate these damn grinds, I cannot be on for the next month, i just do not have the ability to be on for twenty days, TRIBBLE these guys.
oh gods no, I F***ING hate these damn grinds, I cannot be on for the next month, i just do not have the ability to be on for twenty days, TRIBBLE these guys.
Also, I don't think that the developers are stupid. Far from it. I mean, look at the things they have done even if we don't like it. Therefore, with all the players, like myself, that did the grind in the winter event, but still expressed our dislike for it, I am sure that they do know that there are a large number of us that don't like it. Even though there are some of us that will still do it. (I am not compelled by any invisible force to do so, or think it is required that I do).
I for one have no problem with grinding. I know it is how companies make their money, and keep players in the game longer. I personally feel that they can just attach the rewards to something that already has a story to it, if they are not going to create a story for the grind. Like for example, foundry missions. Or, maybe have them attached to the missions that were redone, to encourage players to replay those, and see the work that was done on them. I know that unless I start up a new character, or they offer a reason why, I am not redoing those missions. And, there are some foundry missions I am not going to do, unless there is a higher incentive than we have now.
(No offense to anyone who has worked on their foundry missions. I just don't do most of them, because of the lack of rewards. Sorry if it makes me sound greedy).
The point in this grind is like with all of the others. It is to keep players coming back. If it was about the story, then there would have been more than one episode for the sphere that actually had story content. There would have been either a story that gave more information on the sphere, or they would have created some side story to give us for episodes.
Since it is just so that people will have a reason to log in and play, then they could have just picked PVE, episodes, or foundry missions to attach the rewards to. We will still have the grind, but there will be some filler to keep it from being boring.
Specs have nothing to with it. In fact, a cynic might say that "specs" and "power creep" is how they hook you in and force you to grind or pay for the shiny content. The anniversary event was about celebrating STO and having some casual fun with a nifty reward. I don't need a powerful ship for that. They were always welcome to put the more powerful variant in the c-store. If I liked it enough, I would pay for it.
But no ... more grinds and more lobi to alleviate the grind. that is the answer! In the meantime:
1) no canon ship
2) no Intrepid refit ... despite the strip teasing of Voyager in nearly every screenshot
3) no casual fun
Back to the mines kiddies.
- Judge Aaron Satie
The reputation sponsorship token was a great idea and was a nice gesture on Crytpic's part to ease the repetition. But now this new grind, it just seems like one step forward, one step back.
Still, I guess if this ship is special enough, it's worth it? We'll have to see.
unbelievably put.. 100% on point, and i couldn't have said it better myself.. (mainly cause im jaded lol)..
I completely agree with you! And no, I am not paying them another dime until they reform. Been spending around $20 a month on ships and random stuff. That's done. I never have nor will I ever touch lobi or lock boxes.
What I will do:
1) spend money on C-store ships and fleet upgrades
2) spend money on canon ships and refits
3) spend money on cool uniforms for KDF
But not until they reform. Which will never happen probably.
- Judge Aaron Satie
This is easily bearable on one, two, or even three toons. But I have like 6 that I'm going to want to run this for.
And, as I have previously stated, if these ships are not really, really special? I'm going to blow a gasket.
cause your game is only offering that experience...
...that is your game play.. at least we can see pro player like Brandon to show us how he is grinding like a boss
As a matter of fact in the season 9 i want to see character Tuvok that grinds for federation whole mission :P
- Judge Aaron Satie
im totally with you.. if the niagra dropped tomorrow or even the new Orleans, id pull my credit card out, and buy it right out of the c store.. but im not into these power creep alien ships that keep showing up..
and im not for time gated grinding.. a perfect example of a grind i really didn't mind in game is the c/e event.. you had to grind every day, and if you finished it, you got a ton of dil, fleet marks, and marks of yoru choice, and a doff.. and it comes around here and there, so if you don't hit it, you get it eventually.. these time gated, once a year deals suck.. if you want said prize, you gots to grind more than a stripper to get it..
another canon person.. i like you.. lol..
You say this like it matters.
The ship could be a Tier 6 (No, I didn't mean Tier 5) Constitution, Miranda, and [insert all the other obnoxiously over-demanded ships] bulk package and people would still be filling up the "Torches_and_Pitchforks" channel because they don't get it handed to them for a quick one-off mission.
Me, I'll just keep laughing about the guy yelling about 5 hours a day for his 5 characters to get the Breen ships when I did 10 characters in an hour a day. Some people are really, obviously doing something very wrong somehow. :cool:
Maybe the answer to this backlash is to add something to the daily grind to make it worth it. Make it so that it pays 980 dilithium or awards 50 fleet marks or both. Then maybe, it might be worth it.
As it stands, it seems like most people will skip out on this ship and play the mission once.
- Judge Aaron Satie
it shouldn't even matter how special they are.. the bigger picture is that no ship is worth that kind of grind.. honestly, especially when you get it, and 6 months later, a newer better ship hits the c store or something..
on top of that, this event was always had a gesture of thanks, and rewarding us for the *year of grind we have done.. and now its been swallowed up by the grind monster.. thus, cryptic just gave all of us the middle finger..
further more.. look at the ghel gret cruiser, or the stupid risa cruiser, no one flies them.. sure a few here and there, but bigger better ships came along so quickly, they all disapeard
simply THE JUICE ISNT WORTH THE SQUEEZE.... even if its a super awesome ship... cause i bet other ships will come out with the same mechanic, or other ships will get new fleet upgrades to support the new mechanic..
If this takes about the same amount of time, I'm in. If not...
Well, let's just say that these had better be really spectacular ships.
I'm still bothered by ever more grind, though I'm willing to accept grind for a nice ship. But don't lock any more story behind grinds!
Here's an idea, find a way to make grinding the foundry more worthwhile. Let us grind 100 different missions instead of a single mission 100 times. Even grinding one foundry mission repeatedly is more fun than flying around to the same spots on Risa every day. Perhaps a "foundry festival?"
It's gonna have to be, I'm kinda all grinded out after the winter event and getting a new ship for all my 15 toons.
My wife even incorporated it into her daily nagging:
Did you take out the garbage ? (me - yes),
Did you throw your dirty clothes in the hamper ? (me - yes),
Did you run the daily race to get your winter event ship ? (me - sigh yes dear :rolleyes:)....
TBH, I've run the rep systems all the way through on only one toon.
The rest's progress is going to go considerably slower as I just don't have the stones to run all of them through on the rest.
TBH, I mainly log in to doff now. I'm taking a bit of a break until something new and exciting happens.
Any new toons, probably won't get advanced on any of the reps either.
But you see, that makes no difference, at least to most of the posters with negative feedback to give I've seen here.
It's not about the quality of the ship, it's about the thought behind it. It's STO's 4-th Anniversary. A time when they're suposed to say "Whoa, our game has made it through 4 years and difficult times and all of you guys have stuck with us and made that possible, so we have a gift for you!", but instead we got "They are some very cool ships, so you'll have to work for them a bit".
Except I'm not going to do that, I'll just stick with my Ambassador - it reminds me of better times when a gift was a gift, an anniversary a celebration and not a month long event/grindfest. I got that ship on all my chars. I have 3 of them still in active use: a free one and two fleet ones. Yes fleet ones - I liked the craftsmanship behind the free one, easily the most detailed and perfectly executed ship that Cryptic has made, so I got 2 more of them. They have no C-Store variant, so no discount, that was 8 modules - that's how you make money Cryptic.
This year, I'm having none of this. I'm not about to start hating Tuvok because of Cryptic.
So, basicaly... people are given a month to either spend two weeks grinding for tokens, or spend their Lobi on them to get brand new unique ships that most probably won't be obtainable till next year...
Well that's another issue if you ask me, especially since this is the game's anniversary. People are asked to engage in tedious and pointless activities to get their shinies or else they will be gone for a year...
bluegeek provided some great feedback regarding this whole concept. I just hope that despite all the hate and "DOOOOM" posts in this thread Cryptic will consider some of the feedback and will at least try to change the system next time.
Because truth be told... I don't mind EARNING my reward through some activity over a course of days. I really don't. It's just that I would like that activity to be actually fun, and not tedious and repetitive, like the Winter Race or Summer Superman 64. "Party Patrol" will most probably will be the same minigame as last year, which I personally hated for being slow and unreliable...
It all comes down to a simple question - why force us to engage in some tedious busywork instead of offering us some interesting and fun alternative?
Yes, "fun" is subjective, as I've said earlier in this thread, but I still think there are some alternatives that would appeal to majority of players, instead of forcing us to do something that has little to do with the actual game we play. We normally fly starships, engage in ground combat, exploration and such... and yet suddenly we're forced to run around a frozen lake every day for about a month... Or fly through circles like in Superman 64 (you know, one of the worst games ever made?)...
Oh, Lord, this ^^^^^ ! Or at least something like it.
You guys really, really need to get away from this one mission/task over-and-over reward thing.
Give us a few things to do to choose from and let us have a little bit of variety to go with our grind. It doesn't have to be a whole lot.
I've said it before. If the event daily were more like a New Romulus/Tau Dewa sort of thing where you had a few different things you could choose to do to complete the daily, it would be a lot more bearable.
As it is, we get bored with the event long before its over. Why do you want us to feel bored? That doesn't sound like a good plan.
The DO system works because there's variety. Sure, there's a lot of repetition, too, but the variety of assignments keeps it fresh enough to bother with. I DOFF multiple characters a session whenever I can get away with it, and not just because the rewards are worth it.
Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
BINGO! exactly my point!
I do hope you come out this coming Tuesday for the Galaxy class anniversary event at ESD - grinding content in the Galaxy that day is encouraged - but optional. Hanging around ESD for galaxy fans is a must for that day.
I just grinded my eye balls out just to get 4 breen frigates and cryptic expects us to kill ourselves again with another massive ship rep grind!? What the heck!? The anniversary ships were free last time around and now Cryptic wants more of our proverbial blood...When will this grindfest honestly end!? More grind....and more grind...and more reps... This game isn't fun anymore; it's a freaking job.
Anniversary events are supposed to be fun Mr. D'angelo, right?
So unless its up long enough I will try for 1 ship of them. If not I won't bother doing it. Specially since I family, church, work, and other stuff to do.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
Thanks for that, I hope I can get an extra day in. If not looks like I'm out. February is a short month.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
Just not a science ship built for science folks.
just TRIBBLE them.
Welcome to the club